Mini Vacation


We are trying to keep our spirits up and embrace the challenges that 2020 have brought us, but around the end of September both Jordan and I started to feel the weight of this year on our marriage. Nothing drastic, but we just really needed some time away from the kids and time to get out of our house and find space to breathe.

I mentioned to a friend of mine that once F turned one, I really wanted to take a weekend away with Jordan, and she said, "Why do you need to wait until he's one? Do it now!" She mentioned something that she and her husband do on occasion, which is that they surprise each other with a trip. 

She told me how she planned a weekend away with her husband and didn't tell him anything about it until it was a week or so away. Her baby had not turned one yet, but she brought her pump and said it was a minor inconvenience but really not a big deal. It was just the encouragement I needed, and I started planning a mini vacation to surprise Jordan with.

My parents watched all three kids, and we spent Friday night through Monday morning in Dallas, Texas. I booked our hotel, got aquarium tickets, made a list of restaurants to go to, and I even contacted his boss and secretly took off work for him. I told him the Friday before our trip, and he was super confused at first and didn't understand what I was talking about. But as the weekend got closer we were more and more excited. 

We had a great time and enjoyed exploring some fun spots around the Dallas area. It felt like the perfect getaway where we felt very comfortable being able to socially distance and not super far away from the kids if they needed anything. 

I brought my Spectra pump for use at the hotel, and I did wake up in the night to pump just like I feed F, and a friend let me borrow a portable pump to use during the day we were away from the hotel all day. I brought ice packs, and the milk actually stayed cold and I was able to save everything during the weekend. I had no idea when I booked it, but our hotel room ended up having a full fridge/freezer!

On Saturday we went to the Dallas farmer's market, lunch at a BBQ place called Pecan Lodge, then the Dallas aquarium, and we met my brother and sister-in-law for dinner. On Sunday we ate lunch at a place called The Londoner, which is set up to look like a British pub. They server British food, and they even had one of Jordan's favorite English beers on tap. Then we went to a town called Grapevine and walked up their main street with cute shops and the farmer's market. We ate at a local seafood restaurant for dinner and then played card games and watched The Hobbit on TV. It was super relaxing and FUN. I'm grateful it worked out, and I loved surprising Jordan with a trip and getting a few extra days off work.

My point of sharing this is mostly that you don't have to go far or go big on a little vacation. Even somewhere just a few hours away can be new and fun and low key. It was just the reset we needed in this crazy, stressful year. Now, who is amazed that it's already November?
Amie said...

I would love to do something like this our problem is someone to babysit. For various medical and age reasons our parents aren't really an option. So glad ya'll had a great time!!

AnneMarie said...

What a wonderful idea! Was a lot of stuff in Dallas open? I had casually started thinking about us taking a short trip down there last spring, but then Covid happened. It would be so fun to venture that way at some point. We love some of the Asian food places in the Dallas area!

That's great that you guys could get away and recharge. It has been such a year. God-willing, we're planning to attend an 8-day family retreat in Tennessee later this month, and it really can't come soon enough in my opinion :P

Audrey Louise said...

This is such a great idea. I love that you just went for it and even requested off for him! So clever! It looks and sounds like you guys had so much fun!! And I'm sure your parents loved soaking in the grandkid snuggles! A great weekend for everyone!

Kari said...

Saaaame. We don't even live near any family right now (literally across the country), and are limited in friends because we moved to our current city a year ago, and half the time elapsed has been spent in isolation. Not gonna lie--it's hard to see others get breaks. I even homeschool right now.

Terra Heck said...

I think it's great that you planned a secret getaway. Looks like you two had a good time.

Amanda said...

I'm sure it's so hard being away from family right now. And it's basically impossible to make new friends right now too, especially since you recently moved. I'm so sorry! I definitely do not take for granted the fact that we have family close.