This and That


Well, friends,  I never thought I'd say this, but I think it might be time to give up the Lady Okie Blog. It's been a good, long run, but I just feel like---

--no, I'm kidding. ha! Sorry to scare you. You guys aren't rid of me quite yet.

In all honesty, though, I have been struggling a bit lately with thinking of post ideas and having the time to write. I've written about my thoughts on sharing about my kids online (here and here), and as R has gotten older, I've felt like taking an even more aggressive stance on what I post and share about her. Naturally, I suppose, that has transferred over to J, and as a result I don't feel like writing a ton specifically about him either. But that makes it super hard to think of post topics! Not that my kids are all I am, but they are such a huge part of my life that not writing about them feels weird, but for some reason writing about them feels... weird. So I'm trying to figure that out.

And even when I do have a topic in mind, the weeks have been flying, and my evenings are so busy! J will be 8 months old in a few days and still wakes up 2-3 times a night, so getting to bed earlyish is definitely a priority right now. A few weeks ago there were a couple of nights he only woke up once and it was glorious. R was always a pretty good sleeper, and I confess that I wasn't able to truly empathize with people who said their kids continued to wake up every night, but oh man do I get it now. It is kind of terrible. Solidarity to you, my friends.

Have you been watching the Olympics? It seriously blows my mind when people say they don't watch them. So many awesome, heartwarming stories of triumph and all the emotions. I love it even if the USA isn't in the mix. I just love all of it.

This is random, but on the note of not blogging as much about the kids, I'm not going to write up a post about potty training. (I told you this was random!) I think it's too personal a topic for R, and I also think there are a ton of potty training posts out there that all basically say the same thing. But here's some free advice: we really liked these as transition underwear. They are thicker and more absorbent in the bottom, so while they fit like underwear, if your kid has an accident, the pee (usually) collects in the underwear similar to a pull-up and doesn't just run down their leg and into the floor. A friend recommended them to me as something she used with her daughter, and they worked great for us! (I assume they have a boy set also, but I haven't looked into it.) R doesn't like to wear them anymore because they are thicker than just the cotton ones, but we loved them when she was starting out.

The recent news from Florida has been on my heart a lot lately. Jordan and I honestly don't have any desire to homeschool our kids, nor is that a possibility for right now anyway because we both need to work, but stuff like this (and just the world in general) does make me anxious thinking about sending them to school. I do think some people feel called to homeschool, and that's great. It is a personal decision, and there are pros and cons to both! But I personally had a really great experience in high school (middle school NOT SO MUCH, but I like to think I grew during those years. ha!).

Still, it is scary to think about all the craziness going on today, and I know the best thing I can do is pray for my kids and try to raise them to love themselves and love others well. Things like this just remind me how much I can't control and how much we all need Jesus. And I KNOW that sounds cliche and very much like a Sunday school answer, but it is the truest thing I can tell you. (And I would be so very happy to discuss any questions about my faith with you if you want to email me!)
On a related note, I listened to this sermon on a walk with the kids recently, and it was SO encouraging to me as we settle into this new year. I've talked before about Matt Chandler's sermons, which I listen to often on podcast during my runs. They are all so great, but this one especially was an encouragement this week. I think it will be to you also. If you don't have time to listen to the sermon (which is about 40 minutes), you can read the transcript

I do hope to not take such long breaks from the blog (is it just me, or does a week in blog world feels like forever?). If you have any topics you'd like me to write about, please do let me know! And if you have any thoughts about how to blog about the kids without blogging about the kids, let me know that too :)

I'm writing this on Saturday afternoon, and R just came out of her room after a "nap" that was so short I question whether or not she actually fell asleep at all, so I'm off for now! I've got Olympics to watch anyway. I'm going to be so sad when they are over. It's just fun to see the entire world come together.

You can follow along with The Lady Okie Blog on Facebook if you aren't already. I share new posts, fun links, revisit the archives, and post pictures and thoughts that don't always make it to the blog. But I don't post every day, so hopefully it's not super annoying and just fun.

Happy weekend!

Carolann Chambers said...

Ok that first sentence sacred me!! I love reading your blog, it honestly doesn't matter what the posts are about. You are just such a great writer and you have so many great insights. Keep writing. I have friends who get discouraged from blogging if they can't post 2-3 times per week. Some weeks I post once. Some weeks I don't post. We're here for you whenever you have time!

Michelle said...

The Florida shooting really rattled me as a mom. I can’t watch the coverage because it’s too upsetting to think about. I hate that our kids are growing up in such a wicked society and world. But, for the record, homeschool kids do have lots of socialization and exposure to the world :)

Rachel said...

The one American school in our city has tuition prices of $10,000 USD a year so homeschooling would be our only option even if I weren't already in love with it's a good thing I love it! :) I definitely think homeschool is a great choice for some families, and would be not at all a good choice for other families...and I've known some families who really should not have been homeschooling but did it anyways, much to the detriment of their kids' education. At the least, I'm grateful that as Americans we have the freedom to legally choose homeschool. I was just crying yesterday about the shooting because all of our siblings that are in the US (Angel's two brothers and my 3 sisters and 1 brother) are either teachers or are still in high school or college and it makes me so angry that something as simple as school can't be a safe place.

The Lady Okie said...

I'm glad you will be able to homeschool since you love it! I know there are pros and cons to both :)
It is so sad that school shootings happen and happen so frequently. Really upsetting and scary.

Angi said...

I was homeschooled and I second this.

The Lady Okie said...

Thanks so much, Carolann! :)

The Lady Okie said...

Yes, of course! I wasn't trying to make this post about homeschooling :) It's a personal choice and there are pros and cons to both.

Kendall said...

I love your random posts and will continue to read them :). Just wanted to say that - I don't need blogs to always be about something in particular and its just nice to have something lighthearted to read! I also appreciate the non-irregularity because that's real life to me - and sometimes the full-time bloggers are just too much with their posting things multiple times a day!

The Lady Okie said...

Thank you so much! And I agree, definitely real life to not have time to blog every day. People who can do that amaze me!

Unknown said...

A lot of this resonates with me! I think people will read you no matter how long you go between posts. Also, totally second those training pants!

Maria said...

Blog ruts are normal. Just ask me. I've been in one for about 3 years now. Ha! Don't worry about us. Still here. I'll wait patiently for more Confession posts ;)

I've started a private blog to highlight Nora's milestones, funny stories, and monthly updates (you are welcome to read it if you want). It has all the private stuff that I want to keep off my public blog. I pop in, post, add some photos and it's so easy to keep up with since I don't have the pressure of it being public. Because of that, I feel like my public blog is more of a place to talk about motherhood rather than N specifically. It's definitely gray area, but I just go with my gut about what I want to share and what feels right. I think there's a happy balance somewhere in there that you'll find over time.

We cannot get the Olympics because we don't have cable and it PAINS me. I'm going to try our antennae again and dance around it. But then again, when I do get to sit down to watch, I'd rather just go to bed. Oh and speaking of sleep, our perfect little sleeper since birth is now waking up 4-5 times a night, so I was counting my blessings too soon!

Homeschooling seems like such a touchy subject and one I know nothing about, so I won't comment on that other than I loved high school too! My hope is that one day N will get to experience the same joy I had in school without the fear that surrounds it these days. So sad.

Betsy said...

I read that first sentence and was like NOOOOO NOW ALL THE MOM STUFF IS RELEVANT FOR ME SHE CAN'T STOP and then I kept reading and literally let out an audible PHEW. such a difficult balance to strike between wanting to write because it's cathartic for you and then not wanting to post to respect the kids' privacy, but I am glad you are trying to find a way :)

Sarah @ Sometimes Photojenik said...

Your first sentence was such a horrible tease! Sheesh! Also- I’m impressed you managed to discuss potty training and olympics in the same post. I’m with you- I love love love watchingtbe olympics! I can’t say I have any post ideas for you but I love all the randomness

Audrey Louise said...

Glad you haven't hung up your blogging hat quite yet ;)
The Olympics make me incredibly emotional, too. Haha. For all the countries and young athletes involved!

Jen said...

Haha that first sentence! You can't go away!

Laura Darling said...

Well you really did scare me with that opening!! LOL! I am obsessed with the Olympics. I LOVE all of the stories about the athletes and their families and I cry about five times a night!

AnneMarie said...

Oh wow, what an opening! I'm glad that you're sticking around here for a while :) I think that Jenny Evans @Unremarkable Files does a really good job blogging about her kids but not blogging about her kids. I'm sure it's tons easier for her to write about them "anonymously" though, since she has like 5 or 6. But maybe pick her brain to see if she has any good ideas you could use?

Oh man, that Florida shooting is so scary! Really, it seems like you can't be assured of safety anywhere anymore-concerts, church services, school-because violent attacks have happened in all these places within the past couple years. Like you said, all we can do is pray and raise our kids to love like Jesus. And try to build up local community, too, I think-I read a book about homegrown terrorists several months ago, and I really started to see that if we truly reach out and try to build loving, supportive communities and help people who are suffering in various ways, that could go a long way to stopping all of the violence and bloodshed.

Unknown said...

I've been struggling with post topics too!

Rach said...

Okay... sooo... I'm not one to talk here or anything, but I was really sad when I saw the beginning of this post! So glad that you are still writing! You've heard me talk about this enough that you know that I haven't figured out a way to write and share publicly without sharing about my kiddo so I just don't anymore. But I'm glad you are trying to figure out a good balance! Like you said, it's not that your kids are all that you are, but they are a huge part of your life now so it's hard to write without them being part of it.

It's probably because I have kids on the brain, but I love all of your baby related posts. I've gone back to visit some of your baby favorite posts and your baby food posts lately. I think it would be really interesting to see your take on things that are still favorites of yours with J that you loved with R. And things that are different. But that may be more about him than you feel like sharing now which is totally understandable.

What happened in Florida is just heart wrenching. May God have mercy. <3

Jenny Evans said...

I'm still mad at you for the beginning of this post. I was literally just in one of my Facebook writer's groups reading a thread about quitting blogging and then I come to this! I need to go eat some chocolate.

Jenny Evans said...

Also, school shootings are a heavy topic and it's hard to remember with the around-the-clock coverage of these tragedies, but kids are overwhelmingly more likely to be injured in car accidents on the way to school than to ever be involved in a school shooting. I'm not saying these are not tragic or serious events, just that in looking at the numbers and risks it's not something that I personally feel my children or I need to be scared about (any more than we are scared about other types of fatal but rare accidents.)

Amie said...

Bowen didn't start sleeping thru the night until he turned two, so a few months ago. I didn't realize how bad it had been all that time until I actually got to sleep again!! Get ready to have your mind blown I haven't really watched the Olympics..I know crazy. It just seems like I never get to watch anything, it's just too chaotic around my place. haha

After the shooting we were talking about all of that at work (I work at a police dept.) and I said we can worry ourselves to death but we have to just depend on our faith 100%! We can't control everything, yes we need to be aware and prepared but only the Lord knows what is going to happen and we just have to know he is on our side and will get us through anything!

Nadine said...

I don't even like to think about sending Zoe to public schools in a few years. It is really our only option as well and I hate that I have to feel scared about it. That should never happen, you know?

Caroline @ In Due Time said...

You got me with that intro ;) Glad you are sticking around!

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

It's okay to scale back on your blog. I have done that in the past two years and it's just where I am at with it. I learn that life still happens if I don't blog it and for some reason I just don't feel up to sharing everything that I used to. It's still a fun outlet and I'm thankful for it.

The Lady Okie said...

That is a good point and a good reminder. Thank you!

Sarah @ Sweet Miles said...

You scared me! I thought for sure you were pulling the plug! And I feel you on homeschooling..I don't think I'm capable of it, but man these types of things really make me consider it sometimes!

Christine E-E said...

ummm.... I've followed your blog for several years and although my own blog is dormant, I still love hopping around and catching up on bloggers.
Why is my blog just hanging out? well, I have two fairly new grandchildren and another on the way, and none of them live close to us. So, I'm always hopping a plane for a trip to DC or driving 4 hours north of our home to spend time with the grandkids. Oh, AND, my grandchild (+ another on the way) in DC have parents who don't do social media (none, nada) and she has asked that I please (not pretty please), DO NOT POST pictures of her daughter on my blog or Instagram. SO, hearing that I pretty much let the blog sit in the corner for awhile.
Of course you should continue to blog. You share some great tips (working mom, scheduling personal time, etc) that are helpful for those new moms. And, I love seeing and hearing your stories. Even if you only post once a week, that allows you to document your daily schedule and things that happen along the way that would be forgotten memories.
Some topics: good finger snacks; best no cost outings; traveling with little ones; to co-sleep or not; the words your kids use (my granddaughter uses "wheee" instead of saying swing).

Funny stories: the same granddaughter is in the process of being potty trained. Her parents close the bathroom door to keep her in the bathroom and take off her diapers in preparation for sitting on her potty chair. Her BaBa (daddy, is totally blind) was helping her get ready to sit down. She kept saying, "BaBa, poo poo!" He said, "I know, sit on your potty seat." She repeated, "BaBa, poo poo!" and he patiently said, "yes, that's what you sit on the potty for." She said, "Poop!" and he said, "Ok...." she proceeded to put a poop in his hands. That's something for the memory books. We laugh about it, but at the time, her BaBa was a bit disgusted..... ah, the life of parents.
So, I can be found on Instagram (@Kritty_k) with pics of my grandson who also appears on his mama's IG (@Allienyart) and FB. See you there. And, keep blogging.

Julie @ Just the Joy's said...

I've missed reading your posts (thanks to no internet connection and super busy chaotic life) and yes I would be so sad if you quit blogging! Seeing that pic of your and R+J made me smile! I have had a potty training post in my drafts for a while and just keep feeling like it's such a weird topic but would like to share tips and products that worked for us. Thanks for sharing about those undies! I didn't know those exsisted! Definitely keeping them in mind for ML! Girl.... the world scares me more than ever and homeschooling is something I never had interest in doing yet I am so scared to send my children to school and worry day after day for 12 years. :( :(