My birthday is in July.
I shall be turning the illustrious and important age of 26.
Birthdays are my favorite favorite of favorite things.
I told Jordan I wanted:
a) an external hard drive
b) a Thunder shirt
If you think my requests are lame
(which you probably do because they sort of are)
just don't say anything about it.
Because July is my birthday month,
and I do what I want.
And if I get some cash, I might even be able to spring for a new lens
Jordan's birthday is in July.
Exactly a week after mine.
I have had his presents picked out for months.
I don't mess around.
I am quitting my job.
My last day is July 3.
I am starting a new job.
My first day is July 17.
So #3 + #4 = 2 full weeks to live the retired life.
This will include the following:
a) sitting by the pool and getting tan
b) scrapbooking our wedding album
c) finally finishing the book I'm reading
d) sleeping in
July 14 is when one of my best friends is getting married.
I am flying to St. Louis once again to be one of the bridesmaids.
(Maybe I'll meet someone famous on my flight.)
Also, weddings = wedding cake.
Lots of delicious wedding cake.
* * *
That's what I'm loving about July.
What are you looking forward to?
My birthday is in July, too. And I'm turning 26. TWINKIES! I heard about the job debacle. WOWZERS. Perhaps we should take pics between July 3rd and July 17th. On a day that it isn't 100 degrees. Amen.
Reese, since it's still June, can I make fun of your birthday gifts? If not, then I'll just get really excited about what I got you while abroad instead. !!!!!!!!!!!<-excitement. Also, you better hang out at MY pool while you're retired. Come visit, please!
YAY for quitting old jobs and starting new ones!!!
What book are you reading that you're so eager to finish?
Buttercup, NO you cannot make fun. I know they're lame. But YES I am super excited to see what you got me!
Audra, A Storm of Swords. SO LONG. But really good. You should give Old George a shot.
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