Never Have I Ever...


Today I'm excited to be cohosting the Circle Linkup with Kiki! If you don't read her blog, you should. This month, the topic is: Never Have I Ever. You can link up your own list below!

I've actually done a Never Have I Ever post before, so I'm going to pick different things this time, but if you're interested, you can check out part 1 here. I still have never done any of the things on my original except a pull-up at the gym, which I have done! Go me. Anyway, on to part 2.


Done drugs.

Come on, guys. I was in D.A.R.E. in elementary school. I know what's up.

Broken a bone.

I have a scar on my head from an incident that happened during a childhood wrestling match with my younger brothers, but thus far my bones have remained in tact.

Gone snow skiing. 

I have been water skiing a few times, and let's just say it didn't go well.

Colored my hair.

I actually really love my natural highlights, and why pay for something you already have for free? That and I wouldn't look good as a brunette. Also, I'm cheap and lazy.

Liked black or green olives.

I pride myself on being the opposite of a picky eater. I will pretty much eat anything and like it. But for real. Olives are nasty. Jordan would disagree, but like most things in life: he's wrong.

Been to prom.

I have no regrets about this. If "She's All That" is any indication, prom is kind of lame anyway. (At least that's what people who don't go to prom tell themselves...)

Attempted to play a wind instrument. 

This violinist thinks strings sound so much prettier! Don't hate me.

Owned a smart phone.

Everything about this post still applies. Amen.

p.s. For things I have done, check out my reverse bucket list!

What have you never?
Write a post of your own and link up below!


Charlotte said...

We don't have proms in France, but I thought everyone went to prom in America! I know. It's such a cliché. And I'll have to agree with Jordan: I love olives. (pleasedon'thateme)

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

What a fun list!

I don't feel like I missed out by not going to prom. It's all kind of a weird social thing to me anyways.

I'm always amazed at people who have never colored their hair. I've been coloring my hair since I was 12 so I think it's super fun! However, I also think people who never colors there have fun hair too. I admire that because I could never do it.

Rachel said...

I've never done any of these except color my hair--but I've never colored my hair a "normal" color. I like my dark hair a lot, so those wild blue/purple/fuschia colors are the only ones that tempt me. I miss that hair but my job wouldn't allow it and maintaining it at home was really cheap (a $6 bottle of dye lasted me months even when Angel used some of it to dye the cats purple while I was gone) but maintenance was annoying for this low-maintenance girl.

There was never a prom for me to go to and Angel, who did go to prom, tells me that it was nothing but a waste of money.

Anne said...

This prompt is so entertaining! I'm with you on several of these - drugs, broken bone, olives, prom (my school didn't have one), but smart phone?! Good for you... my life would probably be better in plenty of ways without it :) Love your reverse bucket list too - what a great idea!

Bethany Carson said...

Sounds like a good list of things never to do! In fact, most of them I have never done either. The one exception: I disagree with you on black olives, but do agree on the green ones. Oh, and I *sort of* tried snow-skiing once...

Jenn @ Optimization Actually said...

I went to prom - you didn't miss anything. And I remember DARE! They gave us "Darren" the DARE lion and we had to take him home each night for a week and keep a journal about things we did. No idea what the point of that was.

I've actually done most of these. I guess I'd be losing right now if we were really playing Never Have I ever. Ha! (Just recently colored my hair for the first time. It's fun, but I definitely won't be paying to go back every 6 weeks for touch ups!)

Miss Nutralicious said...

This is fun! I've done 3 of the things on your list, and I'll just leave it at that to be mysterious...
Ok, fine. I've broken a bone(s), been snow skiing, and attempted to play a wind instrument. Looks like I'm not very mysterious anymore.

Teresa said...

I've never colored my hair either! It seems like such a weird thing to have never done, but I love my hair the way it is. Although, I did want a colored streak a few years ago, but then everyone started getting them... And I am totally jealous that you can play the violin!

Shea Lennon said...

There are lots of these I haven't done either, like gone snow skiing (although I've gone snow tubing, really fun and minimal athletic ability needed--good for me) or broken a bone. I used to color my hair regularly, but I stopped because I'm cheap. :) And I'm with you on green olives, but black olives are yummy! :)

Tracy said...

I never went to my prom either. I didn't miss it. (I actually sold my free tickets for $100!)

Kate said...

I hate olives too. I've had my hair colored before, but I'm too lazy/cheap to do it again. Glad I'm not the only one.

Howeverrrrrrrr... Speaking as someone who went to prom 3 times, I hated them all. Soo.. you win. Oh, and I broke my wrist playing dodgeball. DODGEBALL. Yeah, I'm totally hardcore.

Caroline @ In Due Time said...

I love it!!! I can relate on a few of those except phone, prom, skiing! You really ought to try out skiing by the way!!

I definitely need to dye my hair (dang grays)... but I know if I start I won't stop :(

Kristin said...

No drugs, but I did the rest. I actually enjoyed my proms, because I went each time with a pack of friends - we paired up so everyone had "dates" but we were all just there to have fun and hang out. Out of the rest, though, the only one I'd recommend trying is snow skiing! There's really nothing like a day of fun out in the snow, and I miss it terribly {not too much snow out here in Hawaii unless you count the occasional blizzard on Mauna Kea}.

MakeMeUpMia said...

Found your blog through a friend who linked up, excited to find a fellow Okie blogger :) I've never broken a bone either. I tried snow skiing last year, it was awful, I'll never do it again haha...

Megan said...

Never coloring my hair was also on my list! "Also, I'm cheap and lazy." That pretty much sums it up. :) And your hair color is gorgeous anyway! What a fun link-up.

Rachel G. said...

Funny thing about the olives. There is this olive 90% of successful relationships there is an olive lover and an olive hater. So looks like you and Jordan are good to go :)

Victoria said...

We have every single one of these in common up until the last two!!! That is so crazy! :)

I loved the theme this month and had a ton of fun putting together my list!

Amy @ A Desert Girl said...

Prom is nothing special. Olives on the other hand...those are special. You can put them on the tips of your fingers and have olive nails! If I were to learn to play a musical instrument, it would probably be a violin.

Ashley said...

I'm with you on the bones thing. And I secretly wish that I had tried drugs at some point in my life. I would just love to tell people about my "sordid" past :)

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

So many of these apply to me - drugs, broken bones, olives, and skiing. I do want to learn to snowboard though.

Kristen said...

olives are SO gross. and i have never been to prom either. ok, we don't have proms but whatever!

The Lady Okie said...

That's hilarious! I've never heard of that, but I'll take it :)

The Lady Okie said...

I really AM cheap and lazy. Those two facts govern so many of my life decisions... ;)

The Lady Okie said...

That's the way to do it!

The Lady Okie said...

My sordid past includes smoking a cigarette one time. It was as nasty as to be expected.

The Lady Okie said...

They are nasty! I keep trying them thinking I'll start liking them, but no. Eventually I just gave up. The taste stays in my mouth forever! Gross.

The Lady Okie said...

My school had prom, but I never had a boy ask me! I wasn't so much in the popular crowd, and I was scared of boys until I went to college and realized they make very entertaining friends. I will probably get a smart phone at some point. I don't know how long I can avoid it with the way technology is going. But for now I like not having the internet with me everywhere I go! Plus my phone is so ghetto you can drop it from great height and it kind of just bounces off the pavement and is no worse for wear :)

The Lady Okie said...

I can play the violin! I play every week at church. I'm glad because if not, I probably would never play it. But I do love it!

The Lady Okie said...

I would like to try skiing, but I've never had a chance to go. A few years ago my whole family got invited to my uncle's house in Idaho, but I was in Greece at the time. I liked what I was doing better ;)

Christina said...

Are we twins? What's going on? An aversion to olives, no prom, and violin??

I did, however, go to Anti-Prom - an event my friends in high school put together. We had a lot of friends at different schools, so we all decided to get dressed up, go out to dinner, and have a grand time on a random Friday night.

Brittany said...

I seriously love this post idea. I might just have to link-up tomorrow or Friday! Aside from the smart phone and Prom, I haven't done any of those, either.

Manda | musicalpoem said...

Ha, I've never broken a bone or dyed my hair either! I have no interest in dying my hair anytime soon... I mean, obviously this doesn't necessarily apply for when my hair starts turning gray or white, but in terms of other colors like highlights or ombres or whatever, my hair is super dark so the amount of bleach that would be involved in turning it any color frightens me!

Haley said...

I had so many in common with you! I've never done drugs, broken a bone, colored my hair or liked olives. OR played a stringed instrument...but that one was kind of random, haha :)

ALSO, as far as a smart phone should check out Republic Wireless if your "dumb" phone dies and you ever get tempted. As far as smart phones go, they're such a good deal...and you can pick different levels of service/phones. Plans range from about $10-$40/month - mine's $25, and it's a steal.

Geoff Reese said...

You smoked a cigarette? You're funny. See, I do read your blog AND the comments.

Food, Booze, & Baggage said...

Same here never broken a bone or dyed my hair. I just don't want to spend the extra money on getting it dyed until I'm grey :) No smart phone! I'm use mine a lot! I feel like at this point I would be lost without gps.

The Lady Okie said...

Get out of here, Dad! haha.

Aubrey said...

I colored my hair once... well I guess it was more like 3 times, but it was all in the span of about a week. Regardless it was a terrible terrible experience!! I definitely don't like green olives, but black olives (as long as they aren't pickled or whatever) they aight! Especially stuffed with feta! You play the violin!? That is so awesome!! I'm learning how to play the cello right now!! In fact as I type this, my fingers are a little bit numb from my practice this afternoon! How long have you played the violin?

Allie @ Everyday Adventures said...

Ha, dying my hair is actually on my to-do list! Matt and I went to dinner the other night, and he started looking at me funny, and he asked, "When was the last time you dyed your hair?" It was last January, and apparently I have a very obvious line around my head where you can tell what color I dyed it and what color my natural hair color is. Awkward.

I will also chime in and say I've never smoked a cigarette. I've smoked cigars and hookah, though.

Anonymous said...

A lot of the people in the linkup have never gone to prom! I'm actually surprised. I went twice in high school, but my friends and I usually only stayed for an hour. After that we went home and watched movies in our pj's instead. Might have been a teensy waste of money, but we had fun. :)

Allison said...

I've come a long, long way from my picky eater days (there were stretches where I probably ate literally nothing but carbs and cheese) but olives are still disgusting. So are pickles. Blech.

Although, the "olive rule" from How I Met Your Mother is TOTALLY right because my husband loves olives (and pickles - weirdo) so whenever they come in my food, I give them to him.

Bailie @ The Hemborg Wife said...

Ok so I love black olives but green olives seem so very nasty and then they have them with like blue cheese and just ughhhhh

julie Wunder said...

We have a lot in common. I've never died my hair and I don't like olives either. I'm holding off on dye until I get noticeable grays. Then all bets are off :-)

Ali said...

I am amazed at how many people never went to prom! You really weren't missing anything, trust me. I went twice, but always with a group of friends. That was way more fun than if I had gone with a date. I think, anyway.

Olives are my jam. Not so much the black ones, although I will eat those if they're in something. But I'll eat all your green olives. I especially like them stuffed with garlic.

Jennifer Prod said...

what a fun topic for a post - i've never gone skiing either, which is probably strange since i live in mpls? but, then again, i am from arizona. i've always wanted to try, but i think it might be something best learned when you're young?

Sarah @ Sometimes Photojenik said...

I've never colored my hair either and EVERY time I go to get it cut (I go to a Paul Mitchell school) someone comments on it and they try to convince me to let them color it. I've been tempted on the occasion but never by someone with blue or pink hair that's tried to convince me haha. I also see by your picture that you HAVE gone skydiving- awesome!

Anonymous said...

I've also never gone skiing or broken a bone! (knock on wood!) I haven't done some other things on your list, but there are some that I've only done once (like dye my hair). Good for you for not ever owning a smart phone! While I absolutely love mine, I can definitely see why not owning one would be a major plus. I feel that everyone is on theirs entirely too often around company.

-Bess- said...

Great list! The only thing I've done on your list is owned a smart phone - though my phone is only semi-smart, as opposed to super-smart, I think. =) Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day! I left a reply on there about my lack of stove-top cooking. It's true; I've never even turned the thing on! =)

Niken said...

i can check all the thing in your list except 2 points!

Anonymous said...

Love your list!

The not coloring hair, not liking olives, done drugs, and broken a bone can all go on my list as well!

Kiki said...

100% with you on all of these things. I think that the only thing I have done on your list is gone snow skiing (and it was cross-country, not downhill). And I love that you mentioned DARE. I so remember the black t-shirts with the neon colored text! :)

Thanks for co-hosting with me! I loved discovering even more things that we have in common!

Paige @ Reasons to Come Home said...

Obviously I'm behind but thanks so much for hosting! I'm not a fan of olives either! The texture is so weird! And I'm dying to go skiing. I went as a young child but think it would be so fun to take a trip to a ski lodge!

Anonymous said...

I went to my fiance's junior prom but choose not to go to my Senior prom and honestly it was the best decision ever. For some people it's really important but for me I felt like after the dress, tickets, flowers, etc it's a waste of money. I ended up traveling with that money instead and it was much more worthwhile to me!
-Rachel (Choosing Human)

Rach said...

I've never done drugs, broken a bone (though I do have a scar from a head injury that happened while riding bikes with my brother when I was a kid so we are even similar there!), been to prom, gone skiing, or attempted to play a wind instrument. I've never permanently dyed my hair (like you, I love my natural color), but I have done a wash out dye before. I did red once, black once, and blue once (all at different times, haha!). And as you know, I finally decided to get a smart phone a couple of months ago. :) But we do have a lot in common! :)