So I have this whole blog post written up about tithing. And when I say written up, I mean that I've been working on it for a few weeks now. Because I DO want to talk about tithing. It's been on my heart a lot this year, and as Christmas comes around, I've been thinking even more about money and material things and all that.
But I am just going to forget that for a second and talk about how freaking lucky I've been this week! I won not one, not two, but THREE blog giveaways. Amazingsauce, no?
1. A Starbucks gift card
2. A handstamped initial necklace from Danique Jewelry
3. A druzy necklace from HFinn
And yes. Thank you, I DO realize the irony in me prefacing a post where I talk about the stuff I've won by telling you how I have been thinking about materialism. I don't claim to make any sense.
I don't even know what's happening. For so long I've been all "I never win anything." And now I'm exploding with free stuff. And by "I never win anything," I mean there was also this time I won a cruise. And another time when I won signed Cat Cora cookbook. And that other time I won a Christmas wreath.
So I guess I win stuff sometimes.
Don't hate me.
Anyhoo, there's really no good way to end this except to say that I'm giving away a pair of earrings so YOU can have the chance to win something. Just leave a blog post comment HERE. Easy peasy. You only have one day left to enter!
Also, here are a few pictures from a few family sessions I've had recently. I'm showing them to you because A) I'm proud of them and B) I don't really have anywhere else to put them. This is my blog and I do what I want.
P.S. Did you know I got a Twitter? Follow me if you like marginally interesting tweets from my office desk.
Check back later this week for a post on tithing. I'm going to need a dose of reality after all this winning.
Look at you! Winning all that stuffs! I've won two giveaways in the past week, and I'm planning on making it three when yours is up. Just sayin'. Practicing some heretical Word of Faith doctrine here. NAME IT CLAIM IT, sister. Ahem. I'm totally being sarcastic. Not about the heretical part.
Um. So.
The pictures? FABULOUS. Love the old car prop!
that is so fun! and winning cruise? that has to be the best one! those pictures are great - nice job amanda!
Thanks for the earrings! Laurel said they're in the mail. I'm so excited to wear them!
Lindsey @ I Run in Heels
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