Runners Tell All Linkup: My Running Story in 250 Words


"Runner's Tell All" is a monthly linkup for runners of all ages, skill levels, and experience hosted by Sunshine to the Square Inch and The Lady Okie. Each month we'll have a different topic, and you can find all the topics listed here. We are accepting two sponsorship spots for each month, who will receive a sidebar ad on both blogs as well as entry links in the giveaway. 100% of your sponsorship money will go directly toward running-related giveaways. Find more information on sponsorship here.

-I made it! 249 words. Boom-

I joined the track team my freshman year of high school because I wanted a t-shirt. 
I was slow, and I hated it, and all I got for my efforts was a neon green shirt that said, 
"Fast Girls Have Good Times."

I was not amused.

I didn't run again until four years later, when a friend and I decided we wanted to start. Our first time out, we made it five minutes and vowed to keep at it until we could run for at least thirty minutes straight. We spent the next few months adding a minute every time.
Six. Seven. Eight.

The first time we ran thirty minutes without stopping, we couldn’t have been prouder. I continued to run off and on throughout college and after graduating, never running longer than three miles.

In 2009, a friend ran the Oklahoma City half marathon, and I wondered if I could run a half marathon too. I thought about it for a year and finally registered for my first half in 2010 at the urging of a friend, who said she’d run it with me. I honestly don’t know if I would have had the courage to sign up if it hadn’t been for her.

I fell in love with running in 2013, when I started training for my first marathon.
That’s when it became something I did for fun.

I love talking about it, writing about it, and doing it.
And I can’t imagine my life without it.

Next month's topic
(Friday, March 21)
 Favorite Running Gear/Products
Include links and pictures if possible!

February Giveaway

This month, thanks to our sponsors, Beka and I are giving away an "I Run This Body" t-shirt to 1 winner in the color of your choice! (See all the colors here.)

I've been majorly crushing on these shirts for a while now, and I'm kind of jealous I don't get to enter this giveaway. Check out our sponsors, and then enter using the Rafflecopter below. Good luck!

Runners Tell All Linkup Rules
  1. You MUST leave a comment on the person’s blog who linked up directly before you. This is not a linkup for the sake of linking up. This is a linkup to build community and spread the love and encouragement to your fellow runners!
  2. Only link up posts related to our running prompt. Do not share links to unrelated running posts or to your blog’s homepage, or we will have to delete your link.
  3. Please link back to either Beka or Amanda in your post so others can come here and join in! Or grab the button below and add it to your post.
*Update 2/23: The Linky Tools server crashed and apparently took all the pictures with it! But the links are still good. Sorry about the lack of lovely link pictures!

Erin LFF said...

I'm so excited you started this link-up and I'm truly excited to join in the fun each month! As someone who is still trying to learn a LOT about running, I'm excited to meet/chat with other runners!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I love this link up! I will start on my post shortly. And now I suppose I should check out Erin's blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for hosting, Amanda! You are such an encouragement to so many other runners! I linked the "How I Became a Runner" post that I wrote this fall, but with future participation would write fresher content. Thanks again!

Amber Marie said...

That's a funny thing to put on a shirt for high school girls.

I love this series! And I'm so glad to meet more runner/bloggers :)

Anonymous said...

I was so excited about this that I did my post a few days ago....and am already working on my March post.. Dork? Yes.


Brandi said...

I keep reading your running posts thinking it's going to get me running again. And I'm sure I will, especially when the snow melts and the next polar vortex passes through, but I just don't know that I'll ever love it.

Unknown said...

That first half-marathon; there's nothing quite like that feeling is there?
ps. I want that T-shirt (the one you got in high school) … Also the give-away one!

Kate said...

I'm still convinced you all were out to get me with this one. 250 or less? RIDICULOUS.

Either way, I'm still loving this idea. And I love finding out how you truly got your start. It's sometimes intimidating to talk to fellow runners who have been running for their entire lives. When you find out that someone started just to get a cool tshirt? Well that? That's when I can relate. ;)

J is for Jessica said...

Um, I love that shirt!! This is my first official running blog post!

Becky said...

I am training for my first half right now! I love your blog.

17 Perth said...

Okay first off...I AM A FALCON TOO!! lol. That was my high school mascot!! Bahaha. I still remember this cheer
" put the C in the middle and you got the best!" HA!
And loving the link up already!! Thanks for hosting.

Love the above shirt--I haven't ever seen it before...But I *need* it. ;)

True story...I once caught a shirt during a very large 10k race that said "Body by Moe's". It was an extra large--but I thought it was hilarious so I carried it the whole remaining 5 miles for judah! lol.

Robyn B said...

that's a really cool way to start running! going one more minute a day! maybe i can convince my husband to start running with me with that logic! :)

Mary Beth @ LesAventures said...

I am nervously excited for this link up - I decided yesterday that I could officially label myself as a runner, to no longer be afraid of that label. This link up is happening at the perfect time!

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

Loved your story! I have a friend who still does the running for the shirts. I personally don't care much for those running shirts and I always tell her she can have mine ;)

Jenny Fish said...

I might have been a few words over 250 {please don't count}. And high school track is NOTHING like running now. High school track was torture. :P

Jessica said...

I love that shirt!!!!!!!!!! & this link up idea. Like a LOT!!! I can't wait to sponsor one of the months!!

Tara said...

Haha I think it's awesome you started running for a T-shirt :) Thanks for hosting this, it's been fun so far!

Ali said...

Ugh, so I did this wrong already! How do I edit my link?

Ali said...

I wanted to put in this link:

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie sometimes I am tempted to sign up for races strictly for the cool t-shirts you get! :)

Andrea H. said...

Our stories are similar! I did my first 5k in 2009 and first marathon in 2013. The running bug must have bitten us at the same time! Love the link up :)

Samantha said...

I always wonder if I'll ever start to actually like the process of running. The end, yes, LOVE. The during? Hate. But maybe there's hope? I just started a 10k training app, so maybe that'll be my ticket into running for fun. I won't hold my breath ;)

Rachel G. said...

I don't think I ever truly realized how you started your running, so this is truly inspiring! I HATED running in high school...I did track (but did sprints/hurdles, couldn't do a long run to save me)....I just recently (the past 4 years or so) took up distance running and have run 2 (about to do my 3rd) half-marathons. I really want to do a marathon one day, but I am TERRIFIED and honestly have no idea if I will be able to. But you just inspired me!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for doing this! Now I have to go run!!

Debbie said...

I just linked up after a friend suggested I might want to! It was fun!

Tamara said...

Woohoo! Love this link-up and that it's monthly so it doesn't feel forced. Excited to meet other runners!

Justine Dion said...

I love that you love blogging about running, because that is what got me started in running. And in 1 year I have gone from running 40 sec at a time to training for a marathon relay! Thanks! (p.s. I want a t-shirt :)

The Lady Okie said...

Don't worry, girl. I got you :)

The Lady Okie said...

Heck no! You're awesome :) Thanks so much for linking up!

The Lady Okie said...

For real, though. WHEN will the vortex pass?! Come on. I just want to run outside again!

The Lady Okie said...

I'm glad you linked up, Kari! Your story is a great one :)

Al@PolkaDotsandPaisley said...

I love the idea of this link up and have made a note to write my running story this weekend. I'm not a woman of few words so the 250 word limit is going to be a challenge! I'm excited to read some new posts and find some new blogs.

The Lady Okie said...

Thanks so much, Becky! And YAHOO!

The Lady Okie said...

I'm so glad you did, Deb!

Alicia | Jaybird: Home in Motion said...

Thanks for adding my link. :)

I love the "fast girls have good times" shirt--I would totally go for one of those and I'm long out of high school! I'm excited to jump in and read everyone's posts.

shelleystirs said...

I have to say that I'm glad you didn't love running right away--I didn't either!

Anonymous said...

As always, I love hearing about your running. So motivating. :)


Curious Runner said...

Yaaah! First link up month - congratulations. Loved it! Got my post up in time but was a little slow linking... Oops!
I love the 'Fast Girls Have Good Times'... Hilarious! What do slow girls have??

Betsy said...

haha I have so much athletic gear from my year playing rugby that's emblazoned with double entendres (that aren't appropriate to publish here!). they bring back fun memories :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for posting this right when I needed it. I'm trying to go from "walker to runner," and am pretty much hating every minute of it. Seeing how long it took you to fall in love with running gives me hope :)

Julie @ Just the Joy's said...

I think it's hilarious, yet awesome, that you basically got into running because you wanted a tshirt! And look at the door that opened to you and running since then! So awesome! :)

Courtney Rose said...

I love that you added on a minute every time you run! Definitely a good progress tactive for beginner runners!

Tiffany said...

Love this link up and the giveaway! I'll be posting my story on Tuesday!

Unknown said...

This is so much fun! I love reading running stories.

Fi Evans said...

Thanks for setting up such an awesome link up - it's such fun to read everyone's stories. I also love the fact that you started running because you wanted a tshirt. Who knew where it would lead you!

Jennifer Prod said...

i'm not a very good runner (i do more yoga) and when i hear tales about running for 30 or 40 or 50 minutes or more i always wonder how that happens.. mysterious to me. i love the method of slowly working up with 1 more minute each day - makes it kind of fun and seems easy enough, right? i just might try this :)

Anonymous said...

Really enjoying reading through everyone's stories, and am looking forward to seeing this series develop in 2014! My own story is here: