Happy MLK Day to my American friends, and happy Monday to everyone else! Today Megan and I are hosting a little linkup called "I Believe" in honor of one of the most famous believers in American history. Check out what I believe in and then write your own post and link up! I really believe you should. (Sorry, was that too much?)
I Believe...
That toilet paper should always be placed with the new sheet on top.
Why is this so difficult? And yet every time Jordan replaces the toilet paper, he puts it in wrong.
In the value of turn signals.
You know how you're driving behind someone, and they randomly slow down for no reason? And then they turn and you're like, "A turn signal would have been nice." Yeah, that.
Everyone should love their job.
If you don't love your job, find one you do love. It's out there for everyone.
Audio books should not count on the same list as total books read for the year.
I've been wanting to mention this for a while now, and I would love to hear your opinion on this. When someone says they read x number of books last year, do you assume they mean physically read the book? Or is it okay if this number includes listening to an audio book?
Here's my thing, and I'm sorry if this offends anyone but this is just what I think about it:
Reading is hard. You have to concentrate. You have to be intentional about it. You usually can't be doing something else while you're reading, so it's a lot more work to actually finish a book. Plus, if I learned anything from reading What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains, it's that we're all losing our ability to concentrate on actual books, so reading is an important skill we all need to continue to practice.
An audio book, on the other hand, you can do while doing basically anything--driving to work, on a road trip, cooking dinner, exercising. Audio books are still reading, but I don't think it's reading in the same sense as reading a book is.
So I personally will only include books I physically read in my list of books read for the year. Other people can obviously do what they want, but I maintain my position that audio books and books books should not be on the same list.
This is probably the most ridiculous discussion ever, but I've honestly been dying to ask you guys: what do you think?
Families should enjoy being together.
I take many things for granted that I shouldn't, but I don't take my family for granted. We have so much fun together, and I love it.
In the importance of going to church.
I really really love my church. Sometimes I do wish I could just sleep in, but honestly? Being there is the highlight of my week. I don't want to be one of those Christians who beats people over the head about Jesus, but in all seriousness I just want you to know that I wish everyone believed in the power of the Gospel, and I really do pray for you guys.
The Cubs will win a World Series... some day.
They WILL. And it will be awesome. And I will never stop talking about it ever.
I do not believe in ghosts. Or aliens.
I just don't. The end.
What do you believe?
Link up below!
Awesome link up idea! I do not believe that audio books should count in with physical books in the read list of the year because it is just not the same at all, it is more a book enjoyed than read.
Yes. Turn signals. A lot of people seem to be allergic to those where I live. Huge pet peeve of mine.
You bring up an interesting point about the audiobooks. I agree that reading is hard and audiobooks kinda take that aspect away. But I also think there's a lot of value in books, no matter the form, so I probably would count them in a total list. For someone like my husband who hates to read (always has, and probably always will) audiobooks has been a really good thing for him. I also personally really struggle with audiobooks- like I basically can't do them at all because I can't focus on auditory things for very long. Audiobooks for me are way more of a challenge than real books because it's not how I learn or function, and I understand that some people find it more difficult to focus visually than auditory (auditorily?). I think you learn a lot from books and I think you can learn that via reading or listening. Alex would never pick up a book if it weren't for audiobooks so I'm actually really thankful for them, and if we kept track of a list of books (we don't really), I would totally count them.
In other news- amen on the toilet paper and turn signals. I've had to educate Alex on toilet paper and my dad on signals. :p
turn signals!! they are a rare thing!
i agree with you on the audio books. i mean, yes it's a form of reading... but it's definitely not the same thing as actually sitting down and focusing on a book & doing only that!
You always have fun posts!!!! Toilet Paper should always roll over, not under ;) I don't know why it's so hard either!!!
PS I have never listened to an audio book!!
haha, great post as usual!! i believe in all that you do. as for the audio books, they're just so much more convenient. not the same as holding the pages in your hand and not the same accomplished feeling you get when you shut it for the last time. i agree!
I am totally with you on the toilet paper. Except my husband rarely replaces a roll, so it's a non-issue in my house. At work however - drives me nuts! Someone always puts it the wrong way and I end up turning it around.
I kind of agree with you on the audiobooks issue. Although the one audiobook that I've "read", I did include in my total for that year. If it matters, I only listened to it while running, and while laying in bed relaxing in the evening.
I find audio books difficult too sometimes... I've only listened to a few, but you really have to have a good narrator for those. I definitely see your point about it being a good thing that people who maybe don't like to read can pick up an audio book, and I think it counts as finishing a book. I just don't think they should be on the same list. There should be two! Because I find if someone says they read 52 books that year, and then I find out that 30 of them were audio books, I'm less impressed. But I fully admit that I'm probably just being a snob about this, and reading in any medium is a good thing! Thanks for your thoughtful response :)
Oh, I disagree about the audiobooks. I get the point your making, and I think some books are harder to comprehend and appreciate in audio form, but I don't think that means they should be discounted. I have an hour plus daily commute, and audiobooks are how I survive it! While I would prefer to spend that hour on my couch with a physical book, that's just not an option. I do read physical books and ebooks on my kindle in addition to audiobooks, and I put them all in the same list when I do monthly reading recaps. I do specify what format I read or "read" them :) But I'm totally with you on the turn signals!
haha, i love how you emphasize not believing in aliens and ghosts - me either! except it seems lots & loads of people want to tell you stories about how THEY REALLY ARE REAL. also: family time, church time, and turns signals are very important (i'm not concerned with the toilet paper roll though -- just as long as there is still something left, i'll take it in all forms!)
Great list. So Audiobooks is not something I usually do because I'm so easily distracted. I got "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan as a gift years ago to listen to on my roadtrip from Texas to Maine. I know I listened to a few chapters, but I couldn't give you a clue as to what that book was about. When I read books, it takes time, effort and me owning the actual book because I write and underline all over it. So not even reading on things like Kindle's appeal to me.
That said, I am currently reading and listening to a book on audio. I have the physical copy in my hands as I listen, I underline and write notes as I listen, I pause when I need to do something, and it's kind of nice hearing it narrated by someone other than the voice in my head. So though I'm using an audio version of the book, I'm totally counting it for my books read this year. Hope you don't mind that I do. :-)
Keep believing!
You bring up an excellent point with audiobooks. When I was little, the library summer reading program was based on the number of books that we read. Well, I was a fast reader and the books my little brother read were definitely shorter than mine. So, the two of us won every prize every summer. (My mom loves the library, which is so funny because she was a CPA. I think her love of reading turned me into an English major, even though she would have preferred me to be a CPA, too.) Anyway, they finally switched summer reading program to time spent reading instead of number of books. It hurt me in the challenge at first, but it actually inspired me to read more. (Wow, I sound nerdy).
I do use them audibooks a lot, but I have a tremor in my hand that can make prolonged use of an e-reader difficult. Turning pages or holding a book still can get hard, if my left hand gets fatigued. But, I have been reading some on the e-reader because I have books to review for my blog and that was the only format. Also, there are some books that I just can't get anyway but paperback because I'm am cool and like to read things that are traditionally considered textbooks (at least by Amazon. They think I'm a student!).
I also listen at double speed, but that does require attention. I like to be able to listen while I take a bath or listen in the car, so I don't feel like I'm wasting time. I guess I started on Audiobooks when I was too sick to even watch TV (the light and movement made me sick), but now I incorporate them!
And AMEN to turn signals. I don't know why people have the impression that they're optional. I don't think I could not use them if I tried. I use a turn signal to go out of the driveway and other kind of unnecessary places, just because it's a habit.
You listen at double speed? Is that an option for them? I've never heard of that!
Also, you do not sound nerdy at all. I read ALL the time growing up. One summer my parents had to tell me to stop reading and go outside! I think they were worried about me. haha.
I definitely didn't mean to say audio books should be discounted as finishing a book. I just think there should be two separate lists when you're recapping how many books you read. However, I also realize this is not a deal-breaker in the grand scheme of like and I'm probably just being a snob about it :) It's interesting to hear what people think!
I definitely didn't mean to say audio books shouldn't count as a book finished. They do! I just think (personally) that there should be two lists or, like you do, the person should specify the medium used.
This was fun! :)
I am 100% with you on the whole audiobooks don't count as books read, and turn signals, and families, and church.
Can I say something that will make me sound like a freak....I don't even have to, but I'm going to get it out there. I do not believe in aliens...but I think that ghosts are real. I don't think Great-Aunt Mabel or Crazy Harry is wandering around haunting us or whatever, but I think the spirit world is obviously very real and I have a feeling that it collides with ours at times. Anyway...That's your daily dose of weird for the day.
i couldn't be more agree about the audio book! i think it's cheating, haha.
I'm with you on the audiobooks. I feel like if I can do it while driving a car, it doesn't count. Now, I DO listen to them while driving, but I don't count them in my total tally.
This is fabulous! I totally agree about the audiobooks. I think they're GREAT and a wonderful way to "read" a book but it shouldn't count on your list of books you've read.
Yes to turn signals!! As for audiobooks, this is going to sound nit-picky, but I think it depends on how actively you are consuming the book's material, if that makes any sense. There is a lot to be said for sitting on the beach or in the grass after a long run and listening to a chapter while you stretch and wind down {and this is how I actually get a lot of my professional and self-improvement "reading" done}.
YES YES YES to the first three! Totally with you. BUT ..... I've never thought about audiobooks that way haha. I definitely count audiobooks in my total list of books read (though I only listen to 1-3 per year, usually on long road trips), but I do concentrate pretty hard. In fact, if I miss something in the audiobook because something on the road distracts me, I have to rewind and relisten to that whole track so I know what happened. Come to think of it, maybe I shouldn't listen to audiobooks .... that seems unsafe .... :/
Thanks for hosting with me! Loving the posts so far!
YES on number 1! I have the same problem at home, my husband does it wrong as well. I don't understand why, it's not that difficult?!
I listen to audiobooks daily, on my walks and in the car. But I agree with you, it's not the same as reading. When I talk about books with other people, I tend to always clarify that I listened to it, not read it.
Why have people forgotten how to use turn signals??!!! So annoying. The audiobook one is a tough one, since they are real books but I agree I have missed key elements in an audiobook because my mind wandered to a to-do list. Hard one.
Most important things first. I do believe in ghosts. I haven't eliminated aliens as a possibility. I don't count audio books as books I've read and have even read the boops after listening so they would count.
I believe in turn signals too!! And in the difference between stop signs and yield signs....
So. Audio books. I listened to a few last year and did count them on my overall book count for the year. Part of me did feel like that was cheating. BUT it took me soooooo much longer to listen to them than it would have for me to read them that I feel like my time should give me some credit. And I remembered some of the quotes from books I listened to far better than I remembered quotes that I read, as a whole. Maybe I'm more auditory than visual? I dunno.
I guess it's more of an issue (for me, at least) when someone says they read 50 books in a year and I find out 30 of them were audiobooks. I guess I'm just less impressed at that point and wish there had been 2 separate lists. However, I realize in the grand scheme of life it isn't that big of a deal. I was just curious about what other people thought!
Ha! Good post Amanda! I totally agree with you on how toilet paper should be put in the holder. I don't listen to audio books, except when I'm listening to one and reading the book at the same time to better my pronunciation in a language I'm learning. So, I haven't done much thinking on whether just listening counts or not. It's wonderful to have a good family.
Meh. Whatever gets people into books is all right with me. I believe in books! And literacy! And storytelling! I include audiobooks in my own personal tally, but that's really for my own benefit and I don't usually go around telling people how many books I've read or "read." I do specify for the purpose of reviewing whether or not I read or listened to something though.
On the subject of audiobooks....I think it depends on the book, on the reader, and on the activity being done while the book is playing. I love reading, and can't get enough of physical books. The idea of a Kindle turns me off, even. But I really love audiobooks to help me get through those tasks that really don't require much mental space, if any. Folding laundry and cleaning are the two big ones. I don't have to think about what I'm doing with my hands, and can fully concentrate on the book in the same way. I'm currently listening to the Harry Potter series, and it works well. The plot is well-paced and my mind isn't wandering. Some books require time to pause and reflect throughout, and I definitely don't think you could get as much from them as reading a physical copy.
All of that being said, I know that audiobooks were the gateway drug to the real deal for my husband. When we got married, getting him to read anything besides his Bible was like pulling teeth. He started listening to audiobooks while delivering pizza late at night, and now he looks forward to reading physical books. I still can't get over the shock!
Oh this was fun to read! I TOTALLY believe in turn signals (biggest pet peeve!!) and the TP going new side up. I'm on the fence about Audiobooks. I used to have a pretty long commute so audiobooks saved me, and I really did listen and get "sucked in" to the book. On the other hand, in no way could audiobooks replace "real" books for me. I'm okay with them being on the list, but maybe only if there are other "real" books on it too.
And as much as I get tempted to sleep in on Sundays, I'm always glad I get my butt up and go to church too. :)
And Harry will yell (from heaven), "Cubs win! Cubs win! Cubs win!"
Yep, church is super important to my husband and I and we are trying to instill the same in our children. We pray we are doing a good job.
I'm on the fence about audio books. I would probably have a separate list, because it's not the same.
And once again, we are twins. The toilet paper thing, the church thing (which I maybe shouldn't have put them next to each other?), the turn signal thing (which I was just talking about with someone else on Friday!), and especially the family thing. Family is amazing and it's something I realize I am/need to be more and more grateful for. :)
I don't really agree about the audiobooks thing. You do have to concentrate when listening to an audiobook. If your mind wanders, there is no flipping back a few pages to re-read. It is a bitch to find the place you left of. So yes, you can do other things, but tasks that don't need concentration. And, I'll skim pages of an actual book, especially if I'm not enjoying it. There's no doing that with an audiobook. And also, when I read books, towards the end when everything starts to get revealed etc. I tend to read really fast and don't enjoy the experience as much as I could have. With an audiobook, I'm forced to enjoy the slow, delicious burn of a mystery revealed so to speak.
Really though, I do believe - who cares how someone experiences a book - the fact that they read, listened, used braille - hell, count it however you want, because yo did a good thing :-)
1. Side issue but Myanmar internet is sooo annoying! I wrote a huge comment and walaaa it's gone. Anyways ...
I do count audio books. I think they are really good to listen to while traveling. I used to hate them but Dave listened to them so much I grew to like them. It gave my brain something to think about and a way to keep my mind active while traveling. It was a much better alternative than just singing all the time or falling asleep.
However I don't think listening to a book should replace your reading. Reading should be the first option and audio for traveling or running.
I still don't get the TP thing. I never know which way is right but I'm just glad we have TP here in Myanmar. =)
yes. to all of this.
I feel the same way about audiobooks. Reading to me means reading, like with my eyeballs…listening to an audiobook would feel more like listening to a podcast or something, and I don't think I'd count it as actually having read the book. It's just a different experience.
I hear ya on the book thing! :)
I am mixed on the book thing, as I listen to A LOT of books. I do think it takes concentration and I do add them to the list that I've 'read' throughout the year. BUT I hear what you are saying..again, I'm mixed. What I am not mixed on is that everyone should listen to Yes, Please because Amy Poehler 1. reads it and 2. adds in extra tidbits and 3. it's hilarious.
Yes!!! I feel you on the toilet paper! Why can't everyone get it? :P
I honestly have never thought about the audiobook thing. I don't keep up with how many books I read a year which is probably part of it. I do the majority of my reading either on road trips or while walking on the treadmill at the gym. Oh, and when we're at the beach - that's my favorite spot to read. I just don't have quite as many opportunities for that. ;) So I go through many many books a year. I seldom listen to audiobooks, but I plan to listen to a couple when I'm headed down see my family this weekend (I'll be driving on my own). I'm hoping I still like to listen to them. :)
Also, I am so with you on turn signals and toilet paper!
I personally hate audiobooks, but I think they definitely counts as "books read". Who cares what format a book takes.
Haha....thanks for the laugh for today! The Cubs will win a World Series!
Well...I have a lot of good friends who truly believe that, but....
The good news is...pitchers and catchers report in 4 weeks! Yay!
I think it's the association of the term "read" with audiobooks that bothers me. Like "reading" isn't the same as "listening" so I've never understood why we say "read an audiobook." I feel like you can't say you're a book reader when you are listening to them. It's kinda misleading, no? I mean you listen to books and that's cool. Devouring books by any means is awesome in my eyes but just like idk call it what it is? It doesn't change the fact that we can fangirl over our favorite together whether you read or listened.
Agree 100% about church. I hate when people say "I don't have to go to certain building to worship the Lord". No, you don't but the community I have built with my church family is such a powerful one!
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