
Valentine's Day 2016

Jordan and I had the absolute most fabulous Valentine’s day this year, and I wanted to make sure I blogged about it so I don’t forget! It was kind of fun that Valentine’s Day (side note: I totally was going to call it VD and then thought better of it) fell on a Sunday this year because we got to see so many of our friends and wish them a happy day of love. 
I also made valentines for R’s Sunday school teachers! Please don’t be too impressed. I downloaded the card online for free and then cut them out and taped them haphazardly to a pink piece of construction paper, and it took approximately 2.3 minutes. 

After church we came home and ate leftover fajitas that we had gotten Saturday when we went out to eat with my brother and sister-in-law who were visiting us from the great state of Texas. (Side note x2: My brother accidentally took two Benadryl in the morning and slept forever that afternoon, and we’re still laughing about it.)

Then I went for a run! I did 3 miles by myself and then swung by and got R bundled up in the jogging stroller for the second half. I ended up doing 6 miles, which until this past weekend was my longest run to date since having a baby six months ago!

R ended up going to bed around 7 that night, which is slightly earlier than normal. It worked out perfectly, because Jordan and I were able to have a fantastic homemade dinner together. I made roasted maple-glazed salmon with brussels sprouts and rice. I pulled out our fancy wedding china (we have just two sets), and we sat at the table and ate and talked together. It was one of the best evenings we’ve had in a long, long time. It was nice that R was already in bed and we didn’t have to worry about entertaining her or holding her while she was being fussy.

A month or so ago I downloaded a PDF of ten conversation starters, and so when we have the chance we’ve been going through them one at a time. I know that sounds cheesy, and it totally is, but it’s actually sparked some good conversations, which I guess is the point! Jordan is always like, Are you kidding me with this? But he quickly warms up to the idea. While we were eating our Valentine’s dinner, we talked about this: “The area in your life where I’ve seen the most growth is…"

So that’s what our weekend looked like! Even though it wasn’t extravagant, and it didn’t involve gifts or cards or flowers or chocolate, I think this Valentine’s Day was one of my favorites yet.

What do you cook when you make a fancy meal at home?
Do you have wedding china?


  1. I'm so glad you had such a great Valentine's Day! A home cooked meal and good conversation is my favorite way to spend a romantic night with my husband. I've been wanting to try those conversation starters with him but haven't gotten to do it yet. I inherited a huge set of beautiful china from my cousin after she passed away. It is exactly what I would have picked out on my own, but even if it wasn't, it means a lot to me. I love to bring it out for nights like this.

  2. Yum, that looks delish! We did zip for V-day, but our anniversary is next weekend! I told hubby that I wanted him to plan it and surprise me. We'll see what he comes up with!

  3. A fancy meal for us is grilled cheese with tomato...ohhhh ;) haha
    Oh heck, I dont even have a full table & chairs, & turned my dining room into a library - so nope, no china for us :)
    I love you thought to do valentines for the SS Teachers - so sweet.
    & good for you back running. You are a DO ALL MOMMA!

  4. Sounds like a great night! And the printables are adorable! We didn't do wedding china...and I'm glad because we rarely use anything besides the plastic target plates and bowls. Maybe I'll regret it someday...

  5. I love when we pull out the fancy wedding china. And it only happens about two or three times a year, but gosh dangit we make the best of it when we do pull it out!

  6. Okay I'm still a little bitter because Caleb wouldn't let us buy our cute wedding China post-wedding. Maybe I can convince him when we buy a nice house that we would use it for fun date nights in? ;)

    On another note. I LOVE that you two did the conversation starters. Caleb and I did a funny "22 would-you-rather" questions the other night that I found online and it sparked some really awesome conversation! I love it!

  7. I have my Grandma's china. Our foster daughter just asked if we could use it yesterday morning, actually. How did you make your brussel sprouts? They look delicious!

    1. Not to link to another post in a comment buuuuut, here is our go-to method for cooking the sprouts! Yum.

  8. We love marinated chicken on the grill. Our kids love it, and it's easy.
    I don't have wedding china. I opted to register for winter dishes. I didn't see the need for china, and I didn't want Christmas dishes. So I opted for winter-themed ones. I take them out around Thanksgiving, and put them away sometime in February usually. My set is now discontinued, so we'd better not break any! :)

  9. I love your fun Valentines, however long they took! Probably a safe bet on holding off with the "VD" ::insert crying laughing emoji here:: Your Valentine's Day sounds like it turned out beautiful! Love R's cute little outfit and hair bow :) And don't get me started on Benadryl. I had a friend who didn't realize the suggested dose and took 6, which tuned out way funnier than you'd expect.

  10. This sounds like a fantastic VD. Hmm. You're right. That just doesn't work.

    But really. The dinner sounds and looks delicious, and how nice of R to call it an early night so her parents could have a private meal. She's so considerate!

  11. I love this!

    We have china....never use it. It's my single biggest wedding related regret lol.

    I love those conversation starters too! We usually play "would you rather" but questions like that are fun too.

  12. A good friend of mine asked for fancy dishes from Goodwill as housewarming/holiday gifts when she moved in to her first house, and she is able to set the coolest table with it now. Your VD sounds perfect. (Haha!) Liam got very cool Japanese dishes for Christmas so we've been having sushi or noodle dishes as our fancy meals lately. Lobster actually did get old.

  13. Happy belated Valentine's Day to the adorable Bum family! :)

  14. I love conversation starters! I always try to just casually slip them in like it was something that just popped into my head at the moment, and Chris is always like, "...you found that on the internet, didn't you?"

  15. Sounds PERFECT to me!!! The older I get the more EXCITED I am about staying home and celebrating even the most important days with a homecooked meal. :) I think it's special that you only have two place settings for your wedding china. I've never thought of doing that, but it's a good idea!!! In the years to come, a dinner between the TWO of you will be a special occasion in and of itself and that china can remind you of it. Of course, if you want to get more pieces to share the dinner with others, that's fine...I just think the two place settings is cool!

    Your brother....hiyayayiiii! Poor guy. I'd be laughing too, though!

    And the Valentines are super cute!!! My friend always helps her daughter mail me a valentine and I LOVE it. :) I have the one from a few years ago on my fridge and it makes me smile every time I get a glass of ice water!

  16. What a perfect VD weekend (sorry I had to after you mentioned it lol)! Yay for running 6 miles! You rock! We didn't do much for Valentine's Day either and we love it that way! The three of us went out to dinner and relaxed the rest of the day! :)

  17. hahahaha i am still laughing at the VD. i love the conversation starter idea, i think KC would complain and act like it was all lame, and then talk the most.

  18. I love this! I'm glad you guys had a really good Valentine's Day. I never did buy China for our wedding. I don't get that? It just sits in a cabinet most of the time.

    Awesome job on the running! You are doing so so well!

  19. Sounds like you had a good Valentine's Day. I'm laughing at your Valentine's. I think you should parent my kids for the month of February when they all have to sit at the table making Valentine's for every kid in their class (mandatory) singing "It's a hard-knock life..."

  20. Aww I love this! We totally have done conversation starters too. They make for a fun date night. One of my favorites is Table Topics set of "What Would You Do" questions. Christopher and I have used them some, but we break them out a lot with teenagers and friends. :)

    So glad you guys had a wonderful (and delicious!) Valentine's. :)


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