The Present My Dad Got For Himself


There are two things you should know about my dad. 

Thing number 1: His mid-life crisis hit a few years ago, and instead of buying a motorcycle or dying his hair, he took up exercise. He's a pretty serious cycler, and earlier this year we ran a half marathon together. When I signed up for the 2013 Oklahoma City marathon, I asked him if he was going to do it too, and he said probably not.

Thing number 2: My dad does this thing where he likes to buy presents for himself and then wrap them up and give them to himself on Christmas morning. Because he's twelve years old. 

This year, he did something a little different. He wrapped up a present for himself, but he put a tag on it that said "To Dad from Amanda." I was like, "Um, Dad, I didn't get this for you." And he was like, "Well it says you did." You can't argue with crazy. But it was in his handwriting, so he wasn't fooling anyone. 

When he opened the package, there were TWO presents for him, and one for me. Inside I found two Oklahoma City marathon training shirts! It was his way of telling me he signed up for the OKC marathon. 
Competitiveness and belief you can do anything you set your mind to are Reese traits that I have clearly gotten from my dad. I'm excited to run with him in April.

Marathon training starts this week, with my first Saturday-morning training run with the OK Landrunners on January 5. Here's my schedule:
Week 1: 
Monday (Rest) 
Tuesday (4) 
Wednesday (Rest)
Thursday (3) 
Friday (Cross Training) 
Saturday (6) 
Sunday (Rest)

Total 2012 mile count: 358.8. My goal is to hit 500 in 2013!

The Head Scratcher


It might be almost New Year's, but I hope you didn't think I was finished with Christmas stories, because I most certainly am not. There are still a couple left to go besides the snowflakes and the jeggings.

Christmas this year was a head scratcher. 
Have you seen these? My brother bought this crazy thing at Target, and it is pretty much the best thing to ever touch my head. Any time one of us sat down for more than one second, we would say, "Get me the head scratcher!" to the nearest person. 

It didn't take us long to figure out that we should avoid walking behind anyone unless we wanted to spend the next five minutes giving a head scratch. These stainless steel tendrils were built by the elves. (Lord of the Rings reference, what?)
Then it got weird. My dad's homicidal tendencies came out, and he started attacking people with the head scratcher. Not cool, Dad.
So that's the story of the head scratcher. I definitely recommend you pick one up immediately. Just...maybe keep it away from my dad.

My Sister Is Trying to Make Me Trendy


Did you know I have sister? 
Well I do, and she's awesome. She is eleven years younger than me and eleven times cuter. She's got that gorgeous hair that looks great curly or straight; tall, skinny legs; and an excellent fashion sense. 

And yes, I do indeed ask fashion advice from my fifteen-year-old sister. She knows what's up.

She also makes amazing funny faces, but that's not really the point here. 
The point is my Christmas outfit this year was picked out by my sister, and thanks to her, I am now the proud owner of a pair of jeggings. 

Say what? Yes, jeggings. Me, the scorner of skinny jeans and tights and twitter, now has all of the above. I opened the box, and my mom must have seen my look of confusion. At first maybe I thought my mom confused the boxes, and I accidentally opened my sister's present, but no. Those jeggings were all mine.

Jeggings. They're leggings that look like jeans! 
I want to know who thinks of these things.
The other oddity is the cardigan. According to my sister, extra-large cardigans are in. Apparently no one wants to wear clothes that fit anymore, which works out good for me since I buy all my pants too big on accident. 

Anyway, I wore this outfit to work earlier this week. I saw our creative director, Jarod, as soon as I walked in. He looked at me, and I instantly said, "AreyoulookingatmyoutfitbecauseIknowit'sweird."
And he was like, "Um, no. I wasn't looking at your outfit. Calm down. And talk slower."
And I was like, "Oh, well good. Don't look at it."

But of course after that everyone was looking at it.
I love when I draw attention to things I don't want to draw attention to. 

I felt awkward most of the day because I was wearing an outfit that I wasn't used to. Do you know what I'm talking about? The whole time I was telling myself, "Self, be confident. You're hot." Except I wasn't using the word hot because I don't really like that word. 
Ultimately, I decided that even though jeggings still freak me out, this outfit was actually quite comfortable, and I will be wearing my new outfit again soon.

So there you have it. Jeggings. Because my sister is trying to make me trendy.

Flashback: The Proposal


Every year around this time, I think about when Jordan drove with me to Illinois for  Christmas and asked me to marry him. 
For those of you who are either new here or just don't know the story, two years ago, December 26, is the date. The whole story can be found here. It's a pretty good one, if I do say so myself, but for those of you who would prefer the abbreviated version, here are the high points: 

1. I had no idea it was going to happen.

Which is why:

2. I didn't think it was important to take a shower that morning.

Which also means:

3. I hadn't put on makeup or done anything with my hair.


4. I pretty much looked like I'd been camping in a tent.

5. We were spending the day in downtown Chicago with my family.


6. It was cold.

Which is why:

7. I was wearing a puffy coat, jeans, and brown snow boots.

Which means:

8. I looked hot.

Not really.

While it was happening:

9. My dad hid behind a bush like creepster and took pictures.

Which is how: 

10. I got a picture like this of the day Jordan proposed to me in Chicago.

Snowflakes That Look Like Snowflakes


So, the weatherpeople forecasted 8-10 inches to hit OKC on Christmas day. They freaked us all out, per usual, by calling it "Blizzard 2012" and "The Winter Storm 2012." We knew they were serious because they used capital letters and added the year. 

Jordan got worried that we would be stuck inside for days without food until I reminded him that two days ago I'd bought a carton of eggs and a gallon of milk. We could make omelets for a week before going hungry. And when we ran out of eggs, I told him proudly, I had 2 boxes of stuffing mix and 1 can of chicken noodle soup in the pantry/hot water heater closet we could surely do something with. I wasn't worried.

Instead of concerning myself with unimportant matters like eating, I started planning out what I was going to do all day when they closed my office and told everyone to stay home for a week. It was going to be epic. 

What we got after all that was a nice coating of ice and about half an inch of the white stuff. But no matter. If I've learned anything about Okies, it's that any amount of snow is crippling, so whether it's 8 inches or 1, the thought of going anywhere is out of the question. We spent the whole day hanging out at his parents' house, except for the occasional jaunt out into the cold to take pictures in the snow. 

Jordan's a little mad at me, because he says it's been a white Christmas 3 out of the 5 Christmases I've lived in Oklahoma, and it's been a white Christmas 3 out of the 27 Christmases he's lived in Oklahoma. I tell him he should be thanking me because clearly that means I brought it with me from the good land of Illinois. It's the Land of Lincoln, but it's also the Land of People Who Like to Share. 

In honor of the snow, I rocked my ultra-chic gray sweatpants and sweet boots (see the first photo), and Jordan dug out his puffy coat. What up, snow flurries!
This is the same coat Jordan was wearing when he proposed to me two years ago, on December 26, 2010. The only difference is that we were in Chicago, and I was wearing jeans. But I was still wearing the boots because A) I look good wearing them and B) I look good wearing them.
 But the real talking point was the snowflakes. Check this out: it's a snowflake that LOOKS like a snowflake. Imagine that! I just wish I had a macro lens to zoom in on that puppy. 
We were supposed to drive to small-town Oklahoma to see Jordan's extended family, but the roads were so bad due to the half-inch of snow that we decided it would be safer to stay inside. Luckily ABC Family Channel was playing a marathon of The Santa Claus 1, 2 and 3, so that kept us busy for a good chuck of time. Jordan wondered if they were going to make SC 4. I said I hoped not.

It was a gloriously white Christmas. Unfortunately, I think work is on for tomorrow, which means we aren't snowed in, which means I really do need to go to the grocery story and buy food. Realistically, I don't know how far we would have gotten on 2 boxes of stuffing mix. 

Forecast: White Christmas


Jordan and I just got back from spending Christmas in Texas with my family. The time flew by, and it was so much fun. I'm excited to post all about it after the rush of the holidays is over, but for now, I will leave you with this picture from the Reese/Bumgarner Christmas festivities:

And guess what? 
They're forecasting an Oklahoma white Christmas!

He Knew


After I heard the news, I just stared at the pictures, the words blurring on my computer screen as my eyes filled with tears. Thankfully, it was almost my lunch break, so I went out to my car, where I promptly burst into tears. 

I cried tears of sadness first. For those who are injured or dead or who have family members or friends involved. The next tears were selfishly of fear. Because I go to work, to the movies, to the mall, always assuming I'll come home at the end of the day. I'm afraid of being afraid to do all those things.

We want to know what kind of person could do something like this, but the truth is, there are people all over the world who could do something like this. It dates back all the way to the beginning, when Cain killed his own brother, Abel.

I had this horrible, helpless feeling most of the day. There's so much evil, so much sadness, and I worry about silly, trivial things. I had a hard time focusing on my work, because I didn't feel like it even mattered. It didn't mean anything in the face of such grief. 

The thing that gives me the most peace is knowing that while I was shocked by what happened in Connecticut, God was not. 
He was not taken by surprise. 
He knew. 

This fact, one that brings me comfort, is often the very thing that makes people the most upset. If God knew, that means he could have stopped it. He obviously didn't, so that must mean he's not a good God. He doesn't really care. Or it might even be that he couldn't stop it. This is one of Satan's most powerful lies. 

I have only a few childhood experiences with unexpected tragedy, but they are small. I don't know how I would react should something like this affect me directly now. My prayer is that I will be able to cling to what I am teaching myself, repeating it over and over so it might become my instant reply: that God is mighty, powerful, and merciful. He is my joy, my hope, my peace, and my comfort. That I trust that his plan is good and that one day he will return, and in that day there will be no more tears.

I turned off comments on the post. This was more about me putting words to my feelings than a place for commentary. I don't like talking about politics or religion much because I either feel inadequate as far as my ability to have an informed discussion or because I just flat-out don't understand the other side's point of view and get frustrated. That and I would rather be funny than serious.

What I did want to get across was that God knew this was going to happen, and while he weeps, he was not surprised. Take it or leave it as you will. That's the truth of it. I hope that brings you comfort like it does me, even in the midst of unimaginable heartbreak.

If God were small enough to be understood, 
He would not be big enough to be worshiped.-Evelyn Underhill

Because I'm Weird (Making 12-12-12 Epic)


Last year, when I realized it was 11-11-11, I freaked out. I felt like I didn't fully appreciate the day for what it was, and I was sad. All the numbers were the same! It was a once-in-a-lifetime day that would never come again, and I hadn't been ready. Then Jordan reminded me that I still had 12-12-12, and then and there I declared that I would not waste my opportunity to enjoy this once-in-a-century day.

That's how I ended up, one year and one month and one day later, plotting out how I was going to make 12-12-12 epic. EPIC. 

As if the people in my life need more reasons to think I'm crazy.

After much thought, I realized I couldn't really do anything epic. Let's be real. I live in Oklahoma. I can't go skinny dipping in the ocean or drive to the airport to make friends with Europeans on layover from France. 

So I did the next best thing. I documented my entire day with pictures so I could always remember how I spent 12-12-12. I've seen "a day in the life of" on other blogs, and I've thought about doing it before, mostly because I think my mom would enjoy it. But now I have an actual reason. 12-12-12, people! Did I mention it was epic?

With all that said, here's what my day looked like on 12-12-12 (and basically every other day after and before).
Important note: I either put on makeup or I do my hair. These days, it's never both. Today I put on makeup and therefore rocked the wet look. #lowmaintenance

At 7:00 on the dot, Jordan's alarm goes off, and I go in and wake him up. Before turning on the light I say, "Light." 
Then he covers his eyes, and I flip the switch. 
When I'm mad at him, I don't warn him before I turn on the light.
Don't tell him I said that.

Then I changed the date on the Christmas countdown chalkboard I made last year (I need some hot glue to fix the ribbon that's falling off) and chopped up some veggies to go in the Crock-Pot.
{You can download this adorable desktop here.}

I work for a retail company that sells barware. Drinking flasks and wine cork cages and personalized beer glasses and the like. My friends who know how conservative I am find this amusing. I write all the product descriptions and handle social media marketing.

After I arrived at work, I passed out chocolate to my coworkers. (I got them as Christmas gifts, but I passed them out on 12-12-12 because it seemed like the appropriate thing to do).

I usually take my hour lunch around 1:30. Sometimes I go to the mall, which is not even 10 minutes away, but most of the time I just sit in my car and read.
I checked the mail, hoping for Christmas cards, but instead I just found another "last chance" notice from Real Simple. Instead of renewing my subscription, I decided I'm going to reread all the magazines from 2011. I'm being weird and economical all at once.

When I walk inside, this is what I see! Jordan gets home before me and turns on the lights on our tiny Christmas tree.
Right now I'm eating baked-from-scratch cookies (I've already had 3 and will soon go for #4), and I'm about to turn on some Friends and wrap Christmas presents. Then I'll probably climb into bed around 10:00 and read for a bit before falling asleep somewhere between 10:30 and 11:00. (I've been trying to read a chapter of the Bible every night. I just finished Matthew, and now I'm reading Ezra.)

Obviously I can't honestly say I made 12-12-12 epic. I do, however, feel like I fully appreciated the day for what it was. And I suppose, now that I'm thinking about it, I really should take this type of excitement into every day. December 12, 2012, is the last triple-digit day we're going to have this century, but tomorrow is the last December 13, 2012, we'll have ever. I'm not going to document my day with pictures, but I will try to face it with as much enthusiasm and joy and gratefulness. Which brings me to the only appropriate way to end this kind of blog post.

As my brother likes to say, YOLO.

*I don't go to the gym every morning, so don't be thinking I'm a workout freak. I try to go every other day. That or whatever fits in best with my shower schedule.
**By shower schedule, I mean whatever works so I don't have to shower every day.

i never win anything...except when i do


So I have this whole blog post written up about tithing. And when I say written up, I mean that I've been working on it for a few weeks now. Because I DO want to talk about tithing. It's been on my heart a lot this year, and as Christmas comes around, I've been thinking even more about money and material things and all that.

But I am just going to forget that for a second and talk about how freaking lucky I've been this week! I won not one, not two, but THREE blog giveaways. Amazingsauce, no?

1. A Starbucks gift card
2. A handstamped initial necklace from Danique Jewelry
3. A druzy necklace from HFinn

And yes. Thank you, I DO realize the irony in me prefacing a post where I talk about the stuff I've won by telling you how I have been thinking about materialism. I don't claim to make any sense.

I don't even know what's happening. For so long I've been all "I never win anything." And now I'm exploding with free stuff. And by "I never win anything," I mean there was also this time I won a cruise. And another time when I won signed Cat Cora cookbook. And that other time I won a Christmas wreath
So I guess I win stuff sometimes. 
Don't hate me.

Anyhoo, there's really no good way to end this except to say that I'm giving away a pair of earrings so YOU can have the chance to win something. Just leave a blog post comment HERE. Easy peasy. You only have one day left to enter! 

Also, here are a few pictures from a few family sessions I've had recently. I'm showing them to you because A) I'm proud of them and B) I don't really have anywhere else to put them. This is my blog and I do what I want. 
P.S. Did you know I got a Twitter? Follow me if you like marginally interesting tweets from my office desk.

Check back later this week for a post on tithing. I'm going to need a dose of reality after all this winning.

Dear person who hit my car door yesterday...


Dear person who hit my car door yesterday,
I know you saw me sitting in my car, so I don't understand why you wouldn't try to be more careful. I WAS RIGHT THERE. You must not be very smart. Also, I know your car was covered in dents and dirt, but that doesn't mean I like mine that way. I wish I had taken a picture of you so I could post it for everyone to see. You're lucky my phone can't take pictures. 

Dear Christmas, 
I am totally owning you right now. Christmas cards = sent. And I have 90% of my presents bought. I love you, but you're coming really fast. Slow down a bit, please. I don't want to have to pack up all my Christmas stuff.

Dear husband,
I love hearing about all the funny things I do when I'm sleeping. You said last night I woke up and got mad at you for no reason. You said you told me I was sleeping, but I insisted that I was awake. Obviously I wasn't since I don't remember that at all.

Dear Twitter,
I resisted you for so long, but I kind of like you. You're really funny. 
P.S. Dear Facebook, now I see what everyone keeps talking about. You're starting to annoy me now. Better be careful.

Dear everyone, 
I'm giving away a pair of earrings. Go here to enter!