Shutterfly for Christmas...for Free!


My friend Jessica posted a blog about Shutterfly giving away 50 free Christmas cards for anyone who writes a post about how great Shutterfly is. (To sign yourself up and get in on the action, go here.) I've actually been wanting to use Shutterfly to make some cards but haven't done anything about it yet. This could be my opportunity! Hurrah!

I love taking pictures, looking at pictures, and pretty much everything else that has to do with pictures. The only thing I'm missing is a really spectacular (ahem, expensive) camera. Maybe someday.

For now, I'll use the pictures I have and try my hand at designing some sweet cards. (Check out all of Shutterfly's Christmas cards.)

It will probably take me forever to choose the perfect design, but Shutterfly's got lots of good ones to pick from! This one's cute (minus the two random girls and plus six good-lookin' Reeses).

Or this one. (I like the ones that say "Merry Christmas.")

Plus, check this out: Desk calendars! I didn't know you could make such a thing. Well, I did, but I've never seriously considered it for myself. Now I might have to. You can also get other holiday cards here. Wow your friends with your creativity! You know you want to.

Quick question: Is it weird/strange/lame to send out a Christmas card if you're: A. Not married B. Living by yourself C. Don't own a pet. D. Not sure if you know 50 people you could send a card to?

None of these apply to me, of course. It's hypothetical. I was just wondering. I know more than 50 people...

Thanks, Shutterfly!

Reminder: you can get free stuff too! Just go here.

EDIT 12/3: Last night I was sent my code for 50 free cards! It works!