5 Things I'm Terrible At


I saw this post on Courtney's blog and knew I had to write a post of my own. Love this idea! Let's get started:

1. Crocheting Hats

Scarves and blankets I've got down. Basically anything requiring a straight line is great, but you can forget about hats. I've tried multiple times, and I always just end up with circle-shaped pot holders. 

Not really a functional hat, if you see what I'm saying. 

You guys, I'm dying right now.

I literally typed "pot holders on your head" into Google, and that picture came up. The caption is "pot holder head--Larry." OMG. The end forever. I love the internet.

2. Whispering

I'm pretty sure I have an undiagnosed medical condition that prohibits me from a functional whisper. My "whisper" attempts come out as normal inside voice volume, which is to say that my whisper is completely useless. 

What's the point of people watching if you can't whisper, "Look at that guy wearing socks and sandals," and then chuckle quietly to yourself while secretly battling the fear that you will soon be uncool enough to not care that you're wearing socks with sandals?

You know that scene on Friends when Ross gets on to Chandler and Joey for being too loud?

Okay, well this is me and Jordan every. single. day.

3. Spelling the Word Rhythm

Seriously, what is the deal with this stupid word? Every time it takes me like 8 tries, after which I give up and use the online dictionary. I want to add two Ys for some reason, although where I would put the second one is beyond me. I forget about the first H and want to add an E somewhere, and basically it's just not good.

4. Beating My Brothers in Any Game Ever

Both of my brothers are the annoying type of boy who's good at every stinking thing they try. They're like game wizards or something, and it just makes me so---

Actually, I don't want to talk about it.

5. Dancing

What are you terrible at?
What's a word you always misspell?
Kate said...

RHYTHM GETS ME EVERY TIME!!! So does embarrass. I can never remember two r's for some reason. Also, that Oatmeal comic is one of my all time favorites. So good.

I laughed so hard at that pictures of the potholder/hat. It first started out as just a little snicker, but it became a belly laugh. I don't know why it got me, but it got me good.

Kaity B. said...

Rhythm is SO hard! Also, don't ever ask me to spell broccoli. It will take me approximately 5 tries.

Unknown said...

seriously, rhythm. so hard!

Jenna Griffin | Gold & Bloom said...

Haha, love this. I am pretty terrible at public speaking, and I'm also terrible at remembering things if I don't write them down. Terrrrrrible!

Mimsie said...

My word is kindergarden. Or is it kindergarten? Or kindegarden? Don't bother telling me, because I will not remember 5 seconds later.

Unknown said...

Hey, silver lining, it's actually better for your vocal folds to speak in a low voice, rather than whisper! Trust me, I'm a speech-language pathologist (pending licensure, ahem).

Maria said...

I cannot spell raisin. Just right now, I typed it raisen and I was even trying really hard to spell it right the first time :) (And I just Google'd it to make sure I am right).

I'm also terrible at cartwheels and diving. But I am champion belly flopper.

shelleystirs said...

I don't ski, skate, or dive. I don't project my voice well, either. And I don't like to speak in front of large groups of people, either.

Kenzie Smith said...

Ha ha I love this post! I'm horrible at crocheting straight edges. I can't figure it out for the life of me!

Tracy said...

I'm awful at whispering too! Every time I think I'm telling my husband something sneaky he gets all embarrassed and gives me THE look...the one that says, "STFU, everyone can hear you!"

17 Perth said...

I am SO bad at whispering! Lol!! Judah loves it when eliza is sleeping. ;) And those pot holders made me laugh out loud too. Hilarious.

Megan said...

Haha I thought that picture was of someone you knew wearing a hat you tried to knit. Then I found out it was a random Google image. I don't know which is funnier! Also, this isn't misspelling, but I always pronounce "misled" incorrectly in my head when I'm reading. (I always think "my-seld" for some reason.)

Claire@MyDevising said...

loved the "10 words" article - so accurate!

Michelle said...

Oh man, Jack is horrible at whispering too. He'll do his version of whispering and then look at me like 'that was good, right?' and I have to break it to him that no, no...that was nothing close to whispering.

Bailie @ The Hemborg Wife said...

My grandma keeps telling me I need to learn to crochet so I can add fancy borders so my embroidery and I am like lady can we just be happy that I embroider and leave it at that!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I have a hard time spelling rhythm too! Where are the freaking vowels???? I am really bad at history dates, or dates in general I can't remember random dates.

Claudz said...

hahaha!! thanks for sharing, I did have a little giggle!

Our Pretty Little Girls said...

Haha! Love it. I thought that was a great post idea to. I may have to join you guys next week!

I have also made a few pot holder hats in my day to. You win some, you loose some. I always just blame the pattern, HA!

Miss Nutralicious said...

I'm terrible at singing and parallel parking. If I were to try to do both at once, the world might explode. I can never spell "definitely" or "begining", I mean "beginging" or "beginning". Whatever. The good news is that I am WONDERFUL at using spell check.

Breenah A said...

Receipt. Every single time I want to put the i first. No idea why.

Caitlin said...

Hahaha, too funny! I think you really could reach a new market with the pot holder crochet hats!

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

I can't crochet at all so you're a few steps ahead of me at being able to do anything!

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing at the guy with the potholder hat..I just can't. I will look at him all day just to make it through this Friday. Thanks for always enlightening my days!

The Lady Okie said...

Glad to help! haha. I couldn't stop laughing either. Thank you, Google.

The Lady Okie said...

I love the Oatmeal comics so much! They're the best.

The Lady Okie said...

Ooo that's a hard one!

Amber Marie said...

I'm the world's worse speller and it's very frustrating in my line of study/work. I believe it's completely genetic because my mom is pretty terrible. Spellcheck isn't doing me any favor either; well besides helping me not look like an idiot, but it's a total crutch!

Kristen said...

hahaha this is hilarious! potholder on head. dying.

Anonymous said...

I love this idea for a post. Too funny! The potholder hat is amazing.

I'm a really terrible speller. I blame it on autocorrect because I can get all the letters in and then it just magically fixes the word for me.


Anonymous said...

As a nurse, you type and write rhythm ALLL the time (when talking about hearts), and it gets me EVERY time. So annoying! I'm a terrible whisperer as well. I'm a total loud talker, so for me, a whisper just isn't going to cut it.

Erin LFF said...

Oh my gosh I CRACKED UP at the pot-holder head picture, lol!!! And rhythm is a tough one... for some reason in my head when I'm thinking I always say 'ry-thm and then I totally forget that pesky h too! LOL

Rebecca Jo said...

I always misspell Frappuccino ... thank you autocorrect - it just fixed it :)
That pot holder. The internet is amazing to find anything.

Julie @ Just the Joy's said...

Haha! Well I wish I could crochet so at least you got some part of it down! I always misspell reciept and principal at work. I don't really know why because they are such simple words! I'm terrible at singing :)

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

I don't have an exact word I misspell (Did I just misspell 'misspell'?). Anyways, I proof read and proof read again and then two days after I hit 'publish' I see the error. SO ANNOYING! I can't knit a hat either. I tried once and it looked like a premie elf hat. ha ha!

Unknown said...

If we hung out together with Tyler and Jordan around I'm 100% sure we would be crazy loud and Jordan and Tyler would look at each with that "oh no" face. I love that I just talked about all four of us like it was real life! bahahahaha!

Kristin said...

I can't spell anything that has double letters in it without spellcheck. Seriously, the ones you think should be double are single and the other way around, too!

Unknown said...

At least you know how to crochet. I sure don't.
And I actually have the same problem with spelling the word "rhythm" (see, I had to check the way you wrote it to make sure I didn't make a mistake there). And it's even worse for me because I have the French word as a reference (French being my first language). In French, it's "rythme". I hate being spelling-confused.

Niken said...

i keep nodding on everything on your list, except whispering - i think i do a little bit better. ha!

Anonymous said...

I relate to the brother thing. One of my brothers grew up to be a lawyer; the other one essentially studied rocket science. I couldn't ever beat them when we played strategy games. At least not until I discovered Clue, and then I made them play a lot of it.

The Girl who Loved to Write said...

The hat picture is hilariously accurate!

Madison @ Wetherills Say I Do said...

Oh my gosh. I sole that darn word (I won't even try) wrong every time! I like your pot holder hat. And your dancing skills :)

Courtney said...

Pot holders on your head image search. Hahahahaha.

I can't spell refrigerator ever. Thanks for helping a girl out auto correct.

Christina @ The Murrayed Life said...

The crocheted hat. hahahahahah I was about to give you mad props for that.

And the two y's thing just made you extra endearing, probably because I don't understand. Though, to be fair, I kept looking at weeks the other day thinking that I had spelled that wrong, soooo I'm definitely not one to talk.