My Unofficial OKC Summer Bucket List


We can still talk about summer, yes? Good, because I have some things I need to share, for the sake of my 2014 blog book and the fact that if I don't write about it online, it never happened.

This summer I was able to cross some things off my unofficial OKC summer bucket list. I say unofficial, because I didn't officially create a summer bucket list. But I had one going on in my head, which is basically the same thing.
Remember when I took you on a tour of downtown OKC and showed you the Myriad Gardens? Well, every Wednesday night during the summer, they showed movies outside on the lawn. My birthday was on a Thursday this year, and my mom drove up on Wednesday to hang out and spend the night. I decided it was the perfect time to check out the outdoor movie! And guess what? They were showing Frozen!

Yes, I'm the freak who had never seen Frozen. (I suppose this shouldn't surprise you if you know how I feel about bandwagons.)

That's what you call killing two birds with one stone. Or, I guess three birds.
Watch Frozen. Check. See outdoor movie. Check. Eat birthday cupcake. Check.
I know I already talked about how ziplining across the Oklahoma River was kind of lame. But this was before we went ziplining in the jungle of Nicaragua, so it wasn't that lame yet. And we did have fun. 
Plus, I wore my sweet birthday shirt, so there's that.

I'm so glad I got to do this! 

I mentioned in my OKC tour that we have a rent-a-bike program where you can rent a bike in one location, ride it around for a while, and return it to another location.

Well, when Beka drove up for our birthday blogger date, we went biking together! It was really fun even though we couldn't figure out how to get our bikes unlocked once we checked them in at the docking station, so we ended up having to walk all the way back to our car. Oh well.

I showed her around Bricktown, and we had dinner at S&B's Burger Joint, and it was lots o' fun.

Did you know that Oklahoma City has an entire underground tunnel system? Because it totally does. There are shops and restaurants down there and everything!

I'd heard about the tunnels but could never figure out how to get down into them. Then one afternoon in July, I convinced my boss to let us take a field trip into the tunnels. Secretly I just wanted someone to show me where they were. 

I went back for my birthday lunch! There's a de-freaking-licious Chinese place down there that my friend Liz recommended, and it did not disappoint. Above is a picture of me in the Chinese place on my birthday. My mom was like, "Wear this crown and go stand in the corner and take a picture." So of course I did, because I have no shame.

If you ever come visit OKC, I'll have to take you down to the tunnels, and we'll eat Chinese together. It will rock your world.

Bucket lists and birthdays and fireworks and homemade popsicles and weekend long runs facing the sunrise.

Is it really September? 

I'm in denial. In my head, I'm still at the lake...

>>What did you cross off your summer bucket list?
Bethany Carson said...

Oh wow! The tunnels sound like a fascinating place to visit! Looks like a fun summer. I enjoyed the photos!

Saxon @ Lets Drink Coffee, Darling said...

Tunnels? How do I live here and have no idea about this?! And I like Chinese food...well, if its real Chinese food that is!

Cool bucket list! Tyler went ziplining there a couple weekends ago and loved it! I'm too chicken so I just watched him do it. I might...just up the bravery to do it one day.

Unknown said...

Tunnel Chinese!!! nom nom nom!

Kayla MKOY said...

Oh my goodness, you seriously had a great summer!!! I can't believe its September already, either! I'm (not-so) secretly loving it though, Fall is where I belong!

Helene in Between said...

wow, you've done some really fun things, who knew in okc?! I kid, i kid.

Caroline @ In Due Time said...

So awesome! I love that you actually DO stuff in your town! We don't! haha, we need to be more adventurous!!

Tracy said...

I thought most of the shops and restaurants had closed in the tunnels...especially after the flooding last spring. Guess I was wrong.

Leslie Lukens Martin said...

How fun! And you and your mom look so much pretty!

Erin LFF said...

I love this! Blogging has made me want to travel to just about every single city in the U.S., OKC included! :) I'm excited Cincy is rumoring to get a rent-a-bike coming to our area, yay!!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

So many fun things! The underground tunnels would be so fun to explore. I have not seen Frozen, now that you have seen it I may be the only person left who hasn't seen it.

kara said...

I am still in denial that summer is officially as a fun surprise/it's her birthday and she wanted to do it final summer send off...we are doing The Color Run in St. Louis this weekend. I am not really a runner, I mean I mostly do intervals in order to not hate every moment I am moving :) so this will be my first real 5K and a totally fun way to love on summer and usher in fall :(

Unknown said...

Fall doesn't officially start until September 22, so as long as the warm weather is still holding up, it's still summer in my books :) I love that you have a photo to hold the memories of everything you did on your summer bucket list! I make one every year but somehow items always get missed or I end up with no photo evidence. The movie in the garden looks spectacular.

Veronica Lee Burns said...

Now I need to add every single one of these to my OKC bucket list...

Anonymous said...

What fun! I definitely want to see that underground tunnel system! I didn't know that existed!


Courtney said...

We love Bricktown!

We also just did the drive in for the first time with Abigail and holy cow we loved it so much!

I need that birthday month shirt. September is my month, girlfriend.

Miriam said...

I still haven't seen Frozen. Do you recommend it? Your bucket list is sweet, you did so many sweet things in your birthday month! This summer sure was a good one, but I'm totally team fall - fall 4eva! (For real please, because winter is yucky. Why do I sound like a 4-year old?)

The Hungry Goat said...

Those tunnels sounds awesome!


Sarah @ Sometimes Photojenik said...

I love that you have an unofficial bucket list because I thought I was the only one that did! And where did you find that gem of a birthday month shirt? Because I could sure use one next may! My bucket list was short- camp 3 times and hike two 14ers. I'm still trying to get my second 14er in before winter hits, and I was thrilled to hit my camping 3x goal. Seemed kind of lame but between working every other weekend and having 3 weddings to go to I was excited we managed 3 trips!

The Jessa Olson Blog said...

I love this list. It made me remember all the fun things that we did in OKC. I loved those bikes too.

Allison said...

1) You finally saw Frozen!! How did you like it?
2) That picture with the pink flowers in the foreground is so gorgeous!
3) Chinese food + underground tunnels sounds right up my alley! If I'm ever in OKC, you'll know where to find me :)

Unknown said...

I looks and sounds like you had a lovely summer! How fun you and beka had a blogger date for your birthdays!!! I am having a hard time with the fact that it's September already too! Such is life right, enjoy the present moment!

Manda | musicalpoem said...

Oohhh yes, I wanna see the tunnels and eat delicious Chinese food! I'm picky with my Chinese food though. :) Is it Chinese Chinese, or Chinese American food?

It seems like you had a great summer! And high five for a summer birthday -- I'm a summer girl, too.

Emily @ Ember Grey said...

so.... best summer ever?! Seriously, lady! And I love that you took pictures/documented it all! It will be something you can look back on years from now - so cool. (I love your I Love My Husband shirt!!) :)

Bailie @ The Hemborg Wife said...

Where I live has this one underground tunnel that is just a walkway but I could never figure out how to get to it either and then when my family visited I was like hey where did those people walking just disappear to and then bam I found the tunnel entrance and made everyone go in it!

Sarah @ RunGingerRun said...

Downtown Tulsa has a tunnel system too! Not very many shops down there but some. It's pretty cool. I took my class on a walking tour one day and we made sure to visit them.

Unknown said...

I use the tunnels fairly often, but only the area immediately around the building I work in. I really should walk around the tunnels soon to explore :)

The Lady Okie said...

1) I liked it! It was cute and surprisingly funny. I'm not obsessed like everyone else, but I did like it :)
2) Thanks!
3) You MUST eat there if you're ever in OKC. It was gooood.

The Lady Okie said...

So, way that is awesome! I haven't been camping ONCE this summer, so you definitely win. And we don't so much have mountains in Oklahoma so.... haha :) Sounds like you've been enjoying the outdoors this summer, which is so fun!

The Lady Okie said...

Thanks! People do say we look alike!

The Lady Okie said...

That will be so fun! I love that you're doing that. I'm in denial too about summer being over. I'm not ready for colder weather!

The Lady Okie said...

Woo! High five for summer birthdays back atcha :)

The Lady Okie said...

Ha! That is awesome. I felt like I had discovered a secret passageway when I finally discovered how to get in there!

The Lady Okie said...

Heck yes! Thanks for the tip! ;)

Ashley said...

Oh this makes me happy! You did a few things I really want to do (I have to wait to go ziplining until after baby but I really want to!) I have actually never been in the tunnels before and I am from OKC... sad.

Amanda said...

What?!?! There are tunnels?! With Chinese food?! I've lived in Oklahoma my entire life and had no idea this existed. I must check out this tunnel business!

Unknown said...

You had such an amazing summer! You make OKC look so cool! Where did you get your birthday month shirt? I want to get one!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had an awfully fun summer! We went to an outdoor movie this summer too. I love the atmosphere and sometime want to do an actual drive-in, which I've never done.

Rachel said...

Seriously, if I'm ever in Oklahoma City...and we used to always drive by on our way to Dallas...I want to go in the underground tunnels. Tunnels are a little bit like caves, and thus awesome. And with everyone talking about summer ending I'm so happy I moved away from a land with distinct seasons just in time!

Allie @ Everyday Adventures said...

Tunnels in OKC?! How did I never hear about this when I lived in Oklahoma? That sounds awesome!

Unknown said...

Such a fun summer! Mine has been so uneventful it hurts. Too much work, too little time.
And I love underground tunnels, like in Montreal. It's like a city under the city. :)

Alicia | Jaybird: Home in Motion said...

What a wonderful summer! I hadn't seen "Frozen" until last weekend either. Outdoor concerts and movies are one of my favorite ways to spend time outside. In Chicago, there are free concerts in Millennium Park, and in DC, there's jazz in the sculpture garden. What fun! Hope you're crossing some more unofficial bucket list items off on your break. :)

Food, Booze, & Baggage said...

Sounds like a great summer!! I love your Birthday Month tee!! So cool about the tunnels...I want to go!! Also, I have yet to see Frozen (oops) :) I feel like the summer flew by this year.

Cori @ Everyday Enchanted said...

I'm moving to Tulsa in November. I've yet to visit OKC. I must check out the Chinese restaurant underground though. It sounds awesome!

Holly said...

That's so cool there's an underground tunnel system, but also that it's actually a real thing and not just like a hiding place for nuclear blasts, lol. Can I come visit and go to that Chinese place?! Sounds delish. One day I will zip line--it's on my 101 Things list. And they show movies at a local outdoor shopping area in the summer on their lawn, too! I've been to that a few times--saw 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and 'Top Gun'! Looks like you had a fun summer :)

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