
Coffee Date: April

I am baking some muffins to freeze for the kids and have exactly 18 minutes to pop on here for a quick coffee date. That is not at all enough time for me to finish a blog post (editor problems), but I figured I'd try!

If we were meeting for coffee, I'd ask you how your Easter weekend went and then confess that I didn't put together Easter baskets for the kids. I'd tell you that I don't even feel bad about it except when I see so many people posting online about all the stuff they bought. Then I feel just a twinge of guilt, but mostly I'm okay with it. They get a basket from grandma, and we did an egg hunt (set up by grandma lol!). I'm not against the Easter bunny or anything, but I don't remember doing baskets as a kid and it's just not anywhere on my radar.

I'd tell you that I've started thinking about J's first birthday party and I am having a hard time believing my baby boy is going to be ONE. How? I didn't have a theme for R's first birthday, but I love how everything turned out and I will probably just go with a color theme again for J's birthday party. His party is going to be the same day at his baby dedication, so it will be a fun day! We were out of town the first time our church did baby dedications, so he will be up there with newborns ha! He is 9.5 months and still not crawling, but we can tell he seriously wants to go places. Maybe he will start crawling soon! Maybe? He seems so close sometimes.

If we were having coffee (or tea, etc.) I'd have to talk to you about this book, which I'm currently reading. I seriously want to highlight every sentence, but that would defeat the point a bit, I suppose. It takes a biblical perspective on our phone and social media use, but the author is not at all anti-technology and talks about how much he himself uses his phone. It's really so good. I'm also reading Fredrik Backman's book Beartown, which I've heard good things about. I've also heard it's sad, but hopefully it's not too sad so I'm not just depressed after I finish it. (No spoilers!)

I'd have to ask you what you are currently reading, of course. And I'd tell you about a reading podcast I recently started listening to. It's so fun and I admittedly feel super nerdy listening to a podcasts about books but I also kind of love it. I listen to audio book occasionally, but they feel like a big commitment, and I think I just overall enjoy podcasts more, especially for my long runs.

The timer on my muffins went off a while ago, by the way. No surprise there. I don't know if I've ever in my life written a blog post in 18 minutes.

I made two batches of these muffins, one with blueberries and one without, since J seems to have reactions to blueberries at least for now. I hope they like them! I bring a muffin to daycare for J's breakfast every day, and I like to find recipes that include fruits and veggies. You can find a few other favorite muffin recipes here. If you only make one, you have to make the vegan blueberry muffins. So yummy. They can also be made without blueberries and turn out just fine!

Before we went our separate ways, I'd ask you to be in prayer for two friends of mine who are going through really difficult times related to babies and pregnancies. Obviously I don't want to share too much because it's personal and not mine to talk about, but I'd tell you that these situations have been weighing heavily on my heart these past weeks and I hate to see my friends so sad.

I'd ask you if there is anything I can be praying about for you too! And finally, I'd tell you about this blog post I read on Saturday, which I thought was a good read for the Easter weekend.

We'd hug only if you insisted, and I'd tell you that I hope you have a really great day. There's always so much to be thankful for.

*Check back on Thursday for a collaborate post I'm doing with a few blogger friends on toddler discipline!


  1. Now I want muffins...
    My bff's second kid starting crawling/talking/reacting/walking A LOT faster than her first because he was so motivated to be around his older sister. Lol. All kids are so different, though! I'm sure J will start crawling at the perfect time!
    Sounds like y'all had a fun Easter! Book podcasts sound super interesting! Ha!

  2. I am such a hugger but I try to remember which friends don't like hugs, so I would try really hard to remember not to hug you!! And I don't think they J & R will care about whether or not the got Easter baskets. You give them so much love every single day!

  3. With Grandparents giving baskets and stuff there is almost no reason to. My mom always made baskets for us so I made Bowen one as well. Funny thing, if he found an egg he would shake it to feel if anything was in it, if not he'd put it right back in the spot he found it. He picked that up from daycare. They had an egg hunt and the eggs had candy in them. At least he doesn't expect money! haha A hershey kiss is good with him :)

    Prayers for your sweet friends during this time.

  4. Ever since you mentioned the 12 Ways book last week I've been excited to read it. I'm currently on the waitlist for it from the library so I'm looking forward to digging into it as soon as it's available.

    I just read the "We're Sunday People" post and wow. So much truth there and so well put. Thank you for sharing that!

    Also, speaking of things you shared, thanks for sharing your latest podcast recommendation. I just subscribed to it. I like podcasts about books so I'm looking forward to this one! Lately I've been listening to Risen Motherhood thanks to a suggestion from you on this blog. :)

    I'm looking forward to seeing what color theme you decide for J's birthday! R's all turned out so cute!

  5. You know, I'm somewhat under the impression that Easter baskets aren't even a real thing, they are just an internet conspiracy trying to make people think that they are a real thing in real life. Because I've never experienced such a thing nor have I seen anyone who I actually know in real life give their kids Easter baskets with gifts inside. Hence, internet conspiracy. Kind of like Elf on the Shelf. I'm inclined to believe he doesn't exist either because I've literally only ever heard of or seen him on the internet.

  6. Don't feel bad about Easter baskets. I made a small one for E and all is had was a book and stuffed bunny.

  7. Prayers to your friends! I had to laugh at your talk about Easter baskets. My 24 yoa daughter didn't make any up for her bonus daughters. She knew I would (and I did).

  8. I'll pray for your friends. That is one really neat thing about the blogging community is that so many people can pray.

    It's okay to not do Easter baskets. Maybe you will when they are older. In Brazil we did chocolate Easter eggs and they were epic. It was a huge chocolate egg and when you ate that one there was another one inside and then another one and another one until you got to a teeny tiny chocolate egg. If they had those here I'd buy them for myself =). All that being said, holidays are way over commercialized and expectations are so high.

    I must confess I have never baked anything vegan in my life. I just can't believe it's good but I should try it.

    I'm sure J's party will turn out great.

  9. Do not feel guilty about the Easter baskets! Totally not what Easter is all about anyway! I will confess that I did one for N for 100% selfish reasons only: it was so much fun for me. I may not document her milestones and day to day life much (I feel guilty for never breaking out the "good" camera), but you bet that I can make a mean Easter basket and take a crappy cellphone photo.

    Praying for your friends. I feel like so many people experience loss, heartbreak, and trials with trying for a baby and having a baby and most of it goes unsaid. Hoping they get their happy endings.

    Those muffins look tasty. Do you just crumble them up and feed them to J? Sorry for treating you like my personal "How do I feed my child?" Handbook? :)

  10. added that book about phones to my book list because it sounds great. Thanks for the recommendation. Praying for your friends <3

  11. Your muffins always look so good! I've saved a few of your recipe links on my phone I need to make them. Easter baskets... isn't it kind of crazy how overboard some people go?! The egg hunt is fun though! They love that. That book sounds interesting! Phones definitely change us... I'll be keeping your friends in my prayers. So sorry to hear they (and you) are hurting!

  12. I just got an email this morning that 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You is ready for pickup at the library. I'm going to stop by after work to get it!


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