
The Boy Behind the Blog (I Live with a Cheesehead)

1. Describe yourself in 5 words.

Awesome. Manly. Handsome. Stubborn. Awesome.
(Yes, he said awesome twice. See what kind of ridiculousness I have to deal with?)

2. What is your biggest fear?

Something happening to Amanda.
(Insert collective awww.)

3. What is your favorite candy?

Those peanut butter bar things.

(I hunted the Great Internet Land for a picture in case that description wasn't specific enough.)
4. What was the best Halloween costume you've ever worn?

That would either be when I dressed up as Dr. Grant from Jurassic Park or Lt. Commander Geordi Laforge from Star Trek.

(I  have added a picture of the Star Trek guy for your reference since I had no idea who he was.)

5. Who is your favorite football team?

I'll let the picture speak for itself.

Mal Smiles


  1. What an interesting candy choice! Ha! I love it.

  2. Haha I love that both our boys said they were awesome in number 1! I love those peanut butter candies too! I only ever see them at Hobby Lobby though!


  3. Haha!! Cheesehead!! That was so sweet his fear being you getting hurt! Good guy!

  4. haha that's too funny!
    When Kevin and I visited his family in WI this past May we went and checked out the Packer stadium and I got my dad a cheese koozie(however that's spelled)

  5. Ha! Love his answers. And I think I remember eating those PB candies when I was a kid...and I loved them!

  6. Seriously, you married another me. I love those PB Bars! AND I would describe myself with the exact same 5 words.

  7. Those peanut butter bar things are SO good! I have no idea what they're called either!

  8. i need chris do to one of these. that's funny about that candy - i like just about all candy but not those!

  9. Ahhh! Geordi! Hahaha that's awesome!

    Just to clarify, I'm not a trekkie... my dad was... or is... lol

  10. I didn't know anyone liked those candies, the only time I ever see them is on Halloween.

  11. I actually did "awww" after number 2. So sweet!

    Those peanut butter candies look delicious! I love PB, and I've never heard of them.

  12. cute! Boys are funny. Trying to get them to describe things in detail is a big task =)

  13. Haha that awesome cheesehead totally redeemed himself with #2 :)

  14. Lucky girl! You married Awesome x2! At least he threw stubborn in there to balance it out a little bit. :)
    Yours is the first link up post I've read today, but I'm going to go ahead and award him Best Answer for #2.

  15. #2 AWWWWW
    but really tho, i couldnt get michaerl to do this if i tried.

  16. gahahaha,,
    i think jordan and i will get along well. then we just annoy you even more?

  17. Why do boys love describing themselves as awesome?! DLW tells me all the time "I was awesome before I met you." Rude. haha Thanks for linking up with us! xoxo

  18. This was great! Awesome twice, absolutely! And I love that cheese head!

  19. LOVE the cheese head picture! (Fellow Cheese head myself). Love his two 'awesomes' for the first question hahaha!
    New follower from the link up!

  20. This is great! I love that he said awesome twice. ;-) And his biggest fear? That's adorable!

  21. I love this link-up idea!

    And the fact that he said awesome twice just means that you must be awesome-twice too, since awesome attracts awesome to the same degree of awesomeness. It's a rule.


  22. I learned what a cheese-head was last Sunday when my husband was watching a football game. I know absolutely nothing about football, so you can imagine my curiosity when I saw fans with blocks of cheese on their heads. Haha.

  23. Wisconsin represent! hahaha. Love this little feature!

  24. He seems so funny!

    FYI - giveaway at my blog!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Lifestyle

  25. GO PACK GO!!! I was born in Wisconsin and my whole family are Cheeseheads :) So, I may agree that he is "awesome" 2x, ha ha

  26. The fact that he said awesome twice is.. well.. awesome!

    I've never seen those peanut butter bar things before! I'm guessing they don't have them in Canada. :(

    Is it bad that I don't know what the Cheese head stands for?

  27. Such a cute post! So that means he likes the Packers, right? I live in Wisconsin so I am surrounded by Packer fans as well. However I don't care much for sports one way or another. I like his description of himself too!

  28. Haha loved this! I will have to link up to that next time, that's an awfully clever link-up. Our husbands don't get near enough spotlight on our blogs. :)

    Thank you for the comment on my stuffed peppers post! I agree about seeing them all over Pinterest! I also saw a ton, and when I finally started craving them, I didn't have all the ingredients that the recipes listed. So I improvised, and we loved em!


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