If you weren't following my blog last year, you missed some good stuff. And by good stuff, I mean a lot of dramatic, whiny posts about how stressed out I was because I didn't have a job.
I realize that compared to the loss of a loved one, a medical diagnosis, or your house burning down (or blowing away in a tornado if you live in Oklahoma), getting fired from your job really isn't the bottom of the barrel as far as depressing life events go. But man did it sure feel like it.
I did a lot of soul searching during the 8 months I was unemployed. I cried a lot, prayed a lot, and took a lot of trips to Texas to hang out with my family at the lake and lie in mega hammock, because, well, duh. It's mega hammock.
I wrote this post, which was my attempt at "getting fired humor" even though what I really wanted to do was rant about stuff. Stuff like terrible bosses and unjust firings.
I also logged almost 900 miles last year, including 2 full marathons, 3 half marathons, a 25k, and 3 5ks. Running that much in a year sounds absolutely unfathomable to me (I did it, but I can't believe it), but it kept me sane and gave me a place to work through my anger. I also think it's safe to say that running saved Jordan from my crazy state of mind.
The point of this post isn't to go into the whole story or recap my year. That's over and done with, and now I have a fabulously amazing job that I love. (Which I might write more about later... job hunting stuff, that is, and 9-5 jobs in general. I have thoughts.)
But I didn't want to let today go by without a nod to the last 365 days.
It was one of the hardest and yet most rewarding years of my life. I learned some valuable lessons, and I like to think it changed me for the better. I hope it did, although I think I'm still too close to it to tell exactly how.
What I do know is that I saw, like never before, the clear hand of God in my life. His provision. His peace. His promise to sustain me and provide in good times and bad. Last year I got the chance to practice what I preach about the "in bad times" part. For that, although it was hard, I am thankful.
Here's to another year full of surprises. That hopefully does not include a new job.
P.S. Today I'm guest posting over at Life of Lane about sharing your faith on your blog!
Go HERE to check it out!
*Linking up with Susannah for the Faith & Fellowship Blog Hop
i believe that obstacles and problems only given to those who are strong. ha. life is a roller-coaster anyway. but those things that make us cry make us stronger too, right? and now you can look back and say, "i've made it!!"
love that quote at the bottom! so good. this was a great reminder for me, so thank you! my husband's job is being moved to Iowa and we can't move with it, so he will most likely be out of work towards the end of this year/next year - it's good to read about someone coming through that!
Amen! God gives us those times so we can find our strength through Him alone, slow us down, refocus our hearts.
You are amazing.
First of all, 900 miles!? Girl, you rule! Second of all, I'm glad you have shared pieces of this experience AND how you have pushed through to get to a stronger, happier place. I would love to hear more from you about the 9-5 things, especially since I am in the trenches of that right now :)
So happy that you are loving the new job. Sometimes it is so easy to forget how hard life can be until we are going through a hard time. It is pretty amazing how you turned that experience into such a positive lesson and remained strong and pulled through. And I love that quote!!
This post makes me so happy. I've been laid off twice and truly believe those things happened for a reason. My current company has had a lot of changes and my co-workers have been such a energy suck. This makes me feel way better and was a good reminder. Thanks! :)
Times of hardship can really be opportunities to prove to yourself how much you can handle. The positive ways in which you dealt with the loss of your job are so impressive, and really are a testament to you. Glad you've found a job you really like now!
It is always hardest to see where God is taking us when we're right in the thick of things. But His plan for us is always better than the one we make ourselves! I'm glad you're in a better place this February 25th than the one of 2013.
Coming over from the Life of Lane! Great testimony. New follower now :) Can't wait to get to know you even more!
I think my favorite line of this post is, "I have thoughts."
Sometimes it's just amazing that God closes one door and opens another and even though it hurts us so bad, in the end, we are stronger and better off! :)
This post hits close to home after some news my significant other found this week. Losing a job may be light stuff compared to some life issues, but it still negatively impacts a lot of things. It was so refreshing to read this post and see what a difference a year can make! Here's hoping your next year is filled with more positive surprises :)
I needed to read this today. I quit my job last year to go back to school full-time, and even though it was 100% my choice to do so, I still don't know how to feel about it a lot of the time. Thanks for the reminder to take advantage of the next 2 years while I'm in school! I hope it brings me some of the clarity and direction the last year brought to you.
Sometimes the most unexpected and seemingly miserable events bring us the greatest joy in the long run. I worked a job that sent me home crying every night (over mis-folded tee shirts) for a year and a half. But that job led me to my dream job that's brought me so much satisfaction and pride today. So glad you found a job you love and can look back on the journey to it with gratitude.
God is good, even through the hard stuff! The fact that you can blog about it says you have come far and learned something =)
You rock. That is all. Always good to look back and realize how far you've come. Whew, what a year! Glad it's in the rear view mirror! Again, you rock girl!
I feel like we found each other at pivotal moments...I know your insight definitely helped me get through my stint of unemployment and although, I'm only in a temporary position now, I'm hopeful and know it will be okay in the future. Thanks for being honest on your blog and lending support and empathy where your readers were concerned!
Loved this line, "His provision. His peace. His promise to sustain me and provide in good times and bad." March 17th will mark the day I left my day job. I had spent 9 months at a job that was killing my slowly inside... I blame that job for all my extra grey hair. Luckily, I didn't start to loose my hair, like my boss. I love how God uses tthose difficult times to shape us. During the 9 months before quitting my job I leaned on God in ways I never had before, and sense God has moved in our lives in amazing ways.
I can't believe it's been a year (so fun to have been following you through all of that!). God is so amazing. He ALWAYS knows better than me, but still I try to make my life the way I want it. I am so glad to hear that he used last year to teach you so many new things and that he has provided great things for you. So happy for you, Amanda!
So happy you are loving the new year. As hard it was to lose the other job you are in a much better place.
That's been quite a year for you!! Man--it's good to look back though, and see how you came through it, injustice and all!
You are one tough cookie. So glad you can look back on this last year and see God working through you the whole time. I went through a similar situation a few years ago and I look back on it as a time when I found out who I really was and how much God loved me. Love this post. So happy for you. :)
Hey you! I'm back at blogging. So happy to be reading your posts and seeing your face on a daily basis again. Xoxox.
I got the chance to practice what I preach about the "in bad times" part.
I loved this--so, so true. So much of our "bad times" are full of the need to practice what we preach. Thankful you're able to look back on this year, even though not all of the purpose is clear, and see the good God has done. That, all by itself, is a beautiful testimony!
I'm glad you are able to look back and see the positives of the year, because lots of people would only look at the negative. And I'm also so glad that you found a job you love! Sometimes those hard, bad times are just blessings in disguise.
last year was a doozy for sure. you pulled through brilliantly.
This year HAS to be better, I keep sayin 'cause last year was so bad.
Sometimes it's good to look back to see how far we have come.
Happy Anniversary!
Because I couldn't have said it better myself....
“Grief is a stern teacher, but I am confident I could not have learned some lessons in any other way. For that, I am grateful. Grateful to God for loving me enough to stretch me and push me and crush me, to refine me in the furnace of affliction, to force me to stretch my faith beyond what I could see.
God loves me more than I can possible comprehend. He watches over me. He watches over all of us. But if the way were easy, how could we grow into who He wants us to be? How could our faith become unshakable?”
― Jennifer Beckstrand, Kate's Song
I am sure the year behind has had it's moments of frustration, tears, fears and prayers and no one can guarantee that the road ahead won't have more of that as well, but it's all part of the journey.....pieces of fabric in the tapestry of life that God uses to mold and shape into a beautiful creation that reflects His word and grace. Praying blessings in the year ahead!.
Happy Anniversary! Ha ha : ) I am always amazed at how God works on my heart in the time following a dramatic change or big letdown. For me, I usually huff and puff my way through it, or bottle it up, or cry it all out, and then step by step, God makes it clear he's still in control and it was all part of the plan. I'm happy for you that you're able to see your achievements in the past year, instead of looking back and still feeling the same about it!
It does sound like a tough year but I'm glad you're looking at it with a positive spin! All things happen for a reason, right?
of course you wanted to rant and be upset at first,who wouldn't?!
love what He has done for you!!
God is good,all the time!
There is so much truth in this! Even if we don't know our next step, there is comfort in knowing God does!
I had no idea you went through this! I feel like I'm the you that you were last year. I definitely feel like I am whiny and stressed out. I love that quote--it's encouraging! Thanks, girl. :)
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