

*A short rambling of thoughts on this Friday morning. This is where I'm at right now.

We don't live in the big moments. We live in the mundane. And yet every so often, there is a big moment. A decision or an event that changes everything.

Last night, we put an offer on a house. I don't know if we'll get it. There could be other bids, or an inspection could fall through if we get to that point. But to be here, at this big moment I've dreamed about and prayed about and saved up for, for so long...well, it literally brings tears to my eyes.

A house and a baby. Two blessings so enormous that I can't fully wrap my mind around it. It terrifies me and it excites me and it makes me wish I could open my arms and hold these moments tight so they would never go away.

I read this quote yesterday, and I needed to write it down here so I could remember it. This is where I am.

Everything old people say about time is true. For starters, it flies. As a kid living through semi-eternal summer vacations, this is hard to believe. But as an adult? Get married. Have children. And then sit back, stunned, watching an absolute roar of gorgeous moments and hilarious moments and exhausting moments disappear--quickly and in tragedy or marching off at the traditional pace, but disappear they must. 

Snap a photo or two. Read verses about futility. Watching one's small humans age and grow up packs a serious punch...no matter how many pictures we take, no matter how many scrapbooks we make, no matter how many moments we invade with a rolling camera, we will die... we cannot grab and hold. We cannot smuggle things out with us through death... 

Our futile struggle through time is courtesy of God's excessive giving. Sunset after sunset make it hard to remember and hold just one. Smell after smell. Laugh after laugh. A mind still thinking, a heart still beating. Imagine sticking your finger on your pulse and thanking God every time he gave you another blood-driving, brain-powering thump. We should. And we shouldn't, because if we did, we would never do anything else with our living; we wouldn't have the time to look at or savor any of the other of our impossibillions of gifts. 

My wife and I tend to overgift to our kids at Christmas. We laugh and feel foolish when a kid is so distracted with one toy that we must force them into opening the next, or when something grand goes completely unnoticed in a corner. How consumerist, right? How crassly American. How like God.

--N.D. Wilson // Death by Living


  1. Wow. That quote is so beautiful. It seriously is insane how fast time flies, and how so many moments of our lives make up who we are, and how we got to today. I'm so incredibly happy for all the blessings your family is receiving right now! Like you said, it's only an offer an a house, things could go wrong...but things could also go right. I'm so excited for you guys!

  2. I read this quote yesterday, and felt tears well up too. It's beautiful, and sad all at once.
    I am so excited for where you are.
    I'll be over here trying to hold lightly and keep it together - its a crazy ride.

  3. I hope the whole house process goes smoothly for you!

    I find the older I get, the faster the years go by.

  4. Congratulations on both of your big things! I pray wholeheartedly that the house hunting process is a positive and swift one for you. My advice to you, having done the house debacle last year, is don't be afraid to walk away if it doesn't feel right. Trust your gut, trust yourself, and trust your husband. You'll know when things are right. :) Good luck!!!

  5. Wishing you the best on the house process. Such an exciting year for you two! :)

    1. Exciting and just crazy. My mind is all over the place right now, understandably :) Trying to take it all in because this type of excitement doesn't come around every day!

  6. Beautiful quote! Particularly the part about an "absolute roar of gorgeous moments." Lately I've been feeling so rushed and harried and I really want to start taking more time to live in the moment and also to pay attention to the passing of time. Especially when I get to the point where you are. Congratulations again! Fingers crossed things work out with the house.

  7. I love this quote! Thanks for sharing!!! Keep us updated on the house! Praying for y'alls hearts as you wait :)

  8. I just saw this quote posted on instagram! It's beautiful. I hope you hear back about the house soon, that waiting game is so hard. I would hazard to guess that we're experiencing some of the same emotions… a house and a baby! I know just what you mean about wanting to hold these moments so tight. I'm so very happy for you!!

  9. I'm so excited for this house and I want to hear all about it on Skype tomorrow (your today)!

    Moments do go by quick, even though I wish they wouldn't. I guess something I'm hoping to keep in mind is to make moments count for eternity. I don't think that means I have to be a over spiritual person where it is annoying but in those earthly moments we have to bring Christ into them.

  10. That quote brought tears to my eyes. So so good. I am so happy for you and this season of life you are in! Praying God's best for you, whether it's this house or the next!

  11. What a great passage! Just wait until you have that little baby in your arms. All of a sudden, time will be on warp speed setting, and all of a sudden you'll have a toddler, then a pre-schooler...

    Thanks for the reminder that we should slow down every now and then. Now I want to go break into daycare to give my munchkin a hug. Good luck with the house, fingers crossed!

  12. This is really great. I can definitely relate to these feelings you are feeling. What an exciting time for you :)

  13. I absolutely LOVE this. Thank you for sharing! So very exciting for you and all the big and small moments to come!!

  14. Two of the best things EVER. I hope that your offer + inspection go through just perfectly! It's so exciting!

  15. Oh wow, such HUGE changes all at once. How wonderfully exciting and emotional all at the same time. :) I hope everything works out with this house!

  16. The last sentence of that quote gave me chills: "How like God."

    You have some amazing, amazing stuff to look forward to--and the plain old everyday life in between ain't half bad, either.

  17. That's a fabulous quote. I think I'll print it out myself. I'm so very happy for you and it's wonderful to see how grateful you are for these blessings, too! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  18. A baby!! I guess I missed that post as I seem to have missed many posts lately. Congrats on both big things. House hunting is one of the most stressful things I ever experienced. It will be so worth it when it's done. I agree. Time flies so fast it's scary. You blink and you are a year older.

  19. What a great quote. Both a baby and a house are a big step, but both very rewarding. Fingers crossed your offer is accepted.

  20. I recall reading posts of yours about living in an apartment and why it's working great for you at this time... and also when you share something fun and exciting and you start off say "no this is not a pregnancy announcement" and then Bam! In this post your talking about BOTH those life changing things! How exciting! Best of luck!

  21. Totally teared up with that quote - because it's so true. I can remember thinking I'll never turn 16 to drive - and now I have a 4 year old who will be thinking those same thoughts in the future. It goes by so quickly so it's wonderful to take those moments and enjoy them, because they are fleeting.


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