
Marathon Training: Week 15

It's week 15, which means I only have FIVE more runs before the marathon! Where did the weeks go? Seriously.

This week was the first taper week, so I cut a mile off my usual 5-mile weekday runs. Both of those were inside on a treadmill due to weather. It was boring, but I got it done.

My long run this week (that I just finished about an hour ago as I type this) was fantastic. I finished in 1:47, which paced at 8:48 min/mile! I felt really good throughout most of the run, and I ran my last mile the fastest of them all in 7:54! It's really nice to feel faster at the end of a run than you were at the beginning--major mental boost.

Here's how the miles broke down:
9:29 - 9:15 - 9:01 - 9:02 - 8:55 - 8:35 - 8:36 - 8:29 - 8:53 - 8:57 - 8:42 - 7:54

Two weeks from tomorrow I will be running in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon and hopefully picking up a sweet medal at my inspiring finish. Speaking of inspiring finishes, for those of you who have Netflix, check out a documentary called "Spirit of the Marathon." It follows 5 runners of different backgrounds and abilities training for the Chicago marathon. Even Jordan sat down and watched some of it with me. It was good.

See you next weekend for another recap!


  1. Good luck! I've been training for a 1/2 (which I run in 2 weeks) and those long runs (i.e. 10 miles) can get SO boring. How do you stay entertained?

  2. Ah the taper madness begins because I'm there too......I don't know what to do with myself!

  3. I am looking forward to hearing from you next week. Hope that tapering goes well!


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