Farting Dragon and Killing Plants


1. So I was sitting at work earlier this week, and I got the above text from Jordan. You can understand why after that I basically couldn't focus on anything for the rest of the afternoon. The suspense was killing me. I'm really glad I have someone in my life who feels comfortable sharing these types of moments with me. #blessed (In case you were wondering, it was a typical boy story involving farts. Yes, we're thirty.)

2. Usually one day a week, R takes a day off from daycare and spends the day with her grandma (my mother-in-law). I like that they can have one-on-one time, and I like that she gets a break from daycare. I also like that I sometimes get pictures of her playing during the day, which I don't get when she's at daycare. Yesterday they went to the park, and my sister-in-law took this picture of R. Look at my little walker! I think baby jackets with ears might just be the cutest thing ever.

3. Last Saturday, I drove to Tulsa to spend the day with a friend. I even left R at home! You guys know how special our Saturdays together are, but I hadn't seen this friend in a while and I felt it was important to go see her and have some girl time. My friend is single, which I only mention because I often hear people talk about how hard it is to maintain friendships with people in other stages of life, especially once you become a mom. I know I'm still in the early stages of motherhood, and I know things will only get busier for me, but at this point in my life I feel like I have built some strong friendships and I want to do what I can to keep them.

My friend and I went on a long walk, where I snapped the picture above. It was such a wonderfully fall kind of day, and we had a great time together! Plus I think it was good for R and Jordan to get some quality time.
4. I bought some mums at Lowe's last week. I was all excited because purple! Mums! Fall! It's been a week, and they are dying a sad and slow death. I suck at keeping things alive. I once killed a succulent once. A SUCCULENT. And don't even talk to me about my basil. What am I doing wrong? I'm watering them, I'm giving them love and support in their mum life. I have 99 problems and killing plants is at least 3 of them.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I'll be cheering on my Cubs and maybe finishing up the book I'm currently reading (Secrets of a Charmed Life by Susan Meissner). Don't miss the giveaway for $100 of credit to use at Minted (see yesterday's post), and next week I'm hosting a giveaway for a pair of Freshly Picked moccasins, so be sure and come back!
Grace said...

I'm wondering if your mums are drowning. Does your pot have drainage holes? And do you stick your finger up to the first joint in the soil before you water? You only water if it's dry.

The Lady Okie said...

The pot does have drainage, but I should probably confirm that it's not getting too wet. The lady at Lowe's said to water every day but maybe I'm watering too much! Good suggestion.

Michelle said...

I'm pretty decent with plants, but I killed a succulent once too! I still don't know what went wrong.

Also, regarding your mum comment above: my dad is a gardening wizard and told me not to water mums every day.

Lauren said...

Good for you, making an effort to maintain friendships! I'm married, but without kids, and sometimes it's really hard to keep up with my mom friends. I know their lives are different, and priorities have changed, but I struggle sometimes with feeling like I've "lost" friends.

erinhzauner said...

I must confess I'm not great at the friendship thing this year. It's been a year of family and inward focus. I'm hoping to change that next year, so thank you for the inspiration. Also, I am also a member of the plant killer club. I've killed both succulents and bamboo. Which I was told was impossible? Have a fabulous weekend!

Courtney said...

Your text exchange made me LOL.

I just put the first hood with ears on Mabel yesterday and about died. So I'm totally with you.

Ashley H said...

I've definitely grown apart from my girlfriends who got married and had kids. I'm at a different stage in life.

Also, I've always killed my mums. Three years in a row I tried and I'm not doing it this year. I think mine weren't getting enough water.

Bethany Carson said...

Awesome that R gets to spend a day a week with her grandma! My aunt is on the same program with her grandchild, and from what I hear, she really loves it! And, I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as you on potted plants...moving one to my room is about the same as giving it a death sentence!

Unknown said...

A friend gave me a pot with 3 succulents. Two are now dead, and, let's be honest, the third is only alive because my coworker comes in to "water" it and move it around to various sun spots. She got mad when I killed off the first two, so she's determined to see this third one survive. It collapsed yesterday, so...

And, good for you for sacrificing some R time to hang with a single friend! Us single people appreciate not being forgotten and replaced.

Angi said...

I can keep plants alive but succulents...I've killed my fair share, too. I think it's the weather here, though. It's just not warm enough for them...like, ever. Plus our house gets no sun.

I'm sure that your friend really appreciates that you're making an effort to maintain your friendship even though she's single and you're married with a toddler. I'm in my 30s and still don't have a baby and I know that I really appreciate all my mom-friends who still make an effort to talk to me about things other than all baby all the time (not that I don't like talking about adorable babies but I have a different life still!).

Nadine said...

Little jackets with ears is the cutest thing ever!! And I don't even bother with mums because I am certain I would kill it. I think it is so important to do what you can to maintain your relationship with friends no matter what stages of life you are in. It helps you not get lost as just being a mom and um making adult friends is hard....you gotta keep the ones you got!

Emily said...

Baby jackets with ears are FOR SURE the cutest thing!

Man, now I'm on edge needing to know a story about a farting dragon ;)

Rach said...

Pretty much all plants die at our house but it's because we travel so much and nothing gets watered, ha! So now we just have the most basic of things. ;)

And that little hood with the ears is just adorable! :)

Lauren said...

By the way, wheres that adorable jacket from??

Katie @ Live Half Full said...

I'm the same way with plants. Let me know what you figure out about your mums- I'm killing mine too!

Unknown said...

Lol, Farting Dragon is not anywhere near a typical story and you know it!

Jenny Evans said...

Come on, you're not going to tell us about farting dragon? Actually, wait. I don't want to know. It's a good thing to keep some of the mystery in life.

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

Mums - are you over watering them? Are they in the sunshine? Also, did you buy them in full bloom or budding? If I can help myself I try and buy flowers that are just budding then they have time to bloom and I get them for longer.

Farting Dragon - that's funny. Dave doesn't have weird fart stories but he does poop in bags when we have toilet problems. However, my brother is 30+ years old and will still fart on me to tis day.... #wearemature

Kate said...

My mom has always told me to only buy mums with buds - never with blooms. I've always listened to that advice except for once, and that one year, they died almost immediately. There is no science involved in this comment.

Kristen @ See You In A Porridge said...

i have a jumper/hoodie with ears and R looks way cuter than i do in it. i'm glad you spent some time with your friend :) i bought some yellow mums for the front of our house as we are selling it (3 showings today!) and i thought it would look pretty..... but you're telling me i might have to water them? blah. i'll just buy a new one in a few days. lol.

Audrey Louise said...

I love little kids in ear-clothing. Hahaha! I have single friends and it always irritates me when I hear people say that married people don't/can't hang out with single people. Uhh, what??! I'm sure with kids that makes it even harder- but it's do able!