Currently October


I see my future with teenagers. HOLD ME.

I'll interrupt my travel posts to bring you a currently post! Here's what I'm up to these days...

eating: Hello Fresh deliveries. This is our third time to get a Hello Fresh box in the mail. I love the concept, don't love the price. For us, it's not budget friendly or cost effective, and I can't justify getting it every week. That said, I got a $25 off coupon and decided to get a box with it. It's for "new customers" only, so I sign up under a different email address and get it delivered to a different address! Don't judge me. With the discount, it feels like only a minor splurge. The two meals we got this week have by far been the best we've had. They were actually as easy to make as they claimed to be and were freaking delicious, and I feel like for once the Instagram ad is true to life. Sadly, we will not be continuing our subscription, but it was fun while it lasted. Until next time...

p.s. You can use this code to get $40 off if you want to try! (Or try again lol)

reading: The first Amory Ames mystery, recommended by Audrey on a recent book roundup. I've been in a reading funk for a month or so, and this book was a super fun, quick read I finished in just a few days. Definitely recommend for those who love mysteries but don't love all the gore/sex/language/creep factor that can sometimes go along with them.
He's 16 months old now! Just keep holding me, thank you.

ordering: A dress from this shop for R for Christmas. Yes, I said Christmas. She is really into dressing up right now, and when I pick her up at daycare she is always wearing some kind of outfit or princess dress. On Friday she was at a kiddie table with 3 other kids. They had food spread out in front of each of them, and R was standing wearing some kind of coat. When she saw me, she said, "Mama, we are having a picnic and I'm the food cooker." It was super cute. 

Anyway, someone in a FB group I'm in recommend these dresses, and it's a bit of a splurge, but I really think R will get a ton of use out of it and just absolutely love it, so I picked out one for Christmas. You can use the code GRmPpy3prS to get a discount. This is not sponsored at all, but I do think if you use that code I get points or something. I honestly don't know how it works, but I figured I'd pass it along.

wishing: Well it's probably no surprise that I wish I were back in England. I honestly didn't think we'd end up going. I bought travel insurance on our flight tickets and most of our hotels because I was sure something would come up with the world events or our kids or something and it wouldn't happen. But it did, and it was awesome. So thankful we were able to go. If you've missed the last couple of posts, I recapped our time in Boston and our time in Liverpool, and I have travel videos for both also if that's your kind of thing.
I drew the sun and the "hi" (yes, I am an amazing artist, thank you for saying that), and then when I wasn't looking R "colored in the white parts." JUST KEEP HOLDING ME AND NEVER LET GO. I'm fine.

wearing: this sweater, which I shared about in my Europe packing list post. I wore it this weekend when we took family photos, and my friend who was taking our pictures showed up wearing the exact same sweater in a different color. She said she bought it after seeing me post about it, and it made me want to buy three more because it looked super cute on her. It's still on sale, though sadly not as much of a deal as it was when I first posted the link a few weeks ago. I'm regretting not buying another one then! I think I'll stalk it now and see if it goes down again.

Well I think that's it for now. It's been a few weeks since we've been back from our trip, but I still feel like I'm adjusting. Work has been crazy busy lately, and I'm already feeling like I want a break again. What even is life. 

I hope you had a good weekend! It finally stopped raining and felt like fall here in OK for .087 seconds and I loved it so much.
Amy said...

Oh my gosh that first sentence was amazing! HAHA
No but seriously, they are getting so big!

I've thought about hello fresh but wasn't sure if it was going to be worth the price.
Also those little dresses = the cutest! <3


The Lady Okie said...

I don’t think it’s a budget-friendly option for us on a regular basis, but with a good discount code it’s a fun thing to do once in a while!

Audrey Louise said...

Um... the pic of the kids driving is half terrifying and half adorable! Lol! She is ready to GO!
I'm glad you enjoyed the book!! I like how the series transports you to 1930s England.
Hello Fresh & Blue Apron are both so expensive but the meals they send you.... DANG. So good sometimes!

Jen said...

Haha that first sentence made me laugh out loud!!! I think that every day when I see E doing very teenager things, like talking on a pretend cell phone.

Michelle said...

Thanks for linking to the dress up site! I’ve been looking for something like that! Gracie’s been really into dress up lately too, so I’ve been wanting to get her some things for Christmas. A friend of mine also mentioned getting costumes on sale after Halloween, so I’m going to try that too.

Carolann Chambers said...

They are growing up so fast. We don't have Hello Fresh in Hawaii but we have Oahu Fresh Box, which comes with all local ingredients. I loved it, but I only did it once becuase it was so expensive. My brother and his girlfriend always use these meal services. It works for them because they both work so much and so they would just get takeout constantly.

Rach said...

Glad you had such a great experience with Hello Fresh meals this time around! It's a shame that it's so pricey, though.

I love that R is so into dress up play right now. What a fun stage! And drawing on the page?? Precious! She's growing up so fast! Her and J in the car is awesome, haha!