Date Night at PF Chang's


Last night, Jordan and I went on a date. The first since we've been married, in fact.
Reason? I had a gift card and didn't feel like cooking.

We had previously planned dates but kept getting foiled.
I blame life.

But anyway, after a 20 minute-wait (I mean really, people? Who goes out to eat on a Wednesday night?), I somehow talked Jordan into getting lettuce wraps for an appetizer. I had to explain how to eat them, but after that it was mostly just an issue of making sure he didn't eat all of it before I got seconds.

Then, onto the main course: an assortment of beef and/or chicken with veggies, sauteed in a delicious sauce concoction. 

I'm officially here to tell you that PF Chang's is every bit as good as they say. "They" being the PF Chang's representatives, of course.

Now for some pictures, because my day isn't complete unless I've annoyed and/or embarrassed Jordan by taking a picture somewhere. 

Proof that Jordan eats lettuce wraps:

Love me some leftovers:

AND--this is the best part--MINI DESSERTS! Seriously, check these out. Cutest dessert ever, no? (Don't mind my weird half-closed right eye. It was the lighting.)

The dark one was called The Great Wall (aka 6 layers of chocolate! Booya.)
The red/white one was Creamy Cheesecake. And creamy it was.