In my six years of running races, I have never been so under trained for a race. That said, I also feel like given the circumstances, the time I had available to run, and my energy levels between work and taking care of my baby, I have no regrets at all and feel like I did the best that I could with what I had.
The farthest long run I did prior to the half on Sunday was 9 miles. Nothing to scoff at, for sure, but still not as much as I had wanted. People always want to know why I pay money to run when I can run for free, but the truth is that having a race on my calendar is motivation. I do enjoy running, but I’m not the kind of person who heads out for 6 or 8 miles on a weekday just for the heck of it.
I knew getting back to running after having a baby would be difficult, but I really enjoy running with the jogging stroller, and I’ve been doing good getting out for 3-4 miles at a time. What I did not anticipate (but should have expected) was just how hard it would be to carve out time for hour plus long runs, especially while breastfeeding. I finally figured out that my best option was to do my long runs on Friday nights after putting R to bed. That way I could sleep in (ish) on Saturday and not have to worry about taking up a precious chunk of time I could be spending hanging out with my girl.
When I initially wrote about signing up for this half marathon, I said my time goal was 2 hours or under (as a reference, before getting pregnant I was training for under 1:50). After one 9-mile run and the rest 6 or under, I pushed that back as a best-case goal. I really would just be happy to finish. But of course I’m too competitive with myself to not set some kind of time goal in the back of my mind. My A goal was of course 2 hours or under. My B goal was to beat my very first half time of 2:08. My C goal was under 2:15.
My dad was running the half marathon too, his second. I wanted to run with him for the first part of the race and then just see how I felt. We ended up running together until Mile 4. At Mile 6 I had to stop and use a Port-o-Potty, because apparently I just can’t hold it at all anymore. Labor problems.
After I left my dad at Mile 4, I was feeling good until Mile 8. That’s when my lack of training came back to bite me. I saw the sign for 8 and thought it said 9, and then when it said 8 I was like, oh snap. Miles 7-10 were a struggle because those three miles were straight into the wind. I got in a stride around Mile 11 and found a girl in a hot pink tank top who looked about my age. I stayed right next to her for a half mile or so before pulling away, and I kept finding girls to pass as I moved toward the finish.
I love the end of this race. The race is a memorial for the 168 people who died in the Oklahoma City bombing, and every year they hang giant banners on the light posts, each with the name of a victim. It definitely makes you feel thankful to be out there and have the opportunity to run.
On a fun side note, during the entire last mile I may or may not have slowly pooped my pants.
I don’t want to talk about it.
Jordan and my mom met me at the finish with R, who may have definitely pooped her pants. While we had striped her down and were changing her in the seat of a golf car, Jordan looks at me and says, “Looks like I’m the only Bumgarner who didn’t poop his pants today."
Somehow we found my dad in the crowd, and we all made our way back to the cars. I may or may not have sat on one of R’s diapers for the ride home.
May or may not have.
My final finishing time was 2:07, which I am super proud of!* My dad finished in 2:19! (That's him at the finish below!)
It’s Friday, which means my knees and quads feel almost back to normal again, thank goodness. I can tell I wasn't trained enough because I hurt worse and for longer than usual. BUT I have a fancy medal and finisher’s t-shirt (!!!) that I’ve been wearing all week (the shirt, not the medal). The Oklahoma City race is one of my favorites, and I’m so thankful to have gotten the opportunity to run it again this year!
Half #10 is complete, and I’m in double digits now, people.
This recap wouldn't be complete without a shoutout to our ever loyal cheering squad plus one cute baby this year.
*Fun fact for runner nerds: In 2012 I ran this race (my 3rd half) and finished in 2:07:20, so this race was a course record by 15 seconds!
Half #10 is complete, and I’m in double digits now, people.
This recap wouldn't be complete without a shoutout to our ever loyal cheering squad plus one cute baby this year.
*Fun fact for runner nerds: In 2012 I ran this race (my 3rd half) and finished in 2:07:20, so this race was a course record by 15 seconds!
I'm proud of you! What an awesome time! Great job:)
great job! I have thought about running one in the fall, but I'm not sure yet. I have to work up to a 10K and then see how I feel!
Rock on, mama! I can confidently say that after my mom and I did the Chicago marathon a few years ago, not only will I never do another but my time was definitely not worth mentioning - our goal was just to finish! Love seeing you kick butt out there though!
I may or may not be laughing right now. But I'm definitely proud, so there's that.
Girl way to rock your time. I know all too well about not training properly. I just don't think I will ever be able to do it. I admire those who do because clearly it is the smart thing to do.
Congrats on finishing!!!
I may or may not be equally mortified for you and proud of you ;)
I may or may not think you are hilarious! Congrats on a great race!! :)
WOW, you rocked that! Slow pooping or not, who cares because you're a rockstar! And rockstars are allowed to slow poop their pants. Which means R must be a rockstar, too ;)
I may or may not have laughed out loud at your predicament but super proud of you!
I may or may not have (but definitely may) chuckled heartily while reading this post.
Rockstar mama! You did awesome.
Looks like we could be running buddies---your time goals are spot-on ringers for my own half coming up in August (and your first half was basically the same as my first half time as well). Way to go on getting your first half under your belt after having your baby! Go you!
You are awesome. Thank you for your honesty. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has had #2 mishap on a long run! You're not alone!!!
That's awesome! I wish my trained-up and practiced race time was as good as your fall-back race time. You rocked it!
Attached girl!! I'm so impressed! With the run time, that is. The pooping of pants sounds kind of rough, ha!
I'd be wearing my shirt all week too if I'd completed a half! I'd probably rock the medal too. ;)
Congratulations! I may or may not have laughed when reading that side note. :)
(and now I have read the previous comments and realized I'm not the only one who made that joke, so I'll just stop there). x
WOW! Impressive, girl! I can't even pretend like I can relate to this because I doubt I could run around the block...but CONGRATS!
You pooped your pants! I think you are officially a runner when you can just say "I pooped my pants" like it is a normal part of running. ha ha! I have no shame either.
You did a really good job on that race! 13.1 is hard and with everything you have going on you rocked it!
Congratulations! (On the running, not the other thing.)
yayyy congrats on your race! i did a half on saturday and i was super under trained, but that is pretty common for me, unfortunately. from september to 2 weekends before, the longest i ran was 6 miles. i think i ran 9 miles at the end of september. not good! at least this time i did better than i thought at least and i am excited to train for my next one in october. hopefully no pooping of the pants.
Great work! Also - keagals! Kegals? Whatever they're called. They help!
Getting back to running is tough after having a baby. It took me a year with my first and almost a year with my second. This time I'll be back quicker, I hope.
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