
What I Do

Today I bring you another interesting prompt for the blog-every-day-in-May challenge that I simply could not pass up. Thank goodness I don't have a job right now so I can have more time to write. 

I honestly can't decide if I was being serious or sarcastic just then.

Today's prompt was to answer the question "What do you do?" without saying your job. Two words immediately came to mind.


I am constantly moving, even if it's just in my head. I am a runner, so that's obvious movement. But I also crave movement of any sort. For example, I don't like to just sit and watch a movie--I also like to be doing something with my hands, so I usually work on a crochet project at the same time or edit photos or work on a blog post.

I love to multitask, which sometimes makes my brain feel like it's going to explode because I'm going in so many directions. But most of the time I like it. I hate standing still. I often sit on the floor and stretch during TV commercials or while working on my computer.

Jordan always makes a point to tell me that I would be a terrible patient should something unfortunate befall me such as a broken bone or an illness. He is not wrong.


I love to create. I am always crafting a blog post in my head or a crochet project I'd like to make. Sometimes I bake cookies just for fun, and I love trying out new recipes (you can find my recipe posts here). The only thing I don't create very well are outfits. Fashion blogger I am not. It's sweatpants and T-shirts for this girl. I like to be comfortable when I'm moving around. 

In thinking about these two words--move and create--I think that's why I've been so out of it lately. My job loss has meant a lot less moving. Not in the literal sense as far as actually moving locations but more sitting on the computer looking for a job and thus less creating, because I feel guilty for spending any time NOT trying to find work. Two months after my forced retirement, and clearly I'm still working through a few of those issues.

So there you have it. When I'm not editing (which is what I consider to be my job), I am moving and creating. 

What do you do?


  1. I am the same in regards to not being able to sit still, I have to crochet or paint during a movie, I just don't have the attention span for sitting still.

    i wish i was a fashion blogger...

  2. You sound like both of my sisters. One is a mover, always going going going!

    The other creates all the time. I envy them both and you too :)

  3. I'm a mover too! Those pictures are beautiful.

  4. Glad you found me through Jenni's link-up! Thanks for the comment... I'm glad to see some other fellow "early retirees" out there. (I read your earlier post).

    I'm enjoying spending my time creating too. Sometimes I even get carried away and start multiple projects at once. You gotta do something will that free time, right? :)

    Following you through Blog Lovin'!

  5. I know somewhere in me is the mover, but then I also have a lazy half that takes over. And these silly computers. They are so inspirational in one way and such little time suckers in others.

  6. I love how you subheaded each section. Sometimes it's the little things that let us learn more about a person.

  7. I can't just sit and watch tv either, I'm always knitting or crocheting while watching, which means I need a light on. That annoys some folks if you go to their house and they want all the lights off.

    Oozing Out My Ears

  8. I am a mover too! Great Post :)

  9. I love that you were able to describe so much of yourself with just two words. Sometimes I wish I was more of a mover... not that I'm lazy, per say... but I can be really good at being still :)

  10. Don't feel too bad, I am jobless as well. My husband always comes home and is like, "OH hi honey. How was your day? What did you do? Nothing? OH that's right you're unemployed. That's a nice craft that you made though."

    Haha it's totally jokingly when he does it but it's true to a T.

  11. Great two adjectives you came up with there. These are dynamic, ever changing adjectives... the best kind to be able to describe yourself with!

  12. i have real trouble sitting still and lately have been forced to be home more. Sigh. FInding it tough. Limited by health and stamina...funny by brain hasnt slowed down though.

  13. Sounds like we have some similar activties :) Although I don't think I move quite like you do - I could never be a marathon runner. Congrats on that by the way, so exciting!

    I love that you took a similar approach to this as I did. It's fun to see how people interpreted the question. Some describe their job without saying what their job is, while others talk about what they really do in life - work aside. Fun!

  14. Oohh I love the multitasking.
    I try to always do two things at once. My husband thinks that I'm going to explode, but thats only because silly boy brains can only handle one task at a time.

  15. those are two good words! i have a hard time doing only one thing at a time! keep creating!! ;)

  16. Those pictures are BEAUTIFUL!

  17. i used to not be able to not sit still then i become unemployed and i was kinda forced to sit and be still or else i would go crazy like you too. my posts have been uninspired, my desire to create a post has been less and yes it is because majority of my time needs to be spent looking for jobs too

  18. This was so creative! I am a mover, too (although not a runner). I get antsy if I sit too long, and am always up for a few jumping jacks during commercials. :) I love your positive attitude about your "forced retirement" (haha!). You are motivated and creative. It will all work out.

  19. I love this post, it is so much broader than the usual standard answer of what do you do meaning your job. I just love being creative too with blogging and making little things etc

  20. I can't sit and watch TV without doing other things. Usually I am sitting and doing other things. I should do like you and move more. That's a fantastic thing to do.


  21. I WISH I could create, but my mind just doesn't work that way. I can follow a recipe, I can follow notes to play a piece on the piano, I can follow instructions to make a craft. But I can't actually do any of this going totally off my brain power. I guess I'm just not a creative person :) But I am a good mom! So there's something, ha!

  22. Those flower pictures are gorgeous! I feel like I should say something more sincere, but I sincerely think those shots are fabulous.


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