
Goodbye, July, and Hellooooo, August

[One of my firework pictures from Fourth of July. See more here.]

I'm linking up with Allison as I say hello to the new month and goodbye to last month.

Goodbye, birthday month. 

I will miss making everyone pay attention to me. Good thing I have a pool party birthday party planned on August 10. My birthday is never over. Amen.

Hello, parents' anniversary month.

My parents are celebrating their 31st anniversary on August 7.
I have no words to explain how awesome this is. My family rocks.

Goodbye, casual summer running. 

I've enjoyed going out for runs whenever I please without having a set schedule. But....

Hello, half marathon training.

I've running half marathon #6 in October and #7 in November. I'm hoping to shave some time off my PR! (1:56) I'll be doing long weekend runs with the Oklahoma City running group and trying to maybe incorporate some sprints at the track. 

Speaking of running.... goodbye, old running shoes & hello, new running shoes. It's time for an upgrade.

Goodbye, rampant jealousy and stress

Dear Jealousy, 

It's been real, but it's time for you to go pester someone else. I'm tired of constantly feeling envious of all my friends. Yes, they have houses. Yes, one of them makes more money than Jordan and I combined. Yes, they have really cute Sperry's and I'm rocking four-year-old Converse.

But it's just stuff. Stupid, dumb crap.

I love my husband. I have a great apartment. I have a family I love. I really like my church. I have amazing friends.

So suck it, jealousy. Take your stress and discontent somewhere else. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Hello, new Bible study.

I am SO ready for a new Bible study. It's a time commitment (every Wednesday night from August to November), but I'm looking forward to meeting some new ladies from the church and being diligent about quiet time and Bible reading.

Speaking of church, say hello to Christmas decorations! Yes, I was at the store last week, and they were putting out ornaments. And Christmas wreaths. Is it just me, or is it still too early?

What are you saying goodbye and hello to?


  1. Could you write a nice letter to jealousy for me too? That'd be awesome.

  2. Christmas already?! Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, but I also love Summer and Fall. Also, you show that jealousy who's boss!

  3. There are always going to be people who have more than you and some who have less. I think everyone struggles with contentment to some degree. We just have to try not to compare ourselves to others and strive for our own goals. Everyone measures success differently. You have been blessed in many ways!

  4. Goodbye worrying about things I can't change...Hello to going with the flow :D

  5. sometimes it's depressing to look on those things jealousy brings. they have more and we have less. but like you said, suck it jealousy!

  6. Love how you expanded on each hello/goodbye...I might do that next time :)

    Good luck training for the half marathon! Get it girl!


  7. I hate saying goodbye to my birthday month too!!! Boo hoo. Thanks for linking up with me Amanda!!!!

  8. We have so much in common :) Birthdays are definitely never over... I celebrate mine for as long as humanly possible!

    Congrats to your parents! Mine just celebrated their 32nd in May!

    And seriously girl, jealousy has been eating me alive lately it seems. It's such an awful, ugly feeling!!

  9. I just found your blog from the hello, goodbye link up. I'm so excited I found you since I'm a fellow Okie as well (and a displaced Chicago native!) Sounds like you have a busy month planned, and I'd totally like to write a letter to jealousy too. I hate how we can become so jealous of things. We know how silly it is yet have a hard time getting over it. Have a great weekend!

  10. I went to college in Oklahoma, so there is definitely a soft spot in my heart for the state!!

    Love this post. I'm all in favor of celebrating birthday's as long as possible. Like until the half-birthday rolls around. Then celebrate that for six months. :)


  11. This is awesome, girl! Exciting month! My parents just celebrated 30 years...LOVE it!!! I love your farewell to jealousy...I think we all struggle with this at times, something I have to regularly commit to the Lord!!! Starting a new bible study is so exciting!!! I pray the Lord works deeply in you as you go through it!!! :)

  12. I find myself getting SO jealous sometimes and I have to bring myself back to reality. Blogging makes it REALLY hard to not feel like you have enough.

  13. jealousy is a Bi***!! Keep on looking for the good to keep it at bay. That's what I do. Hope August is a great month for you . My how time flies!!!!!!!!

  14. Wow congrats to your parents!! I've only done 2 half marathons but I'm hoping to get under 2 hours for my next one - got any tips?!

  15. I'm glad you are able to keep your birthday celebrations rolling! :) Good luck with the marathon training and way to go for saying goodbye to jealousy (I also need to bid farewell to that one).

  16. Your posts make me laugh like no other..I love it.


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