Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't talk about my faith enough on this blog.
Earlier this month I participated in an advice column over on Samantha's blog. We were asked to share our mission statement for our blog. Many of the other ladies shared about how they want to speak truth and encourage other women in their faith. Some shared a Bible verse. I'm a little ashamed to say that neither of those things came to mind when writing out my mission statement.
I do write about my faith sometimes, but I don't write about it a lot. It's definitely not the main focus of my blog posts. I mostly write about things I want to remember: hilarious family trips to pick up a Christmas tree and the crazy things I do when I'm sleeping and how we spent our second anniversary. I post serious things sometimes, but more often I post funny things when I think of a topic that I hope will be funny, because I like making people laugh.
I wouldn't say I'm a "faith" blogger, and I feel bad about it sometimes, because I would never want someone to come here and not know I'm a Christian. At the same time, I don't feel the need to mention it in every post. I know saying you're a Christian comes with a certain degree of stigma. Who voluntarily gets up early on a Sunday morning to sit in church for two hours? Who really believes all that stuff about Jesus dying and then coming back to life? Who is self-important enough to say that theirs is the only way to heaven? A bunch of crazy, Bible-thumping hypocrites, those Christians are. I know what you think.
I've been thinking about this off and on for a couple of months now. I definitely don't post many specifically religious posts, nor do I necessarily want to. But it's always there. It's like eating breakfast or putting my contacts in. I don't blog about those things, but they're a part of my daily routine, and I couldn't function properly without them.
My faith is like that too.
It's the lens through which I see the world.
The light to which I turn when everything goes dark.
The hand that guides when my path becomes unsteady.
I know that all sounds so cheesy. And you're right: it is.
But it's also the only thing that holds me together. The most important part of my life. We like to think we're in charge of our world, but here's the thing: he is the one who gives us breath. I wake up and see a miracle in every sunrise. Do I blog about it? Not often. But it's there. Always.
I just wanted you to know in case I hadn't said it before.
“If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy,
the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.”
― C.S. Lewis
When your faith is such an innate part of you, I think it comes out in everything you do. Even if you aren't announcing that you're a Christian, people will see those values in the way you treat others, the way you carry yourself and the things that you communicate are important. Sometimes even without the label, it's just sharing those values with others that helps spread your faith.
When you share like this, it doesn't isolate or turn people off. It's beautiful.
And I loved the way you explained it. It may not be your "niche" or all up in people's faces blatantly, but it's always there because it's a part of who you are. And you know, I think that shines through. :)
-- Erika from America
I really really love this post. I love the way you add in your faith and think it makes a wonderful statement to those that only see Christians as the crazy people they show on TV. You show a very real and approachable face to a religion which is very hard but in the long run the most effective type of evangelism. I went to a Catholic school k-8 and then a non-denominational high school (Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa) and it was hard in high school the feeling that we always had to prove our faith to teachers and students lest we get in trouble or have to go to counseling and that is what I cherish now that I can have my personal faith and show or share it in any way I want. You should only share or post what you feel passionate and compelled to do not what you feel obligated to do because it will turn of others and eventually yourself.
I don't really talk about faith often on my blog either, and definitely not in the eloquent, beautiful way you described here! I think it could also depend on where you are in your faith; even though I've been a believer for years, I'm still not comfortable talking about it with friends in real life (unless they're church friends), let alone random internet people! But I've thought about participating in Amber's Doubt and Devotion linkup, if I can think of a good topic!
This is such a beautiful post. It's something that's been on my heart a lot lately - faith and its role in my life and how and when I share that with others. I really agree that faith is what holds me together. I don't know where I'd be without being able to pray, to trust in God, and to know that there is a higher power watching over me and my loved ones and caring for those we love who have died. Thank you for sharing this with all of us today!
I know exactly what you're talking about... I will post one day about Noah (like yesterday) & how it makes Christians look bad.. & I'll post about lessons I give in youth... & then the next day, I'm talking smack about The Bachelor or Dancing with the Stars :) My Christian life is a part of me... but I have many sides...
We can have other thoughts as believers... & we can be pretty funny & awesome at the same time :) Share when you want.. what you want.. faith or your life... it all shines through :)
I can completely relate to what you're saying here! I follow a lot of faith bloggers, and I love their posts so much. I'm very faithful and close with God, but I don't blog about it for many of the same reasons (its stigmatized, it's just another part of who I am, its the lens I see through, etc). Whether the words are out there or not describing a blogger's level of religion and/or faith, I think many readers can "feel" that through a blogger's writing, viewpoints, etc. I don't come right out and talk about loving God and being buds with him, but I talk about constantly refocusing my perspective and finding gratitude no matter what my circumstances.
what an excellent post. i think that blogging is difficult because there is so much to share in such a small space. you can't always blog about how you feel about everything. but just little reminders like this are really meaningful. this. Sometimes I feel like people who are SUPER into their faith come off as being pretentious, which totally turns people off. The fact that you recognize the way other people feel makes you and your beliefs a lot more approachable. :) Again, loved this.
First off, this post is beautifully written! Also, I agree completely with what Alicia said...I think just being who you are and what you believe will shine through in your character. Simple as that. I do understand totally though with what you are saying! Sometimes I struggle with figuring out the balance on my blog as well. It is a tough thing though because I know we are called to speak truth and to relay the gospel, but is my blog the place for that? I get it. However, I think Helene had a good point....little reminders (and seeds) here are there are really perfect.
(Not much sleep in my part of the world so hope this makes sense! LOL.)
D and I were talking about this at dinner last night. I was talking about the 100 Happy Days Challenge and he said, "Some people forget they should just be happy to see another sunrise." So much truth!
This is a very nice post.
such a touching post :) i feel similarly about my faith - it's something that is engrained and practiced and part of my routine. i've never written about it, but i try to live in a way that is revealing of my faith. i suppose it's a 'show them with actions instead of words' mentality. i'm happy to talk about it, but i have a lot of friends that feel uncomfortable with anything too religious, and so i try to focus on living by example, if that makes sense...
Girlfriend, I totally know what you mean. My faith is a HUGE part of my life, but I don't typically devote entire posts to my faith. God doesn't call us to constantly preach. In fact, the strongest way to tell people you have Christ in your heart is to SHOW them with your actions. I believe you do just that!
I think it's totally ok to not blog about your faith! I love the way you expressed it in this post! :-)
Great post! I don't think there is anything wrong with what you do/don't write about! When you write something funny, it's funny! When you write something from the heart, it's touching! And when you write a memory or experience, it's great insight of your real life! :)
I don't think it is necessary to announce your faith in every single post. Like you, I began my blog wanting to inspire people and to showcase the love of Christ. I've come to realize that our daily living portrays Jesus. We don't have to stand on every street corner and announce our beliefs. The way we carry ourselves and the simple message of love and grace are enough for people to know that we are visitors on earth. This post was beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
I love this. And I think that the content of your blog does everything to support this. You're funny. But you're never crude. You never put another person down for a laugh. You're always encouraging. You're always joyful. And sometimes that speaks louder about who you are and Who you stand for than any religious-based post can. And that's why I and so many other readers keep coming back for more.
I think your faith comes through perfectly, because just as you so beautifully said, it's at the heart of everything you do. That's the difference between talking about faith and talking about religion. Living as your faith guides you to live speaks far more about your faith than talking about the particulars.
Love this post so much :) A singer/songwriter I went to see in a small concert years ago was asked the question "So would you consider your music 'Christian Music'?" and I loved his answer. He said: "No. I don't put the label on it. It's not Christian Music. It's music that's created by me, a Christian" and he went on to say that he creates because his creator is creative. - I think quite a few people in the audience were confused by his answer, but I understood it completely and I've never forgotten it. I think when you walk with Christ, that love and light will shine through most anything you do, whether you always label/spell it or not.
what she said.
(how's THAT for a Betsy comment? ha!)
I love that quote so very much. I think that when you have such strong faith, it spills over and shows in everything you do, whether you are blatantly talking about it or not.
It shows through in your posts. Faith, it touches all aspects of our lives, the way that we write about our spouses, about others. Good post!
And I feel guilty about not wanting to read blogs that are every single post is faith based. I picked up on the fact that you were a Christian quite immediately when I first started coming here, but it wasn't because your tagline was a Bible verse or your about me said something about grabbing my copy of the Word and a cup of coffee. I just knew because of your positiveness and the subtle hints of faith in your normal commentary. I think that's why so many people whether fellow believers or not do not feel overwhelmed or "turned off" by your religious beliefs. It's there, but you're not trying too hard. It's only there because its who you are, you're not forcing it. I understand that some people want their blogs to be purposed to share their faith, but I don't think all Christian bloggers should feel obligated to share religious insight on the reg. In conclusion, forget the guilt you're feeling because you're the best kind of witness to your faith for just letting it BE there.
Well said! I think that the wording and tone of your blog posts, even the funny ones, speak volumes about your morals, values, and even your faith. I struggle with this too though, both on my blog as well as in real life. Talking about my faith is something that has never come naturally to me, and I struggle with feeling guilt about it! It has never made a real presence on my blog, and until I can find a way to talk about it that feels real and natural to me, I guess it will just wait. But I do love when others can write so eloquently about their faith!
love this.
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