Marathon Training: Week 14
This recap is a tad bit belated, since I'm actually talking about last week, and it's already Wednesday of this week. But you know what? I do what I want.
I'm so excited about week 14 of training! The reasons are fourfold:
1. The completion of this week means I only have THREE more weeks until my first marathon. And then I will have run a marathon. I will be a marathoner. A person who has run a marathon. What I'm really excited about is putting that obnoxious 26.2 sticker on my car right next to my 13.1 sticker. Yes, I'm that person.
2. I ran two times while on vacation! Despite having the best intentions, I rarely (read: never) run while on vacation. However, I ended up doing my Thursday and Sunday runs while in Illinois, and I'm super proud of myself for actually putting my running shoes to good use. (You know you're a runner when running clothes take up half your suitcase.)
3. My 6-mile run on Thursday paced at 8:20.
My splits looked like this: 9:02 - 8:42 - 8:22 - 8:28 - 7:58 - 7:26. I don't know where that came from, but I love it. Don't get me wrong: as soon as I finished I felt like my head was going to explode and my legs would fall off, but that's neither here nor there. Olympics, here I come!
4. My 15-miler on Sunday went great. I averaged 9:29 pace and finished in 2:22:20.
My long run was just perfect. I woke up early Sunday morning and set off to explore. I ended up finding a long road that wound through some farms, and I watched the sun rise over the cornfields. It was another one of those gorgeous runs that made me so thankful to be healthy and able to run like I do. I am also thankful for my Garmin watch. So worth the money.
In other news, my dad is destroying his training. He ran 20 miles on Saturday! I'm excited to meet up with him in OKC in just a few weeks.
Now, it's officially taper time! Basically this means for the next three weeks my mileage will go way down. (Here's a pretty good article from Runner's World about tapering.) My long runs are 12 this coming weekend and 8 miles the next weekend. It will be really weird to cut back so much after 14 weeks of increasing my distance (and it's also weird that a 12-mile run is "cutting back"), but I'm not going to lie: I'm happy to have 2+ hour-runs behind me at least for now.
By the way, my Moving Comfort bra is holding up just fine. Seriously, best sports bra ever. High five for no chafing!
[ Have any questions about my training so far? Ask me! I'm putting together a post about what I have learned from marathon training, and I'd love to include some answers about things you want to know about! ]
My fiance did a half recently, and he just signed up for a full in October. I don't know how you guys run for that long because I literally cannot even do a mile without wanting to barf (tmi, sorry). Props to ya!
Way to go! Those are incredible times!
WOOT WOOT! So excited for you! I feel like I am still recovering from my full marathon last fall haha
yay for your marathon training that is so awesome you are doing this. taper week is one of my favorite weeks because it means all the hard work you have put in is about to be put to test. you are getting closer!
So, serious stalking going on right now, but you followed my blog and now I'm here and I just bought a moving comfort bra because ALL MY BRAS ARE CHAFFING ME. Even the ones that didn't for 10 miles suddenly did for 11. Blergh. My first half is in... two and a half weeks? I think. So hopefully it gets here in time for me to try it out.
ANYWAY. you mentioned that you liked yours and I just got one so I decided to tell you so.
Also, suddenly I'm thinking about a full? before I've even done my first half. So. I'll look forward to your things-I've-learned post!
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