
A Style Post (Sort of)

Outfit: Sweater (Brickyard Buffalo) / Jeans (MissMe) / Boot cuffs (Target) / Boots (Kohl's)

I don't talk a lot about style here on the blog, mostly because I don't really feel like I have much of one. I mean, obviously everyone has a style, but I don't feel like mine is anything to blog about.

To be honest, I used to be really insecure about my sense of style, and I still am a lot of the time. I spent my high school days dressed in sweatpants, and I specifically remember my mom telling me she was worried about me and that I should at least try to wear jeans sometimes. I consider sophomore year of college to be when I started dressing a little better, because I met and became friends with a couple of girls who were really pretty and dressed cute and who had giant wardrobes, and they let me borrow their clothes because we were all the same size.

I used to really hate shopping, and while I still don't consider shopping to be one of my favorite activities, I've found it's much more enjoyable now that I know more about what type of clothes I like and feel good in. I still feel like I'm not super fashionable and mostly behind on what's currently "in," but then again if wearing leopard print furry booties is in, then I'm okay being out. Typically I buy something new every couple of months (if that), and then once a year I hit up the outlet mall and spend $100 or so on new stuff from one or all of the following: Loft, Banana, Gap, and JCrew.

I'd say my style is best described as "athletic." I am often told that I have an athletic look, this usually by people who are just meeting me and ask if I like to run and/or workout. I want to say, "What tipped you off? My messy bun or my Nike shorts?" Because seriously, 90% of the time, that's what I'm wearing.
When it comes to colors, anything in the red/orange/yellow side of the wheel are a no go for my skin tone. Blues, greens, and purples are the colors I look the best in, and I find myself gravitating toward blacks and grays as well.

I remember when skinny jeans were all the rage. I swore I would never wear them, and now they are my favorite pants to wear. I have a pair of MissMe brand jeans that my mom found at a thrift store for around $30 (they can be $100 and up!). I wear them all. the. time. In the fall and winter, I love pairing skinny jeans with boots and some type of sweater. In the spring, I wear the jeans with flat or flip flops and a t-shirt or light jacket.
^^^ Our Christmas card picture two years ago. Yep, those are the same jeans and boots! Shirt from Banana Republic Outlet. Here is another one of my favorite fall outfits.

I love love love cardigans and scarves. I hate when my neck is cold, and I've found that scarves can serve double duty for keeping me warm and dressing an outfit up or down or just making it look different when you're wearing practically the same thing. Same with cardigans. If you need proof, see: below.
Jeans: MissMe / Cardigans: (left) Target, (right) American Eagle / Shirts: (left) Target tank top, (right) Old Navy t-shirt / Scarf: Old Navy

In case, you couldn't tell, I am a cheapwad when it comes to spending money on clothes, and I don't mind wearing the same thing over and over. (Remember when I bought a total of like 10 new things for my entire pregnancy wardrobe? Yeah.) Stitch Fix is huge in the blog world, and in case you don't know what that is, it's a monthly subscription box where a stylist chooses clothes and mails them to you to try. I would totally try it, but I absolutely cannot get over the outrageous cost of the clothes. I'm not at all judging anyone who gets Stitch Fix boxes, but the day I spend $80 on a pair of pants is the day I start using emojis and messing up my use of you're and your. What I'm saying is that it ain't gonna happen.

It shouldn't surprise you that one thing I absolutely will shell out the $$ for is athletic gear. I have two Under Armor long-sleeved, half-zip running shirts that I bought from Dick's for $50 each, and they are 100% worth the money. (Full disclosure: I had a gift card so I didn't technically spend my own money on them but still. I would not hesitate to buy another or recommend them to anyone.) Another problem area are sweatpants and sweatshirts. They call to me. Say my name, say my name. 
I just bought this ^^^ sweatshirt from Target last week. The first time I saw it was a month ago. It was $30, and I said heck to the no. But then I gave it the googly heart eyes every time I went to Target for the next two weeks, and I'm pretty sure I had a dream about buying it, only to be woken up right before I made the purchase. When I saw it for 25% off last week, I knew it was a sign. Thank you, Cartwheel! I've worn it almost every day since in the mornings when it's cold.
I have my mother's giant calves, so there is definitely a preferable length with it comes to dresses and skirts. If they hit right about the knee, it's usually perfect. (See also the dress I wore to my brother's wedding a few weeks ago!) I like higher necklines and am careful about cleavage. I also prefer dresses that hide a normal bra. Strapless bras just don't work for me and are just plain dumb. Bras in general are dumb but also necessary, so I can't complain too much. At least we aren't wearing corsets anymore!

So that's a little bit about my style. It has definitely evolved over time, but a few things have stayed the same: 
1) I like neutrals and blues/greens
2) I feel most comfortable in jeans/sweatpants and t-shirts/sweatshirts
3) I like to layer (so I have cardigans and scarves in almost every color)

p.s. I am not wearing makeup in about half of the above photos. I do wear it sometimes, but I also fully believe you are still beautiful even if you don't wear makeup.

What colors do you look best in?
What one word or phrase would you use to describe your style?
What types of clothes do you feel more comfortable in?


  1. I feel the same way about Stitch Fix...why torture myself with seeing pretty clothes that I know I will never ever pay for?

  2. I like pretty much every color, but I am careful about which shade I choose (pastels, ewww). One of my favorite outfits is a navy dress, and I wear a bright yellow sweater with it. I have received many compliments on that ensemble.
    My go-to colors for every day are blues, greens, and purples, because I like to play up my eyes (blue).

    Favorite clothes: workout gear or sweats because it's comfortable. Have you seen this video yet? Makes me laugh every time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYRENWT8lz8

    1. Baha. I hadn't seen that video! That is me basically :)

  3. I don't mind spending a little more on a pair of jeans or a jacket that I will wear over and over again for multiple seasons, but I agree that Stitch Fix is pretty pricey to not even get to choose your own clothes. (I do realize having someone else choose them is the point, but still.) Luckily my mom gets Stitch Fix for herself, and we wear the same size - hello, hand me downs! I do not even run, and I am in "running" clothes about 70% of the time. That viral "active wear" video is spot on. Haha

  4. I'm the same way with workout clothes. I will drop all the dolla' bills on that stuff! But then Old Navy has a sale and a dress I want is on sale for $20 I'm still like, "Ehhhhh, why isn't that $12, Old Navy? Hmmmm??"

  5. Ahhh I LOVE that sweatshirt but the last thing on earth that I need is more workout gear. I'm actually in the process of clearing out some stuff I already own...I did a HUGE overhaul last year (got rid of 40+ running shirts, no joke) but I still have some more things that need to go. If I run 4 times a week, and I do laundry every week, then I really only NEED 4 running shirts, ya know?
    I think your style is so effortlessly adorable! I love your dress and cardigan in the last photo. I'm a big fan of layering too which is why I like fall and winter and despise summer. The colors I like best are...no colors, haha! Neutrals for life.

  6. Ok, I definitely need that sweatshirt. The deer one AND the one from Target. ;) I love sites like groopdealz and Brickyard Buffalo, but I'm alway so nervous about ordering the wrong size! It's so hard to know what's going to fit.

    It's no secret I love clothes, but I'm a SUCKER for cardigans and scarves. They're both just so versatile! I'm definitely with you on colors though. I look best in greens and blues, but I can wear certain shades of red and orange too. I'm just always afraid that i'm picking the WRONG reds/oranges, so I only buy them if it's something I adore.

    I definitely lean more towards the casual/athletic side of things. I'll basically avoid heels at all costs, and I'd much rather dress up a pair of jeans and flannel with fun jewelry over wearing something more.. feminine? I don't know. But weirdly enough, I have a lot of people that assume I'm an athlete even based on the clothes I wear to work. I can't explain it. I had a complete stranger come in and say, "You're a runner, aren't you? You look like one." Um, ok?

    1. I get that all the time about being a runner! Like, okay...? They aren't wrong, though, so we have to be giving off some kind of vibe. And I generally hate ordering online because of the sizing issue. I got a M in the deer shirt and was worried it would be too big, but I figure big I can work with. Small is just too small. Brickyard buffalo is so bad for me... They always have such cute stuff!

  7. Additional comment: My mom wouldn't allow me to wear sweatpants to school. Ever. #roughlife #firstworldproblems

  8. Scarves for life! Amen!

    I really had no idea what to do in Asia when I couldn't wear scarves anymore. I mean they are what makes my outfits.

    I like your style. It's fun and comfy and cute.

    Workout clothes are worth the money but I do try and get them on sale. I have Nike running shirts from at least 4-5 years ago and I know I have gotten my money's worth.

    Sometimes I think "am I going to get nominated for the show What Not To Wear?" Have you seen that show? I always wonder if I went in a 360 mirror if I would drop over at how hideous my outfits are but then I think "whatever! I'm comfy and halfway fashionable so whatever!" :)

  9. I never thought I would be the type of person to spend a lot of money on jeans. I mean, they're just jeans, right? But after like four years of being unhappy with the jeans I was buying, and going through too many pairs because they would rip or stretch out uncomfortably or get too tight (because I'm not as skinny as I used to be), I finally bit the bullet and spent $90 on a pair. And it was the best decision. I like literally never want to take these jeans off. I had to buy a second pair just so I could wash the first pair every once and a while.
    Other than that my style is pretty much woot! t-shirts and button ups from the "school uniform approved" section.

  10. Hahaha "say my name, say my name" - I feel ya girl! Sweatpants are my jam. I only wish it was socially acceptable to come to work in them. I am also in the same boat when it comes to stitch fix. I tried it once and bought absolutely nothing because it was like $50 for a scarf. I returned everything and then didn't blog about it because I was ashamed to say - hey, I tried stitch fix and I am too cheap to get on board with this trend. Ha!

  11. I'm definitely a blues/greens/purples girl. I also wear a lot of black and grey. But, my hair is red so I feel like I automatically have color. I'm probably the only person who thinks this! I don't buy clothes very much anymore, mainly because we don't have a decent mall nearby, I pretty much refuse to wear clothes from Walmart, and I typically feel guilty about spending the money.

    I did get a few StitchFix boxes last year. It was fun, but definitely way to expensive in the long run. Once I got my braces and had to shell out big bucks for that, it was bye bye StitchFix!

  12. I prefer leggings or running shorts - but work would frown :)
    & green is my color with red hair...
    I love that sweater with the deer head - elbow patches! YES!
    You look so good momma!!!

  13. if i didn't have a uniform in high school i would have loved to wear sweatpants lol. in my free time, i wore my brothers (baggy) jeans and crop tops. i am SO thankful there are no pictures of that time in my life...
    i am not a fan of red / orange / yellow either. i love blues and greens and jewel tones. i'm good with you're and your, but i have spent more than $80 on a pair of pants / jeans (to be fair, it was in australia and i made a lot more money and it's very rare to find jeans under that price there..). i like stitch fix but it's not something i can do even semi regularly, and some of their stuff is ridiculously priced.
    i love seeing how people are different, because if there is one thing i won't spend money on, it's workout gear. i'm fairly cheap normally, though i will splurge on some things. i have one pair of running shorts that i got on clearance, i have one pair of capris and one pair of long tights - i did spend a pretty penny on them, but again.. in australia. i got my sports bras and most of my other workout gear from tj maxx for under $20 lol.
    ps i watched that activewear video above that someone posted haha hilarious! australia!! :)

  14. YES. I could've written this exactly. I feel like my style just does not fit in with what I see in most stores or online. My uniform is basically skinny jeans with a v-neck tee and sandals/chucks/toms. Although, now that I'm nursing and still losing the baby weight, I usually wear something loose and flowy. But yes to scarves and cardigans and boots. I'm all about the blacks and blues and greys. I can't stand wearing anything girly or frilly. It's just not me at all.

    Also, HOLLA to one major shopping trip a year. Every year I gather up my Christmas money and then hit the after-Christmas sales and buy jeans and whatever else I want/need. I almost never shop any other time unless I specifically need something. I basically refuse to pay full price for anything. Which means you'll never see a Stitch Fix box on my doorstep either :)

  15. I'm all about the comfy clothes. I never know what my job will entail on a day to day basis; some days I'm cleaning out garages and organizing clothing. Because of that, I steer clear of business wear and always opt for activewear when I can. If I want to feel a bit more put together I'll pair some yoga crop with ballet flats or cute sandals, a light cardigan and scarf combo. Your green cardigan is adorable. I need to add one to my cardigan rotation.

    As far as price goes, I have a hard body to dress, so I'll pay up when I find something that fits me well; usually jeans, pants or boots (things that last for years). I WISH I could wear Target or Old Navy jeans, but they never fit right and I have to get them hemmed, which is sometimes more than the price of the jean! Tops and scarves I don't pay a lot for since I typically get sick of them after one or two seasons.

    Athleta is my credit card's nemesis. Their clothing is so incredibly comfortable!

  16. that target sweater is so cute! i said the same thing about skinny jeans. and leggings. and now wear both all the time! and I love cardigan and scarf weather!!

  17. I think our idea of fashion and spending money are similar... except the one thing I don't mind spending money on is a good pair of jeans that fit perfectly (because those are so hard to find!!) and boots because they last for years. I have done Stitch Fix and I agree the prices can be a bit outrageous... but for pants, they have sent me some that fit wonderfully so it's worth it for that alone.

  18. I think any color except pastels look good on me, but I avoid earth tones and most reds because I dislike them. I don't mind paying good money for clothing but I really want the quality to match the price. So I avoid places like Target, LOFT, H&M and Old Navy (and Stitch Fix) unless they're having a huge sale. On the flip side I'm a huge fan of finding things at thrift stores and on eBay and it doesn't bother me at all that someone else wore them first.

    I only recently saw MissMe jeans in a local store - don't they hurt to sit in??

    1. That's a good question about the jeans. First of all, they are definitely not the type of jeans i would wear in IL if I still lived there, but the are basically what everyone wears down here. Not all the jeans have stuff on the butt. Actually my favorite pair of skinny jeans don't have anything and look like normal jeans. But surprisingly it doesn't hurt to sit in the ones with bling on the butt. I really don't even feel it. The only problem is that my parents have a wooden kitchen table and chairs, and the jeans scratch up the chairs

  19. That sweatshirt looks soooo comfy! x

  20. I would take it as a compliment that people always guess you as a runner! I'm sure it's more than just the clothes. ;) Loving that top...the shoulder patches are adorable! Since Aiden was born I pretty much only shop online at Old Navy because their clothes are comfy and always on sale!

  21. Me too! Me too! I like to think of myself of having an athletic style, it makes me feel like an athlete, haha! I will also drop all the bills on athletic gear, but everything else must be on sale and last for at least 10 years, ha!

  22. Yes! I'm totally with you on cardigans and scarves. They, paired with dress pants, my go to teaching clothing items, and then I can just change out the dress pants for jeans when I need to look presentable outside of school. I do love shopping but have been trying not to buy too much clothes over the last few years because my size has been changing. Also, I have never been called a runner despite my messy bun. I think that's a great complement.

  23. BFF--I have leopard print furry slippers too! And...next you must post about Miss R's fashion style, please and thanks.

  24. I swear I could have written this post!
    I wore sweats n hoodies throughout my entire late elementary school (when my mom stopped dressing me) and all my high school years.
    I've danced/played sports all my life so fitness shorts n tshirt are my go to no matter what. Also like you I love to layer so cardigans are essential!
    I also find that once I find a "trendy" item I like...I will wear it until it's literally in pieces.

  25. I was so anti skinny jeans for the longest time. But once I realized how great they were with boots, I fell in love with them. I have a pair from Kohl's that I just found this fall and I LOVE them! I'm with you on loving sweat pants and athletic clothes!

  26. I am totally addicted to cardigans and scarves too. I think I look best in purples and yellows.

  27. I think I'm pretty predictable in many ways in my style. I have never bought a sweatshirt or a pair of sweatpants--I did have some, but they were like my aunts and uncles castoffs from when I first moved to America and they had pity on me (yeah, my pajamas for the first few years of college were handmedown sweatpants with a men's XL sweatshirt from my uncle, haha! Good thing I didn't have a roommate.).
    Comfort is really important to me, and, given the climate I usually live in, that meant cotton dresses and t-shirts and jeans...and flats (usually sandals, but other flats too). I love bright colors on the cool end of the color spectrum and I love anything weird or quirky (I recently saw a dress at the mall with hamburgers and carrots and mustard and tomatoes and all sorts of random food all over it, I would have totally bought it except it was made out of horrible thick and itchy polyester.). Also, rainbow-colored.
    I don't mind spending a lot on one thing (like $50-$100) for a dress if it's perfectly "Me" and it fits, because my clothes stay with me for years. But like you, I don't tend to shop often. However, I never buy clothes just because they're practical. Only for love, only for love.

  28. I couldn't agree with you more on style! You know, I never would have thought of writing this kind of blog post because I definitely do not consider myself to be stylish or trendy--that, and I really do not like to have my photos taken! But I think it's fascinating to read and hear about each person's take on style and it was cool to read about yours (especially about things like StitchFix, layers, cool colors/neutrals, cardigans, and scarves. I agree with you on all of those things!).

  29. I love your style! I think it's great! I especially love that deer head top! ;) I am no fashionista by any means... but I do like a little bit of everything. Cardigans are scarves are definitely a huge section in my closet. I also love hoodies and jeans. And sweatpants. And leggings. But I also love wearing dresses too! Especially maxi's in the summer! Heck, I'm all over the map! :)


Thanks for the comment! I love hearing from my readers.