Confession Session vol. 3


^^^I took this when we were in Chicago just outside Wrigley Field. My family quotes this all the time.

I think it’s time for a brain dump in the form of some honest confessions. Don’t judge me and I won’t judge you, mkay?

1. I don’t get people who share pictures of their babies on the internet without clothes on and, specifically, without diapers on. NOT JUDGING JUST CONFUSED. Creepers are real, people. Seriously, why do you do this?

2. Last week I came in to pick R up from daycare at the end of the day. She saw me across the room and gave me the biggest smile and then quite literally crawled OVER another baby to get to me, and it was kind of the best thing ever. The other baby started crying when R ran him down, and I sort of felt bad but not really.

3. I made seven freezer meals over the weekend and it was exhausting, but now my freezer is full and I feel proud of myself.

4. Social media is so obnoxious right now. No one can write original content anymore, and people just share links to articles other people have written about Trump this and Hilary that and oh my gosh we have months of this left! Help.

On a related note, a friend told me a joke that I thought was funny: Who would win if Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump got stuck on a desert island together? 

Answer: America.
See how I make jokes? I'm laughing so I don't cry. #imwithneither

5. Speaking of things that make me cry inside, The Bachelor/Bachelorette. You guys. I don’t know if I’ve ever fully come out with my stance on this show, and this might enrage some of you but I’ll just say it: Stuuuuupid. I could try to care less, but that would be putting in too much effort.

Jojo. Is that a person? A dog? One of the bachelors? Who cares? Not me.

6. I have a sponsored post coming at you soon, and I am pumped about it. I’ve put a lot of effort into my blog over the past six years and make approximately 34 cents a day from ads, but sometimes I get to review cool stuff for free and it’s fun. Don't click out of it just because it's sponsored, and I promise not to write any crap about how I just "happened" to be in Walmart and saw this perfect dish soap that I'm getting paid to write about. (The post is not for dish soap. That was just an example.)

7. We took family pictures last weekend and I can’t wait to see them! Although R was more interested in looking confused/sucking on her hand than smiling so I’m trying not to get my hopes up. At least she wasn't crying?

8. Finally, in honor of R's birthday coming up, I have to tell you something. I read these "What I Packed in My Hospital Bag" posts, and I don't even know what to think. You people bring makeup, and you shower, and you put on clothes that will look cute in pictures. HAHAHA. No. True story, and this is the biggest confession of all: My recovery was not fun. I literally couldn't sit up on my own for three days. Making it to the bathroom and back was an enormous task. I did not even open my bag of toiletries the entire time we were in the hospital (read: I didn't even brush my teeth!), and I wore an old XL t-shirt and a pair of Jordan's gym shorts home over the hospital's mesh underwear and completed my ensemble with my brown Old Navy flip flops.

It's possible I have no shame.

Okay your turn! Confess something.

See also: Confession Session vol 1. / vol 2.
Unknown said...

I am with you about the Bachelorette, I just do not get it and like good thing it makes other people happy I guess but yeah not for me at all.

Rachel Emily said...

"I sort of felt bad but not really" I am crying over here! I totally put on makeup (not a fully face but a little) before going to the hospital after my water broke and on the second day we were there but the first day after he was born I gave zero you know whats. It also sounds like you were in much worse shape than me because I swear I did not really need to be there for the second 24 hours and it was torture. ANYWAYS. I can't wait to see what your sponsored post is about!! I've been looking for a new brand of maxi pads so...fingers crossed ;)

Brandi said...

Confession...I just posted a naked pic all over social media. Baby bum running away naked as I tried to talk about the potty. Mostly just thought it was funny. I had to hold myself back from posting pictures of him finally sitting on the potty and smiling, even though you really couldn't see anything. I go back and forth all the time about sharing things online, from baby bums to any information period...but I guess in my heart I know what I took and why I shared it...and I'll go reassess all my life choices....again. ;)

Brittany said...

So cute about R's excitement to see you. Heart-melting moment much? I wish I had the energy and foresight to make a week's worth of freezer meals. I know I would love myself for doing, but I just can't. Plus, then I have an excuse to eat dinner out at least once a week. ;)

Erika Powell said...

I love R's excitement to see you and I am totally with you on the Bachelorette. I just don't get it. But I do watch Big Brother so I am not judging here.

Jenny Fish said...

Completely agree about the Bachelor/Bachelorette - who in the world actually thinks that's the best way to find love? I tried to get into it one season (mostly so I could hang out with my friends who watch it every Monday), but I couldn't make myself come back after the THREE HOUR season opener. It was just too much - as you put it - stuuuupid.

Emily said...

Social media is actually the worst right now. The worst! Emphasis on the worst part. And the exclamation point after the worst part! Thanks for a funny joke to make me smile in these terrible social media/political horror times ;)

Nadine said...

Oh my gosh that joke!!!! I am dying! So true. Sadly. And I know exactly what you mean about the bachelor/bachelorette franchise. It is the stupidest show and I don't get why everyone is so obsessed. I am sick of getting on twitter and seeing nothing but tweets about politics and that awful show! Your hospital bag confession sounds about right. I might pack some of those things with good intentions but I doubt they would ever get used!

a m b e r said...

this is one of my favorite post of yours! i have the same feelings for the bachelor/bachelorette! what is the appeal, seriously?

and that joke is everything. :)

Kayla MKOY said...

I never used to think much of people posting half-naked baby pictures but a friend put it into perspective for me when she had a baby a few years ago (especially with girls) and yeah, I'm totally with you. There are CREEPS out there!

The Lady Okie said...

HAHAHA. Maxi pads. I'll get right on that ;)

The Lady Okie said...

Ha! That sounds really funny :) I guess I was mainly referring to bloggers with large followings posting naked baby pictures. I just don't think I would want those out there for random strangers to see!

The Lady Okie said...

I have friends who get together and watch it, and I've tried to go to watch parties, but I can't handle it and end up talking during the whole thing and then everyone gets annoyed with me because they are actually trying to watch! But I can't. I CAN'T. I could be doing so many better things like what I'm currently doing: rewatching Alias ;) But seriously I love that show. Don't judge me.

The Lady Okie said...

It was tiring making that many meals! But I love having them. I don't use them all in the same week... I save them for when I'm desperate and don't have food in my fridge and don't want to pay to eat out and don't have time to cook. Bam. Freezer meal! I have a couple of friends due with babies soon too, so these might work for that.

jaime said...

Regarding the hospital bag, my second time was way different than the first! Yoga pants and nursing tanks were what I lived for, and I packed all the snacks. ALLLLLLL the snacks. Forget makeup. I needed to eat.

I do a good amount of sponsored posts now and try to stick what's relevant to my life. There are a few things that I won't write about and a few brands that I can't get on board with.

And randomly...We took a meal to my husband's co-worker. He and his wife adopted a baby 7 weeks ago. My almost 5-year-old looked at the new mom, their new baby and said, "our baby is cuter than yours." I almost died. For the record, their baby was SUPER cute. Kids, though.

Raige Creations said...

#3 - I am so jealous. That has been on my 'must do' list for about a year. Have I done one? Nope. Froze some leftover chili once, does that count? I just can't muster up the gumption to make a whole bunch in one day, even though I know the rewards would be awesome. Maybe this weekend....which is what I say every other weekend.

Audrey Louise said...

I love that your baby is a *linebacker ;) And that joke is awesome. I sat here giggling for 5 minutes!
I confess that I have more fun reading recaps from snarky people about The Bachelorette than actually watching it :D

*Is "linebacker" the right football player? I have no idea...

Rebecca Jo said...

I totally know the Bachelor stuff is stupid... but I'm STILL watching it :) I actually cried over the ending. How STUPID IS THAT? haha
Its the best when babies just want to get to you. BEST FEELING EVER!
That joke is funny because its unbelievably true!!!!

AnneMarie said...

#2 is so cute!!! I wouldn't feel bad either, I'm sure that baby got over it ;)
I don't get why people post total naked pictures of their babies all over the internet either! There are creepers out there, plus, when that child gets older, he or she may not appreciate seeing their total nakedness displayed to all of the world everywhere. My 8 week old son doesn't wear clothes that often, so most pictures of him that wind up on facebook or my blog are onesie-less, but I make sure that he's always in a diaper. And he's a boy, and his cloth diapers are huge(practically like shorts!), so I don't think it's that big of a deal for us.
Haha! That joke is the best. So true, so funny. Can that please happen? ;)

So hospital bags...I had a great recovery, so I don't have an excuse to be a slob, but I barely touched my bag (which didn't have much in it to begin with) during my 2-day hospital stay! I lived, slept, and hung out in an open-front nightgown through which you could see my full glory of mesh undies and stretch marks. I didn't put on actual clothes, brush my hair, or put on deodorant until a few hours before I was discharged!

I think my biggest Confession is something that I don't think a big deal, but other people get weirded out and disgusted by...I think Americans, in general, are really obsessive with showering, and I just don't get it. Like, I know people who take 2-3 showers a day (not even because of sports!), and even if you only take 1 shower a day, that means that a LOT of your life is being spent in the shower. And while that's cool with some people (all power to them!) I just don't want to spend my life like that. So I take a shower maybe once a week? I figure there are other ways to keep clean, like using coconut oil and washing my face and whatnot (I'm a little bit of a hippie).

Kristen @ See You In A Porridge said...

i don't get why people share naked pictures online either, like do they think it's okay because they are babies or children? that would make it less okay for me because of how creepy and weird the people looking for those pictures are.
i don't watch the bachelor or bachelorette. i tried, when i first started blogging because everyone was talking about it and i just couldn't do it.
i am glad you said that about the hospital bag because i don't think i will be one of those fancy glamorous mothers who look amazing with their hair and makeup and cute robes... like i don't look like that at home, why would i look like that after having a baby?

Michelle said...

Let me tell you what I wore home from the hospital. A red and white striped maternity shirt and Old Navy Christmas pajama pants that were blue with pink and green trees on them. And TOMS. The nurse's jaw actually dropped when she came to push the wheelchair. Which I was more or less lying down in because HOW DO PEOPLE SIT AFTER GIVING BIRTH? So yeah, the people who pack cute clothes and makeup in the hospital bag? And actually use them? Dead to me.

Michelle said...

Also...seriously about the naked babies. If my mom had done that when I was a baby and social media had been a thing, WE WOULDN'T BE SPEAKING RIGHT NOW. Kidding, but not.

The Lady Okie said...

I try to avoid showering if I can help it. I've always hated it and it's such an involved process to dry my hair and all that. I shower more frequently than that, but I definitely don't shower every day!

StephTheBookworm said...

Yessss for freezer meals. I hate cooking so I love them. I have about ten in my freezer right now.

I'm with ya. Totally over the politics taking over social media all the time. Can the election be over yet?!

Amy @ A Desert Girl said...

Oh so many good things here.

1. WHY?? I don't get this either. I think I may have posted a picture of Ava in a diaper once (I just skimmed Insta though and didn't see it so maybe I decided not to?) and was very hesitant about it.
4. Ugh. It's such a mess. How did we get to this place? I don't know if it's reassuring or exhausting to think about but reading The Bully Pulpit has educated me in one way - both parties have always been obnoxious. Yes, we are in an all time low NOW, but there was so much corruptness back then too.
5. Really. It is the stupidest show. I watched this season for the first time in a looooong time because a friend did a bracket and I love a good bracket challenge (I placed second, I'm proud/ashamed to say). It is so mindless. In fact I think my IQ is lower now than at the start of the season.
8. Right?? Those what to pack lists are hilarious. Um, thanks, I'll wear my comfy sweats and a nursing cami and indulge in hospital luxuries like the mesh undies and the sitz bath (oh the sitz bath...I wanted to take that home with me almost as much as I wanted to take the baby home) and the hideous hospital socks.

Katie @ Live Half Full said...

1. I did share a picture of my son in the bath a few weeks ago, but I really studied it before I decided it was ok.
3. I want to hear what you made!
and 8. I was one of those people! I was just so excited to shower and shave my legs and really enjoyed getting fully ready, doing my hair and makeup and having that hour to myself because I knew I wouldn't get it when we went home!!!

Kaity B. said...

All the yeses to your hospital bag confession. I've been reading some to refresh my memory on what I should bring and literally with the exception of a couple clothing items, the hospital gave me everything I needed so I'm not going to concern myself with makeup and hair things. Just give me the mesh panties and let's call it a day.

17 Perth said...

Hahaha! I needed this today! And I confess I might occasionally watch the bachelorette but I totally agree with you about the show.

I might have gotten take out everyday this week for lunch because I'm too lazy to clean up after cooking.

I might sometimes sit in J's room after he falls asleep holding him while I hear Judah having a battle over bedtime with E. 😂

Maria said...

Darn it. I really would like your opinion on dish soap.

I confess that I'm reading this when I should be changing to go to the gym. But your posts are way more fun than the gym. Don't let that go to your head.

Rachel said...

I have some sponsored posts coming up soon and I'm really hoping people like them, too. I wouldn't make a very good professional blogger, I think, but I'm proud of being able to do something like that occasionally...and hoping for a good response.

I have found that a major benefit of the fact that relatively few of my friends are American and most of my relatives aren't into politics a huge benefit as I've seen comparatively quite little from anyone on facebook politically...other than not-very-political people like me saying something don't want Clinton or Trump in charge of everything...
I love the idea of freezer meals but I feel like most of what we like to eat wouldn't freeze well. I do have two dinner's worth of chili frozen right now because I made 2 6-quart crock pots full of chili for youth group but they didn't eat it all. Estimating how much food teenagers will eat for dinner is very challenging...if it's homemade beef stew they'll eat every drop off 2 6-quart crockpots...but it makes sense because chili is more filling, right? I guess my confession is that I think about food way too much. It's basically my favorite conversation topic.

Unknown said...

I feel like you forgot to confess about how you secretly love my sassy tweets

Sarah said...

7 freezer meals is very impressive! Will you be sharing!?

Ali said...

Sing it sister! The Bachelor/Bachelorette? Why is that still popular? Don't we all know how dumb/stupid/fake/idiotic these shows are now? Uuuuuugh!

Rach said...

Aww, I love that R is so happy to see you when you arrive at daycare! SO sweet! I love it! :)

Politics... oh politics. It has been such a circus and such a mess all around. *sigh*

I look forward to hearing about the product you like enough that you're willing to do a sponsored post! I don't mind sponsored posts as long they aren't and as long as it seems like the blogger actually cares about it. I mean, I don't judge people who do them all the time or even ones that don't seem related to their blog, but I also am not likely to read or comment on them in those cases.

I literally just read Katie's blog post about what she actually used in her hospital bag right before coming here to this post so your last confession made me laugh. It makes sense that depending on how the delivery was, would definitely impact the amount of effort you put into your appearance and such during those first few days (especially at the hospital). Crossing my fingers that I'll have it easy when I get there one of these days!

The Girl who Loved to Write said...

Number 8: Absolute SAME. I didn't even shower, because ouch. I remember my skin feeling really itchy and I went digging in my bag for some lotion, and I saw that I brought my makeup and just had a good long laugh at myself.

Kate said...

Number 5: YES YES YES YES YES. Oh man. I don't judge people for watching it at all because I know I watch things that other people think are stupid. HOWEVER. I just don't get it. DON'T GET IT. So stupid.

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

I used to watch the Bachelorette, and then I came to the conclusion that it was the most worldly and filthy show and why the heck was I watching it??? There were a group of Christian women I know that used to get together to watch it and I finally told them I just couldn't. It's so worldly.

People should not post naked kid pictures. People at the Y will strip their kids naked on the pool deck and I'm just like "Hello people! There are pervs all over!" It's so inappropriate. However, in Asia, I didn't think twice about that. It's normal =)

Nice job on the freezer meals. Those do take a long time but are super nice to have on hand.

Victoria said...

Birthing babies is noooooo joke. That is definitely the most frightening thing about womanhood. You're amazing!

I watched the first season of The Bachelorette and American Idol and then called it a day. My cluelessness is sooo bad that I actually was like,"WHO IS JOJO AND WHY IS EVERYONE POSTING ABOUT THEM?" for weeks. Thankfully she made her choice and we can all move on. Right? Please tell me we're done.

Scrolling through FB makes me so sad. People rarely post their own pics or updates anymore. I'm loving the FB live videos though. They are sparking people's creativity!

Way to go on the freezer meals!!!

And R cruising for you! Awww! There is NO better feeling. I helped my friend with her second baby for the first six months. When her husband returned, I backed off to give everyone space/time to adjust. A while later I went back for their oldest daughter's bday and when I walked into the house, the baby heard my voice and made a BEELINE for me. It melted my heart and I couldn't scoop him up fast enough! And I'm not even his Mom, but there's just something special about those bonds. <3