links + loves vol. 2


Sharing some links and loves with you today!

Why Daycare Was My First Option, Not a Last Resort. Can I just hug this entire article?

Charlotte makes these really fun "What I Eat in a Day" videos. They are so well done, although they make me wish I ate as well as she does. I linked to her YouTube channel above, which has some really great videos from her travels in Europe (where she's from). She's one of my inspirations for making travel videos of my own.

I loved Beka's post about speaking hard truths into other people's lives. It's easy to share about God's goodness, but it's important to realize why we need Jesus and what he is saving us from.

Luna Stroller Organizer is so awesome! I bought it after seeing a friend's and I love it so much.

Have you seen this YouTube video? I don't care if this is real or fake; it's hilarious.

Cassie wrote a post that I loved sharing a letter to her atheist self. As someone who grew up in church and has been a Christian my entire life, it is so interesting to hear from someone who had such a different experience. God really can work miracles in people's lives and I think that's so cool.

31 People Who Are Nailing This Whole Marriage ThingSome of these had me cracking up! #12 IS MY LIFE. *Please excuse some of the swear words and inappropriate lines.

I've mentioned before that my dad does a podcast. I'm not just saying this because he's my dad, but I really do think he does a good job with it. Just like any podcast there are episodes you like more than others, and two of my recent favorites have been this one talking about creativity and this one talking to a guy who is walking around the world. Check it out if you have a chance!

Happy weekend, friends!

p.s. Links + Loves vol. 1
shelleystirs said...

Love the new look! I'm about to read two of the posts you recommended. Thanks!

Emily said...

That is so cool that your dad has a podcast! I'll definitely be checking out that.

#12 on the marriage list, YES!! Except we never get to negotiate....I whine about being cold, try to change it, and somehow Freddie appears out of nowhere and slaps my hand away.

Flannery said...

Love a good Friday link round up! That stroller organizer may be in my future. I can't seem to get the YouTube link to work though-- takes me back to the stroller page. Have a wonderful weekend!

The Lady Okie said...

Sorry about that! Here's the link:

Caroline @ In Due Time said...

I think I missed Cassie's! Going to check hers out now. Thanks for the suggestions

Robyn B said...

can't wait to read the people who are rocking this marriage thing & so cool that your dad has a podcast! i'll have to check one or both of those you linked to out!

also, LOVE the new design!!!!

Erin LFF said...

Love the new look, girl! :) And loving some of these links- the marriage stuff had me cracking up!

Charlotte said...

Thank you for your kind words, Amanda. I'm glad my videos inspire you to make your own, because I LOVE yours. :) Do you know what I also love? THE NEW LOOK! SO PRETTY! x

Anonymous said...

I like the new look, but I don't like that the URLs don't stick out from normal text. I had to follow the words with my cursor to find the links. Using Chrome on Windows 7.

Michelle said...

I love Beka's post! And those marriage tweets are hilarious.

The Lady Okie said...

I agree! I noticed that too on Safari. Trying to figure out how to fix it :)

The Lady Okie said...

Should be fixed now! Hopefully it works better for you!

The Lady Okie said...

Thank you! It's fun to do something new. It's been the same for a long time!

Amy @ A Desert Girl said...

The marriage tweets are so funny. #12 definitely happens at our house.

Love the new layout!

Maria said...

My husband and I are constantly saying to each other, "The cat, you idiot!" and "I can say pants." Watched it about 50 times now.

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

That Buzzfeed article is funny, especially the KitKat bar one. ha ha!

I really like that food video but I'd be starving if I ate how she did. I need meat. Also, I never fully understand why people refuse to eat meat to be healthy but then they drink beer? Maybe that's mean of me to say but it is what I think inside.

If my family told me zombies were coming I'd be so mad. I wouldn't believe it because I don't believe in zombies but I probably would believe them if they told me Jesus came and I got left behind.

Danielle said...

Love the new design! Also, those marriage tweets **DYING**

The Girl who Loved to Write said...

CRYING/laughing at the marriage one. I love your blog's new look! So fancy!

Laura J said...

Yes to that daycare article being first option, not a last resort. AND to those tweets -- I'm 1000% sure my husband hides chocolate from me all the time!

Rach said...

The daycare article is really interesting! I love that the author doesn't seem to have a chip on her shoulder about why she chose what she did. And I love that she included a message of love for parents who are doing things differently than she did (her reference to "magical children who sit quietly while I work" made me laugh!). It seems like in general people tend to get very defensive of their position (whether it be SAHM, daycare, or nanny) so I liked that the article was so fair. :)

I checked out Charlotte Faraday's Youtube channel and I'm surprised she isn't more popular than she is. What beautiful videos!! Plus she has the name of someone who I would expect to see in a Jane Austen novel. :)

My husband finds the video of the brother's tricking their sister after her wisdom tooth removal to be hilarious. He keeps showing it to everyone, haha!

Mimsie said...

This is totally unrelated to your blog....sorry. We watched the Cubs/Giants game last night. Is your husband related to the Giants' pitcher, Madison Bumgarner? If so, who were you cheering for? Your beloved Cubs or his beloved cousin? :)

The Lady Okie said...

Haha! He is not related (that we know of). But we sure rooted for him in the World Series! Although when he's playing the Cubs, it's the Cubs for sure :)

Ali said...

Lol to the 31 people post. I identify way too much with the one about getting a hotel and falling asleep at 9pm. To my credit, I believe I made it to 10:30 on our last trip. But I did run a half marathon that day!