Runners Tell All: 2015 Running Goals


"Runner's Tell All" is a monthly linkup for runners of all ages, skill levels, and experience hosted by Sunshine to the Square Inch and The Lady Okie.
*My mom and I finishing the Oklahoma City 5k last April

We made it! This is the final Runners Tell All. If I had to go back and start over, I don't think I would have changed anything about this linkup. I loved all the topics, I'm glad it was a specific date of the month vs. the third Thursday or something (I can never remember those), and it was fun to have some sponsors for the majority of our giveaways. Shoutout to Beka, the best linkup cohost out there. We really hope you guys had fun linking up with us this year!

For the final topic, we thought it would be a good idea to recap 2014 running and list some goals for 2015. I feel like I covered my 2014 recap pretty well in this post

In summary: I ran a grand total of 2 races (4 if you count the Electric Run and my Tough Mudder, which I kind of don't). I did get a 6-minute PR on my 10k time, which makes me happy. I also fell into and climbed out of a running slump this year. Go me.

Total 2014 running miles (as of December 18, the day I'm writing this post): 558. Definitely not as many as last year but also nothing to shrug about.


April 2015 will mark my 5th year of consistent running, and what I've learned over the last five years is that I probably won't ever be a "serious" runner. I know I could get considerably faster with hard work and an actual training schedule, but I just don't care to. I have run 3 days a week for the last 5 years, and it's what works for me. It fits into my schedule without it taking over my schedule.

That said, my main focus for 2015 will be to lower my 1/2 marathon time just a tad. I'd love to cut 3 minutes off and get under 1:50, and I think it's very doable with a little hard work and some speed drills and tempo runs, which I've never consistently done before. I've run 7 half marathons so far and am currently signed up for 2, so I'm thinking maybe I will run 1 more and make it an even 10 next year.

Other than that, I'm just hoping to have fun and keep bothering all my friends about how awesome running is so they want to do it too.

For our final giveaway, there will be THREE winners! Each winner will receive a pair of ProCompression socks and a beaded bracelet that Beka sent all the way from Asia! (Bracelet not pictured) 
I am going to warn you about the socks: these are from the ProCompressions grab bag sale, so I didn't get to choose the colors or design. I can't promise you that one of the pairs of socks doesn't have a giant four-leave clover on it. I'm just saying it could happen.

Use the Rafflecopter widget to enter below! Entries will be verified, so play fair or else.

Runners Tell All Linkup Rules
  1. You MUST leave a comment on the person’s blog who linked up directly before you. This is not a linkup for the sake of linking up. This is a linkup to build community and spread the love and encouragement to your fellow runners! Don't be lame.
  2. Link back to either Beka or Amanda in your post so others can come here and join in! Or grab the button below and add it to your post. 
  3. Have fun!

Joy @ said...

I love that you got the socks you are giving away from the grab bag. I did a grab bag from PC for arm sleeves and got a sweet assortment, all of which I approve, including the four-leaf clover you alluded to.

Great job with logging miles this year and hope you have a blessed new year filled with a PR in your half time as well as just a great year of memories, milestones, and first-day of the month posts. I loved that monthly series!

Erin LFF said...

I have enjoyed your link up so much this year! Even though I only linked-up a handful of times, I always read along each month and enjoyed finding some new runners to follow along with as well! I think I want to try to track my miles in 2015, something I've never done. I'm a person who likes to see stats and charts though so I think it would be a good source of motivation for me :) I only ran 1 race this year... yikes! I'm signed up for 2 officially in 2015 though so hey, I've doubled already!!!

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! I will be sure to link up today! I love Runners Tell All! Happy Holidays everyone! Sorry for the use of all exclamation points. haha

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for hosting this link-up, Amanda! Like a previous commenter, although I didn't write a post for every single link-up, I always enjoyed reading the posts of other runners and love the community it generates. Congrats on your great running this year, and I'm looking forward to seeing what 2015 holds for you!

Tracy said...

I love that picture of you and your mom finishing that 5k! As you know, I run a lot of races with my dad, but neither of us has been able to talk (trick?) my mom into one yet ;)
You had a really solid year! I can understand why you don't "count" the Tough Mudder, but still, that's huge! Thanks for hosting this link-up, can't wait to see how 2015 shapes up for you!

Laura said...

Well done for coming out of a running slump. I think that's what I need to do next year. Thank you so much for a great link up, although I've not made it to every one it's been great fun, I've really enjoyed it. Laura xx

Sarah @ Sometimes Photojenik said...

I think those compression socks would be really nifty, especially if they had four leaf clovers ;) but really I think I really need to start wearing some at work so I don't get varicose veins like crazy! I also think it's awesome you only run three times a week and are okay with it. I only average 3-4 times a week (I only did 4x a week when I trained for my marathon) and sometimes I feel bad about it but knowing that that's what you do I totally feel better about it :) also you can totally get 1:50 for your half, I would be so excited for you- I bet you'll do it!! Looking forward to hearing about it when you do :-)

Holly said...

558 miles is AWESOME!!! Is that including training runs?! I guess I could look back on my weekly updates to total up my mileage for the year, but I don't feel like it's nearly as much as that, so awesome job!! I'm glad you were able to get out of your slump by the end of the year. Running takes a lot out of anyone! Yay for 2 half's next year--I think your goal of going sub-1:50 is totally doable. Thanks for creating this linkup!!!

Miss Nutralicious said...

Like everyone else is saying in their comments, the Runners Tell All linkup is/was awesome. Thanks so much for hosting the linkup all year, it has been a lot of fun to participate and I'm sad it is over.

Also, I'm not going to lie, I'm jealous that you got to run a race with your mom. I wish I was better at convincing people to like running. Ha! But seriously, there are so many people that I know who I wish would run races with me. Why doesn't everyone understand how great running is?

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

Getting out of a running slump is hard so kudos to you. I am so impressed you did a half on 3 runs per week. I feel like some people overtrain and burn out so I think that is so much more manageable.

Kendall said...

I've loved your Runners tell all posts this year - hoping to log more miles in the coming year. I'd love to try some compression socks as well!

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

You logged some good miles this year! Wahoo for being a runner for 5 years!

I'm glad you are content with where you are in running. The older I get the more I'm learning that it isn't about a PR or how many races you can get done in a year but about how healthy you stay over time. If 3 times of running a week does that for you I think it's great.

Meagan said...

Thanks so much for hosting this linkup this year, it has been a lot of fun! Do you think y'all will do it again in 2015??? :)

Hey, 558 miles is a lot more than 0. Great work this year! I love your goal for 2015 because the half marathon is my favorite distance. Good luck!

Unknown said...

I'm going to miss this link up! Not that I ever "linked up" but I've loved reading it! I have been in a running slump ever since running my first half on November 1st. I am seriously getting back to it after Christmas.

Julie said...

I think lowering your half marathon time by 3 minutes is totally do-able. Good Luck!! Also, I loved this link up. Thank y'all so much for hosting it. Not gonna lie, I was hoping y'all would continue it next year. :)

Ali said...

Thank you for co-hosting the link up, this has been so much fun! Good luck on your running (and non-running) goals for 2015!

Amber Marie said...

I loved this link up so much, Amanda! I am sorry I missed the last few ones, but it was nice having prompts to write about one of my favorite things! Plus, I have met so many other nice runners out there. You and Beka did a good thing :) Congrats on your running accomplishments this year and here's to more in 2015, even if it is to just keep running!

Caroline @ In Due Time said...

Not a serious runner? Girl, anyone who can do a half in under 2 hours is serious in my book! Looking forward to reading about your 2015 runs!!!

Robyn B said...

558! yeah i would say that's not something to shrug about!!

Ken C said...

Always important to have FUN running

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the Run

Unknown said...

I noticed you are an okie runner. Do you run with landrunners, runhers or the Pack Pint run at Red Coyote? I always run the Pack Pint run and I also run with runhers. I haven't gotten into the landrunners. There is a lot of running around here and I'm guessing your going to do the same half marathons I have on my calender: go girl and memorial. Good luck with your running and perhaps I'll see you out at Hefner or Red Coyote sometime! <a href=">Esther Norine Designs</a> My blogger account is "no-reply" and I'm not fixing it anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Unknown said...

I've loved reading these posts! One of the reasons I think I've enjoyed them so much is that you run, but it doesn't rule your life! Thanks for sharing all year long!

jaime said...

Which half marathons are you signed up for? I was signed up for 3 in 2014 and only ran one. (In my defense, one was canceled and the other I was sick so I had to cancel.) I'm still deciding on my 2015 races.

I've loved these link-ups, even though I was introduced to them halfway through!!

Kristen said...

I am pretty sure you ran more miles than me this year, so way to go :) I think I'm like you - I don't want it to take over my life, I want to enjoy it. I loved reading these link up posts each month, I only linked up once I think. Did I miss where you said you would or wouldn't be doing it in 2015? Because I would love to participate if you do - 2015 is going to be the year of running for me, lol.