
Family 5k

Finally! Finallllllly. Hello. Hi.

Do you know what happens to me almost every day? I wake up and think, I'm going to blog today. I miss it. (Well, okay that's not actually the very first thing I think when I wake up, but you know what I mean.) But then I get the kids ready for the day and I get myself semi ready for the day (read: I have pants on that aren't sweatpants, you're welcome, coworkers), and then I work, and  I pick the kids up, and we do dinner and clean up dinner (read: we put the dishes in the sink) and get teeth brushed and pjs on and books read and meltdowns dealt with.

Then we take turns trying to get them to stay in their beds and in their rooms and be quiet, and then we take turns sitting in their room until they fall asleep, and then while waiting for them to fall asleep *I* fall asleep in the rocking chair. Jordan shakes me awake an hour later, and I wipe the drool off my cheek, take my contacts out, and get in bed and think, Maybe I'll blog tomorrow. 


I'm not apologizing. I'm just saying that all my hobbies are dead to me right now, and yes, it's because I have kids. I love them so much, so it's fine. But also I miss not falling asleep at 8:30 every night. Just saying.

Anyway, enough about that. What I really wanted to tell you about was the 5k Color Run we did this past weekend! As you all know, running is a hobby that I love doing, and I really hope I can get my kids to love it too! I didn't start running until I joined my college soccer team sophomore year (LOL; I was so bad), and it's not a huge life regret or anything, but I do wish that I had started running earlier in life, because I feel like I might have really enjoyed cross-country. I also just love the idea of my kids seeing me active and of us being an active family.

This was our second ever family "race" and first 5k. We walked a 1-mile fun run downtown OKC a couple of years ago, which was rainy but fun. I carried J in the Ergo, and Jordan carried R most of the way except for the beginning and the end, and R still talks about doing the race together. This time we went crazy and I signed us up for a full 3.1 miles, and I'm really proud of us for finishing, because both Jordan and I had real doubts. 

Saturday morning started off completely terrible. I wasn't feeling well, Jordan wasn't feeling well, and both kids woke up at 6am, which is at least an hour earlier than we expected them to wake up considering they'd gotten to bed late the night before. Let's just say they were extremely grouchy. Extremely. Which means super fun. I considered just not going at all, but we loaded up and drove to the park.

I cannot stress this enough: I legitimately did not think we were going to finish. I told Jordan I would be okay if we took a shortcut through the neighborhood to get done faster. The kids ate the snack I brought within ten minutes of starting, I still wasn't feeling great (I was really sore from doing a huge closet reorganization the night before; nothing actually serious), and Jordan's knee was hurting (hashtag we are old). But we kept on! Bumgarners are not quitters. Just kidding kind of. Okay not really kidding. Both of us hate quitting ;)

By the end, we actually ran a little! I ran through all the colors, and Jordan pushed the stroller through the finish line. Our official time was a blazing 52 minutes, and I'm actually really proud of us. Not only for finishing the race but for going at all even though the morning didn't start off smoothly. We still had a great time!

Jordan pushed the kids in the stroller around the last color station because they didn't want to go through it. I ran through it, and two kids pelted me with colored water guns. Excited for our next family race! Maybe it will have a smoother start than this one ;)


Currently September

I'm not going to say how on earth is it September, but really. What in the world.

Our oven caught fire on Friday night. I got home from work and was rushing to get dinner ready before I left to drive to Texas. Jordan was going to keep the kids while I went to Texas to go wedding dress shopping with my sister, mom, and sisters-in-law for my sister's wedding in March. 

Jordan had gotten home from work a little late and was in the shower,  and I was making spaghetti and pasta sauce. Jordan came out just as I opened the oven door to put some garlic bread into the preheated oven, and I heard a clatter clatter clatter. I looked and saw four crayons on the bottom of the oven starting to melt. I assume a certain small child with red hair had shoved them into the small opening by the handle, and when I opened the door they all fell in.

I shrieked and grabbed an oven mitt and tried to roll them out, but they got caught on the bottom, and I kept having to close the door so they would fall through the bottom and then open it again to get another crayon. J wandered over, so I grabbed him, and Jordan took the oven mitt from me and rolled the last crayon out. We put the garlic bread in, and Jordan said, "How did they get in there? What happened?" I started to explain when out of the corner of my eye I saw something orange.

We both turned around and saw literal flames spiking up inside the oven.

Jordan threw open the door and grabbed the garlic bread out, and we saw a red crayon tucked in the very back of the oven that had completely melted and subsequently caught on fire. I'm super calm under pressure and started shouting WHAT DO WE DO???? I grabbed my phone and Googled "what do I do if a crayon catches fire," but all that came up were links to Pinterest articles about making a craft out of melted crayon hearts. NOT HELPFUL, GOOGLE.

So I then Googled "what do I do if I have a fire in my oven," but all that came up were links to articles about putting out a fire that starts in a skillet on top of the oven. AGAIN, NOT HELPFUL.

We decided that since the oven was already hot and we have an electric oven not a gas one, it probably wasn't a dire situation quite yet. I mean all things considered, a hot oven is probably (?) the best place for a fire to start if you're going to have a fire start somewhere. Jordan turned off the oven, we kept the door closed (not feeding the flames an air source?), and the flames flickered lower and lower until they went out completely.

The good news is that our house didn't catch on fire. The bad news is that I had already roasted Brussels sprouts, so our house smelled like a lovely mixture of Brussels sprouts and melted crayon.  That combination of scents was.... interesting (read: it was weird and not great), but I suppose it's better than the smell of your house burning to the ground.

On a less stressful note, here are a few currently things for September...

MAKING: things in my Instant Pot! We bought an Instant Pot a while ago, and we've used it a bit, but honestly I'm a little intimidated by it and haven't used it a ton. But I feel like I need to utilize the Instant Pot for quick meals like it's intended for! So I've been looking up a few ideas and wrote down some that my friend said were really good and easy. If you have any good Instant Pot recipes, send them my way. I recently tried this, which was super easy and I had everything in my pantry already (which is why I made it). It had an interesting flavor, and I didn't drain the can of tomatoes, but I think next time I make it I will. We ate it on top of couscous with a side of steamed vegetables. 

TAKING: my pre-natal vitamins. They are the same ones I took when I was pregnant with J, and they are huge, and I have to choke them down every time, so it's not my favorite. Fun fact about me: when I was growing up I had the absolute worst time swallowing pills. My  parents would cut them in half, hide them in applesauce or yogurt, have me swallow with milk.... it was a whole ordeal to get me to swallow any pills. I can swallow pills now, but it still feels like a mental block I have to overcome every time I do it.

DISCOVERING: lots of new-to-me podcasts. I've gotten a few recommendations from friends, and I also have listened to some episodes where podcasters I like are guests on another podcast and found new podcasts I like from there. Here are a few I've found recently and been enjoying: 

New to Me

Old Favorites

CONSUMING: macaroni & cheese. I wouldn't say it's a straight-up pregnancy craving, but mac & cheese just always sounds good. I bought a container of the Panera at Home Mac&Cheese to eat for lunch at work, and I forced myself not to look at the nutrient list because I'm sure it's super bad for you. But I ate it over two days, so I tell myself that makes it better ;)

SAVING: some money in our grocery budget by not getting any more Hello Fresh boxes. We've been getting 1 box a month for almost a year and loving it, but they recently enraged me by charging a $6 Oklahoma State tax and never informing me about it and then being really difficult when I wanted to get an explanation from customer service about why they didn't feel it was necessary to give their customers a heads up about the extra charge on my bill. That might sound ridiculous, but this wasn't the first billing issue I've had with them, and I get upset about things on principle. Although $6 is not very much money, it put me over the edge and I cancelled in a fit of rage. Jordan was sad because he likes getting Hello Fresh, so I'll be trying a few other subscription box things if I can find a good deal. Has anyone tried anything good? Let me know!

p.s. Thank you to everyone who has left comments on my recent posts. Blogger is dumb, and apparently people are having problems leaving a comment at all, and the comments aren't coming to my email anymore! Ugh. So annoying. I'll try to reply back in the comments, but please don't feel like I'm ignoring you if you don't hear back! I am reading them and I hope Blogger can figure out its issues soon. 

On that note, thank you, thank you to everyone who comments and who reads! I know I have pulled back from blogging regularly this year, but I truly enjoy this space, and I appreciate everyone who checks in to read about our little family :)