Today I'm kicking off a project that I'm really excited about!
Starting in February, Beka from Sunshine to the Square Inch and I will be hosting a monthly "Runners Tell All" linkup. I know a lot of you are runners and/or fitness junkies, and we want this to be a time for you to connect with other like-minded crazies.
The linkup will go up on the 21st of each month in 2014, and you can see all the topics listed below! We hope you join us. The only rule for participating is that you must visit the blog that linked up before you and leave them a comment. We really want this linkup to be about building community, not just adding our link to a list.
February 21 - How and Why You Started Running in 250 words or less.
What's your running story? Give us the short and sweet version. (Click here for the post!)
March 21 - Favorite Running Gear/Products
Include links and pictures if possible! (Click here for the post!)
April 21 - Share a Bad Race/Training Experience and What You Learned From It
We've all had bad days. Write about one of those days and what you learned from it. Or, you can even write about a time when you lost your running mojo and how you got it back. (Click here for the post!)
May 21 - Share a Running Picture
This can be from a training run or a race. It can be an official race photo or a snapshot (or a selfie!). Just show us a running picture and tell us about it. (Click here for the post!)
June 21 - Your Favorite and/or Proudest Running Moment
Crossing that first finish line? Running a mile without walking? What's your proudest running moment to date? Brag on yourself! (Click here for that post!)
July 21 - Nutrition/Fuel
What's your go-to fuel to optimize training and get you through race day? Do you have a race-day fueling strategy? What about training runs? Do share! (Click here for that post!)
What's your go-to fuel to optimize training and get you through race day? Do you have a race-day fueling strategy? What about training runs? Do share! (Click here for that post!)
August 21 - Training: Favorite Person to Train With/Training Routine/Tips
Give us the scoop on your day-to-day running routine. Are you a social runner or do you like to take it solo? Do you run in the morning or evening? Pass along any handy training tips or advice about making sure you get up in the morning or how to safely run at night. (Click here for that post!)
September 21 - Race Bucket List
What races would you love to do if you had the time/money? These can be as realistic or unrealistic as you want! (Click here for that post!)
October 21 - Most Memorable Running Experience
Crazy, sad, awesome, surprising, or anywhere in between. Can be from a race or just a training run.
November 21 - Who is Your #1 Running Fan?
It's not as much fun if there isn't someone waiting for us at the finish line. This post is a nod to the family and friends who get up early to chase us around the city, make signs, and cheer us on to the finish. Who is YOUR #1 fan?
December 21 - A Reflection of 2014 Running and Goals for 2015
Pretty self-explanatory. Talk about your year of running and list a few goals for the next year.
Pretty self-explanatory. Talk about your year of running and list a few goals for the next year.
We're also going to have running-related giveaways (socks, itunes gift card for running tunes, etc.) throughout the year, which you can definitely enter even if you aren't joining the linkup. I don't want you non bloggers to feel left out!
To make this linkup even MORE fun, we'd like you to join us! Each month, we will have 2 sponsorship slots available, which will help pay for the giveaway prizes. Sponsorship will get you a sidebar ad on both of our blogs from the 21st-21st of the month, plus you will get entries in the Rafflecopter for that month's giveaway. Again, we are only accepting 2 per month, and it's first come, first served.
$10 = 2 links in the giveaway + a 1-month sidebar ad on Sunshine to the Square Inch & The Lady Okie Blog
$15 = 3 links in the giveaway + a 1-month sidebar ad on Sunshine to the Square Inch & The Lady Okie Blog
$10 = 2 links in the giveaway + a 1-month sidebar ad on Sunshine to the Square Inch & The Lady Okie Blog
$15 = 3 links in the giveaway + a 1-month sidebar ad on Sunshine to the Square Inch & The Lady Okie Blog
If you're interested in being a sponsor, email
Beka at < > She will be handling all the sponsorship details. You'll send her money through PayPal.
If you have any questions/concerns/feedback, feel free to email either me < > or Beka.
Beka at < > She will be handling all the sponsorship details. You'll send her money through PayPal.
If you have any questions/concerns/feedback, feel free to email either me < > or Beka.
We're really excited about this and hope you are too.
Grab this button and add it to your post, and we'll see you on February 21!
Grab this button and add it to your post, and we'll see you on February 21!
I am so pumped about this! Great idea :)
What a great link-up idea. I am really trying to get my running motivation back!
Super excited about this! But any time I see, "in 250 words or less", I panic. I think sometimes I write comments that are longer than 250 words. ;)
Definitely going to read this, but I am so inconsistent and grumpy with running that I can't contribute :(
What an amazing idea!! I am so excited :) :) :)
This is fun! I'll have to remember to do this!!
Love this! As a new runner, I love reading about others' experiences and advice. Awesome idea!
Agggghhh! How fun! Super looking forward to this-just in time for my half-marathon training, too. You did this all for me, didn't you!? ha ha!
Love it! I will be participating for sure!
Yay! This is so cool, can't wait to get my link on! Thanks for organising this and great topics!
This is a great idea! I'm just starting to really get into the running thing, so I will be joining in!
I love this idea! I can't wait to participate. Running is one of my favorite topics, but not my main topic, so I feel like I have to space out my posts. Once a month is a good pace, right?
This sounds awesome! I'm a wanna-be runner, so I'll be linking up sporadically. Because let's face it, I have yet to know many of those things listed. But I did get some sweet work-out gear that I'm totally going to sport all over this link-up!
I'm so excited to hear about this new linkup! Depending on how successfully I stick to this training plan, I hope to participate this year. Either way I'm excited to read all the posts, especially the February "how I got started" topic.
Oh this looks awesome! I'm so excited!!! Can't wait to contribute!
I love these topics!! This is going to be a great link up!!! :)
This sounds like it is going to be lots of fun and just I am needing is finding some other runners here on blogland!! By the looks of the comments I am not the only newbie runner and there is going to be a great turnout!!!
Yayayay!! Look forward to participating!!
Oh this is amazing even for someone like me who loathes running!
Oh, you know I'll be doing this :)
I'll be there with earbuds in, watch charged up and running shoes on! Can't wait!
Yes! I am excited for this! It will be nice to chat running since I am actually running these days:)
I love this!!!! As a new reader/lurker, I am so in.
YAY!! Maybe by the first month's link-up I'll be feeling like a 'real runner' :)
Love this!!! Can't wait to read everyones and find new running blog buddies!
I love this idea!
What I great idea. I may participate in some of these. Hoping it's okay for me to link up the "how I became a runner" post I posted a while back . . . which is more than 250 words, I'm afraid. :) You do such an incredible job of building community among runners. Looking forward to this series.
We'd love for you to join however you can. You're welcome to link up an old post even if it isn't 250 words :)
hey girl, found your blog from Erin at Love, Fun, & Football. This linkup looks great, I can't wait to participate!
Love this idea! While I don't consider myself a "runner", I'm going to try to remember to do this link-up to help keep me motivated!
Awesome idea! So excited to join in!
This is so fun. I'm going to join in a little late, but I love reading everyone's stories.
This is a cool idea. Now, I just have to remember! :)
I linked up today! woohoo!! Love this topic -- I love when runners can encourage each other :)
Linked up today! ♥♥
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