
Two Texas Weekends

*affiliate links are used in this post

I don't know if any of you longtime blog readers have caught on to this, but I really don't like writing posts that are a collection of things. Blame it on my editor brain that I just can't seem to turn off, but I prefer each post to be About Something. It is for this reason that I find weekend recap posts to be for the most part very dull. Sorry if that offends anyone, but I'm just being honest. The other reason I don't like random posts is because I never know what to title them! And any good editor will tell you that titles are half the battle of getting anyone to actually read something (the first half of the battle being, of course, actual good writing).


Stitch Fix #2

I got my second Stitch Fix box last week and wanted to share with you what came in it! You can see my first SF blog post here.

I signed up for quarterly fixes, and I was excited when I got an email saying my box was on the way. After being curious about Stitch Fix for a long time, I now admit I can totally see why people love it. It is really quite fun to get a box in the mail full of clothes to try on at home. It comes with a personalized note from your stylist and a prepaid envelope, so sending back the clothes is super easy. Get a box for free and waive the first styling fee by signing up using my referral link. I'll get some money too, so thanks in advance, friends!

If you will recall, even though I only kept one item from my first SF box, I was very happy with the clothes they sent, which all felt like my style. This time I requested tops and some colored pants, and once again my box had some great things! I was also happy to see that the prices for the items was not as high as last time. The most expensive thing were the jeans at $58 (my last box had a pair of jeans that were $98! No.). 


Baby's First Snacks with Gerber!

So far I am 2 for 2 with babies who love to eat! Starting food with J has been honestly a lot of fun, and it's hilarious to see how animated he gets when we put him in his chair and he knows food is coming. At nine months old, we give him mostly regular table food now, and he eats modified versions of what we eat, although he does still love purees! Jordan and I have both commented that it felt like I made R so many more purees than I made for J, and it's hard to remember exactly, but I do think we started J on regular food earlier. In any case, J loves loves food of all kind. (Except berries, which I've mentioned before he's had reactions to even in baked form!)


Currently March

wearingthese sneakers that Rachel blogged about (see: above). They are, in fact, as comfortable as she claimed and a rather amazing dupe of these Steve Madden sneakers. I sized up half a size and they fit perfectly, FYI. Also, ignore the fact that I am in H&M pretending that anything in there will a) fit me and b) not look ridiculous on me. 

Dear H&M,
Crop tops* = death

p.s. *Also, animal prints. No.


Recent Reads

The Parables of Jesus by John MacArthur // 5 stars
We read through this book in our couple's class at church and did the workbook that goes with it over the course of 10 weeks. John MacArthur is such a great Bible teacher, and I loved reading about the parables of Jesus. Some of them had always kind of confused me, and this helped clear that up! Each chapter takes one parable and explains it in depth.

Should you read it? Yes
For fans of: Jesus, the Bible, understanding things Jesus said that previously confused you


Confession Session vol. 10

You know how sometimes you're totally chill and just whatever about things, and sometimes you get ragey about stuff you know is ridiculous but you can't help yourself? That is me right now. Perfect time for a confession post where I can release my angst while also offending half of you.


Fun Weekends + Our First Family Fun Run!

We have had two fantastic weekends the last two weeks! It's been full of family time and playtime with the kids. Plus, this past weekend it was so nice outside and I got in a 7-mile run on Saturday! That's the longest I've run in over a year and a half, and it felt really good (I also felt like I might die, but I suppose that's to be expected). I started off feeling like I was running through sand, and my Garmin told me my first two miles were 10:42 and 10:38, so that sounds about right. But every single mile was faster, and I ran my last mile in 8:20! My half marathon in at the end of April, and I'm hoping to get up to at least one 10-mile run before then.