
The Lady Okie Vlogs: 3 Things Every Popular YouTube Video Has

By special request from a loyal reader, I have made another vlog! (For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, a vlog = video blog.) 

Jordan may or may not make an appearance, and there also may or may not be dancing. So yeah, you're gonna want to watch this. (There's a special outro for those of you who stick around to the end!)

It's less than 3 minutes long, which is, coincidentally, the number of hours this took me to film and edit, so I HOPE you all enjoy this video. Otherwise I wasted my Friday night when I could have been doing something productive like baking cookies.

This is, in my opinion, a far cry above my first vlog. Improvement! Soon I'll be making $40,000 a month with my YouTube channel, and you will say, "I knew her when..."


  1. Peanut butter is definitely better than coffee. Bahaha I laughed out loud. You should be asking for $50,000 minimum.

  2. This vlog was super funny! Love it, you should do more!

  3. Haha this is awesome! You crack me up with both your writing and vlogs (I think I actually started following you after watching one of your earlier vlogs)... Peanut butter is okay, but 5pm sounds like the perfect time for Dunkin Donuts. Just sayin'. Haha.

  4. I think you should vlog while baking cookies. Win-win. :)

  5. A quote from Leah: "That girl is funny, Mommy!"

    Thanks for the giggle to start my day!

    1. Hurrah! Funny is exactly what I was going for! Thanks for watching :)

  6. Haha, love it! way to put yourself out there. I'm sure the world will embrace you...but you don't like hugs so maybe they'll just dance along too... :-)

  7. I am so glad I stuck it out and saw the end! ;)
    It made me happy! I dance just like that......sort of...well not as good actually....
    I am not brave enough to do a vlog....
    camera shy.
    I like your editing tho, nice vlog.
    keep it up!

    1. Thank you so much! I worked really hard on the editing. I have a lot more respect for movie editors now. It's really difficult! Thanks for watching.

  8. I like the above commenters idea of you doing a vlog while baking cookies. If I had a blog following anymore, no wait, if I had a blog anymore, we could totally do a PODCAST. But I'm a nobody, so you'd better just stick with your plan. Fast track to 40 grand plan.

  9. Okay you are precious, please do us all a favor and vlog more often! I wish peanut butter off a spoon didn't turn into half the jar for me...

  10. Love it. I laughed so loud I think the neighbors heard :)! Great job

  11. I can't even put into worlds how much I enjoyed your dancing. Too funny!

  12. You are the queen of vlogs. Omg, I can't get over how awesome it is. Just watched it three times in a row. More please!

  13. hahaha! love the awesome hat, the dancing and i hate coffee too! i like creamy peanut butter though, so womp womp. have a great weekend lovely!

  14. I love this, you are so brave for showing off your dance moves, I don't think I would have any friends if I showed mine off ;)

    1. Well, I might not have any friends after this! We'll have to wait and see... ;)

  15. Awesome. The end made me "literally" laugh out loud!

  16. hahaha--well, we do have a bear costume, so that's a step in the right direction...
    I can't edit vlogs. I do them in one take or I don't do them at all. Editing words--fine. Editing movies--detestable. hahaha we all have the things we are willing to do and what we are not willing to do!

  17. really loved your video!
    very nice blog by the way :)

    kisses from Russia,

  18. I love it...... Too good. Your editing is awesome and you are hilarious as always. It's gonna go viral fo shizzle. I also think you are a genius for creating your own crunchy peanut butter from scratch. That's great.


  19. HA I love that you've been crushing peanuts into creamy peanut butter. That is hilarious!

  20. I knew I liked you for a reason other than our deep-seated love affair with running - it's your dance moves. Has to be. I mean, they're the exact same as mine.

  21. I wish my dance moves were that good. I wish I HAD dance moves. I think I have one move and NOBODY wants to see it. Not even me.

    You definitely need to do more vlogs because this made me happy. And obviously, you do this for my happiness.

  22. This video is great!! I love the editing ;) I can't do a vlog because I feel to awkward talking to myself.

    At any rate, I love that you are smashing peanuts to put on your sandwiches. Chunky PB is the best.Adam's brother, my brother in law, has a peanut allergy. I kid you not that every time his brother comes over my mother in law inspects our cabinets for anything that contains peanuts. I guess shes afraid that my 20 year old brother in law isn't smart enough to just not eat them. Adam and I stash our PB in the freezer when we know they are coming because she hasn't ever checked there yet ;)

  23. This was fantastic! And so so fun! P.S. Has anyone told you yet how to make your video's larger? I was to lazy to read through all the comments. If no one has told you yet, I've got you covered! I'll email you!

  24. The dance party is the best part! You are too funny crunching up peanuts into the smooth peanut butter. YouTube famous here you come!

  25. Personally, I love your dance moves. This just makes me even more excited for our tête-à-tête.

  26. Your vlog cracks me up! So fun. Girl, we need to go on a coffee tour where good coffee is made or maybe they can make a peanut butter latte...

  27. I loved the dance party! More videos I say! xx

  28. This is the best thing ever, I'm pretty sure of it. First of all, it's the first time I've heard your voice! I didn't watch your last vlog (boo!), so I kind of feel like we just went on our first bloggy date...except I didn't talk. I really wish we could get together, sip tea, have a dance party, and eat peanut butter (mine will be creamy, thank you).

    Please do more videos!

  29. Hahah! Too funny! Your totally a pro at the whole vlogging thing! You and your peanut butter is hilarious! How the hell did you buy creamy peanut butter anyways?! :)

  30. Amanda. THIS was by far my most favorite post EVER. lol. That is saying something. And I am with jordan. I will now start harassing you for more vlogs. mmmmkay?. k. :)

  31. Oh this HAS to go viral because you're awesome lol. Love your dance moves, and I think you should just smash up all the peanuts and mix them into the creamy PB to make your own chunky!! :)

  32. This is so cute! I still haven't gotten the courage to do a vlog yet. Not 100% sure what I'd talk about. :)

  33. This is just too good! I wasn't able to watch it when you first posted because I was at work, but oh my goodness, so funny. I love that Jordan makes a little debut and says hello to all of us in the blogosphere. Three cheers for husbands who support!

  34. Alright...Thank you for making me SMILE this morning!!! This vlog about "nothing" was so much better than a lot of the vlogs that I have watched in that your personality really came out (well, I think it did, anyway). :)

    Enjoy your little break from blogging!

    PS. Way to go, Jordan!!! I think you're one in a million for reading every post.

  35. So I was trying to think of questions for you for today's Q&A post so naturally I had to go check your About page to be sure I wasn't going to ask a question that you had already answered there. And I saw the link to this vlog which I naturally had to come and watch. And I'm so glad I did! Your dance moves are fabulous. They almost make up for the way you desecrate your creamy peanut butter by adding crunchy peanuts. ;)


Thanks for the comment! I love hearing from my readers.