
3 Books: Recently, Currently, and Future Reads

Hello hello! Did anyone else notice that in my post on Friday I started numbering my ten things I don't care about and stopped after #2? I noticed it later on and cracked up! I guess I should have added that clearly I don't care about numbering.

I'm joining in the Blogtember Challenge today to share three books: one I just read, one I'm currently reading, and one I want to read.

1. Recently Read - Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleave

I wasn't in love with this book, but it wasn't terrible. It's a WWII novel from the point of view of people in London during the war, both those who stayed behind and one character who enlisted. I did enjoy reading about the war from that perspective, but I just felt like the story was slow, and although things happened, I didn't actually feel like anything happened, if that makes sense. The writing was lovely, though, and the characters and plot were interesting; I just thought the execution could have been better.

For me it just wasn't the kind of book I stayed up late reading because I couldn't put it down. I still recommend All the Light We Cannot See if you are looking for an excellent WWII read.

2. Currently Reading - The Midnight Dress by Karen Foxlee

I'm reading this as part of a Goodreads book club with Victoria. It's about a girl who disappears, and it's not blowing my mind so far, but it is interesting and creative. I'll wait and see what I think after it's over!

3. Want to Read - City of Thieves by David Benioff

Of course, I have a lot of books on my to-read list, but this is one I recently added after seeing it on a list lately. It's another WWII novel, so I might take a break and read something else before I get to this one. I've actually added a few WWII books to my list lately.

I also recently bought God in the Dock and am looking forward to going through it. It's a book of C.S. Lewis essays.

Have you read any of these? What book is next on your to-read list?

p.s. You might also like: Reading Habits // Unpopular Book Opinions


  1. I LOVED All the Light so I feel like any WWII novel I read now is compared to that one and always falls short!

  2. Hello! The Midnight Dress, I've heard that's a good one, I will have to add it to my list! Have a happy Monday!

  3. Haha! I noticed about that post and actually thought that number 10 was going to be "I don't care about numbering things."

  4. I haven't read any of these, but I'm on a "classics" thing right now. I just finished "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" and am currently reading "The Princess Bride" (not sure if it's considered a classic or not, though). My next read will probably be something by Jane Austen.

  5. I have been on a WWII kick lately too with The Nightingale and I am waiting for Salt of the Sea to come available at my library.

  6. Ha, I did notice the numbers on the other post but I thought it was right on par with the post topic! Lol!
    Sounds like you need a good, attention grabbing book soon!

  7. How do you find so many books to read? I don't even know where to begin looking. I usually wait until someone recommends something to me that I think I will like. And also, if a book is lame lame lame I don't even bother finishing it. I just can't.

  8. I haven't read any of these books, although I might check out The Midnight Dress and City of Thieves. I'm about to start This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab and Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake.

    the Noveltea Corner

  9. Since I can't seem comment on your survey...and I didn't notice until seconds after I clicked submit, what am I going to do? You ran a survey, but didn't give me a chance to tell you what my favorite type of peanut butter was! What if my tastes had changed from last year?

    Oh well, I shall survive ;) Always love your surveys!

  10. I'm reading The Midnight Dress too! I'm only a chapter or two in and so far I'm not impressed, but I'm interested to see where it goes.

  11. I really enjoyed City of Thieves. It's WWII but from a Russian view, so slightly different. The story really sucked me in. Hope you like it!

  12. The Midnight Dress sounds interesting.... I still haven't read All the Light We Cannot See lol. am I the only one?!

  13. Love reading, especially WWII books. I could recommend a bunch, but I'll narrow it down to the ones I've recently read. Lilac Girls, Secrets of a Charmed Life, The Lost Wife, The Paris Architect, and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (strange name, but good book). Enjoy!


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