When I picked R up at daycare a few weeks ago, the teacher was blowing bubbles and all the kids were being crazy, as kids do when there are bubbles around. I spotted R immediately. She was holding a plastic bucket and running in circles trying to catch the bubbles in her bucket while shouting, "BUBBA!" It might have definitely been one of the single cutest things I've ever seen her do, and that's saying a lot.
Speaking of cute things, lately she has really been good at daycare dropoff. Usually she throws a fit and chases me out the door sobbing, which of course is sad and terrible. But this past week she's run right over to her teacher, plopped down in her lap, and then given me a huge smile and a wave. One day she blew me kisses through the window, and I didn't even do it first. I was simultaneously extremely excited because hello, she loves me and she is adorable, and also I felt extremely offended because she doesn't even care that I'm leaving. Rude.
A few weeks ago Jordan was about to do the dishes, but I told him that the dishwasher was already full of clean dishes. He took my word for it, and in typical fashion we both let the sink pile up and didn't bother to unload the dishwasher. I never understand why we do this, because I have timed myself and can unload the dishwasher in under 4 minutes, so really you would think we would just get it over with. But anyway. It was getting a bit out of control, so Jordan offered to unload the dishwasher and do all the dirty dishes while I finished up making dinner. He opened the dishwasher only to discover that it was basically empty except for a few plates. It totally had not been full, nor was it clean. My credibility has been completely shot.
Remember how I told you that I do household chores in shifts? Well over the weekend that resulted in me folding five loads of laundry. FIVE. And then when I was finally done, I opened the dryer and it was completely full of clean laundry. So I closed it and pretended I hadn't seen it. Naturally. We don't even have that many clothes compared to a lot of people! I am so confused about where they all came from.
Jordan and I both decided to give up social media until Easter. We don't really officially give up things for Lent usually, but I decided that I wanted to this year, and so we both deleted our social media apps and haven't been on since last week. I have to say, it's been really nice. I am rather ashamed to admit that I find myself getting out my phone to browse the socials before realizing that there aren't any to browse. But it's gotten better even in just the last few days. It's a little scary how easy it is to get attached to something as simple as checking a social media app that we really don't need to check.
Tomorrow I am leaving in the early hours before R is awake to head to a work conference. I won't be back until late Saturday night after she is asleep, and this is most definitely the longest I have ever been away from her. I am battling a (very irrational) fear that while I'm gone she will totally forget who I am. I realize this is ridiculous, but I still keep picturing her saying, "Mama? Mama" on Wednesday and then it petering out until by Saturday she has just completely forgotten that Mama even existed. Jordan doesn't have an iPhone so we can't FaceTime, but we hopefully figured out how to do a Google Hangout via our phones, so maybe she won't forget about me entirely. I am also hoping this trip doesn't ruin our streak of amazing daycare dropoffs.
I do have two more posts scheduled for this week, so check back! In the meantime, I hope you all have a lovely Tuesday.
Oh, and thank you for your sweet and encouraging words on yesterday's post. I really have been trying to improve on my attitude about working, and I am thankful to be seeing some progress. I appreciate all the support about the things I've shared over the past year on the topic of being a working mom. I know that isn't something everyone can relate to, so I appreciate you reading.
I remember the first time that I dropped my son off at preschool and he ran in the classroom without saying goodbye it broke my heart. On one hand I was so happy that it wasn't a scene, but on the other hands my feelings were kind of hurt ha ha. Over the weekend the stomach bug hit my house (thankfully missing me) and I spent the entire time cleaning. Ugh. I am going to take a few days off now :)
Oh man, Caleb usually doesn't care when I leave for work either. He does this flappy bye wave and usually doesn't even look at me. I mean... it's good, right? Kind of funny, actually but makes me a little sad.
I am so behind on my blog reading but I need to check out your post from yesterday since I am a working mama too.
Have fun on the trip. I'm sure you'll miss her and she won't forget you. :)
I'm so glad she is doing so well with drop offs! I remember when Mallory started a parents' day out program (twice a week for a few hours to help with socialization) she would scream every time I dropped her off for a year. It was terrible! Then suddenly one day she was over it and totally fine. And I was both relieved and also a little concerned that maybe she didn't love me anymore. ;) So while it wasn't my own kid, I do remember that feeling. I'm happy to report that she's 4 and a half and still adores me so I think we're doing okay. :)
I hope this trip goes smoothly and that you're able to enjoy it even though you'll be away from R!
I so understand the laundry struggles. There may be a load in the dryer that I'm conveniently ignoring right now!
Our daycare drop offs have been awful lately and Buel's teacher is awkward which doesn't help. I honestly tend to think of work travel as a little break for myself so that I come back refreshed and an even better Mama!FaceTime for us goes horribly, but the response when I get home is amazing!
Nah, it'll be the best when she sees your face again. Seriously. I see the same thing when my husband is gone that long for work trips. He's fine and okay and stuff while his dad is gone, but the second he comes in the door he just lights up at the sight of him.
I bet R's change in daycare drop off is closely related to you feeling a little more okay about your life situation. I'm sure she can feel the lack of anxiety between you and Jordan and you and your job! You're doing great! I'm sure your trip will go great and R will be so excited to see you. If our dogs don't forget us after 10 days there's NO WAY R will forget you after 3 or 4! ;)
She will absolutely not forget who mama is ;) I know you'll miss her though! Enjoy your work conference!
Oh man, that will be a long trip away! She won't forget you...but I can imagine it'll be tough to be away for that long!
Kids are just so happy about bubbles...it's a good thing bubbles exist.
The first time my mom dropped me off at nursery at church I said "Bye" and ran away into the nursery room to play with toys. She was offended because all the other toddlers were screaming and crying for their parents and I was so disloyal.
I can only do one load of laundry at a time because we hang it to dry inside the apartment. With just the two of us, I really only do laundry every other day...I know with kids that will probably need to be everyday...or even, gasp, a load in the morning and at night! I don't mind laundry, though. I hang it up to dry on hangers, and then half of it I don't need to fold, I just take the hangers down and bring them to the room. My especially good strategy for never having to fold bedsheets is that I have as many sheets as I have beds...so as soon as they are dry they go back on the bed! No notorious fitted sheets to fold.
She will never forget who her mama is! She is so adorable, that picture is absolutely precious.
What IS it about unloading the dishwasher? I would rather pick up dog poo in the yard for a full hour than unload and load the dishwasher. What is wrong with me?!
I have totally done the whole - close the dryer and pretend you didn't see the clean clothes move before. #thestruggleisreal
Way to give up social media for Lent! I'm taking an Instagram break right now (non-Lent related) and I do the same thing, grab my phone to kill time only to realize there is nothing for me to do on there.
Caleb's not in daycare but I remember when he first started being ok with being left in the nursery at church. It was both wonderful and heartbreaking so I imagine it's 99% worse/better when it's 5 days a week! I'm so glad she's loving her daycare, though! That's great news! <3
I dont know why but I felt a little teary when you said that R blew you kisses when you dropped her off. I think it's a great thing that she wasn't upset. Makes it easier on her....no matter how much it might hurt you! Wishing you all the best on your work trip! I am quite certain that she will NOT forget who her mamma is!!!
I am also SO CONFUSED about where all the laundry comes from. We don't wear this many clothes, where are they coming from?!
Also I'm definitely buying some bubbles for Jack now.
I hope your trip went well and I hope you get recovered from traveling. I sometimes don't do laundry until I have no clean underwear left. =(
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