*Project 12: A photo on the first day of every month in 2014*
Amanda = 3 books
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
Thunderstruck by Erik Larson
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
Thunderstruck by Erik Larson
Jordan = 1 book
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Plus, he started reading
Ciaphas Cain: Hero of the Imperium by Sandy Mitchell
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Plus, he started reading
Ciaphas Cain: Hero of the Imperium by Sandy Mitchell
On May 16 we went to Texas for my brother's college graduation!
Later, all the boys put on white t-shirts while they played this number game
on their phones. They thought it was hilarious.
I don't know.
Before Jordan and I left the next day, we took some ridiculous family photos.
Self-timer to the rescue yet again. We are so weird.
Later, all the boys put on white t-shirts while they played this number game
on their phones. They thought it was hilarious.
I don't know.
Before Jordan and I left the next day, we took some ridiculous family photos.
Self-timer to the rescue yet again. We are so weird.
May 14 was our 3-year anniversary.
We had a stay-at-home date. See pictures here.
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May 22 we went to PF Chang's for our anniversary date.
Their lettuce wrap appetizer is the. best. ever.
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May 24
We had a stay-at-home date. See pictures here.
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May 22 we went to PF Chang's for our anniversary date.
Their lettuce wrap appetizer is the. best. ever.
May 24
We went to a wedding.
It was a dessert reception, and we didn't eat dinner first,
which meant we stuffed our faces with pie and cupcakes and cake...
and then went home and ate leftover mac 'n' cheese at 10:30 at night.
Rookie mistake.
2. Went on a girls' weekend trip to Minnesota
3. We hid out in an underground storm shelter when a tornado came to town
3. We hid out in an underground storm shelter when a tornado came to town
Notable Events
Jordan's brother graduated high school
My brother graduated college (same weekend!)
My brother graduated college (same weekend!)
Coming up on June I've got two things of note:
1. My first business trip! Heading out to Salt Lake City for two days, and I'm excited/nervous.
I'm leading a meeting all by myself!
2. My brother's wedding,
which means more funny family pictures to come in next month's recap!
Coming up on June I've got two things of note:
1. My first business trip! Heading out to Salt Lake City for two days, and I'm excited/nervous.
I'm leading a meeting all by myself!
2. My brother's wedding,
which means more funny family pictures to come in next month's recap!
Salt Lake City is one of my favorite places to visit. Those Utah folks might be the nicest I've ever met :) Good luck on your presentation!
Good luck in SLC! You are going to rock your meeting.
I am so frustrated by 2048. I think it'll take me forever to make it.
If you are as funny in person as you are in your vlogs, you'll wow the people at the meeting with your wit and charm. :)
Your family takes the best fun pictures. I love traveling by myself for work. I actually tell my husband he can't come to fun places because I like having a hotel room all to myself.
you definitely win for best-expression in the family pictures :) here's to hoping you take another girls' trip to minnesota this year. and as for reading fault in our stars-- i'm heading to goodreads to see what you have to say right this moment. i've heard such mixed reviews that i'm eager to find your rating :)
Did you like The Fault in Our Stars? I've been debating if that should be my next read.
love the timer pictures - cute!! and yeah for anniversary twins :) And I got my magazine and running cd the other day - THANK you! can't wait to listen to it!! you are the best!
What did you think of TFioS?? I actually excited to see the movie - I hope it doesn't ruin the book!
nah, i just LOVE your family! is that weird or what? you guys remind me of my own family. we're big and we're ridiculous too.
love the May picture! :) and two anniversary dates!!
good luck on your business trip! you'll rock that meeting!
How did you like Thunderstruck? Larson's books always sound so interesting, but then he bogs them down with tons of details and I feel like I'm never going to finish.
Your family is so hilarious! Great pics!
I FINALLY remembered to do this with my husband for June! :) FINALLY!
sounds like you had an excellent May! I loved the fault in our stars! such a great book!
Yeah, that's how I felt too. The amount of research he puts into this books is just incredible, and the last fourth of the book flew by because it really got interesting. Honestly, the two story lines weren't really connecting until the end, so that was annoying. One was always about 10 years ahead of the other in terms of timeline, and I kept feeling frustrated that they weren't closer. There were also so many details and names, etc., that it was hard to follow sometimes. Overall I liked it, but so far it's been my least favorite of the 3 of his I've read.
You're welcome! Glad you got it!
Sounds like it was quite the month! :-)
I love how you note all these great events and doings month by month! Sounds like May was quite awesome! The self timer pictures are quite hilarious!
Oooh, have fun in Salt Lake City & good luck heading the meeting!
Your family is so fun! The lettuce wraps from Changs is so yummy! Is the game like Soduko?
Haha, I love those photos! The ones where the guys are all wearing white tshirts and super focused on their game is funny. I love this little recap that you do. It's fun to look back at what you were doing last May!
Good luck with your meeting and have fun in SLC! :) I love that your family takes crazy pictures together... we do too!
Loving those recaps! And good luck with the meeting! You're going to do great! :)
May sounds like an awesome month!!!! What great pictures and fun that you got to take a trip down to the great state of TX :) Hope your first business trip goes awesome!!! Utah is gorgeous!
Hey, I took a picture in front of that huge spoon in 2012! I was quite fascinated by it. Who knew that our feet have walked over the exact same ground but in different years... :P Family weddings are so exciting, I feel like I cannot wait till all my little siblings start getting married someday! 5 of them are within an 8 year time span so it stands to reason that once wedding season starts it'll be steady for a few years. Only I and my baby sister are the outliers.
I love that you share what you're reading this month. The Fault in Our Stars was such a moving book, with characters whose feelings felt so real to me compared to those in other books I've read (fiction OR nonfiction) dealing with life-threatening illness. I'll be curious how well it translates to film.
i'm avoiding the fault in all of our stars.
i continually hear it is a beautiful book...and the movie is coming out/already out...and i know i SHOULD read it...but my mom passed away from leukemia almost 10 years ago and i just don't feel i'm in a place to read it yet (wow that was a soap box, you're welcome) but i'm so torn because i want to read it.
you'll have to tell us what you thought of the book!
also i love your may recap! so fun!
haha I am so excited for more family photos. you guys have the most infectiously happy photos. they make me smile!
Your funny pictures are the best :)
Oh, but I really love that picture of you and Jordan for May!!! You both look so happy and great!!
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