You know the drill. This is all in good fun, so don't get your yoga pants in a bind. That is, unless we disagree, in which case you're dead to me. (Look! I'm a poet and...)
Does anyone watch the show Scandal? I don't think I've ever had a guilty pleasure that really was quite so guilty. I'm not caught up on the current season, but I've been watching on Netflix sometimes in the evenings while folding laundry or nursing J, and I really just can't even with that show. I have a serious love/hate relationship with it. It's totally ridiculous and so unbelievable, and all the characters are just too much sometimes with their highly questionable moral ethics. But on the other hand, it's totally ridiculous and unbelievable and that makes it kind of fun. I don't know.
Speaking of shows. Game of Thrones. Jordan and I are both really grouchy about this. OKAY. You people act like you've discovered something. Game of Thrones! It's the new hit happening show of the year. Except did you know the books have been around forever? Like, seriously Jordan read them in middle school so we are talking decades of waiting around for good ole Georgie to publish the next book in the series so we can find out what happens. And here you TV people come and swoop in with your advanced plot lines and your acting like you run the place and ruin everything.
I can count on one hand the number of times I go to Starbucks in a single year. I do like their chai tea lattes, and in the winter I enjoy the occasional peppermint mocha, but I think their drinks are outrageously expensive (nearly $5 for a tall that it takes me less than six minutes to drink!) and the line is always super long and they are always so slow good grief. I also think the online world is has an obsession with Starbucks that I will just never understand. If I had a dollar for every blogger who posts about their daily Venti-sized Starbucks, I would be able to quit my job and sit at home drinking chai while waiting for my groceries to be delivered.
Speaking of getting groceries delivered.... okay, I will just say this. Unless you have had some type of procedure wherein you are physically unable to move from your bed and/or you are blind and your caretaker has gone on vacation for a month and your bread is starting to mold, paying to have your groceries delivered is ridiculous. And I get that loading kids to and from the car and carting (pun intended) everyone through the aisles is an odious task for most, but still. Ridiculous. And I don't care if it's "really not that much extra." Ridiculous.
I said it last year, and I don't think I've changed my mind on the subject: pictures of babies screaming their heads off while being held by Santa are not funny. Raise your hand if you are shocked that a tiny baby is scared when suddenly handed over to a large man with a hat and white beard. And hi, who wants to put up a picture in their house of a complete stranger??? I mean, if they're at Disney World and you take a picture with the Easter Bunny who is wearing a fake head so you can't see the person's actual face that's one thing. Otherwise no.
Speaking of Christmas things I will not be taking part in this year. Elf on the Shelf. Is that even still a thing? No.
I successfully didn't eat any dessert in the month of November except for Thanksgiving (duh), and I gave myself one other cheat because Friendsgiving (obviously). But before you get too impressed, I should tell you that yesterday I had four cookies for lunch.
p.s. More confessions here.