at least one thing will be in the same place i left it


It's been a while since I just shared an old-fashioned post with pictures and updates of what we've been doing lately! So that's what this post is.

With Jordan and I both working full time, our days are busy, but our evenings and weekends have been pretty full too lately, and our family of four has been having lots of fun being out and about. It surprisingly doesn't feel much more complicated to get out of the house with two kids than it was with just one. We are already used to making sure we have a bag for R, so what's one more, really?
But I will tell you that so far we haven't managed to be earlier to church than twenty minutes late, so that's something we need to get better at. At least we all look cute! And squinty. The ladies in the nursery love J so much. They always tell me how sweet he is, and I'm all, duh obviously. He's the best.

Two weekends ago, my parents drove up from Texas, and we went to a chuck wagon cookoff. (Note: this original post said "last weekend" because that's when I started writing this, but it took so long to actually finish the post that last weekend has become two weekends ago. help.) There were I think six different wagons where they were cooking chicken fried steak, potatoes, biscuits and rolls, beans, and peach cobbler out of covered wagons and cast-iron skillets and it. was. so. good. I did not go around to each wagon getting more peach cobbler and rolls. Okay, actually I did have self-control and threw my bowl away after four helpings because not having a bowl was literally the only thing that was going to stop me from continuing to eat.

Why do we not live outside in wagons anymore? I think we need to forget overalls and focus on bringing back spurs and outhouses. Who's with me?
Last month, we drove to small-town Oklahoma for Jordan's grandma's 80th birthday. All the cousins and grandkids and great-grandkids (of which R and J are 2 of the 3) surprised her, and she was shocked. I like the drive out to western Oklahoma, because when I start freaking out about buildings everywhere and trees getting cut down and giant landfills, it calms me to look for miles in all directions and see flat nothing except for the occasional windmills and "mountains" that are really just medium-sized hills. 

Don't be sad for us. We like it here.
I'm happy to say that my obsession with buying R expensive hair bows died with her desire to wear them, and I haven't picked up any more harmful shopping habits for J or R. One thing I've always found wasteful to buy are shoes because they grow out of them in 8.2 seconds, which is why R wore the same $8 pair from Walmart (Garanimals brand!) forever. 

But. BUT. My sister-in-law bought R a pair of Vans for her birthday and now she is too darn cool for school. This is what aunts are for, amiright? Buying their nieces and nephews fun things like shoes I would never have picked out for her in a million years.
R loves art, and my MIL bought her some watercolors for her birthday, which is nice, and I try to be cool about it, but really inside I'm all omg keep those at your house please because it stresses me out and I'm sweating everywhere and DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING WITH THOSE BRUSHES. I really wanted to be a fun mom who was fine with her kid making messes everywhere, but actually every time I let her "help" me cook and she spills flour all over the floor, I die a little inside.

However, painting is kind of nice because it keeps her in her chair and contained for a good five minutes so I can go to the bathroom by myself or unload the dishwasher without her attempting to help by grabbing all the knives. The waterproof capabilities are questionable seeing as how she has blue fingers for the rest of the day, but it's a small price to pay. We keep the Gathre mat underneath the chair to catch spills, which I still maintain is the single most useful thing I've bought in the last 2+ years of motherhood. (Not sponsored; I just love it.)
Last but not least, I decorated our mantel for fall! Since the rest of our house looks like a disaster area all the time no matter how much time I spend picking things up, this mantel is a calming presence in my life. R has started carrying her bathroom stool all over the house, and I am not exaggerating when I say that no drawer, cabinet, or shelf is safe now that she has higher reaching capabilities. But I can look at this mantel and know that R can't get up there, and everything is going to always be in the same place it was when I left it. 

Small mercies, my friends.

p.s. If you haven't entered to win a personalized tooth fairy pillow, go here and do it before I choose a winner on Wednesday! There is also a discount code for 20% off Milo & Molly Etsy Shop.
Torrie said...

That first picture of your two babies! So precious!

And I love your fall mantel---I'm seriously the worst at decorating for holidays (that's one thing that I'M bad about spending money on), so I'm always impressed when so many other people take the time and energy to do it :)

Angi said...

TODDLER VANS!!! I need those in my size. She is so hip.

I love your mantel! That's on my must-have list next time we buy a house. I'm dying to have a mantel to decorate during fall and Christmastime.

Sometimes...not often...sometimes I miss small-town Oklahoma. I'm a city girl through and through, but there's something about quiet streets and people with rocking chairs on their front porches.

Ashley H said...

Your mantle is cute! I haven't decorated for fall yet - other than the front door wreath and door mat - because I refuse to believe summer is ending.

Maureen @ Maureen Gets Real said...

Your mantle is beautiful for fall! If those pumpkins are from the dollar section at Target I have them too and may be using them on the mantle since you inspired me. Even if you're late for church at least you're going right?

The Lady Okie said...

Yes, the pumpkins are from Target! :)

Michelle said...

Omg Gracie needs Vans!!! I have a pair I wear all the time. She needs them too. My mom bought her high top converse last fall, and they were the cutest thing ever on her. Toddler shoes stress me out. She grows out of them in 2 minutes so I don't want to spend much on them, but they can get so pricey.

I need to get G some paints. She hasn't colored on the walls in ages, but this weekend she colored all over our sheets on our bed with orange and green highlighters 😭

Audrey Louise said...

Your mantle is adorbs. I love it. Also, kids with Vans are awesome. I plan to spend billions of dollars on them in every size for my future kids. Hahahaha.
The covered wagon fest sounds sooooo delicious. Now I'm starving...

Nadine said...

Awww look at R's fun shoes! My sister sent me a picture of pink converse that she got Z for Christmas already so I know some fun shoes are in her future. I haven't actually bought her any yet on my own, she has been pair foot or in socks since birth lol. I am going to have to check out that high chair mat.

Maria said...

These posts are hard for me to comment on because I have so much to say about everything little thing! First, a chuck wagon cook off? Are you kidding me with those food options? How about I plan to come and visit time next year? Is that creepy?

I too want to be that fun mom who lets their kids play in mud, cook in the kitchen and make big old messes, but yes, part of me will die inside seeing my house be torn to pieces. It's already not up to par and she doesn't even move yet.

Those shoes are super cool! What a hip little tot you got there!

Your mantle is always an inspiration to me., yet I do nothing with mine. I am one of those people who just really loves the change of seasons and evidence of it always makes me so happy.

Okay. That is all.

Amie said...

Well poop!! We just got Bowen a stool to wash his hands and brush his teeth and I did not even think about the fact that he could use it to get to other stuff!!! Luckily he hasn't realized he can do that yet he is more interested in the light that comes on when he steps on it. I am soooo afraid to try the paint but I think he would love it..haha

Unknown said...

Your mantle gave me envy and I decorated mine shortly after- and switched things to a less is more desire. I agree it's the only thing safe in our house. I pick up toys all day and they just become a mess again (ok, like once a day i may pick things up but it feels like constantly!). Love that you guys keep getting out and about! I am hoping we can get more fun things done soon. Our weekends are getting booked!

Jenny Evans said...

I often think about how bizarre everything is going to be when all the kids move out and then EVERYTHING WILL STAY WHERE I PUT IT. I won't ever find my sewing scissors in my teenager's room or the soup ladle in the bathroom or my sandal in the dryer ever again. Odd.

Rach said...

Of course the nursery ladies love him! He's so stinkin' cute! I love that picture you posted with ALL THE DIMPLES on Instagram the other day. :)

I've never heard of a chuck wagon cookoff, but it sounds awesome! Multiple servings are a must in times like that!

R rocking those Vans is ridiculously adorable! That's definitely what aunts are for!

Would that mat be useful for us? We have hardwood floors (and tile in the kitchen) so I'm thinking the floors should be pretty easy to clean after meals and such. But what am I not thinking about? Would the mat still be really helpful? I'm always interested in items that people say are the most useful things they've bought!

Love your mantle! It looks great!

Jen said...

I love how your mantle turned out! It's so cute!

Callie said...

Love your fall mantel! I struggle with messes too. I have a big plastic table cloth that I use for when the kids paint, and that helps with my anxiety a bit, haha!

Carolann Chambers said...

"duh obviously. He's the best." Love it!!
I also love to hear that your family is doing so well. Your mantle is so cute! I started decorating for fall before I came to New York, but I went shopping with my mom and got a few more things that I hope will fit into my suitcase. We don't have a mantle so I love to put a runner on our dining room table and put candles and pumpkins out!

Carolann Chambers said...

Also, I am kinda worried that when I am a parent there will just be messes everywhere, because I just don't even care about them when it's just Nick and me...

Rachel said...

That chuck wagon cookoff sounds like the best thing ever. Yummy!! I love watercolors with little people, it's like my favorite ever. Then again, my whole house is just tile so I just have them sit on the floor and paint their little hearts out as much as they want and then I mop the floor afterwards and everything is perfect. Best ever.

Julie @ Just the Joy's said...

Your mantel looks great!! I can't wait to have a place to decorate, someday! What a fun little wagon cookoff thing! Never heard of such a thing. Love R's new shoes! I confess... my R has way too many shoes. Like I don't even know how it happened! :) So true about the painting/messes they make... I'm the same way. Totally cringe. I'm getting better at worrying less though. Maybe that just comes in time with mess after mess?! Ha!