Project 12 // March


*Project 12: A photo on the first day of every month*

After almost 3 months on the waiting list, this book finally came in at the library. I'm not even going to waste your time with a review. Here's the bottom line: this book is really good, and you should bump this to the top of your reading list asap. Thank me later.

I realized that I was actually in THREE different US states this month! Four if you count my 1-hour layover in Los Angeles. I started out March 1 in Salt Lake City (see photo above). March 20-22 Jordan and I drove to Texas, and March 27-29 I was in Chicago! Other than a road trip where you can easily hit a lot of states in a short span of time, I think this might be the most I've traveled in one month ever.

See posts on: Salt Lake City // Chicago

And then, of course, I travel to work every day. But I don't mind the commute when I can see sunrises like this. NO, MOM, I DIDN'T TAKE THIS WHILE I WAS DRIVING.*
*That was a lie.

Probably the most notable event was putting an offer on a house. They accepted our offer, and things were moving along. We had a closing date! My dream was coming true!

HOWEVER, I am convinced God is trying to teach me patience and trust with this whole thing. We've had an unfortunate setback: a totaled roof due to a hail storm that came through the night after we paid $275 for a house inspection that came back a-okay. (See photo below.) Also after we paid $450 for an appraisal.

So we currently don't know what's happening with that. We told the sellers we weren't going to buy the house unless they had the roof replaced, and we're waiting to hear back. As if I don't have enough to stress about.
Other notable events:

1. Jordan and I attended a marriage conference! I shared some of the highlights of things we learned here.

2. Snow day! Both Jordan and I had a snow day, so we stayed home and worked on a puzzle and just hung out.

3. Giant hail that decided totaling our roof wasn't good enough. It also totaled my windshield. I don't want to talk about it.

4. Finished my ninth half marathon in 2:24! Baby Bum slowed me down a little from my usual pace, but I don't mind. Race recap here.

We found out the gender of Baby Bum! I realize this is nothing short of an epic tease, so.... sorry about that. I'll have a post coming soon! 

After our ultrasound, we went out to dinner and told Jordan's parents, and then we drove to Texas that weekend and told my parents. Jordan and I took turns popping balloons until there was only one color left. My brother took a video, and I'll probably share it with you guys cuz I think it's fun.
Any guesses???

I know a few other awesome blogger friends are doing Project 12 this year (yay!) and so I'll be adding a linkup to my Project 12 posts. This is the lowest of low key linkups. There's not a button or any rules. Just link up if you wrote a Project 12 post!

Maria said...

Oh, isn't finding a new house fun? #saidnooneever Hope things work out and they repair the roof! We are on our own house hunt (for a rental) and we are in the waiting period right now to see if they accept our application. Let go and let God.

I've seen a lot of baby sex reveals and I've never seen this one! So cute! I am guessing a girl because you are both staring at the blue balloon like you are going to pop it :)

shelleystirs said...

I just picked up that book from the library on my way home from work tonight (hooray for libraries that are open till 9 pm). I'll start reading it tonight!

I hope the house works out, but if not, that means that God has something better in store for your little family! :)

And I'll opt out of guessing Baby Bum' s gender since I never guess correctly...I have learned not to trust my instincts in these matters.

Mimsie said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. Will definitely keep it on my radar. And what a fun way to do the gender reveal. Hope your house situation works out soon, and the sellers are reasonable. I am going to guess.......twins.

Sarah @ Sometimes Photojenik said...

I'm going to check into that book! And you did travel a lot- so so fun! Baby bum is getting some miles already! :) that hail looked so awful- that's gotta be one of the most helpless feelings ever to just see hail pound all your stuff and not be able to do a darn thing about it :( im guessing boy- I can't wait to see that video that is so fun! Ps- I love spying your cute little baby bump in all these pictures!

Unknown said...

Congratulations again on the house!
What a gorgeous sunset.
Also, I'm saying boy. Or twins. Or boy twins.

The Girl who Loved to Write said...

Ahh..I think based on that picture I'm going to say a boy! Can't wait to hear!

Rachel said...

Dude, you tell us about a gender reveal party without telling us the gender? I have a feeling that's against the rules.
Would the house seller's home insurance not cover getting a new roof? The whole time we lived in Michigan we were renting the house my parents owned there, and in a very short time span, there was a huge storm that took off tons of shingles, so insurance said, yep, you need a new roof--and then promptly the insanely snowy winter of 2013-2014 arrived so there were tarps all over the roof till it was spring, and then in practically the same month the roofers finally put on a new roof and my parents sold the house--Oklahoma laws and hailstorms situations may be totally different, but hopefully your sellers will just be able to pay a small deductible and it will be the obvious choice for them to get the roof fixed! My parents were really happy--like, oh, so this is why we've been paying for home insurance for 20 years...they are also super happy to no longer own a home at all.

Anonymous said...

I've read many great reviews about that book - excited to see what it is about! Buying a house can definitely be stressful, but put it all in God's hands and the right thing will come out of it. It's a minor set back but we will cross our fingers that soon it will work itself out. And i can't wait to read the gender reveal post! :)

Christina said...

That hail thing makes me so mad FOR you guys! I really hope the sellers pull through. The last thing you need right now is more stress! Yikes!

I will be obsessively waiting for the gender reveal!

Sara Oss said...

Girl! Only because it looks like you're ready to pop the blue balloon. But I have zero percent confidence in my ability to guess on these things.

The house situation sounds really unpleasant. But I don't understand why the seller wouldn't fix the roof...risk of loss and all of that.

Robyn B said...

the roof & windshield thing is just crazy & stupid. BUT so glad you guys found out the gender!!! my vote is a boy - mainly b/c i always want babies to be boys! haha

Kayla MKOY said...

I can't WAIT to find out what you're having!! So exciting to follow along on this journey. And it's okay, the best sunrise photos are taken while driving *not a lie ;) I'll be praying for your home buying process. I'm sure it's a frustrating journey having to be patient, but God has the best timing!

Amy said...

ahhh y'all are so precious!
and dang girl, you have been TRAVELING!
also...that book looks fabulous!

Andrea H. said...

The book looks AMAZING!! Definitely put it on my list!! Glad you had fun on all your definitely racked up some airline miles! :) Sorry to hear things are so crazy and frustrating with the house. I guess it's better to have something like that happen before you are the official owners rather than after...if, of course, there is a silver lining to be seen in it all. And super yay for finding out the gender. My guess is girl. VERY much looking forward to your post though!!

Victoria said...

What a month!!! I guess you'll KNOW you're supposed to be in that house if you do end up getting it! :)

That book = best book of the year...I can say that because I'm pretty sure no book will be able to compete. Although, I am reading The Book Thief now and I've heard LOTS of great things about that one! :)

You did some TRAVELING! :) Not to mention half marathons and dealing with the busted windshield...Your awesome!

As for the BABY....I'm guessing BOY! I'm pretty sure I always guess boy on the first go round. That's what I THINK I want first, so that's what I impose on everyone else! lol!

The Lady Okie said...

I'm sure their insurance will pay, but usually the deductible is at least a few thousand dollars, so the sellers can't be happy. I would THINK they would have to fix the roof if they want to sell their house to anyone, but who knows. We'll be bummed if this doesn't work out, but I guess that just means there's something better! I'm sure not owning a house is a huge weight off, but right now that's all I want to do! Gah. Plus this just delays the timeline of everything, so we might have to renew our lease... it's just a bummer all around. Darn you, hail!

At least I know the Lord is working even when I can't see it :)

Amy @ A Desert Girl said...

Oh my goodness I have so much to say. First - the book. I put it on hold at the library and was like 246th in line to receive one of 43 copies. Ain't nobody got time for that, so Kevin bought it for me when he was in Portland (or Phoenix - I don't remember. He was somewhere and I wasn't so he bought me a book as consolation.). Now I own it but I haven't started it yet because I've had a lot of library books to plow through. I'm so glad to read that you liked it - now I'm especially excited to read it!

Next - the roof. Oh no!! That's horrible. I'm so sorry that you guys are having to deal with that. Hopefully the owners come through and do what they should do. Fingers crossed.

Finally - my guess is boy. Boy oh boy! Looking forward to that post.

Al@PolkaDotsandPaisley said...

I'm glad to hear you liked All The Light We Cannot See. It's my book club book this month and is currently in my bag to start on my 8 hour flight tonight. I was hoping it wouldn't be a dud.

Breenah A said...

Hail is THE WORST. Our storm last night left us without power for most of the night and most of the day, luckily I think all my groceries I just bought are okay. I think the number of people without power is still in the five digits and I've never seen down power lines before.

As for the reveal, I want you to post the video even though I already know :D

Friar said...

Here's the bottom line: this book is really good, and you should bump this to the top of your reading list asap."

"Bump." I see what you did there.

Rach said...

AHHH! Teaser!! Not fair! (just kidding, it's your blog so you can totally do this to us... but hurry and post the gender reveal! I want to knoooow!). I'm guessing GIRL! For absolutely no reason, haha! I'm nearly always wrong when I guess the gender which means you are probably actually having a boy. ;)

Sorry about all the hail and the problems it has caused! :( Hopefully the owners of the house will offer to fix the roof!

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

What a full month! I'd like to say it is all fun except for the hail causing major issues!

I can hardly wait to read the recap of your gender reveal! So exciting!!!

Brittany said...

Oh my goodness. I can't believe how busy you've been! You're doing an incredible job of dealing with all the stress (some good, some bad), but wow - your life is jam-packed right now! Also, how can you string us along like that with the gender reveal?!?!

Kate said...

I really really really really really really hope the sellers fix the roof. Ugh.

17 Perth said...

So crazy about the roof! Hoping the sellers fix it for you!

Kellie said...

I hope everything works out with the roof and that the rest of your moving process is easy!

Paige @ Reasons to Come Home said...

good gracious, I don't think I've ever seen hail that big. We just had our roof replaced due to hail damage and thankfully, insurance covered it. Home buying can be such a stressful process! Hope y'all hear something soon!

Kerry @ Till Then Smile Often said...

What a bummer on the roof, hopefully they fix it because I doubt they would be able to sell it to anyone with it in that condition.

Holly said...

I have been looking for better books to read, so that's going in my Kindle *want* list right now, thanks!!

I hope the house issue has been resolved by now!! And CONGRATS on your half marathon time!! Even with a baby bump that is a GREAT time!