Doing the Impossible: Posts on Running


So National Running Day was last Wednesday. I skipped my workout to make a pie, but we're not going to talk about that.

What we are going to talk about is how I ran a marathon in April. A marathon.
Sometimes I still can't believe it. Like a few days ago, when I went out for a 4-mile run and nearly collapsed when I was finished. Could I have run another 22 miles? I guess maybe if someone were chasing me.

In case you were bemoaning the loss of my training updates (because I know ALL of you were), I have been running since my marathon, just not as much. In the first four months of 2013, I averaged 90 miles per month. In May, I ran 40. So there's that.

Running a marathon takes a great deal of mental focus and determination. You set a nearly impossible goal, or what seems like a nearly impossible goal, and then you actually DO it.

But that focus and determination applies to any distance, not just ultra or marathon running. I might even say it takes more determination for people just starting out, becuase in an odd way it's true that running gets easier over time. It's at the beginning when you feel like you're going to die during every single run. Now for me it's more like I feel like I'm going to die every other run. That's a 200% improvement, people.

I love that I have a space like this blog to write about running. My hope is that I can inspire you feel like it is possible to run 1 or 5 or 15 miles. Because it most certainly is if you care to try it. And it will most certainly change the way you view yourself.

For more inspiration and just because I feel like recaping in case you've missed them, here are the best (according to blog stats and my personal opinion) running posts from The Lady Okie.

I know a list of links is kind of boring and maybe a bit intimidating. I don't actually think you have time to read all of these right now. But they are there for you if you want. Because I think running is awesome, and I want you all to think so too.

I hope you feel inspired.

And finally,

*This last one isn't mine, but I read it earlier this week on a running blog I follow and fell in love. I haven't really ever had serious body image issues (at least that I can remember), but I sympathize with those who do, especially when it comes to being able to call yourself a runner.
Allison said...

As a newer follower, I really appreciate this recap! I've really been making an effort in the last couple months to become a "runner", but it is hard! I feel like I've hit a plateau pretty early on, so I'm definitely going to read back through some of your posts for some inspiration! Thanks!

Curious Runner said...

Starting (or getting back into running) is definitely the hardest part, I agree! It definitely takes grit and perseverance to get through the first few stages of starting out to finally enjoy it and feel like you actually can do it. Great post, thanks for the encouragement :)

Poke The Rock said...

I really wished you talked more about that pie!

Thanks for the links, I am clopping together a running beginners guide for myself and I am so using some of your ideas.

Unknown said...

Hi Amanda! I love your running posts (even though I translate them to my little 2 mile runs instead of 20 mile runs! ;) ) Question, will you do a post on recovery? From a few different angles maybe? Like for shorter runs vs. longer runs, morning/daytime etc. I find myself just laying on the floor in front of a fan until I quit sweating, then having zero energy to get through the day after a run... which makes it hard to keep doing them. Just an idea! Thanks! :)

Life of a Little Songbird said...

Ive always wanted to be a runner! I just have a love hate relationship with running. Im sure like most people do. Thanks for the motivation!

Anonymous said...

I hear that last post loud & clear! I tell stories about running all winter, feeling hardcore, & then first day of spring all my confidence gets shattered by the "spendex models" that come out of the woodwork. And let me tell you, crying through 1/2 your run does NOT make you look like a runner. haha

My friend once wrote the "Sweatpants Manifesto"... & I'll just let you guess which of these resolutions are based on my conversations with her:


henning love said...

haha you are awesome skipping national running day to make a pie, you are my type of gal! what type of pie did you make???

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

I love that you skipped it to make a pie! I feel the same way, one week I run 5 or 6 miles and it is easy peasy then I skip a week and I am weazing like a pack-a-day smoker.

17 Perth said...

So funny! Lol! I hope the pie was good! Haha. And love this post! Great links too! Thanks!

Claire@MyDevising said...

love your running posts!

Katie said...

i miss running and can't wait to run again!

Allison said...

I would love to run a marathon someday. You give me hope that I can do it. :)

Anonymous said...

I giggled a little bit when you said you baked a pie instead of going on a run on National Running Day. It's OK though - I went to work on my first day of summer that day and then we're even. :)
