links + loves vol 3


-Kristen's post "Things that help me get up in the morning" was a perfect read for me right after I posted on being frustrated by my lack of fitness a month or so ago.

-If you are interested in checking out the mamaRoo infant seat I posted about last week, now is a great time. From 8/15-8/31, the seat will be available to purchase through an exclusive promotion at a huge discount of $70 off! Check out the mamaRoo here to see the products and color choices. You can also enter the 4moms Road Trip Sweepstakes for a chance to win a 2016 Honda Pilot 4moms products. Just go here to enter.

-A few of you asked about the sponsored post I did with 4moms for the mamaRoo. Click here to see influencer program I used! You can check it out and apply to potentially do some sponsored posts as well. I don't do them often, but sometimes you get neat stuff to try out for free!

-Have you seen this video of Olympic divers David Boudia and Steele Johnson? I love what they say about our identity being in Christ and not in our own accomplishments! Awesome.

-Loved this post on marriage.

-Speaking of marriage, 31 things only a husband would say. Jordan and I were reading these out loud to each other and cracking up.

-How cool is this idea for using mason jars to travel with food? This will be great for carrying snacks for R. Thanks to my mom for discovering this!

-If you are in the Dallas area this Thanksgiving, consider coming out to the Double Oak Turkey Trot, which is the 5k and 1-mile fun run my family puts on. We sell out every year and have about 1,000 runners. It is a fun event!

-35 things I survived my first year of motherhood. Number thirty. Yes. Don't tell.

-I'm still using the Ibotta app and loving all the rebates I get on groceries! Have you tried it yet? They have rebates on other things too like diapers, over-the-counter medicine, and beauty products. Use my referral link here and get $10 just for using your first rebate. I get a few bucks too, so thanks in advance! I really need to do a grocery budget update post soon.

-This video. THIS VIDEO. Dying. I am totally the lady on the right, and I am not ashamed. (Okay I'm a little ashamed.)

What good stuff have you been linking or loving lately? Tell me about it.

p.s. If you aren't following The Lady Okie Blog on Facebook, do it! I share post previews and occasionally I link awesome things I find on the Internet that I think you would like. I'm not obnoxious, promise.
Katie @ Daily Cup of Kate said...

haha that video is funny and Im not even a mom!

Kayla MKOY said...

Caleb and I were watching the divers and I wasn't paying attention fully and he goes "Did you hear that?!" and I said huh? He started telling me how David Boudia and Steele Johnson were talking about Christ is their strength, etc.! I LOVE when athletes use their TV time as a platform to talk about the love of God! I love posts like these, so much good information!

Rebecca Jo said...

You're the lady on the right - I am SOOO the one on the left :) "I'd buy someone to make it off Amazon" :) haha

Those divers. YES YES YES! Love it. That's preaching!

The Siberian American said...

I love Ibotta! Such a great app! I loved what the divers said.

Kristen @ See You In A Porridge said...

hahahaha the inserting or swiping is driving me bonkers. we had the inserty thingy years ago and went through the same thing and now i'm like i have to go through this twice?! our local grocery's machines are SO slow that we avoid going there just to avoid the inserty thingy.
i can't watch videos at work with sound, so i will have to watch it tonight. it looks hilarious.
thanks for the shout out girl!
and um, is it weird if i buy myself that mamaroo thingy? that is a serious discount! surely one day i will use it haha.

Emily said...

The interviews right after the athletes come out of the pool/water always bother me because they're soaking wet and still out of breath, but that Steele and David interview was awesome!

Um...things only husbands would say..?! Hilarious!!! I have got to show Freddie that today!

Nadine said...

Hahahaha I am dying over the what husbands say link! They are all so true! And I wont tell anyone about #30 on the things you survived the first year hahaha. Kristen's post was great about getting up. Her and I are in a group chat with a few other ladies who work out in the mornings and it is always fun knowing you aren't the only one up! Hope you have a great weekend!

Laura | Making Baby Provence said...

You have some great links in this entry. However, that article of 31 things only a husband would say had me stifling my laughter at my desk. I found myself snipping my favorites in emails to my husband. Then, I just sent him the link and told him to read it all. I love those shares!

Laura Darling said...

I feel like no matter what, I do the wrong thing with my credit card. If I swipe it, they have the chip. If I insert it for the chip, it's not activated. I cannot win!

Amy @ A Desert Girl said...

I was nodding along to many many of the 35 things survived in the first year of motherhood article. Haha!

My favorite of the husband tweets is still the thermostat negotiations.

The Girl who Loved to Write said...

Crying at the husband tweets. I can't wait to read them to Chris!

Unknown said...

Those husband tweets are hilarious! Especially the first one as Fredrik and I have been having a paper towel debate for years!

Rachel said...

I haven't used a card to buy anything in two years...I'm going to be such a clueless newbie next time I go back to America and try to go to the grocery store...

Ali said...

ibotta just added my local grocery store, and I am in heaven! Ok, maybe not so much, but I'm very excited. :)