Marathon Training: Week 6 and My Running Playlist


Let's just get right to it. Do you see that nice little 14 there on the end? 

That is officially the farthest I have ever run! It was tough. The Oklahoma wind was...windy, and there were a few slight hills in there. But do you know what made it all okay?

My dad drove all the way up from Dallas to run with me! We're holding up a 1 and 4 for....14 miles! 

We rocked a 10-minute/mile pace, which I am very happy with, since that's the pace I want to run my marathon.

Next week I have a 16-mile run scheduled, which I can't say I'm particularly looking forward to. But do it I will. 

I've been trying to figure out my fueling strategy for both before, during, and after my runs. Today was my first time to try GU during a run. I'm still undecided about what I think. I couldn't take a whole packet at once, so I split it into 3 sections and just kept it in my jacket between water stops. I will say that I didn't feel like I hit "the wall," so there might be something to the GU.

As far as pre-run breakfast goes, I was reading an article yesterday about how you're supposed to eat 1,000 calories in the morning before a run, which sounds like a ridiculous amount to me. But considering I usually eat either nothing or, at most, a quarter of a bagel, I suppose I have room to improve. So this morning I ate a small bowl of oatmeal. 

For after my runs, I bought some Cliff protein bars and a package of individual chocolate milks. I think it's helped me not get as hungry (or grouchy).

On a semi-related note, I'm super pumped, because I just bought some sweet compression calf sleeves, which I found on sale for $25. If you don't know anything about the cost of compression sleeves, that is a STEAL. I can't wait to get them and see if they really do make a difference. 

Finally, since I know you can't get enough running talk, I wanted to share my top 12 songs from my running playlist, just in case you needed some inspiration. 

What is your favorite workout activity? Do you have any songs you love listening to while exercising? What's the farthest you've ever run?
Natalie M said...

I need to give you one of our waffles to try during your run. Scott eats them on his really long bike rides and loves them... because GU isn't very tasty.

Natalie M said...

Also, I might look into those calf compressions. I could use some help!

Allison said...

14 miles? Go girl! That's awesome! And I love your playlist!

Kate said...

Oh my goodness, 14 miles seems impossible to me! And at a 10-min/mile pace? Girl, you crazy! :)

I love that your dad came up to run with you! Did you two keep the same pace?

Oh, and as for songs, I'm obSESSED with "thrift shop" by Macklemore (I know...SO original), such a good diversion during a run!