Currently Watching the Olympics


I am currently writing this while watching THE OLYMPICS. I love the Olympics so much, you guys. There is nothing quite like sitting on your couch stuffing your face with edible cookie dough while you binge watch people a decade younger than you be super in shape and awesome at sports. I cried within the first half hour watching one of the athlete profile segments. I just can't even.

Anyway. Last weekend we traveled to Texas for a gender reveal for my brother and sister-in-law's baby due in June! This will be my first time to be an aunt, and I'm just so dang happy for one of my siblings to join Jordan and I in the crazy world of kids at family gatherings. I'm also happy for them to have a baby, but let's be honest: this is really just all about me right now.

And it's a GIRL! Yay!
I told my SIL she can borrow all of R's hair bows that are basically in brand-new condition because she refused to wear them. It's been two years and I'm still not over it.

I texted one of my friends and said, "R is going to have a girl cousin!" She replied, "J is going to have a cousin too..." Good grief. J will be 8 months old next week, and I still sometimes forget all about him. I used to (secretly) judge parents when I heard about them leaving their kids at the store or at school or whatever, but now I totally get it. I hope he doesn't read that in ten years and feel bad. I love that boy to dang pieces, but it still doesn't totally compute that I have two children.
Speaking of having two children, my stomach is kind of depressing me lately. I don't have a scale, but I'm pretty sure I'm nearish if not at my pre-baby weight and my pants fit fine, so that's all great. I'm not at all saying I'm large or anything like that, but a lot of my shirts honestly make me look like I'm 5 months pregnant, hence my recent overhaul of my closest. I'm hoping I can actually find some discipline soon to lay off the cookie dough and make do some actual ab work and get my core back in shape.

I am proud of myself, though, because I've been consistent about going to the gym at least 2x a week so far this year, which is my goal. If I can get a run or workout in 3x a week, that is awesome, but 2x a week is realistic and relatively achievable for this point in my life. I ran 32 miles in January! Most of them were on the treadmill, but I did get outside for a few runs when it wasn't freezing.

I'm excited because I convinced Jordan to sign up for a family "run" later this month downtown OKC. There is a 5k portion, but we are just doing the 1-mile family fun run/walk. I realize we could walk a mile around our neighborhood for free, but I thought it would be a fun family event and something R might enjoy. I can't wait for her to get a bit older and do an actual run with me!

Okay that's about all I have. I've got more Olympics to watch, and weirdly I can't concentrate on writing when I'm watching. Go, Team USA, and happy Friday and weekend!
Maureen @ Maureen Gets Real said...

Congrats on being an aunt! That is so exciting for you and your family.

The Olympics are the BEST! I also cry during the athlete segments so glad to know I'm not alone on that.

Rach said...

I'm watching the Olympics right now too while I'm reading this! Well, technically it's a commercial break while I'm reading and responding to this. But still! Olympic season! YAY!

Hooray for another little girl in the family! Cousins are so much fun!

And good for you for sticking to your goals! You are doing so great!

Unknown said...

That family run sounds so fun! And your face in that first gender reveal picture is cracking me up!

Maria said...

Yes! Love the Olympics. We are breaking out the $11 antennae and hoping it works its magic.

Waze asked me the other day if I wanted notifications/reminders to check my backseat to make sure I don't forget my baby. Ha! I opted in. I don't think I'd ever forget her, but sometimes my brain is mush.

Congrats on the niece! Nora is still tolerating the hairbows. I wonder how much time I have left with them...

Jenny Evans said...

I'm still mad they told us we can't eat raw flour in cookie dough anymore. I mean, I still do, but come on. Way to ruin my good time.

Audrey Louise said...

The Olympics always make me emotional, too :) And congrats on being an aunt!!
One of my mom's old coworkers (a gym teacher) used to do races (5k, marathons, etc.) with her 1st grade daughter! They were both super in shape and would run together for fun!

Jen said...

I'm always such an emotional mess watching the Olympics! It's so inspiring watching all of these countries compete at the highest level and seeing how proud they all are is amazing.

Christina said...

I've been loving your Olympic Instagram Story coverage. That Hunger Games reference still has me laughing! Congratulations on being an Aunt!! My cousin had a baby a month after I did - we haven't had any babies in the family for a long time - it's exciting!

The Lady Okie said...

Yes! It really is.

The Lady Okie said...

Thank you, Maureen! I am excited!

Anonymous said...

Hello Lady Okie! I wish I was watching and cheering on the UK at the Olympics but I think I could end up too deflated! Although I may watch just for the US Team's RL outfits! What a great idea going to a gender reveal (was it a party?). I am sure if you guys are doing it will only be a matter of time that we copy - after all, it has JUST taken us until now to start doing baby showers! You look great BTW post baby - big achievement to be sustaining the gym with such a busy life! All the Best - Europafox x

Sarah @ Sweet Miles said...

At least you're making it to the gym!! Hooray! I can't WAIT to start working out again soon!

Julie @ Just the Joy's said...

Yay for sticking to your gym/run goal! That's great! I feel ya in the clothes/shirts/stomach area.... I've been depressed about my stomach since having ML 18 months ago. Ha! But.. since I finally got my hernia fixed, I'm looking forward to putting some serious effort into fixing this Mom bod! ;) So exciting to be an Aunt!! Congrats!

The Lady Okie said...

Yes, thank you! I have not been officially checked, but I do think I have some gap. That is awesome your gap has gotten so much smaller. I have been curious about pelvic floor PT also. I agree that I wish there was more awareness about pp issues like this than just the basic visit. This time around I did not start running at 6 weeks, and I think that helped me a lot, but I know I have a ways to go still!