As previously mentioned, I do not like coffee. Sometimes wish I did because then when I said "let's meet for coffee" I could actually drink coffee. Plus it usually smells good and it's a really easy gift.
I hear it's an acquired taste, which leads me to believe I could like it if I tried it and/or loaded it down with enough sugar and cream, but that honestly just sounds like too much work, so I'll stick with my tea, thankyouverymuch.
You guys, I want to like wine SO BAD. You all look so mysterious and fashionable, swirling your wine and drinking out of one of those long-stemmed glasses. I hear people mention the luxuriousness of going home to a glass of wine and a bubble bath, but I just don't get it. I use white wine for cooking, and that's about it. Occasionally I'll drink half a glass of sweet wine, but the dry stuff? No thank you.
Speaking of bubble baths...
First of all, you spend an hour filling up the bathtub, by which time the water is cold. And if it's not cold yet, it will be five minutes after you get in. And then even IF it says hot and you manage to not get soap in your eye, what are you doing?
You're lying in a tub filled with rapidly-cooling water.
Eye level with the toilet, which, by the way, probably needs to be cleaned.
Someone explain the desire to take a bath, because I don't get it.
Staying Up Until Midnight
I could probably get a lot more done if I stayed up late. Read more blogs. Keep up with the Kardashians. Eat more cookies. You know, the important things in life.
But I like going to bed at 9:30, dang it! When I was in college I thought going to bed before 1:00 in the morning would mean I was a short fuse away from death, so I don't know what that says about me now, but whatever. It's 8:36 right now, and this grandma is getting tired.
I WISH I could stay up until midnight, and I suppose I could if I wanted to. But I don't. I really am not sure how I will have children some day, because I've heard you don't get much sleep when you're a mom. I might kill someone.
Saturday Night Live
This one might end our friendship, but I'll say it anyway. I don't think SNL is funny.
I feel like Chandler saying he hates dogs.
The Sarah Palin bit a couple of years ago? Hilarious. Need more cow bell? Heck yes. But most of the skits that I happen to catch in passing on the off chance I am actually awake after dark I do not find funny. I can't explain why, but I just think it's dumb. I want to like it, because then I'd actually "get" all the SNL references.
If I had a dollar for every time someone started a sentence with, "It's like that SNL skit where..." Yeah, no. Haven't seen it. And if I did, I probably didn't think it was funny.
I think something might be wrong with me.
What about you?
Is there anything everyone else seems to like that you just don't?
OK-I am WITH YOU on the staying up late and Saturday Night Live. I do NOT think SNL is even funny, not even a little.
BUTT---WINE? COFFEE? BATHS? Who ARE you? ;) I love me some wine-but I don't do dry nasty wine either. I am all about the sweet-Moscato, Sweet Red, Huckelberry, thats where its at. And coffee is only good with tons of creamer and sugary syrups, I am not hardcore enough for black coffee. But you are missing some of the finer things of life, my friend!
I don't like high fives, and have been nearly ostracized from my social circles for it. Oh, and pie. Not a fan.
Pumpkin spice lattes.
No to Coffe. No to wine. No the SNL. And the last bath I took was with my dog (it's not weird I promise). And I only stay up until midnight because I'm waiting on a certain someone (uh hem BOY) to finish having a social life in another time zone.
That being said, you're not alone.
(And also, how can Chandler not like dogs!?! Gah!)
Haha this a great idea for a post! If you want to start liking wine, Riesling and Moscato are good sweet wines to start with, and then a rose wine or White Zinfandel might be good to ease you into drier wines/red wines. I've always liked white wine but just started liking red wine this past year. Let's see ... I don't like cookie dough. Or Nicholas Sparks. Or soda.
Pumpkin anything. Peppermint mocha (love peppermint, just not in my coffee). Tea. And I'm with you on the wine and the baths.
I'm with you on 4 and 5. All the others I'm disowning you for. ;-)
I'm so with you on SNL. They just simply aren't funny.
I don't like almonds. And I don't like Lorde (the singer, whom everyone seems to be so obsessed with). I also HATE orange or raspberry with chocolate.
As for wine, I developed a taste for it after living in France and after learning about wine tasting with my dad. I started out with the sweets, but now I'm all about the dry.
I despise anything pumpkin or mint. I'm not much of a coffee person either, but will do dessert coffee things. For some reason I love coffee ice cream!
And we met at Starbucks ... ha! Too funny! I always think I'm gonna like a bath and then I get in and realize it was a fail. It gets cold and the water gets icky and sometimes oily. gross! I think adult hood is just going to bed early. If I stay up too late I'm an emotional roller coaster the next day. whaaa! =)
Hot chocolate.
Milk shakes.
Basically most dairy products. I'm not allergic, I just don't like them.
I totally agree with you on almost all of these. I hate coffee and a bath is just soaking in your own dirt. Going to bed early makes me happy and wine is just starting to make me happy. I've actually only found two so far that I like but I've got lots of years left to find more. I hate a lot of trends, including burlap. I don't get the appeal of it.
I'll just say that after having kids I started drinking coffee, enjoyed wine much more and 'taking a bath' (aka locking myself in the bathroom with my coffee/wine;). And yes, I was suddenly up at all hours (more convenient for watching SNL and with the sleep deprivation it becomes hysterical.) My kids are no longer little babies, but the habits stuck. Also, I don't like any condiments. I've always taken a lot of heat for that one.
All of the free coffee I've ever tried is disgusting, to me anyway. But the coffee I make at home (loaded with creamer of course) is delicious! I don't like my coffee strong!
I found a really good wine the other day at Safeway, it's a super cheap (I'm talking $6.30) and really sweet wine! My cousin and I like to shop around and try different wines, I don't like a lot of them.
I don't like baths either. I get bored!
I also can't stay up past midnight.
I'm right with you on the coffee and wine. I actually have zero taste for any alcoholic beverage... for some odd reason I find it all disgusting. And the whole sleeping thing... yep, I need a ton of it too. As for other things that I loath... every Will Farrel movie ever made... minus Elf.
I'm with you on most of it! never liked snl, I think most of those actors are seriously annoying. I like some wine, but very few of them. I do like coffee and I'm writing this at 11:57 pm, so I guess I like midnight! don't like baths though!
The stuff about baths is SO true. I never thought about the toilet bit, which is so true and gross. I want to like baths, and will take them occasionally, but it's more to just get away from the dogs and put on a face mask. But then I just think of how much water I'm using to fill up the tub when I'm just going to take a shower after anyways so I can really wash my hair. So weird. lol.
On the baths - yeah, your baths totally aren't hot enough. Turn that water heater up! When a bath is hot, you need nothing to do. But sit.
On SNL, the humor is different now and not as slap-sticky as it used to be. I personally have loved all the decades of humor. The humor of the current cast/writers falls into a more unique/off kind of humor, so it's not everybody's thing. I LOVE it though. :)
Oh my gosh. Lol. I LOVE coffee, baths, and staying up late. In fact, I drank coffee with my supper (my parents decided that they wanted breakfast for supper), took a long, hot bath after I cleaned up the kitchen, and I'm up at 12:20 reading blogs and contemplating writing. I do agree with you on the whole SNL thing, though. I don't understand the allure, there. Fun post. :)
I agree with you on the SNL and the wine. I really want to like them but I just can't bring myself to actually like them. Small doses is how I handle them. As far as coffee goes I agree that it is an acquired taste which I have some how gained. I use to drink coffee with my creamer but now I drink it without creamer if I need the caffeine boost. I have to disagree with you about baths though. I reentry have found the delight that everyone seems to take in them and it is magical. A good book and a hot bath goes a long way to make a bad day just a little bit better.
I'm with you on the wine. I sometimes take a little when a hostess offers it to me, because I WANT to like it, but after a few sips, I usually hand it to my husband. And you won't even catch me NEAR a beer--ugh, just the smell makes me nauseous. Now, sugary alcoholic drinks that aren't wine or beer based? Say, mojitos, for example . . . hand me one of those and I'm in heaven.
I can't do wine either. I just can't. I think ALL OF IT tastes awful and it leaves my mouth dry then I get a headache. I'll just stick with vodka.
Other than baths (and sometimes staying up late) I like everything on your list, but that's okay! We can still be friends because it means I don't have to share my wine or coffee.
SNL is hit or miss for me though, but I always love Weekend Update. If you don't enjoy that, we might have to talk :)
So I love coffee, and LOVE wine. :) Baths I can leave--and agree with you about your points...it is always anti-climatic. haha :) And SNL---it really used to be much better than it is now!
Hate baths. Don't like wine. CAN'T stay up late anymore. (I've tried) SNL is hit or miss, but I prefer just to not watch it.
But coffee? It's my jam. It's definitely an acquired taste, and it took me a while before i was drinking it black. I remember when my mom would eat some kind of sweet and say, "I wish I had coffee with this!" And I thought, "Gross! Why would you want something so bitter with something so sweet?" And now? If I have anything sweet, I feel like I neeeeed coffee. It's ridiculous.
I definitely drink my fair share of chai though. Mmm..
SNL is AWFUL...I'll watch when Justin Timberlake is on, but that's in...the rest is unwatchable.
For me it's beer. People say, "Try this kind. It's better." Nope, still a variant of horse piss IMO!
Oh my goodness! I am SO with you about not being able to (and not liking to) stay up late. 22 years old, and pretty unhappy if I'm not in bed by 10ish, 10:30 at the latest. I am an old lady. Also, I just don't watch television in general, so I can also totally get behind you on the SNL thing! I just don't find most things on television funny or entrancing at all. Duck Dynasty, on the other hand...
Hahaa! This post made me laugh because I actually like every single one of these things!
I don't get Ina Garden or Rachel Ray. Just don't get the fascination with both of them.
I just posted on coffee today on my blog!!!! I love coffee, but am with you about the 'free' coffee thing. HOWEVER, I still drink it b/c well it IS free and thankfully we have GOOD creamer. lol
I am totally with you on coffee - I want to like it but just can't seem to get on board. Wine used to be a tough one for me, too, but I've definitely started aquiring the taste :) I'd have to add pie to my list. I can't explain it - I certainly love sweets of many different varieties - but pie is not for me, much to many people's dismay!
It is like we're I-don't-like-this-stuff soul mates. As mentioned, I only like the gateway coffees so it better have a lot of sugar, milk, and froth. I only like the sweetest of the sweet dessert wines (Moscato and the like - even Rieslings are too dry for my taste). In order for me to enjoy a bath I would have to shower before the bath, take the bath, and then shower after the bath. I am not a dirty person but I feel like I'm soaking in my own filth when I bath. Plus I don't like the vulnerability of it. Sitting on a slippery surface completely naked? What if someone breaks into my house? That would be awkward. I do get a burst of energy at night, but by that I mean 9:00. Midnight - no thank you. And I can count on one hand the number of SNL skits that I've found entertaining. Actually, the hot tub one where they keep saying "lovah" is the only one that comes to mind right now so maybe I can count on one finger.
basically, i just can't stand any alcohol beverage. seriously. wine, beers. you name it. my body doesn't tolerate them well.
Mike and I watch every SNL episode even when we're not laughing. I don't know why. I guess it's our thing. He often says, "They smoke a lot of weed, don't they?" when skits are way out in left field and not funny at all. But we keep watching because every now and then, it's gold. My new mission in life will be to find some recent skits that you like. I promise they exist.
I used to not like wine but all of a sudden I like it which also happened at one point or another in my twenties with orange juice and eggs! Baths however I do not like and never plan on liking either because you are sitting there in your own filth so it is just so gross.
I cannot like wine. I've tried and tried but nope. I'm a beer girl, which is why I've tried to like wine ("healthier"), but it just isn't happening!
I don't particularly enjoy cheesecake or tacos. I'm working on both of those things. Also, anything spicy. And Velveeta. BLECH. That one will NEVER change because it is basically plastic. It's like loving margarine. GROSS.
I'm sipping on a hot chocolate right now because I had a "coffee meeting" and had to order something. And totally am a fan of old SNL but haven't bothered watching in years. Have to admit, I do like baths but now I am going to be thinking about cleaning instead of relaxing!
loved this post! :) i actually "learned" to like coffee and now I love it. which is kind of funny to learn to like something like that. I can't stay up till midnight even before a baby and I have tried to take a few baths and get so bored after 5 minutes and wonder what other people do who stay in there for 30 minutes!
Ha! I have a funny story about high fives I should share on here some time.
Funny enough, peppermint mocha is one of the only coffee drinks I like!
Dang! Mint is my favorite! At least that means I don't have to share with you...
YES. MOJITOS. I love them!
Woo! Glad I'm not alone on the bath thing. And yes to vulnerability. Although really I just don't like being naked in general, so I don't think that only goes for baths. I KNOW what SNL skit you're talking about! That's maybe one of five I've actually watched.
Have we not been to the Cheesecake Factory together yet? Because I don't like cheesecake either, but Cheesecake Factory cheesecake will BLOW YOUR MIND. Promise.
It's like i don't even know you anymore!!! Just kidding!! I think SNL used to be funny but a lot of the good people left so it's not that funny anymore. I can't live without at least one cup of coffee, but it is an acquired taste. I am with you on sleep though I still don't get enough and I am in bed by 10:30pm.
Agreed. Tried Starbucks and McDonalds and they just have that bitter aftertaste. I wanted to like them, but just couldn't.
Fun post! Don't have tv, so can't comment on SNL. No alcohol (alcoholic family member, so.....no thanks). Love showers, not baths, but my husband finds them SO relaxing--has one before supper when he gets home from a hard day on the job. I like coffee with cream, can't understand why people like tea--tastes like dishwater to me. Unless it's earl grey or green tea with lemon, say. And staying up late--just happens, and it's often when I check my favorite blogs (looking at you!).
OMG, I thought you were my long last sister after reading the first three, but then I got to #4. I'm a night owl......... Totally agree though, coffee, wine, and baths= disgusting.
I don't like staying up late, either, but it sure seems like I do every night (usually waiting for my husband to finish working)! The thing I don't like that everyone else does? Hamburgers. I've even been called Un-American for it!
I am also not a big fan of SNL and I am no longer a big fan of late nights. Get me to bed early PLEASE!
I hate coffee, but I love tea! :) Funny post!
Oh gosh, I don't like baths or SNL either! Soul sisters :)
xo TJ
I'm not a big bath person either. I haven't taken one in years and years. Why sit in a pool of your own filth?? As for coffee. I acquired the taste when I started working and it was free and the office was freezing. It's my reason for using Splenda which is very questionable but I 'aint gonna use sugar. I'll never acquire a taste for drinking it black.
Seinfeld. I feel like whenever I finish watching a show or movie, Seinfeld is on tv. I have to turn it off immediately. I don't know what it is about it, most people seem to find it hilarious.
I do like coffee and wine, but I'm with you on staying up late. I honestly don't know about the bath thing… I can't remember the last time I took one?!?! Must do some research on that...
I think wine is an acquired taste...coffee? I remember as a kid begging my dad to dip cookies in his coffee because I liked the taste so much. Weird, I know.
Some tea does taste terrible. We like Earl Gray the best!
Woo! Tea lovers unite!
baths--- we are so soul sisters. maybe if I had a $25,000 bathroom with the super nice tubs and candles and all that jazz..........maybe. but yeah. rapidly cooling water is not my thing. and the tub- is it clean? if not-- yuck. if so-- now I'm in chemical-boosted water. ew.
Coffee: Heck, yes! By the carafe.
Wine: Yup…sometimes also by the carafe.
Up Late: I consider 10PM 'living on the edge'. Sad.
Baths: No. I feel like human soup. yuck. I'm a shower girl.
SNL: Since it comes on past 10PM…even if it didn't, no. Just no.
SNL hasn't been that funny for the last 10 years I would say. Occasionally they'll have a good skit--the Family Feud one with Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon a few weeks ago was pretty good, but the rest of the show basically sucked. So don't feel too bad about that one :)
I only drink sweet wine!!! I can't do the merlot or the chardonnay or whatever the crap they serve at weddings or fancy places. Moscato tastes like juice. And that's amazing and horrible at the same time. But I can relate to your non love of wine ;)
And I go to bed anywhere between 9:30 and 10:30 on a work night lately, mostly because I get up early to workout so I don't want to be a zombie. Power to the old ladies!! :-P
No coffee OR wine?! Those are the only two things I drink!!! :)
I feel like we are twins! I don't like coffee - I do love the smell though! And wine.. YUCK! I get so bored when I take a bath (the 3 times that I can recall since I was a child) It's either too hot or too cold, and most of the time I'm so focused on not getting my hands wet so that I can hold my book it's just not fun. I occasionally stay up past midnight but I do not like being out of the house past maybe 10 (unless it's a fun date night with my hubby). SNL... I think it used to be funny, and parts of it still are, but as a whole no.. I fast forward through most of the skits.
i love this!! i know i'm late but whatevs. i hate coffee and i rarely drink wine (though sometimes i wish i was in the cool club for both!) and I've literally never seen an SNL episode because of the whole growing up in another country.
I take a bath almost every night though.. because... why not. i get in when it's filling up and i get out when it's less than hot. i love a nice hot bath.
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