Today, I am 28.
Over the hill of my mid-twenties and quickly sliding down the slope toward thirty. Jordan's birthday is exactly a week after mine, so July is birthday month in the Bumgarner household. He'll be turning 29.
Yep. Got me an older man. Rawr*.
I love birthdays! It's fun having ours so close together. We just have to make sure our kids do not have birthdays in the summer. Don't want no one raining on my month-long birthday parade. Amen.
Tonight I'm having a potluck dinner party at a friend's house (I may have asked her to host one for me. It's not lame.), and then on Saturday Jordan and I are going to this adventure park thing downtown. I've been wanting to go for a while, and so we're doing it for my birthday. Hurrah!
Have I mentioned I love birthdays? Well I do. They are the bomb dot com.
When I was little, my birthday was the one day a year I didn't have to fight my brothers to sit in the front seat of the car. Now I have a car and sit in the front seat all the time, so that perk has lost its luster. But birthdays are still fun and will continue to be until I decide otherwise. So here's to 28!
Only two more years to cross everything off my 30x30 list! Clearly I have to get to traveling more. And buy a house. Lord help me, I do not want to be in this apartment when I'm 30.
[Apparently I didn't blog about #26]
Skydiving for my 24th birthday
*Rawr = "A word that means 'I Love You' in dinosaur" (According to Urban Dictionary)
Happy Birthday! You are one year, one week, and one day younger than me!
Happy Birthday!!! Only a few more items to check off. You can totally do it, though get on the traveling already! ;) Hope it is a great year and the celebrating all month is genius!
Rawr! You go girl, HAPPY B-DAY!
Happy birthday!!!
You definitely should make sure to have kids in a different month, but make sure it's not December. Speaking from experience, a Christmas Eve birthday is the worst.
Now. Go eat all the cake and enjoy your day!!
Happy birthday!!! Have a great day and month!!:)
happy birthday you spring chicken you! i love your 30 before 30 list, you've done so many things! you go girl.
Happy Birthday, friend! :) I'm already excited to hear about your adventure park thing- sounds like a great way to celebrate!! Also, go ahead and come to Cincy to cross off #8 on your list!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a fabulous day!
Happy birthday!!!! My husband's birthday is two days before mine!!!! I always say the same thing about our future kiddos. Have an awesome day!!! :)
Happy birthday!!!!!! Hope you have a great day :) PS. At first when I was reading your list I thought it said buy a HORSE!! haha... not that there is anything wrong with that ;) I realized it then said house! Love your list!!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day! :]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that was incredible.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woohoo sounds like y'all have some good celebration plans made! :) and I love love love your list, especially the grand canyon!
HAPPPYYY BIRTHDAYYYYY!!!!! Come to NY for the Open and visit me!! :) Hope you have a great day and the best year yet!
Happy birthday! Hope 28 is a great year for you :)
Happy birthday! Your potluck dinner sounds like fun! My husband keeps asking me what I want to do for mine at the end of the month, and I haven't come up with any good ideas yet. :)
happy birthday!!! and can you please let me know when you plan on coming to DC! i'd love to meet up :)
Happy Birthday!! Sounds like great plans for the week and lots to look forward to, in order to accomplish your 30 by 30. Have a great Birthday month!
Happy Birthday, Amanda! Hope it's a great one! By looking at your list it looks like the next two years are going to be some fun ones!
Happy Birthday! My other half's birthday is 9 days before mine, so we refer to the week as Birthdaypalooza. Makes it such much more festive.
P.S. The 30s rocks. Don't be scared. It's all cool over here in 30 land.
A very happy birthday! I love your 30x30 list. I should make one of those! Have a fabulous day!
happy birthday amanda!!! i hope you have an amazing day. that is so incredible that you surprised a random baby registry mama with a gift! how did it go? i wanna hear more about that.
enjoy your birthday month!
Happy birthday! I find it funny that you still haven't paid for someone's meal and yet you've gone skydiving.
Maybe you could channel all that birthday adrenaline to power through "three legit pull-ups" :) Hope you have a FANTASTIC birthday, friend!
Happy happy birthday Amanda!!! Enjoy your day :)
Happy birthday! I also married an older man, and he is exactly 4 months older than I am. GASP!
You should definitely make ice cream from scratch! I use our KitchenAid mixer attachment and it's super easy. The first time I did it, though, I was terrified that I wasn't going to temper the eggs correctly and that I was going to end up making scrambled egg ice cream. I threw a tiny dance party in my kitchen when it was perfectly vanilla!
Young'uns. I also married an older man - two years - and I don't let him forget it. He whines regularly about being aged, while I've just been fully enjoying and embracing the fabulousness that comes with your 30s. :D
Love your 30x30 list! I've contemplated a 40x40 list, but that one's still way far off - I can still pretend it doesn't exist and I'll be in my 30s forever!
Happy, Happy Birthday!! LOL you will make sure your kids are not ruining your birthday month...too funny ;)
Happy Birthday! My husband and I share a birthday month (April) 11 days apart.
Happy birthday friend!!
Happy Birthday!
Love your 30X30 list - I'm turning 27 in two weeks and have made absolutely no progress on mine. Whooops
I definitely laughed out loud at the rwar comment! ;) Happy Birthday!!
Yay for having birthdays so close together! I'm ready for 28 - I think it's going to be a good one. Have fun celebrating! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!! Your post just cracked me up - the rawr and about your future kids also having summer birthdays haha! Enjoy the potluck dinner tonight - that's a great idea for a birthday!! Also, you'll to let me know when you're crossing off #10 :)
Happy 28th Birthday!!!!!!!!! :)
Happy Birthday, sweet lady!!!!!!!! (28 was my most favorite year of being alive. And I mean that.) Wishing you the best celebration!!
AHHHHHHHHH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Birthdays are the best and my favorite! You should go to the Grand Canyon on August 29th. I'll be there so we can hang out!
Happy Birthday!!! And Happy Birthday Month! How fun is that?! 28 has been really great for me and I hope it will be completely awesome for you. It just seems to be one of those good numbers. Have a blast at the adventure park! That sounds like a great way to celebrate.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lady Okie---HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!
Crochet a rug?!? That sounds intense! I hope you share pictures of the final product. Have a fantastic day!
Hhhhhhhaaaaaapppppppppy birthday!!! Happy happy birthday! (Those photos are the bomb dot com!!)
And thirty isn't so bad (says the 34!!!! Year old! Sheesh)
Anyways. Have you had ice cream made with snow? Do it! It's so good. And I often buy people's coffee in the drive through behind me at Starbucks. I for some weird reason LoVE doing it.
Also, love that buying a dresser and going to an nfl game both made the list!
Happy Birthday! My husband and I share a birthday month - his is exactly 2 weeks after mine but he's a year older. Your #7 and #30 are on my list too...only mine are for Starbucks and ONE pull-up. 3?! Psh, overachiever!
Happy birthday! July is an awesome month for birthdays for sure! I've been wanting to take a real photography class too so if you find a good one let me know. I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend!
Happy Birthday! It sounds like you're in for a great weekend and I hope you enjoy every moment of it (that adventure park thing sounds interesting and exciting!). :)
And I hope you get a chance to visit Alaska someday! I've always wanted to go and hope to, too!
Happy birthday, Amanda! I'm getting close to the 30 mark too (only 6 months to go and I will be a "trentenaire", as we say in french). Have fun! :)
Happy happy birthday! Cheers to 28 being your best year yet!
I love a 30 before 30 list! I gave myself just about 2 years to complete one and didn't quite make it by the big day (a few weeks ago), but I decided I can have till the end of the calendar year :) It's been so fun doing some of the things on my list, and yours looks the same - hope you make it to the US Open and to DC. Both are so fun! And happy birthday month - those are the best.
Happy Birthday! 28 was a good year for me if I remember correctly. I'm 32 now so have officially lost my mind. haha! Kidding, I think... Anyway, live it up!
aww amanda, i love this post! such fun photos, and a big huge happy birthday (day late) to you :) hope you're reading this comment and thinking about all the delicious food you took down at the pot luck while having fun with your friends :) picture soon, i hope!?
a) HAPPY BIRTHDAY! you bring joy. I don't know know you, but I know you do. So you deserve the most joyous birthday month!
b) I fully support #10
How did I miss your birthday?? Next time I'm going to need a post titled "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY" okayyy? Hope you had the best day (and now weekend) celebrating!
Happy birthday!!! Birthdays are indeed the bomb dot comb and people try to tell me that they're not when you're older and I disagree so I'm glad that we're in agreement. Hope you have a great day!
I don't know how the registry thing went, because I never got a reply or anything. But yeah I just got on the Target website, typed in a random name, and sent them a gift. I included a little message that said they didn't know me, but this was something on my bucket list, and then I put a Bible verse reference at the end. Hopefully it was a fun little surprise for them!
I feel like seeing the US Open will be a long shot more than any of the other travel ones, but I really would love to go out there and hang out for some tennis! Must start planning.
At this point in my life, a house is much more practical :) Although a horse would be fun! haha.
That is so amazing, Amanda. I love that! I'm sure it blessed them!
Happy Birthday! I hope I'm behind you next time you're in a drive through. ;)
Happy Birthday Month! I firmly believe in celebrating ones birthday for a month, it's only natural. You've gotten a lot marked off your list, way to go.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!! Birthdays are indeed the best :D mine is next month and I can't wait!!
Birthdays are worth celebrating big--no matter how old we all get...that's my perspective on the matter, anyway! Glad you had a good one! If Jordan's birthday is a week after yours, does that mean it's on the 17th?? Because then that means our husbands share the same birthday. Only Angel's a year older. Crazy!
Happy belated Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day!
I missed it! We were camping this week with no internet. I hope it was wonderful! Happy belated birthday!!
Ha! Next time I'll change the title just for you :)
Happy Birthday to you!!! Way to be sure there's a birthday something happening that you don't have to actually throw for yourself. :) I bet your trip yesterday was a lot of fun too!!!
Happy belated birthday!!! Hope you had a great weekend (and lots of cupcakes)! :)
Happy birthday (month)! That's an impressive list- I'm sure you'll get a bunch more crossed off in no time!
Happy belated birthday and happy current birthday month!!! You are making serious progress on that 30-by-30 list!! Good job!
You two are hilarious!
my husband and my birthdays are a week apart too! birthday month is march for us Except he's already the dirty 30 and I'm 28 . . . he's such an old sexy boy
You have such a good 30x30 list! 1) You should definitely visit DC and I would be happy to give you any recommendations I can for fun things to do while there. 2) I really want to crochet a rug too. I'd like to make some of that t-shirt yarn and make a rag rug for the apartment. 3) If you want to make ice cream, might I recommend Club Narwhal? Amy makes SO many good things and is always sharing incredibly decadent ice cream recipes. 4) Last but not least, love your bday month photos with Jordan! :)
Happy birthday!
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