Well, friends, I am just cruising right along over here and in the third trimester! I read a birth story the other day that another blogger posted, and this was my exact reaction: I WANT MINE RIGHT NOW.
Dramatic much? Possibly. But I am just really excited to meet this little guy! (The actual birth part I am currently choosing to block out completely, as am I blocking out the paying-for-two-kids-in-daycare part. It works out. Right? Okay.)
Physically, pregnancy is treating me pretty well this time around. When I read the weekly pregnancy journal I kept with R, it seems like I had a lot more issues with rib pain and just overall being uncomfortable at this stage than I am with Baby Boy. Probably my biggest complaint (other than feeling, you know, big) is stomach aches after eating that I'm almost certain are caused by gas, because lying down for 20 minutes or so on my side helps a lot. It's also much harder to get up off the ground these days, and it's getting uncomfortable to hold R, especially when she's throwing a fit and flailing around.
I'm also just really tired at the end of the day. My alarm seems to come so early, and it's a struggle getting myself and R dressed for the day and getting out of the house to make it to work on time. Thankfully my employer is understanding and not too strict! I'm super jealous of pregnant moms who stay at home and can wear sweatpants all day because dressing business casual for work just isn't high on my list of priorities these days. Aren't they lucky to have me? ha.
I know maternity leave is anything but a day at Disneyland, especially if I have another delivery like R's (please no), but I won't lie: I am really looking forward to some time off work. I know the US has an terrible awful completely ridiculous maternity leave policy, so don't get me started, but I'm choosing to be thankful for any time off work to spend with my favorite kids. I already appreciate it so much more this time around because I know how quickly it goes and how hard it is to be away from them during the day.
I'm up about 20 pounds as of my weigh-in at the doctor on Monday, which isn't great but also not as terrible as I was expecting considering how much ice cream I've been consuming lately. I also got good news that I passed my glucose test, so no diabetes for me! I got the orange drink, and I do not remember it bothering me when I took it with R, but this time it made me feel extremely nauseous, and I finally understood why everyone dreads it.
My measurements look great, so at this point no ultrasound is scheduled. I got a few extra with R because she consistently weighed 2 weeks ahead and my doctor wanted to make sure I wasn't going to give birth to the Incredible Hulk, but so far so good with this baby. I can't tell you how excited I am to get to the point where I'm having an appointment every two weeks. This entire pregnancy it has been five weeks between appointments, and that's just too long.
Emotionally, Jordan and I both agree that this time around I have been much less hormonal than I was with R. And by that I mean Jordan hasn't threatened to move into his boss's attic until after the baby comes to get away from my crazy episodes, which may or may not have happened the first time. BUT, the last two weeks I have been a hot mess, to put it simply. I've just been anxious and stressed about different things, this pregnancy and a few things with R. My mom gave me comforting news that I will never stop worrying about my children, so I better just get used to it and try not to get overworked about every little thing. Wise words, my friends.
R and this baby will be sharing a room, so there's no new nursery preparations to take care of. I am just going to swap out some of the "girly" decorations and such for some boy stuff to try and balance it out. A very kind friend offered to trade boy clothes for some girl clothes of R (they just had a baby girl in January), so we have a nice big box of boy clothes, which I'm very thankful for.
I'm still attempting to make it to the gym once a week, although I've stopped running for the duration of this pregnancy. I ran until 26 weeks and then it just became too uncomfortable. I'd much rather speed walk or use the stationary bike at the gym, so that's what I'm going to do! I also fully support anyone who says that keeping up with a toddler is cardio BECAUSE IT'S TRUE.
So that's what has been happening in my gestation so far. I'm very thankful for a healthy baby and healthy pregnancy so far, and every day I get more excited to welcome Baby Bum #2 into our family.
Also, just for kicks: a bump comparison at 27 weeks. R on the left and Baby Boy on the right! I feel like I look a tad larger, no?
You've got just the cutest bump! Makes me want another one!!! I'm glad things are going smooth with this pregnancy, and you'll get to meet him soon enough! And YES, I used to make fun of moms that said they stayed so skinny by chasing their kids around --BUT IT'S SO TRUE. Chasing a toddler is no joke! Have a good weekend!
Love your bump!! So glad everything is going well and you passed the glucose test. Although I did get to a point where I was tired of being in the house during maternity leave it was nice to be off of work that long. I hadn't been away from work that long ever..haha
Your 27 week bumps are like identical! Love it! I'm glad to hear you passed your glucose test! How fun that you and your friend were able to swap clothes?! That's so convenient!
i had my glucose test yesterday and failed. i was honestly shocked that i did. my doctor was, too, so he's re-testing my blood in the lab today. ugh. i was very bummed about it last night, but it is what it is. i've had a very easy pregnancy so far, so i'm praying it continues!
i am also looking forward to some time off! i mean, i'll be taking care of a newborn, which is terrifying to think about, but also exciting. :)
I had to give up running this last week too! The doctor said I grew 3cm in fundal height in the last two weeks so that's crazy!!! I've gained nearly 30lbs so I'd say your 20 is pretty awesome!
When I was still teaching and pregnant with Raven, I was THE WORST at getting dressed how I was supposed to...I basically just adopted leggings and tunics/dresses as my uniform and called it good.
I don't even know how you stayed running until 26 weeks, honestly. Even speed walking these days makes my hips ache like none other!
I had to get my glucose test early (24 weeks) because they do a standard two hour test here instead of a one hour and apparently they do that earlier? Anyway, the drink didn't make me nauseated, but HOLY MIGRAINE from not being allowed to eat and then being at the hospital sans food from 8 am until almost noon when my test finally was finished.
I'm a fan of you having the same shirt on in your photos :) My bff was a little bigger at each stage with her second pregnancy. It sounds like things are going well for you guys! I'm glad! Hope this last trimester goes quickly!
You look great! I hope the last few months go quickly and smoothly!!
Oh gosh. I get the feeling of I WANT THIS BABY NOW! I tried to explain to a few people in person, but they didn't get it. It isn't like I don't enjoy being pregnant (I do actually, at least for now), but I just really want to meet her like today...obviously, fully grown and healthy. I'm just being super impatient.
You look great and those photos look like they could have been taken on the same day. So happy you and the little guy are doing well. Pregnancy weight is so weird. I was going to blog about it, but I didn't want to give it more attention than it deserves. I was a little ahead of the curve for a couple weeks and now I'm back down where I should be and haven't gained anything in almost 4 weeks. My doctor is cool with this and my body is just doing what it needs to do. She did warn that carbs go straight to the babe and while chubby babies are cute, they are hard to push out. Point taken, doc. I get it ;)
I'm taking my glucose test next week. Fingers crossed.
You look fantastic!!! :) You will have definitely earned that maternity leave.
I can't believe you are already 28 weeks! And yes everything (including the costs of a second baby) all works out! Hope these last weeks fly by...you will be holding your little boy and on maternity leave before you know it!
ahhh it's going by so fast! for me, anyway. hahaha. i can't wait to 'meet' him. good to hear your doing pretty well though :) i also can't wait for you to hopefully share about the kids sharing a room as i'm curious about that, that's what i want to do. one day. with the zero children i currently have.
Ah, your bump is so cute! I'm glad this pregnancy has been easier on you. That gives me hope. I'm hoping for the same for me this time around, since Clarice's pregnancy was so hard on me!
I don't think you look bigger at all but I think you're carrying him differently! The shape of your belly looks totally different to me. Every pregnancy is so different!
I'm glad you're still feeling so good. Gotta ride that train as long as possible!
I seriously dreaded labor so badly the second time around. But silver lining- it felt like it flew by compared to Charlie's so you at least have that to...look forward to?
I'm so glad things are going well for you and for a healthy baby boy! I can't believe you're already at the point of doing a glucose test... time goes so fast, I swear. I'm sure you don't feel that way though since you are anxiously awaiting the day you get to meet him! I always love reading your pregnancy updates, especially now that I have a baby haha!
You look amazing! I'm glad you are doing well. I love your mom's advice about worrying. I'm going to have to store that in the back of my mind. It must be cool to be able to look back on your blogging and pregnancy journal from R and compare to Baby Boy!
you are too cute! also, if it helps (i'm sure it doesn't), i worry way more about Amelia as she gets older than i ever did when she was a baby, and way more than i worry about William at his current stage. i think they get more complicated as they get older, so basically we just have to figure out ways to cope with that. and the benefit of having a second is that you have less time to focus on the anxiety haha. you are doing (and will continue to do) great!
I was a hot, anxious, mess the entire time I was pregnant with Camden and my mom ASSURED me that I would be too busy with him to stress so much should I ever get pregnant again. She better not have been lying to me, because I'm banking on that!! I'm so impressed you have been running this whole time! I'm still not really back to running 10 months later, eye roll.
You look great! I love that you and a friend were able to swap some clothes too!
That's so cool that you were able to swap clothes with a friend! That works out for both of you!
You seriously have the cutest bump!!! I wonder if what they say is true about being pregnant with a girl and having more hormones than with boys to keep your emotions better under control? That is so awesome that you and your friend are swapping clothes. I mean, they grow out of them so fast. Yay for passing the glucose test! That is always a little nerve wracking until you get the clear.
Dang girl, it sounds like you are rocking this pregnancy and you look great! Can't wait to read the news of the arrival of your second little one!
Yay for no diabetes and no complications!! You are looking so great with that sweet bump! I like that you wore the same top for comparison sake. :)
Okay, I think your bump looks bigger with baby #2 but you look less swollen. However, I didn't look at your pregnant with R and think you actually looked swollen but your face looks slimmer with those pictures side by side.
And I'm glad this pregnancy has overall been easier and less emotional. I'm sure that's a relief.
Looking so good!! I'm glad things are going well for you and the baby boy bump. I hope that the gas goes away completely. Oh who am I kidding...it won't, will it? ;-) But I hope it's bearable and improves at least!
Celebrate the good news on the diabetes test with a donut, girl!
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