We really don't talk about princesses a lot at our house. I'm not against them, but it's just not like we make a point to watch princess movies and buy R princess-themed pajamas and coloring books. And in fact, honestly I hate shirts with giant logos/pictures on them of any kind, so she doesn't have any clothes with princesses on them except for two dresses we got from a friend who was getting rid of a bunch of stuff. I thought maybe she'd like having a couple "dress-up" dresses around the house for fun.
I had her 3rd birthday outfit picked out for a few months before her party: the same green and pink onesie she wore for the birthday photos I took (the outfit is in the above photo in her new fort!). She wore it for opening presents, until she opened the card my parents got her, which had a built-in princess crown you could tear out to wear. She saw the girl on the crown and shouted, "I NEED MY PURPLE DRESS" and went racing off to her room, emerging seconds later with one of her dress-up dresses that had the exact same princess on the front.
My brother and sister-in-law got R a microphone and stand for her birthday. (Here's a link to a similar microphone from the same brand as hers, but I can't find the exact microphone combo she got online!) The microphone has settings for different voices and can even record a song to play back. To say she put on a show is a bit of an understatement. We got the microphone hooked up, and R put her crown on with her matching dress and sang her little heart out.
My grandparents were able to drive from Illinois just for the day to be at R's party! They had hunted all over for a pink piggy bank to get her, and then while she was singing, my mother-in-law told R to put the piggy bank next to her and she went up and dropped some change into it. A few more people pulled out some pennies and dropped them into the piggy bank while R was singing, and R kept smiling and laughing.
When I look back at the pictures taken at the party, most of them show R in a purple princess dress. If I'm being totally honest, at first I was a bit disappointed because that wasn't exactly my favorite choice for a cute birthday outfit. I don't even know if that will make sense to anyone else or just sound dumb of me to be at all concerned about something so silly even for just a minute or two. But she was so happy, and that made me happy.
I'm also so thankful that our families get along so well. Both Jordan's and my parents are married, so there isn't any awkwardness with multiple different families around, and I try not to take that for granted because I know it's not exactly what everyone else experiences all the time. Having family around is something I look forward to, and I hope it's the same for my kids as they get older.
Before R's 1st birthday, a friend gave me some really great advice that I've tried to keep in mind for all of the kid's birthday parties since then. She said that the day will be full of family and people. It will be stressful and chaotic. But make sure to take a minute--one full minute--at some point during the day and actually just stop and look around. Take in the moment, the people, the laughter.
That might sound kind of cliche, but it really has been a good reminder for me these past 3 years of being a mom. It hasn't always looked like I thought it would or been as easy as I think it should be, but there are so many great things too. Things I might miss if I didn't intentionally remind myself to stop and take it in every once in a while.
My two cents for what it's worth. I'm still new to this parenting gig ;)
That might sound kind of cliche, but it really has been a good reminder for me these past 3 years of being a mom. It hasn't always looked like I thought it would or been as easy as I think it should be, but there are so many great things too. Things I might miss if I didn't intentionally remind myself to stop and take it in every once in a while.
My two cents for what it's worth. I'm still new to this parenting gig ;)
It looks like a wonderful time even in her purple dress :) I remind myself all of the time to just stop and really enjoy the moments. It's hard sometimes in this busy world.
It's crazy how overwhelming parties are that you really do MISS them if you dont intentionally stop to enjoy it. That's such a shame. Glad you did just that.
& I love the Princess dress. You'll look back it with sweet memories.
I love that advice! I received the same for my wedding and I've applied it to parenting as well!
That's such good advice! I'm so glad you were able to soak in the goodness of her birthday despite everything else that was going on (thinking back to your post on Instagram of your family photo from her birthday). And I'm glad you didn't let the change in outfit get to you. How great that she had such fun with that microphone, dress, crown, and piggy bank! :)
That picture of her with the microphone is the best!!!!
Ah, I totally get the whole dress thing. My son had some hand me down Peppa Pig pirate boots and he loved wearing them everywhere. I just couldn't get on board with them for so many reasons, but they made him so happy.
On an unrelated note- that Let's Play sign is gorgeous- where did you get it from?
Before I had kids, I was totally a person who said, “My kid will never...”. But seeing the sheer joy my daughter has over wearing a Rapunzel shirt or the elation my son has over his light up Darth Vader shoes (oh the horror!! ��) makes me realize it’s not that big of a concession to let them wear things/characters that they love. It's not necessarily what I would choose for them, but ����♀️ there’s no harm in it.
Hmmm. My emojis didn’t transfer so well lol.
Letting go of that disappointment doesn't sound dumb at all. In fact, I feel that way at times and was glad to read this and know someone else can feel the same way. It's so easy to get caught up in how things look. For instance, my mom bought our daughter a really colorfully loud blanket that doesn't match anything in her nursery, but Anna loves how soft and snuggly it is and loves to play peek-a-boo with it and how can my heart not be warmed at the sight??
I loved reading this post so much and love that you had such a wonderful takeaway from your daughter's birthday. :)
Such good advice! It's so easy to get caught up in the hoopla.
I totally get the feelings with the princess dress! We are trying to avoid characters for a bit too, and I have no good reason for that other than clothes look better without them. Call me superficial. But how cute is she with her street performer set up? What a beautiful personality this one has! So much joy.
I totally get it about mixed feelings on the princess dress - one of my girls had a Minnie Mouse dress that she wore for MONTHS, and I went back and forth on it just like you did! I guess it's cute though, when they get attached to a certain piece of clothing, haha! I love the advice about stopping to just look around - that's something I should get better at too.
I think the princess dress is kind of fun, because it will remind you of this story every time you see the pictures :) I have one of those families, as my parents are divorced and we can't stand the "new" spouses that have come in to the mix. It is always a little awkward and you never know what to expect...even though my parents actually don't really cause the drama. It is usually their spouses. I am like...if my parents can get along and be graceful around each other, why cant they?? But I try to remember the same thing, that I need to slow down and take in the moments because they go by so quickly!
Awww! What happy memories of this day you will have! I'm with you on cartoon characters not really fitting my preferred style for children's clothing...but dress up clothes are a fun part of childhood and these photos with her in her crown and dress and singing for money are so fun! I also appreciate that both Angel and I happen to come from families where our parents are together and there isn't stress about who can be with each other and who can't--especially since we can't often be with our extended family or Angel's side. I think I took that for granted until my sister got married and I realized that not everybody gets to have an easy time when the family gets together.
Aw! That sounds like an awesome party!
I’m not into character clothing either, but I’ve made my peace with it. It actually brings me some joy when I see how excited it makes them. I’m sure you’ll look back and be glad you let R fully express herself. :)
Sorry for the belated reply! I love that Let's Play sign. I got it from this Etsy shop during a sale last year :) https://www.etsy.com/shop/huntandgathergoods
Yes! She was so happy and it made me happy :) Definitely no harm in that at all, and I learned a good lesson for myself.
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