Baby Bum is a....


A sweet baby BOY will be joining our family this summer! 

We had our ultrasound last Wednesday, and we were so thankful to see a healthy baby, growing right on track and moving all around. Just like with R, we found out the gender in the ultrasound room. I like doing that because then we get to enjoy seeing everything and not having to look away or worry that we'll accidentally find out. I also really like having a secret that just the two of us know! Also, let's be honest. I'm too cheap and lazy to put together a gender reveal party.

I was pretty sure it was going to be a girl, so I was shocked when the tech said, "Looks like you're having a boy." Jordan is super excited, and I am too! To be totally honest, part of me was hoping for a girl just because I thought having sisters close in age would be fun (although, hi, teenage drama), and also (and most importantly) I need to have another girl so I can put R's abandoned box of hair bows to use. Seriously.

But we truly are thrilled to be adding a boy to our clan! R has no idea what she's in for, and I don't really think we do either :)

p.s. See R's gender reveal post here.
jaime said...

So exciting!! My boy is a lot of fun and I couldn't believe just how different my kids are (granted, L2 is only 9 months old and L1 is 5 years old.) I think R is going to be an amazing big sister. :)

Michelle said...

YAY! A boy was totally my guess! I'm so excited for you guys.

StephTheBookworm said...

How exciting!!! Congrats! Having a boy has been so much fun. I've had to learn a lot but it's been wonderful.

erinhzauner said...

So much fun! I was shocked we had a boy second too, and at first was like I have no idea what to do with a boy! But he is the sweetest and is maybe more fond of snuggles than his sister. You guys will have so much fun!!

Chesson | Magnolia+Main said...

Congratulations on a sweet baby boy! What exciting news :)

Unknown said...

YAY! Congrats! Boys are just the best. I wanted a girl so badly at first and was actually a little disappointed when we found out we were having a boy. Now I joke that all I want are boys. There is just something about a boy and his mom.

Lindsay {Typically Late} said...

Congrats!! I have been pleasantly surprised to find that boys are pretty fun - and cute to dress, too, regardless of the lack of tutus and hair bows :)

Sarah @ Sometimes Photojenik said...

Yayyyy!!! So glad my guess was wrong! Congrats!

Audrey Louise said...

Yaaaaay!!! A boy!!! I have a little brother who's two and a half year younger than me and we're super close! Hopefully R and #2 are, too!

Danielle said...

Yay! Congrats! How fun.

Laura said...

EEEK! So happy for you guys. We love being boy parents!

Dana said...

I am partial, but I think baby boys are the best! And no accessories needed! Ha!

Dana said...


Heather @Lunging Through Life said...

Aww yay!!! COngrats! I am excited to have one of each and I can't wait to see R with him!

17 Perth said...

Oh my gosh!! Yayyyyyy! Congrats! That is so exciting!!

Cassie Lee @ Sage the Blog said...

Very exciting. Congrats!

The Girl who Loved to Write said...

YAY YAY YAY! I am SO excited for you! I have absolutely loved being a boy mom!

a m b e r said...

YAY - so, so excited for your family! jared + i find out next monday! :)

Rebecca Jo said...

Ahhh- that's so exciting!!! I know your hubby has to be excited. Name sake continues ;)

Kayla MKOY said...

So so excited for your family!! :) I am with you, although Caleb and I haven't had babies yet - I don't think we'll throw some big party to "reveal the gender". I'd rather find out w/ just Caleb and have that secret for a day or two :)

Nadine said...

Ahhhh a baby boy!!!! How exciting!! Congrats :) I think that it doesn't matter if it is a boy or girl, R is going to be an awesome big sister and hopefully they will be close no matter what! And then when they are teenagers, Baby Boy Bum's friends will be coming over and crushing on his bigger sister. Haha! Do you guys have a name already picked out? Boy names were SOOOO hard for us, we were so relieved when we found out Zoe was a girl!

Renee said...

Aaaah SO exciting!!!!!! congrats - little boys are THE best <3 Enjoy!

Erin LFF said...

Yayyyyy!!!!! :) So excited for you guys! Nothing better than finding out at the appointment, I think, anyway. Like you said, it's awesome to have that secret just for a little while.

Carolann Chambers said...

Congratulations!! I was really waiting for this post - this is so exciting! I always wanted a little sister, but I love the relationship that I have with my little brother. It's good to get a guy's perspective on things! Plus little boys are so stinking cute.

Rach said...

AH! How fun!! I have three sisters and yet it was my brother who I was closest to when I was growing up so I'm sure R & Baby B will be besties too! :) Though I have to say, I have 100% thought that Baby Bum was a girl this whole time. Maybe because R was a girl? I have no idea why, ha! So I was definitely surprised when I saw the BLUE! How fun! :)

Courtney said...

I knew those books were a subliminal message! :p but seriously, congratulations! So incredibly exciting!

Angi said...

Congratulations!! I think one of each will be so fun!!

Breenah A said...

Aw! Congrats! :) My sister has a 2 year old boy and will be adding a little girl at the end of March. She said it's been fun, but completely different prepping.

Laura Darling said...

Congratulations!! So happy for your family!

Amy said...

Boys are so fun! You'll love it! Congrats!

Sarah @ Sweet Miles said...

BEST NEWS EVER!!!! So so happy for you!!!

Kristen @ See You In A Porridge said...

aahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! congrats!!!! so happy for you guys.

Beka @ Sunshine to the Square Inch said...

Hooray for a boy! I'm excited for you guys! And once you reveal his name you should tell me and I can hand letter his name for his room. That would be fun!

Caroline @ In Due Time said...

The best! Congrats friend :)

Susannah said...

Woohoo!!! Congrats! I was guessing boy! <3

lisa said...


Julie @ Just the Joy's said...

Eeeeek!!! I've been waiting for this post! SO SO SO excited! I felt the same exact way about wanting to have another girl (mostly the bows - wink wink)! I'm so excited for you all! Congrats on baby boy Bum!!!

Unknown said...


Jenny Evans said...


Tracy said...

Congrats you guys!!!

Rachel said...

Aww! Yay! So exciting to know...and now you get to buy all sorts of cute baby boy clothes! ;) Maybe hats instead of bows this time? Although you should definitely try some of R's bows on him and photograph lovely hairstyles for future blackmail/wedding slideshow purposes. Always plan ahead. haha!

Maria said...

I'm so happy for you guys and happy R getting a brother! I have two of them and they are just the best.

If we are having a girl, I'd be happy to buy the hairbows ;)

Mimsie said...

Just adding my congrats to the many you've already gotten. So happy for you and your family.

The Lady Okie said...

Thank you so much!

Laura J said...

Congratulations! For me, being a boy mom has been the absolute best!

AnneMarie said...

Yay! Boys are fun :) Congrats!! In my family, us kids followed a boy-girl-boy pattern, until my youngest sibling turned out to be a boy (instead of a girl) and broke the pattern. I thought it was so much fun to have my closest-in-age siblings be boys! And my sister and I enjoyed sharing a room growing up, even with a bigger age gap-and now that we're older, we've been getting a lot closer, which is fun :)

Amy @ A Desert Girl said...

Yay!! R will love having a little brother and you and J will be awesome parents to a boy. Congrats!

Robyn B said...

YAY! i have 2 nephews and they are just a ball of fun! not that girls aren't... i am just biased towards boys! ;)

Paige @ Reasons to Come Home said...

Congrats! One of special!