Blog Talk #4: Why Do You Unfollow?


Welcome to blog talk! 

This is the fourth installment of "Blog Talk," in which I will give my opinion on different aspects of blogging and then continue the discussion in the comments. Because I want to hear what you have to say! Yes, you're even allowed to disagree. Just be nice about it.


Well, you guys, I'm currently in Salt Lake City on my business trip (holler!). I am so determined to get a run in that I wore my running shoes on the plane. It's happening. 

Anyway, I'm not usually one for scheduling posts during my absence, but I figured I might as well give you all something to ponder while I'm away since this is something I have been pondering on my own for a while now. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Today we're going to talk about the thing that makes every blogger's heart skip a beat... in a fall-out-of-love kind of way: it's the dreaded unfollow.

I don't care if you have 2 followers or 2,000 followers NO ONE likes seeing their numbers do this:

I have even come to think that big bloggers care more about this than small bloggers. But I obviously wouldn't actually know how big bloggers feel.

So let's talk about it. 
Why does this happen? Why do YOU unfollow? Leave a comment and let's discuss!

Here are the 4 main reasons I unfollow:

1. If You Don't Respond to My Comments

We talked about this in Blog Talk #1: How Do You Get So Many Comments? Responding to comments shows readers that you're listening, that you care that they are taking the time to read your blog and to leave a comment. It also allows you a chance to exchange communication with that blogger and maybe make a new friend. One of my favorite things about blogging is the back-and-forth emails I get to have with all of you who leave comments.

I totally get that big bloggers have thousands of followers and a lot of emails to get through, but in my opinion, that DOES NOT give them a free pass to never reply to comments. I'm not saying they need to reply to every single one, but if your job, whether part time or full time, is to blog, then responding to at least some comments is part of that job! I'll stop my rant there before I get carried away. This is seriously so annoying to me.

The same goes for any blogger, big or small. I know we all have lives and can't just sit around waiting to reply to comments, but I personally don't see the point in continuing to read a blog where I can never actually engage with the writer of that blog. 

And that's probably the number-one reason I eventually unfollow: if I've commented multiple times and never once heard back from you. Rude.

2. If You Never Visit My Blog

This is similar to the first point, but I think if I take the time to visit your blog and say hello, you could pay a visit back. Again, I'm not going to be unrealistic and say that anyone has time to visit a hundred blogs every day (or even five blogs every day), but if I am a regular commenter and visitor, and you have NEVER popped over to say hi (even just once!), I probably won't keep reading.

Note: It's probably not feasible for a really big blogger to visit other blogs, but I don't think replying to a few comments once in a while is too much to ask for. (See point #1)

3. If I Find Myself Constantly Skipping Your Posts in My Blog Reader

Every so often I will realize that I keep clicking "read" on the same blog every time a post comes up in my blog reader.  Eventually I have to ask myself what I'm doing. Why follow a blog you don't even read? Makes no sense.

It's hard to say specifically what it is about a blog that makes me like it or not like it. There are some blogs I read where I love every single post, no matter what it's about. Other blogs I follow mostly for their pretty pictures or their free downloads, but I'm not all that interested in their personal life. That sounds bad, I guess, but it's the truth. But when I find myself constantly skipping posts from a certain blog, I decide it's time to unfollow. (Just for fun, you might enjoy my post: 5 Blog Posts I Usually Skip.)

Finally, we have the most ridiculous reason of all...

4. Writing Style and Post Structure

I know this will sound completely insane, but writing style can often make or break it for me.

I usually end up unfollowing blogs with giant paragraphs. My blog might fall on the opposite end of that with annoyingly short breaks, but I strongly believe that people need a place to rest their eye! Long paragraphs in blog posts = no bueno. Is that just the weirdest thing ever or is anyone with me on this?

Now, a long post doesn't bother me. In fact, if all a blogger ever does is post short little, two-paragraph posts, I will probably stop following. For me, there's just not enough meat in the post for me to really feel like the blogger spent time and effort crafting it enough for me to care to spend my time and effort reading it.

* * * 

So those are the main reasons why I unfollow a blog. To be honest, though, I don't find myself unfollowing blogs very much, because I am very picky about which blogs I follow in the first place. That might be something else to consider, and maybe it's a post for another Blog Talk: what makes you follow a blog?

Now for discussion! Here are a few questions to get you started: 

1. What makes you unfollow a blog?
2. What are your thoughts on bloggers (big or small) replying or not replying to comments?
3. Are you picky about following blogs, or do you follow a lot and unfollow later?
4. Do you prefer long or short paragraphs? What about long or short blog posts? Is that even something you think about at all?

I named this series "Blog Talk" because I do want us to talk to each other. I don't know about you, but on these types of posts I enjoy reading the comments just as much as I do the actual post!

I have my opinion, but I want to hear yours. On these posts I will write back to comments in the comment section so we can learn from each other, so be sure and check back. And again, you can disagree, but be nice about it. Any unnecessarily rude or nasty comments will be deleted. The Lady Okie has spoken.

Renee said...

I love your demonstration, especially *dramatic reeanactment!! haha
I've been trying to think of reasons why I would unfollow someone and if I love love love their blog, regardless of the above points, I'm going to keep reading because I turn into a stalker lady and get addicted! But, if I'm just starting off reading someones blog and they don't quickly hook me in, then I agree with the never responding to comments point.

Breenah A said...

I can understand not responding to EVERY SINGLE comment, especially if you've got a huge blog, but it is part of blogging and you need to schedule time for it if it's that big of a hassle. Respond to comments instead of writing a pointless post (aka a bunch of pictures that aren't yours). So yeah, that's a reason I'll stop following.
Also, sometimes people change! It's crazy. And not necessarily for the bad. If I change and a blogger changes to where I just don't enjoy it anymore I'll stop following. Sometimes I still really like them as a person so I'll still follow elsewhere, I just won't read their blog. That one's kinda like your #3.

Breenah A said...

And I'm picky about blogs I read. I currently have about 40 blogs bookmarked to go back and look at to see if I want to subscribe.

Kate said...

Big paragraphs are a major blog turn off for me too. I understand that sometimes they are necessary, but generally speaking, I just find myself skimming them. It feels like too much work to read the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

The biggest turn off for me is a blog that only posts fluff that is designed to gain more followers. It makes blogging feel like a popularity contest which is lame. My favorite bloggers are the ones that write longer posts and have a basic command of grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph structure. So after a while, I will unfollow someone who consistently does not do those things.

Robyn B said...

there are a few blogs where i have commented on numerous posts and never heard a response. that is the biggest turnoff for me. the thing i like about blogging is the interaction - when that's missing then i'm not interested!

Mimsie said...

I usually find blogs in the first place by checking out commenters' blogs. Then I will follow that new blog for a while and may or may not continue, depending on content. What makes me a loyal blog follower is regular, thought-provoking posts with a touch of humor (like yours!). If someone does not post to their blog often, I stop following them. Also, I will stop following if a blogger I initially enjoyed becomes a potty mouth. Next, though I enjoy some mommy blogs, if all the blogger posts is pictures and observations on their one-of-a-kind baby, I will move on. As far as being bothered by a blogger not commenting on my comments, that does not bother me one bit. It's not a place for conversation.

Ashley said...

I used to follow mostly writing blogs (now I just follow 2 or 3) but I would usually unfollow them when they would start plugging their own work too much. I get it. You wrote this book and you want it to sell, but if you're going to constantly remind me of this I'm just going to be annoyed by your book LONG before I get around to buying it. Now... If they post snippets of their work as opposed to just talking about it, that's fine. :)

Like you, I don't usually have to unfollow because I'm picky about who I follow in the first place. I'm turned off by posts containing long paragraphs and TOO MANY MISTAKES. If every few lines I stumble over a typo or grammatical error, I start feeling like the blogger just doesn't care enough to check over it before posting. I know mistakes happen, but I get irritated if it's a recurring thing.

As for comments, I agree that bloggers need to interact with their followers. Especially the faithful ones who always read/comment. I love these blog talk posts!

Caroline @ In Due Time said...

I think a lot of it depends on why people blog - everyone has a different reason. I have unfollowed blogs who I have poured so much time in reading, encouraging, commenting and NEVER once did they respond to a comment or visit my blog and leave a comment. Yes, I do think bloggers need to reply - but a pet peeve is that a lot of bloggers reply to the comment, which means I will NEVER ever see it :) I follow a lot of bloggers (esp infertility related) to encourage them and speak life (the infertility community is not always the most uplifting) and believe it's what God has called me to do - so regardless there are a lot of people I follow who don't follow me, but it's not about me - it's all about Jesus!

Tara said...

Yes! I agree with all of these reasons. I also stop following someone if they have too many sponsored posts. I need to feel like they have real, genuine content that I can relate to. I also feel like a blog has to be balanced- if someone is always complaining, I'll unfollow. Then again, if they make life seem too perfect, I'm not a fan either.

Tracy said...

I unfollow for all the same reasons. Not responding to comments is probably the biggest one for me too. I just don't get the point of having a blog if you don't even try to interact with your readers. And if I've commented a few times and still get nothing, I assume they just don't click with me for whatever reason and move on with my life.
I think it's like any relationship - so much potential at the beginning and things either click or they don't. And even if they click at first, sometimes things just fizzle out. Especially if I started following because I was interested in what they were writing about, but then they start going in a different direction that just doesn't do anything for me. Over time I'll skip more and more posts until I realize I should probably just unfollow. No hard feelings, that's just how things go sometimes!

Amy said...

i agree to every single one of these.
if you go out of your way to continually try to connect with someone...and they don't respond or swing by your can be frustrating.
and i have hit that "unfollow" button on bloglovin before when i realize i just continued to skip over their posts.
great thoughts...and i think everyone will agree with them!

also get that run in girl! & yay for work trips!

Lindsay {Typically Late} said...

I un-follow for mostly the same reasons you do, but also some others - I find myself un-following if someone only ever does link-ups or sponsored posts (I'm all for those things, but I need you to have original content, too!) or if they are really complain-y. I am all about bloggers who represent life like it really is, but I don't need all your posts to be complaints and moaning.

Finally... the biggest culprit is a bad speller. Hate to say it, but come on! Spell check exists for a reason. And I'm judgmental. Sue me!

Niken said...

oh wow,,
i think you might just stop reading mine by now. haha
lately i'm so so bad at comment back and replying comment. le duh.

what will make me unfollow? i think when i don't enjoy what i read anymore, then that's the deal. but yeah. not responding to comment is just rude (note to self)

Maria said...

One of the biggest reasons for me is not resonating with a blogger. I have zero in common with a fashion blogger who lives in NYC for instance. When I first read your blog and found out that you don't drink coffee either I was like "this is my kind of girl".

I also tend to stop following when posts become redundant or I'm just bored. I have exactly 15 minutes each morning to read blogs, so I have to be super picky about which one stay and which ones goes.

Comments are hard. I reply to them, but I don't think Blogger has a way of notifying the commenters that I did reply...I wonder if I should email them my reply....

Kristin said...

I made the mistake when I first started blogging of doing a bunch of follows for those Rafflecopter entries - I think most of those have been weeded out pretty quickly. Since I started, I've been a lot pickier about the blogs I follow.

There are three things that will get me to unfollow in a heartbeat: too much sponsored content {especially if it reads like a magazine advertisement insert and doesn't even sound like the blogger's voice}, lack of interaction or response to readers {some blogs are just too dang big, but from the best ones, you'll occasionally get something}, or negativity.

Okay, that's not to say that every post has to be sunshine and roses, but I unfollowed a blogger I really liked because it seemed like every other post she put up was a list of her pet peeves. I actually enjoy a well-thought-out critical post on a tough issue, but it irks me when people just put up lists of things they don't like.

And So I Did said...

I completely agree with bloggers needing to comment. I don't care if you're little, big, huge, astronomical sized, I need to feel like you CARE that I'm here reading your blog, increasing your stats which in turn makes you money. I agree, you can't respond to every single comment if you get 250 comments a day and have a day job, but if blogging is your full time job, you betta reply! *sassy snap*

I'm pretty picky about following blogs, and also not shy about unfollowing. If I skip your posts often, or if I roll my eyes while reading, you're done-ski. Also, I try to not follow bloggers I know I'm not interested in... I don't spend 1,000,000 on clothes each year.. so I don't follow fashion bloggers. It's not my thing. I follow bloggers I actively read and want to read.

I will unfollow if your posts are obnoxious, too much "flaunting", or I don't feel you are genuine. :)

Cece @Mahogany Drive said...

Yeah, you probably should send an e mail instead. It's nice for others to see interaction but at the same time I know certain bloggers are probably replying to my comments and I feel bad that I'll never see it but I don't have time to go back and check. I don't think anybody does.

Cece @Mahogany Drive said...

I have blogs I read but refuse to comment on anymore because I feel ignored. I like them so as much as I want to hit unfollow I won't but I will still read. The ones I always skip get moved to a separate folder and then if I find I'm still not reading eventually I'll delete. Fashion blogs and mommy blogs don't interest me a whole lot in general.

The Hungry Goat said...

I unfollow blogs specifically for your reason number three. Sometimes I like one of their posts, follow their blog, and later realize I'm not really interested in what they have to say. So I unfollow. It's nothing against that particular blog or blogger. I don't have time to follow 40 blogs so I have to stick with what I know I like.

You know?

Unknown said...

I love this series and I love to hear your thoughts on these subjects.

1. What makes you unfollow a blog?
It's funny you should ask that now because, last week, I had a major clean-up moment and went through all the blogs I'm following on Bloglovin' and deleted... quite a lot of them. Most of the times, I unfollow a blog because I started following it after reading a particular post that I liked, but ended up uninterested by the others. Or there were way too many sponsored posts. I also unfollowed a few blogs because I considered that the blogger didn't interact enough with me. Which leads us to the next question.

2. What are your thoughts on bloggers (big or small) replying or not replying to comments?
I understand that not everyone has the time (and desire) to reply to each comment, especially those who have hundreds of them on each post. And, if a blogger replies from time to time but not to every single one of my comments, it's honestly fine by me. But I agree 100% with everything you said up there. I think it's a matter of respect for bloggers to reply to comments as much as they can. They chose to blog, and commenting is part of blogging. I remember participating to a particular linkup hosted by a rather popular blogger. It lasted about two months (it was a weekly thing) and she didn't comment on a single post I wrote! And there weren't even a lot of us participating. I thought this was plain rude of her. I unfollowed her blog and stopped commenting on it soon after that. I mean, it just showed she didn't care. Why organize such a thing if you don't interact with the bloggers who signed up?

3. Are you picky about following blogs, or do you follow a lot and unfollow later?
I used to follow a lot and unfollow later, but not anymore. I'd rather follow a "reasonable" amount of blogs and concentrate on those instead of having too many cluttering my feed and reading only half of them.

4. Do you prefer long or short paragraphs? What about long or short blog posts? Is that even something you think about at all?
I an definitely more inclined to read a long blog post with short paragraphs than a short blog post with no paragraphs. :) But, paragraph or not, when a blog post is really really long, I usually either read it diagonally or feel overwhelmed and don't read it at all.

Unknown said...

And that was a bit long! Sorry. At least there are some paragraphs there. :)

J is for Jessica said...

OK, so I haven't blogged in for-ev-er or commented on anyone's blog either but I felt like responding today. There is this one blog I really, really liked in the beginning, and then she opened up her sponsorship and I felt like all her posts became about sponsorship and I felt like she sold out. I mean, I read blogs with sponsorships but it just came off wrong on this one to me. I also tend to stop reading blogs when every post is like reading a self help book or all the posts are too serious. Probably just b/c I'm not that serious. Like, don't you ever have something happy to write about? It's like even happy stuff comes off as ultra-serious.

Ali said...

1. What makes you unfollow a blog? I think the main thing is that they keep me interested. I like blogs with varied topics because I feel like I'm getting to know the person. Even if the blog is based on one subject, but they insert a lot of their personal lives as well - I like that. I've unfollowed blogs mostly for very long paragraphs on subjects I'm just not interested and no pictures. I like blogs to have pictures! Maybe not every post (totally guilty of that), but 50/50 is a nice balance!

2. What are your thoughts on bloggers (big or small) replying or not replying to comments? I also like it when a blogger replies to my comment, but sometimes it freaks me out when people comment on my blog. I'm totally an introvert, so it's more of a "oh wow, someone is reading my blog! Oh that's very scary! What do I do?!?" So I read all my comments, I'm sometimes just too shy to comment back. But I realize that readers like this give and take.

3. Are you picky about following blogs, or do you follow a lot and unfollow later? I like to follow awhile to see if I'm going to like the blog. Then I unfollow later if it's just not jiving with me.

4. Do you prefer long or short paragraphs? What about long or short blog posts? Is that even something you think about at all? I like short paragraphs, but do not mind long posts. I tend to get a little wordy so this is totally pot-me calling the kettle black.

Great post to get us thinking!

The Girl who Loved to Write said...

I think the biggest thing that makes me unfollow is seeing someone being snarky about another blogger. I don't think there is ever a reason to talk poorly about someone else in a public forum. I see a lot of this on twitter and will go out of my way to make sure I get on Bloglovin' and unfollow their blog right then. I just can't stand it!

Food, Booze, & Baggage said...

Oh, what a great idea for a series! I was just posing some similar questions yesterday, so I'm looking forward to reading though all the comments! I'm still new to blogging so I'm still figuring out what works best and discovering blogs I want to follow. If I'm always clicking read, and I can't find posts I can relate to or comment on, I will usually unfollow. If I never get any kind of response back from them I will unfollow, it seems weird to just keep commenting without any response.

Allie @ Everyday Adventures said...

I'm with you, if the paragraphs are too long, I find myself skimming instead of reading. I tend to unfollow if I don't feel like a blog is really ABOUT anything. Not that every blogger needs to have a niche or anything, but if I feel like you could pluck a post off the page and stick it on anyone else's blog and still have it mean the same thing, it's not worth reading to me. I follow blogs because I want to know what other people have going on in their lives, what makes them alive!

I also unfollow if there are too many sponsored posts. I want to know what's going on with the blogger, not some company that paid them!

Rebecca Jo said...

Its like you read my mind... I just put on Twitter about unfollowing some blogs today. You hit it dead on. if I visit you 100 times, comment every time & you cant stop by my blog & comment? Peace out friend.

I'm also a person who needs short paragraphs. My mind can't get involved in novel style blogs.

Maria said...

Thanks! I'll probably do that and hopefully it won't be too annoying to the commenter!

Miss Nutralicious said...

I hate cryptic posts. If a writer continuously publishes posts that are so vague that I have no idea what I am reading about, I hit the unfollow button. I also unfollow blogs that are always negative. Once in awhile, fine. All the time? Unfollow!

Oddly, I could care less about post length, paragraph length, spelling or grammar. As long as a post is organized and gets a point across, I'm staying on board.

Tracy said...

I usually unfollow when the person starts getting into territory that I don't care to read about. No responding to comments isn't a deathnail for me simply because I don't normally respond to all of my comments. The ones that say I agree really aren't response-worthy.

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I have been agonizing over this lately. I feel like I real a lot of blogs and it is becoming time consuming. I think I am picky to an extend in who I follow but I could be more strict. Sometimes I do it out of guilt. Like someone who comments a lot, do I have to follow their blog if I don't really connect just to return the favor? I Not responding to comments is a big one for me. I don't mind a long post but if every post is really long I will unfollow. I just don't have the time to read them.

Jennifer Prod said...

i just want to hug you for honesty. we only have so much time to spend on blogs, so of course we're going to interact with the ones that interact with ours, right? and as far as lonnnnnng paragraphs - gah -- please stop, we're all readers and that's what we have our novels for. also: laughed out loud with your graphic - love it :)

Katie @ Live Half Full said...

I agree with all of these points, but my #1 reason for unfollowing is if I can't relate to the blogger anymore. I like reading blogs for inspiration, tips on things on struggle with and for the relationship. So, if I can't relate with them I unfollow.

Kate @ Another Clean Slate said...

#3 is a big one for me. If I followed you because I liked your posts then all of a sudden I find myself skipping them consistently, I'll make a note that I might want to unfollow soon.

Susannah said...

#3 is the biggest one for me!

Leslie Lukens Martin said...

I think you totally nailed it with your four points. And one more thing...if there are a million revenue-generating links in a blog, it's a big turn-off for me. It makes me question the authenticity of the post...does the blogger REALLY love the things she's recommending or does she just want to make money by getting you to click on the link and/or buy the product?

Jenny Fish said...

During my little hiatus, I went through my Bloglovin' and did major cuts. If I couldn't remember the last time I didn't click "mark as read" on that particular blog, I just clicked delete. I'd add one more thing to your list, though. If the majority of a blog's content is "sponsored" "giveaways" "guest posts" etc. then I'll stop following. I get it that it's cool to make money off this hobby, but when you aren't producing any original content, then you're kind of missing the point.

Jennie said...

You're in SLC??! Come say hi, punk! I live like 40 minutes away.

I enjoyed this post. I honestly didn't even realize that not replying to comments was a huge no-no until I was about three years into this blogging gig. I'm still not great at it. I go through phases of replying to comments.

I don't read many blogs anymore (10 or 15 maximum, but most don't write daily or even weekly posts), but all of the points you described would have made me un-follow someone in the past.

I'd be interested to read what types of posts make someone want to unfollow a person on twitter/instagram. Maybe I'll write one! (Probably not.)

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

Kerry - I don't think you have to follow and read every person who comments on your blog. I do think stopping by every now and then on their blog to interact is thoughtful.

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

Kristin - I can vouch for being the new blogger who followed blogs because of Rafflecopter. Now I will follow on Twitter because that can give me a feel for the blogger but I don't want to 100% commit by following on Bloglovin'. I also am careful about Rafflecopter because I think it is rude to follow just for a free entry only to remove them off my feed after the winner is chosen.

Blake - One Eighty Blog said...

1. What makes you unfollow a blog?
I unfollow blogs who only write sponsored posts or constantly write about giveaways. I'm not on the blog because I want to read a sponsored post. I'm on it because I want to read about your life. And I couldn't care less about giveaways.

2. What are your thoughts on bloggers (big or small) replying or not replying to comments?
I know sometimes life gets busy and people forget to respond. I also know that some people respond by replying to the comment on their blog post -- so I never get a follow up email. Instead, I'd have to go back to their post I commented on and see if they wrote back. I sometimes honestly forget to go back and check. It doesn't bug me if someone doesn't reply to my comment.

3. Are you picky about following blogs, or do you follow a lot and unfollow later?
I only read about 15 blogs, but I follow probably 100. I think a few of the ones don't blog anymore because they never show up in my feed.

4. Do you prefer long or short paragraphs? What about long or short blog posts? Is that even something you think about at all?
I don't really think about it too much. What bugs me is when people don't capitilize. I just don't get why you wouldn't capitalize the beginning of the sentence or someone's name or the word "I."

Jeneric Generation said...

Great topic! I always say that. But it's true. Your reasons are pretty much my EXACT reasons. For big bloggers, I usually don't comment very often at all because I don't see much of a point. Although, I have before, and been surprised to get a response. So maybe I should give them more of a chance. Also, I do like commenting because it makes me feel engaged, even if it does turn out to be one-sided. But, if I ever become a big time blogger (ha!), I would hope that I would still visit little blogs (of readers I don't know), and comment. How awesome would that be? For smaller blogs who don't ever engage with me, I do think that is rude. I doubt they are trying to be rude, so I don't take it personally, but that is kind of the point of blogging...connecting. If you aren't engaging with your readers, it makes you appear kind of selfish. Not cool.

Jeneric Generation said...

#1 yes! I forgot about that one. I understand the need to make money. I do. But if the blog turns into one big ad's not worth it.

Jeneric Generation said...

Kerry, I know what you mean! I try not to follow blogs out of guilt, but I have been known to do so. Beka, I think that is a great answer.

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

1. I unfollow blogs who get big and then share ads like crazy. Um ... the ads didn't make you big it was your readers!

2. Honestly, I've been un-following some blogs lately because I have felt a bit overwhelmed with blog land. There are so many blogs to read: the big blogs, the up and coming blogs, the artsy blogs, the blogs you want to encourage, etc. I feel like that might hinder my growth but I also don't want to read blogs just for the sake of checking it off and doing a blog related task. I want to be genuine when I read blogs and encourage others.

3. I follow on IG instead. There are some bloggers that I really enjoy and I feel like I connect and share things with just pictures instead of posts. That might be weird but it works and is still a really fun way to engage with other people.

Rachel said...

I don't unfollow blogs all that often...but there are a few things that'll do it. Mostly, like you mentioned--if I keep skipping their posts because they aren't interesting to me.

Also, the no replying to comments and no visiting my blog back ever even when I've read and commented on many of your posts. I mean, sure, some big bloggers have no-reponse policies. But I frequently get 40+ comments on posts and reply to just about every one so when bloggers who get 6 or 7 comments on their posts seem to purposely ignore me...for one thing, I wonder why they ignore me because I find myself interesting...and for another thing, I just don't find myself highly motivated to keep checking their blog often because how hard could it be to keep up with replying to 7 comments on a post

I also pretty much don't read any huge blogs...the ones I've come across just don't seem to mesh with my particular sens of humor, I suppose.

Although, I guess the joke will be on me when I move to China--I really want to keep blogging when I'm there but with the issues of Chinese internet censorship and unreliability, I don't know how possible it will be for me to keep up my habits of replying to blogs and readings blogs, so I figure I might get quite a few unfollowers who think I've turned 'snobby' when it's really just the fact that I won't have access to wonderful USA internet anymore.

Anonymous said...

I think all of these are understandable reasons for unfollowing a blog. For me, the biggest reason is content. If I never quite connect with the content, or I start feeling like a blog is mostly parroting other blogs and isn't offering its own fresh/inspiring/thought-provoking perspectives, I'll eventually drop off readership.

Exceptions to this (and this sounds more formulaic than I mean it): if I know the person in real life, I'm more likely to continue following them regardless of content. If we've developed a fair bit of a relationship via comments, I'll probably decide to do the same. Or if they used to write more engaging content and may eventually rejuvenate their blog, I sometimes stick around a while. I'm sure my own blog could use rejuvenation and can empathize. :)

Honestly, though, I think I sometimes unfollow by accident, something that's easy to do on Wordpress just by touching the screen in the wrong place when you're scrolling. My apologies to anyone I've done that to!

On the topic of commenting: Unfortunately I think I'm guilty of replying to comments on my blog rather than via email, a habit I began when before I had a blog-dedicated email address. I guess I also felt it invited other readers into the conversations . . .

Kayla MKOY said...

I don't really unfollow until I realize they don't care about interacting w/ their readers and they don't EVER respond....or are constantly posting giveaways/guest posts/etc! But everyone is different!

J said...

I love this post! A lot of my reasons for unfollowing are similar to yours. If a blogger never responds to my comments, sometimes I'll keep reading and just stop commenting, but only if I really like what they're sharing. Usually though, if I comment repeatedly and never get a response, it's a deal breaker. Some of the blogs I've been reading the longest aren't ones I would typically have been drawn to, but once I developed a bloggy friendship with the writer, I was invested and enjoyed reading. #3 is also a big one, but I think I only get to that point if there isn't engagement from both sides, and I never end up connecting because of that.

Courtney said...

1. What makes you unfollow a blog? Pretty much the only reason I unfollow a blog is either for #3, consistently skipping their posts. Nothing personal to those people, it just for whatever reason or another isn't catching my attention! OR, if they post something insanely controversial that I just do not agree with and therefore feel like I can't keep supporting/continuing to read their blog.

2. What are your thoughts on bloggers (big or small) replying or not replying to comments? Meh. I love the dialogue that happens in the comment section and I'm thrilled when I hear back quickly{particularly from a "big" blog}, but if I don't get a reply I also don't really think about it much.

3. Are you picky about following blogs, or do you follow a lot and unfollow later? Typically picky.

4. Do you prefer long or short paragraphs? What about long or short blog posts? Is that even something you think about at all? Short paragraphs, long posts. Definitely something I think about ;)

Amy @ Long Drive Journey said...

For me, the only reason I unfollow a blog is if something has changed about the writing. I take a long time to actually decide to follow, so once that bar has been reached in my mind, I'm kind of like a friend for life. For the most part, I don't expect bigger bloggers to comment, IF they get a million comments a day. Some bigger bloggers get 15 comments and then never respond. Say what?? I'm sure they are getting emails and everything too, but when that happens, I have less patience for it.

In terms of paragraph structure, unless I LOVE the blog, I don't like 10 sentence paragraphs. In terms of length, as long as it's interesting, I'll keep reading. And if it's short and sweet, but meaningful, that's fine with me too.

What an interesting series you've got going!

Sarah said...

The not responding really drives me insane sometimes. A while back I discovered a pretty big blog, found it hilarious, commented and she IMMEDIATELY emailed me back. Color me floored. Loyal reader from here on out. It's just that easy! I agree too with the huge paragraphs, if you don't catch me at the beginning and there's no break in sight, sorrrry.

Great post!

Madison @ Wetherills Say I Do said...

I love love love this post! Your points are so insightful. I really genuinely appreciate that you DO respond to my comments and I'm the same way with blogs who never respond (or respond in a way that I don't know about-- i.e. wordpress without email notifications!). I am fairly picky about who I follow, though I do occasionally unfollow people via bloglovin if, like you mentioned, I am constantly skipping their posts. I'd love for you to do a post about why you follow blogs because I have a lot of thoughts on that, too!

Caitlin said...

"for one thing, I wonder why they ignore me because I find myself interesting" -- Rachel, this completely cracked me up! You have such a good personality, your humor is awesome.

Caitlin said...

We share the same #1! I can't stand having a one-sided conversation, especially in blogging. At least if you're face-to-face with someone, you're getting a smile or a head nod back. When there's radio silence online, it's just awkward. I unfollow + move along if no comments are ever responded to! It starts feeling like I'm reaching out to a celebrity, not just a normal person in a normal town who is probably just as awkward in person as I am, haha.

Overall, I'm not overly picky about the blogs I start following - but I'm picky about the blogs I stay following. If a blog catches my eye or the content seems interesting, I'll add them to my reader into a 'New' category (this all sounds very official). Basically after a few weeks of following, either I'm sold or I unfollow because it's not my taste.

Nikkiana said...

The only reason I usually end up unfollowing a blog is because what they're writing isn't resonating with me in a way that compels me to keep following them. It doesn't really bother me if I comment and the blogger doesn't reply, nor do I think anyone owes me a visit just because I commented on their blog.

Emily ANNE said...

I agree with you on this one Beka. I know I don't get many comments on my blog because I'm not continually spamming "new blogs, old blogs, tiny blogs, big blogs" with comments... and that's my choice. It's just that I feel like I don't want to do it for the sake of "please now come visit me". If I'm motivated to do it (by a catchy title maybe? Or a good picture in a feed?) then it's different, but I'm not on a quest to leave hollow comments. And to be quite frank, good comments take time.

Unknown said...

I unfollow for the same reasons. Also, if I leave a comment and I feel it was respectful, nice, or uplifting and the blogger doesn't approve of it, it makes me less likely to come back or continue to follow. Oh and I'm also less likely to comment on blogs if I have to log in,type a captcha, use my Google account, or create an account just to post a comment. I'd rather just comment with my name and URL/email address. Great post!

Ashley Brooks said...

Interesting reasoning! My number one reason for unfollowing a blog is multiple posts per day with little to no meat to them. Like you said, I'd rather see a long post formatted in a readable way than 5 posts a day made up of one paragraph and a pretty picture. I know some big bloggers follow that format, but honestly, it just annoys me. Why fill up my reader with so many things each day if you're not even saying anything in any of them?? Great post! I'm hoping I have time over the weekend to look through the rest of the series!

Torrie said...

I'm pretty picky too with the blogs I follow, but responding to comments isn't my number one thing (probably because I'm terrible at frequently commenting myself, so I'm not expecting a lot of replies)--my number one thing would be a blog that just doesn't resonate, either because the posts don't seem real or are all fluff, the content is all self-centered and not looking to start a conversation, or I just don't feel like I have much in common with the blogger. I can be pretty picky without layout and writing as well, but that depends on the blogger.

Great post! (I found you through Jaybird, btw!)

Kristin said...

Same here - I'm really careful just to look for credit for the people I'm already following now, too. I think the next time I hold a Rafflecopter event, I might just offer a +5 for clicking automatically and maybe a bonus for leaving a comment. No follow, no spam your followers with giveaway info.

Now that I think about it, Rafflecopter makes it really easy to cheapen connections we have to bloggers and as bloggers, to our readers. Hmmm...

Kristin said...

I love Emily's point about commenting for the sake of the content and the discussion - I read and comment on a lot of blogs that don't have much to do with the things I blog about, but I love the discussion and the interaction on the articles they post. I want to comment with "this is a great discussion, let's talk about it" and not "please come visit me" and let the visits work themselves out if the content is there!

Kristin said...

I'm interested in the reply in comments vs. reply in email piece. I like the discussion that comments can generate, but I can see the personal side of replying in an email. What made you make the decision to reply via email vs. comments on the blog?

Emily @ Ember Grey said...

Love this post, Amanda, and it's been so interesting reading through all of the comments here! First and foremost- your graph is amazing. I will typically unfollow a blog if the blogger's topics have routinely become things that don't resonate to me. And I'm not just talking about a few posts because even I know that not all of my readers are going to resonate with... let's say my Michael Bolton posts ;) But if it becomes a regular thing, I'll typically unfollow.

I am a talker and therefore tend to write a lot and I try to break it up as best as I can. I'm with you- if there's a paragraph that's super long, I'll sometimes just completely skip over the post. As long as I feel like I can connect with the writer, long or short post doesn't matter!

Emily @ Ember Grey said...

*resonate WITH me, not to ;) sheesh, I'm done for the day!

Kiki said...

You nailed it with this list! You don't know how many times I've started reading a blog because I've seen it around or have been recommended to read it but later unfollow because it just doesn't click with me. I, too, consider myself a picky blog reader and agree 100% with what you've said (but I don't think these things make you picky at all). :)

I especially loved what you said about big long wordy paragraphs, responding to comments (your rant is spot on!!), and visiting blogs, too (although I can be guilty of that during the school year when I don't always have the time).

As for me, I would say all that you've listed and then the blog's appearance, the blogger's openness to share her heart/life, and when a blog/blogger changes, too. I love reading blogs that resonate with me and where I can establish a personal connection with! :)

The Lady Okie said...

THANKS for noticing my little graph! haha. I thought that was clever ;) (Not that I have problems thinking myself clever....) I know what you mean about turning into a stalker. Totally do the same thing!

The Lady Okie said...

I think you have to be picky about the blogs you read. Otherwise you have feeds with thousands of blogs! It's always crazy how small and large the blog scene is. I mean, it's small in that I see the same blogs over and over again popping up on sidebars and such, but then it's big in that there seems to be no end to the blogs you can find. It's overwhelming when I start adding blogs to my feed left and right without a proper screening process. And I agree about people continually writing a pointless post. That's frustrating.

The Lady Okie said...

Yes! I really think people can reply to at least one comment I've left. If not, I have no way to connect with the blogger, and I won't keep following.

The Lady Okie said...

I actually do that a lot too: check out the comments left on my favorite blogs. Because if someone is taking the time to leave a comment on another blog, I know she engages with other readers. Agree on the potty mouth thing!

The Lady Okie said...

Caroline, I love what you said at the end about it being about Jesus. This is something that I admittedly should take into consideration more often. It can be easy to let blogging be a popularity contest, but ultimately I need to remember that it's not about me at all. I don't expect someone to follow me just because I follow them, but I still do appreciate a reply comment or an occasional visit to my blog just so I can engage with them as a person. Thanks for the comment!

The Lady Okie said...

You're so right about this! I think sometimes we think that we all need to get along with everyone and like every blog, but it really is like any other relationship, and we're not going to click with everyone. And that's okay! I try to remember that when someone unfollows me and not take it personally (but it's hard sometimes!).

The Lady Okie said...

Got my run in! I think the only reason I got up was because I said I would. What I really wanted to do was sleeeeep ;)

The Lady Okie said...

Yeah, girl! What CeCe said. I would definitely send an email. A lot of people don't think to check back. (IRONY since I'm writing this on the comment itself. ha!)
And yes to no coffee! We need to stick together ;)

Helene said...

Excellent post and points! And holy comments!!! I think I lose interest or feel the blogger really isn't reading mine, especially if they did read it before. I feel like I KNOW they aren't reading anymore. And sometimes blogs just lose their sizzle. I'm pinning this right now!

The Lady Okie said...

So, to Beka's point, I've started using Twitter as my trial run of someone. If I like what they tweet and the posts they tweet, etc., I will follow their blog. And, Kristin, to your point about Rafflecopter, I really think it has made an easy way for us to get followers without getting READERS. Whenever I host a giveaway, I almost never offer following me as an entry option. I like to get people hooked in on Twitter or require them to leave a comment. That way we can start the interaction, and then hopefully we will connect and I'll get a genuine follow.

The Lady Okie said...

I follow a few blogs that I consistently read, but I've stopped commenting. But I am with you: I really like their blog and I guess I don't care that they don't reply. But I can count those on one hand. Most of the time I really appreciate a comment, and when I've left multiple comments and never get a response, I do feel ignored.

The Lady Okie said...

Okay, in your answer to #2, you brought up an excellent point that I didn't hit on in this post. Linkups. OMG don't get me started. Okay, nevermind I'm started. When a blogger hosts a linkup, I feel like they are taking on the responsibility of visiting the blogs that link up. There's a particular blogger I have in mind who hosts a linkup, and she gets maybe 30 people who link up, and blogger/designing blogs is her full-time job. And she actually said she doesn't have time to visit any of the blogs who link up. Um, no. At LEAST pick 10 each time who link up or something. I think it's just rude if someone takes the time to link up with you and you don't visit. If you can't handle it, don't host a linkup.

Also, I love your blog and your long paragraphs in response to this post :)

The Lady Okie said...

Ha! It is kind of freaky when you realize people are actually reading. I know the feeling :) I try not to think about it. I mean, we're putting A LOT out there for basically strangers to read. Kind of weird.

The Lady Okie said...

I'm glad I haven't seen a lot of thing, or really any of this. Somehow I seem to have (so far) avoided the blogging drama. I remember a year or so ago a bunch of bloggers I followed all wrote cryptic posts about some Twitter drama, and I was like, "well, I guess I missed it." I guess someone could be talking smack about me somewhere, but I haven't really seen it. But yes, that would be a turnoff if I saw it happening.

The Lady Okie said...

You know what? You bring up a good point with cryptic posts. I've only seen that a few times, and the occasional cryptic post is okay, but really if you can't just share what's going on, should you be writing the post at all? Probably not.

The Lady Okie said...

Agree! Beka, good answer. I think it's okay to not follow all the blog that follow you. I can see how that would be stressful. But I have done the same thing. If a blogger consistently comments, I feel bad not following them. Maybe you should cut it back on reading blogs and commenting and take some time to evaluate which blogs you really connect with and then just keep responding to the comments you do get on your blog (which you already do a great job of!) and visiting those bloggers occasionally to keep the connection.

The Lady Okie said...

Sidebar links don't really bother me, but I don't get the new thing about including a bunch of links *in* the post on certain words and stuff. It just makes it feel cluttered. I appreciate it most when a blogger just promotes something on their own without getting paid, because I know they really love it. That being said, the occasional affiliate link or sponsored post is okay with me. I get that we're trying to make a little bit of money from our hobby.

The Lady Okie said...

Ha! I agree about capitalizing. I've tried it when I'm feeling lazy or whatever, and then I go back and change them all because I just can't handle it :)

The Lady Okie said...

I agree about smaller blogs that don't engage. I know we're all busy, and I don't mean to judge, but if you have 5 followers and 1 comment and then I comment and you never reply? That kind of annoys me. They probably aren't trying to be rude, but still. Why write a blog at all if you don't want to engage with readers?

The Lady Okie said...

Good comments DO take time. Good point, Emily. And Beka, I follow on Twitter first and then see if I will click with someone. If I had Instagram, that would be a good way to follow too.

The Lady Okie said...

Rachel, that line cracked me up too! haha. I love it. And I agree about bloggers who receive a smaller number of comments and don't reply back. It does take time, but like someone else mentioned in a different comment, I think comments is part of blogging. It kind of goes with the territory, in my opinion.

The Lady Okie said...

I know a lot of people like Disqus for commenting, and I have my own (albeit weird) reasons for not wanting to install that on my blog. BUT I know people like to see that the blogger is responding, and if someone asks a question I like providing the answer where other bloggers can see. What I've started doing is replying via email like I always do, but if a question has been asked or something like that, I copy my reply and post it on the blog as well so others can see it. It takes a bit more time, but I think it's worth it.

The Lady Okie said...

I think it's hard to not take it personally when someone unfollows, but you make a good point that it really isn't or shouldn't be as personal as we make it. It's just a matter of personalities, and we aren't going to get along with everyone.

The Lady Okie said...

I don't know if I would say I think someone "owes" me a visit just because I commented, but I do appreciate it and I think it's nice. Especially if I'm a regular commenter. Appreciate your thoughts on this!

The Lady Okie said...

I used to follow a blog that posted 2-3 times a DAY. I don't have time to keep up with blogs that post just once a day. Why is this necessary? It overwhelmed me, and I stopped following pretty quick. My favorite blogs are honestly the ones that post just a few times a week.

The Lady Okie said...

Hey! Thanks for visiting and for the comment :)
I agree with you on a blog that just doesn't resonate. And it doesn't have to be personal, but sometimes people just don't mesh. Sometimes I think we all take the whole blogging and having followers thing a little too seriously than it should be. Let's just have fun! Isn't that the first priority? It is for me, at least. The biggest layout issue I'm picky with is really small pictures or a weird font that's hard to read.

Jenn @ Optimization Actually said...

Fantastic post! I think getting started it's hard to know what not to do... until you spend some time reading other blogs and seeing what you, personally, don't like.

For me it's when there's more sponsored posts than regular ones, and those "all about my weekend" posts. I don't mind reading about what you've done, but there's gotta be a point. Was it eye-opening? Would you recommend it? Did it make some kind of impression on you? Give me a reason to be interested.

Jenn | Business, Life & Design

P.S. I love that the comments for this post are basically market research!

Unknown said...

Yes! Such a great, but often taboo topic. But it is true! I'm awful about following up by checking out other blogs, even if they've checked out mine. Working on that...

Rach said...

I unfollow for nearly all the same reasons you do! Though, I don't mind the super long paragraphs as much.

I would say 99% of the time I unfollow a blog because there is no interaction. I kind of see blogging as a friendship. And I've had in-person friends in the past who only ever talked about themselves. We were friends for years and they knew nothing about me that my general acquaintances didn't know. As I've grown a little older and wiser, I've stopped being in these one-sided friendships. And it's the same in the blog world. If someone never visits my blog and hears what's happening in my world, then it's probably not someone I'm going to be close to. Obviously, I know everyone who reads my blog doesn't read/comment on every single post, but if months have gone by and I haven't heard from you again (I get this a lot with new bloggers trying to build a comment base for their blogs), then I'll most likely unfollow.

Friar said...

I am probably being too simplistic, but I guess I would say that I read blogs when they interest me and I stop reading them when they don't. I have dropped some from my list when the content became repetitive (to me, at least). If the way in which the opinions are expressed becomes annoying -- whether I agree *or* disagree with them -- I'm likely to start weaning myself off a blog too.

Other than that, I suppose it has as much to do with how my interests may change over time. It's an interesting question to think about.

Ashley said...

Oooh such a good topic! You pretty much summed up all of the reasons I unfollow as well. To be honest, if I follow someone via gfc or bloglovin', I won't ever unfollow there because I actually read blogs in Feedly so I won't think about going back to those places. But I remove people from my feed a lot!

I unfollow "big" blogs and small blogs for two different reasons. With the small blogs it's because they have never responded to me or visited my blog. For example, I came across an Oklahoma "fashion" blogger and I was so excited because I thought "Oh, we could be friends!" I commented multiple times and never got a response at all. And the blogger only gets 1-2 comments per post so it's not like she didn't notice... I doubt she is trying to be rude, but it definitely came off that way.

I unfollow "big" blogs if I essentially get tired of the content. If it's a style blog and they are only wearing versace or Marc Jacobs it gets old fast. Or if there is too much sponsored content. That sort of thing.

Jenna Griffin | Gold & Bloom said...

Girrrrl, first of all, can I just say...I'm in 99th comment! Whattttt?
Okay, back to the topic. I am so glad you shared this! I completely agree with all points and I especially get frustrated when a blogger doesn't ever visit my blog after I visit theirs multiple times and leave comments. There's one blog I used to follow and LOVE and I commented nearly every day (yea, I may have been obsessed) and she never ever visited mine! So, I stopped commenting on hers and eventually unfollowed. There was no connection whatsoever. Another thing that has made me less likely to comment is when a blogger only responds with a short message like, "thanks!" or ":)" after I left a long comment with questions or connections or whatever. Okay, I just rambled on. Whoops!

Erika from America said...

Hey Amanda!

I think you have really valid reasons for unfollowing. I think that the biggest reason I unfollow is because a blog doesn't resonate with me. I just don't really want to read the posts... and like you said, if I find myself skipping most posts, I eventually let go.

Of course, I am kind of a blog hoarder and I have my different groups of blogs that I read with varying frequencies.

I think though, reading this, left me very convicted about the commenting. I think it's hard because I'm a person who can get very hermit-y and weirdly shy, even online. Sometimes I just need time away or I'm not ready to answer comments. Sometimes I feel very bashful about the things I've written and so while I appreciate the comments and they are so awesome, I sometimes avoid them because I'm insecure about what I wrote and I'm thinking: "Should I have even posted that?" I guess it's like, I sometimes write my heart out, press publish, and then I scurry away in fear. I don't mean to neglect anyone and I'm so grateful for any comments that people leave, but I can also see how that comes across as not caring (when that's so not the case).

That being said, I've been on the other end of leaving a lot of comments on a blog and not hearing back and I know that it can be a little bit of a bummer... especially if you were excited about the post or really wanted to have a dialogue.

I'm not sure my hermit/cocoon style will ever go away, but I try to counter it by being consistent a good percentage of the time and then just accepting that I have my "seasons" of shyness, haha.

But I did want to say: you are so fantastic at being engaged at so many levels -- and consistently. Here in your own comments and on other blogs. And it's always appreciated and I look forward to your perspective and your responses here and on my blog as well! :) Love your blog talk series!

-- Erika from America

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

to sum up the rafflecopter ... I created a new word called #blogstitute ;)

Anonymous said...

Holy comments! I had to scroll past a ton to write this.... now I'm going to read them all. :)

1.) I'm with you. If I find myself always clicking "mark as read" on Bloglovin', I'll usually unfollow.

2.) I'm ok with bigger bloggers not responding to every comment, but sometimes I feel like they should at least make an effort...especially if I ask them a specific question. So annoying! Same with linkups. I feel that the hosts should at least sometimes comment on my post. I'm, after all, joining their linkup party.

3. I definitely need to branch out.

4. I probably don't even really think about it, but I think shorter paragraphs are easier to read, and *gasp* skim if needed.


Alicia | Jaybird: Home in Motion said...

Okay, I must be getting a bit loopy in my old age, because I thought I commented on this a few days ago but clearly I just responded in my head. Oi vey. I'm right there with you on why I unfollow. I actually have two separate feeds, one on Bloglovin which is for the blogs I regularly read, try to comment on, etc. and on that one I am quick to get rid of blogs if I notice that I'm skipping most of their posts. I like to be able to read through and bring the feed down to 0. I also have a Feedly feed with separate categories for more niche blogs that I don't want to read every day, but that I enjoy reading from time to time: food, fashion, etc, as well as a list of blogs that I am curious about and want to test out. Then whenever I want to read about a certain topic specifically, I'll go over there and read a few posts.

I will also unfollow if there's no interaction, ever. With so many channels available to us--not just comments on the blog but Twitter, Instagram, email, etc., I don't think there's an excuse to literally NEVER respond to a follower, especially if that person shares something you've written with their own friends! I've noticed more and more people responding to blog posts with a tweet rather than a comment, and that's totally cool too--might be easier for some bloggers.

The two times I unfollowed that stick out in my mind were 1) because the blogger seemed rude and condescending when responding to commenters who asked questions (not all but many) and 2) because the content changed a lot in the direction of sponsored posts and clear "clickbait" that was shocking/gross just to get attention. To the latter, there are definitely growing pains when you move from a blog that's purely a hobby to a blog that you want to generate livable income, and if I like a blog a lot I'll usually stick it out for awhile--I actually enjoy sponsored posts that are still providing original, new material in the blogger's style and just work in a product or service--but the clickbait thing is the reason I don't follow sites like Buzzfeed or Upworthy, so I was done.

Just to end with a flip to the positive side--my day has been made beyond compare when a "big blogger" has commented on my blog, liked a Facebook post, etc. Seriously, even small amounts of interaction one time will help encourage loyal followers to keep reading!

Anonymous said...

1. When I first branched out in the blogging world, I started following a lot of blogs on Bloglovin' because of giveaways. Unfollowed most of those, and don't do that anymore without checking out the blog first. Like you, I unfollow if I always end up clicking 'read' and skipping posts. I also don't like pointless posts - I'm not into ALWAYS reading life update and linear "what I did during this trip" posts, even if they have awesome photos. Last: I'm getting older and pickier about fonts. If it's too pale or hard to read. . .just can't do it.

2. I get that big bloggers probs don't have the time, but if you're a small blogger, make the effort, even if you can't get to it immediately. It's appreciated. And fun - I've found some cool blogs by creeping on my commenters.

3. I follow if the post I stumbled upon looks interesting, might keep following or unfollow later if it ends up not being a good fit.

4. No paragraph preference, as long as there's adequate space between paragraphs. I have a natural tendency to prefer longer posts, but short is fine if there's a point that's adequately conveyed.

The Lady Okie said...

That is such a bummer when you get all excited to connect with someone and then they never write back. They probably aren't trying to be rude, but I don't understand just not responding to a comment or some kind of interaction. I think most of us are blogging because we want to make those connections.

The Lady Okie said...

Erika, that is seriously so nice of you to say! I really appreciate it. I try to make an effort to connect. It's difficult and time consuming, but at this stage of my life I have that time and enjoy making those connections.

Can I just say, also, that I know exactly what you mean about writing something rather personal and intimate and then feeling kind of embarrassed by the reply comments? I've never really thought about it before, but I have done that too for sure. Blogging is really personal, and we put ourselves out there a lot.

Kenzie said...

I hope you don't mind me butting in :) I, too, would be really interested in the flip side of this (why you DO choose to follow a new blog). For me, I think I'm more likely to do it if I see an opportunity to learn something. Growth is good, right?

Madison--what are your thoughts on becoming a new follower?

Unknown said...

One of the things that makes me unfollow an endurance-sport kind of blog is race recaps that are split into multiple sections.... like pre-race, race and post, or swim, bike, run. In my opinion, you're way too winded about a subject or race if you have to split it up like that. Other than that, I agree that the structure and appearance of a blog needs to be easy and appealing to the eye! Thanks for stirring the discussion! (PS, another reason is when a blog doesn't allow me to manually enter my name and URL in the comments section - I don't want to have to comment as a Google user or other, wink wink!, you can mark this as an option in your admin!)

Kenzie Smith said...

I agree with all of your reasons for unfollowing a blog! I will unfollow a blog if I have no interest in the content. I'll wait a week or two and if I still haven't found anything worth clicking on then I go ahead and unfollow. I also will unfollow a blog if it has a horrible layout/design or the font is too wonky. If I can't read it what is the point?

The Lady Okie said...

I'm not always into life updates and "what I did during this trip" posts even for the photos. It's hard to explain, but sometimesI can't get interested in it. I think this is the reason I usually don't like weekend recap posts. I find myself skipping those from almost every blogger because I just don't find them interesting to read. But I know most of the blogging world loves weekend recaps, so I'm fine with being in a camp on my own :)

I definitely creep on my commenters! I don't follow all the blogs who comment on mine, but I like to visit them and interact that way. Of course, I realize at this stage in my life I have more time to do that than I might later, but I enjoy it, so it doesn't seem like a waste of time or anything. And you would think that big bloggers don't have the time, but the majority of big bloggers that I see are blogging as their full-time job, so shouldn't they have the time? I mean, if I work 40 hours a week and still make time to respond to comments, I would think someone who essentially has a full-time job blogging should make time for it too. But I don't know. I'm not a "big" blogger, so I can't honestly say how it is. There might be something I'm missing.

Rachel G. said...

I'm not a blogger (yet), but I agree with a lot of these points. I typically unfollow if the blogger never responds to comments, and I'm not talking just mine, because I know mine may not be important (especially since I don't link to another blog) but when I notice they don't respond to anyone...they don't seem to care.

Also, when they just do sponsorship after sponsorship. I totally get it's a business, and I appreciate a lot of the sponsorships, but when the same blog is recommending a new product to me everyday or a new blogger point in reading anymore!

Jasmine said...

So when I typically see 111 comments under a blog post, I usually skip commenting and think--there's no way she'll even have time to respond--so I don't comment. But I really like this post and thought you should know--even if you don't get around to this comment.
#1 is key for me. I don't have a huge following--but sometimes the comments get overwhelming, and it may take me a day or two (busy working mom here!) to respond, but I do try my best to respond--that goes for comments on Instagram too!
I usually don't "unfollow" anyone though--I typically just stop reading their posts if they aren't relevant to what I like to read anymore. I have unfollowed one "internet famous" blogger--and I did so publicly by writing a blog post about it. Probably not my best move, but my intentions were good. Since then, I just keep scrolling if it's not for me.

Sarah @ Sweet Miles said...

LOVED that blogger unfollow graph. Literally cracking up at my desk right now because I too have mini panic attacks when I see numbers drop!!

Responding to comments is HUGE in my opinion. I know I get busy and sometimes don't respond until weeks later, but I do always try to respond eventually to the best of my abilities! Bigger bloggers who don't respond to anything, I don't quite understand. Your readers are what got you there, you know?

Sophie said...

I agreed with most of your reasons for unfollowing especially people who don't reply to comments and who don't have aesthetically pleasing blogs (both design and format of posts).

I will unfollow if someone doesn't respond to my comments (and in a reasonable amount of time - I don't want a "thanks for reading!" comment three weeks after) I don't care if they're a "big" blogger or a new one, if someone asked you a question or paid you a compliment in real life would you ignore them? No, it's rude so I expect a respond when I take the time out to leave a comment on someone's blog.

Every so often I "blanket follow" blogs and people on social media. I find blogs that I like (from first impressions) and then go through my blogroll and unfollow the blogs I don't find that interesting. To me, following and unfollowing isn't a big deal like it is to some people. I don't take it personally if someone wants to unfollow my blog.

Susan Shull said...

Hello, Lady! Just found your blog as I went down a rabbit trail this morning. Interesting articles here!