
The View from My Hotel Room

I'm back from my business trip! 

To say I was nervous is a grand understatement. I'm pretty sure I didn't stop sweating the entire two days I was in Salt Lake City. I got back on Saturday afternoon and crashed. I fully intended to sit down and write a recap post last night, but then my mother-in-law gave me a coupon for a free Shutterfly book that expired today, so I decided it would be a brilliant idea to get sucked into that rabbit hole. Five hours later. I swear, those books will be the death of me. At least now I have a 2013 recap book coming my way in a few weeks.

I just want to thank all of you who wished me well on my trip. I realize I was making entirely too big a deal out of this whole thing, but it's the first time I've ever traveled for business. I wanted to present myself well, especially considering I was leading a board meeting where I was the youngest one in the room by at least twenty years.

I'm so thankful for a job I don't hate and coworkers I actually enjoyed spending two full days with. Plus, see that picture up there? That was the view from my hotel room! Not too shabby.

I have more pictures to share plus a few stories, but for now, I will leave you with a view of Salt Lake City at night. This was taken coming down from higher on the mountain up in Park City on Saturday night. 

No editing, just the sunset over the mountains and the city lights. 
Happy Monday, friends.


  1. What a view! And I'm happy all went well! :)

  2. Oh my those books - I'm impressed you could do it in 5 hours - seriously they are awesome, but take FOREVER! Glad it went well, but even better to be back at home :)

  3. shutterfly takes forever! but i get sucked in to the rabbit hole too! we have SO many shutterfly books! and i think i've gotten most of them for free or cheap b/c of the awesome coupons! just this weekend i went to David's Bridal to buy my matron of honor dress for my friends wedding - and they gave me a $20 credit to shutterfly with it! so i'm excited about my new book! ha!

    so glad the trip went well! i was so nervous my first trip too because it's kinda uncharted territory! plus, i am the girl who is 20 years younger than everyone i work with too! and it's intimidating sometimes because everyone is old enough to be my parent!

  4. Can't wait to hear all about your big meeting! I am sure you did AWESOME!!!! Welcome back.

  5. So glad everything worked out well for you on your trip! Traveling for business is so fun, especially if you are only away for a few days! Can't wait to hear some stories!

  6. I literally received my Shutterfly Guestbook for my wedding TODAY after starting designing it LAST NOVEMBER! That's how long it took me to perfect!

  7. That view, man. DAT VIEEWW!

    Also, yay for killing it. :)

  8. I've never traveled for business so I would be nervous too! SLC looks beautiful though. Did you get any runs in?

  9. I'm the type that would totally freak out over something like that too. I totally get it. Glad you got through it and hopefully it went well. Oh Shutterfly. I've spent many hours putting together photo books. It's almost better when you have a deadline so you can't keep going back and editing over and over and over!!!

  10. A job you love & coworkers you don't hate? ... yep... jealous :)

  11. so exciting! this view is absolutely stunning. And I know allllll too well about those Shutterfly books and how long they can take! I thought it would be a quick 10-20 minutes but no! I think I took 3 hours to make our wedding book. There were just so many options and details!

  12. Gorgeous view!!

    Those Shutterfly books....ugh. I have definitely been caught in that rabbit hole a time or two. But the books are great, so it's a good investment of time.

    I hope the trip went splendidly and enjoy being home!


  13. a job you love is really the best thing ever. what a gorgeous view!

  14. Oh, the power of Shutterfly! Sounds like a fantastic first business trip :)

  15. Glad it went well! Salt Lake is one of the few places I've traveled to alone multiple times and it's such a great city!!!

  16. What a great view!! Having a job you like is so important!!

  17. haha!! Isn't it interesting how Shutterfly "gifts" turn into the longest working hours of your life? So glad you had a great business trip!!!!

  18. glad that your business trip went well! and oh yes that sunset just close the deal. yup. i envy your hotel room view

  19. Glad your trip went well!! I can definitely understand being nervous about it, I would have been, too!

  20. So happy that everything turned out well! What a beautiful view! :)

  21. Happy to hear it all went well, and woohoo for amazing views!

  22. I'm so glad it went well! I'm sure you did great. God gave you that job and it's fun to see him blessing you.

  23. Congrats on your first successful business trip!! Yay, you did it! :) Gorgeous view!!

  24. Wow what a great view! Congrats on the successful business trip :D


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